module Data.Algorithm.TSNE ( 
    ) where

import Pipes

import Data.Algorithm.TSNE.Types
import Data.Algorithm.TSNE.Internals
import Data.Algorithm.TSNE.Utils

-- | Generates an infinite stream of 3D tSNE iterations.
tsne3D :: TSNEOptions -> TSNEInput -> Producer TSNEOutput3D IO ()
tsne3D opts input = do
    st <- liftIO $ initState3D $ length input
    runTSNE3D opts input ps st
        where ps = neighbourProbabilities opts input

-- | Executes an IO action for each iteration of the 3D tSNE algorithm.
forTsne3D :: (TSNEOutput3D -> IO ()) -> TSNEOptions -> TSNEInput -> IO ()
forTsne3D action opts input = do
    runEffect $ for (tsne3D opts input) $ \o -> do
        lift $ action o    

-- | Generates an infinite stream of 2D tSNE iterations.
tsne2D :: TSNEOptions -> TSNEInput -> Producer TSNEOutput2D IO ()
tsne2D opts input = do
    st <- liftIO $ initState2D $ length input
    runTSNE2D opts input ps st
        where ps = neighbourProbabilities opts input

-- | Executes an IO action for each iteration of the 2D tSNE algorithm.
forTsne2D :: (TSNEOutput2D -> IO ()) -> TSNEOptions -> TSNEInput -> IO ()
forTsne2D action opts input = do
    runEffect $ for (tsne2D opts input) $ \o -> do
        lift $ action o