# TTC: Textual Type Classes [![Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.](https://www.repostatus.org/badges/latest/active.svg)](https://www.repostatus.org/#active) [![GitHub CI](https://github.com/ExtremaIS/ttc-haskell/workflows/CI/badge.svg?branch=main)](https://github.com/ExtremaIS/ttc-haskell/actions) [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/ttc.svg)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/ttc) [![Stackage LTS](https://stackage.org/package/ttc/badge/lts)](https://stackage.org/package/ttc) [![Stackage Nightly](https://stackage.org/package/ttc/badge/nightly)](https://stackage.org/nightly/package/ttc) * [Overview](#overview) * [`Textual`](#textual) * [`Render`](#render) * [`Parse`](#parse) * [Constant Validation](#constant-validation) * [Related Work](#related-work) * [Rendering and Parsing](#rendering-and-parsing) * [Validating Constants](#validating-constants) * [String Type Conversion](#string-type-conversion) * [Arbitrary Type Conversion](#arbitrary-type-conversion) * [Project](#project) * [Links](#links) * [Dependencies](#dependencies) * [Contribution](#contribution) * [License](#license) ## Overview TTC, an initialism of _Textual Type Classes_, is a library that provides `Render` and `Parse` type classes for conversion between data types and textual data types (strings). Use the `Show` and `Read` type classes for debugging/development, and use the `Render` and `Parse` type classes for your own purposes. The library also provides a `Textual` type class for conversion between textual data types as well as functions for validating constants at compile-time. Since a type may have at most one instance of a given type class, special care must be taken when defining type class instances in a shared library. In particular, orphan instances should generally *not* be used in shared libraries since they prevent users of the libraries from writing their own instances. `Render` and `Parse` are best used with types that have canonical textual representations, such as textual identifiers. When there is more than one way to create a textual representation, such as configurable formatting, using a normal function is probably more appropriate. Such a function can make use of the `Textual` type class to support multiple textual data types. This overview includes a brief introduction of the library. The following resources are also available: * [API documentation][] is viewable on Hackage. * A [series of articles][] gives a guided tour of the library. 1. [Textual Type Class][] 2. [Render and Parse][] 3. [Validated Constants][] 4. [Best Practices][] * The [examples][] directory in the GitHub repository contains usage examples. [API documentation]: [series of articles]: [Textual Type Class]: [Render and Parse]: [Validated Constants]: [Best Practices]: [examples]: ### `Textual` The `Textual` type class is used to convert between the following textual data types: * `String` * Strict `Text` * Lazy `Text` * `Text` `Builder` * Strict `ByteString` * Lazy `ByteString` * `ByteString` `Builder` (and `Data.Binary.Builder`) * `ShortByteString` This type class has two key features: * Type conversion is *not* done through a fixed type (such as `String` or `Text`). * It has a single type variable, making it easy to write functions that accept arguments and/or return values that may be any of the supported textual data types. For more details, see the [Textual Type Class][] article. ### `Render` The `Render` type class renders a data type as a `Textual` data type: ```haskell class Render a where render :: Textual t => a -> t ``` It is analogous to the `Show` type class, which can be reserved for debugging/development. The `render` function returns any of the supported textual data types. Use the textual data type that is most natural in the implementation of `render` instances, and return values are converted to other textual data types when necessary. The `Show` and `IsString` type classes are not used, so use of the `String` type is not required. As a simple example, consider a `Username` type that is implemented as a `newtype` over `Text`: ```haskell module Username (Username) where import Control.Monad (unless, when) import Data.Char (isAsciiLower) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.TTC as TTC newtype Username = Username Text deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance TTC.Render Username where render (Username t) = TTC.convert t ``` If a username needs to be included in a `String` error message, conversion is automatic: ```haskell putStrLn $ "user not found: " ++ TTC.render uname ``` For more details, see the [Render and Parse][] article. ### `Parse` The `Parse` type class parses a data type from a `Textual` data type: ```haskell class Parse a where parse :: (Textual t, Textual e) => t -> Either e a ``` It is analogous to the `Read` type class, which can be reserved for debugging/development. The `parse` function takes any of the supported textual data types as an argument. Use the textual data type that is most natural in the implementation of `parse` instances, and arguments are converted from other textual data types when necessary. The `IsString` type class is not used, so use of the `String` type is not required. Here is an example instance for `Username`, implementing some restrictions: ```haskell instance TTC.Parse Username where parse = TTC.asT $ \t -> first TTC.fromS $ do unless (T.all isAsciiLower t) $ Left "username has invalid character(s)" let len = T.length t when (len < 3) $ Left "username has fewer than 3 characters" when (len > 12) $ Left "username has more than 12 characters" pure $ Username t ``` If a username needs to be parsed from a `String`, conversion is automatic: ```haskell case TTC.parse "tcard" :: Either String Username of Right uname -> putStrLn $ "valid username: " ++ TTC.render uname Left err -> putStrLn $ "invalid username: " ++ err ``` For more details, see the [Render and Parse][] article. ### Constant Validation TTC provides functions to validate constants at compile-time, using Template Haskell. For example, a `Username` constant can be defined as follows: ```haskell user :: Username user = $$(TTC.valid "tcard") ``` For more details, see the [Validated Constants][] article. ## Related Work ### Rendering and Parsing The [relude](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/relude) library has polymorphic versions of `show` and `readEither` in `Relude.String.Conversion`, as well as various type classes for converting between string types. This does not encourage using `Show` and `Read` instances with syntactically valid Haskell syntax, and it encourages the using of the `String` data type. The [rio](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/rio) library has a `Display` type class with a similar goal as `TTC.Render`. Since the library encourages a uniform usage of textual data types, `Display` only provides functions for rendering to `Text` and a builder format. It does not have a type class similar to `TTC.Parse`. Harry Garrood has an interesting series of blog posts about type classes and `Show`: * [Down with Show! Part 1: Rules of thumb for when to use a type class](https://harry.garrood.me/blog/down-with-show-part-1/) * [Down with Show! Part 2: What's wrong with the Show type class](https://harry.garrood.me/blog/down-with-show-part-2/) * [Down with Show! Part 3: A replacement for Show](https://harry.garrood.me/blog/down-with-show-part-3/) ### Validating Constants The [validated-literals](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/validated-literals) library has a `Validate` type class that is similar to `TTC.Parse` but supports conversion between arbitrary types, not just from textual data types. Template Haskell functions are provided to perform validation at compile-time. Result types must either have `Lift` instances or equivalent implementations. Chris Done posted [a gist](https://gist.github.com/chrisdone/809296b769ee36d352ae4f8dbe89a364) about implementing statically checked overloaded strings. ### String Type Conversion There are a number of libraries that simplify conversion between string types. The following libraries provide type classes with two type variables. The primary benefit of this approach is that one can add support for any string type. The drawback of this approach is that implementations of `Render` and `Parse` using such a type class would have to be done via a fixed type, resulting in unnecessary conversion when using other types. * [string-conv](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/string-conv) * [string-conversions](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/string-conversions) The following library provide type classes with a single type variable, but conversion is done via a fixed type. * [hxt-regex-xmlschema](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hxt-regex-xmlschema) has a `StringLike` type class and does conversion via the `String` type * [ListLike](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/ListLike) has a `StringLike` type class and does conversion via the `String` type * [monoid-subclasses](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/monoid-subclasses) provides a `TextualMonoid` type class that provides an abstract API over textual types, using `String` as the underlying type * [stringlike](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/stringlike) converts via the `Text` type * [tagsoup](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/tagsoup) has a `StringLike` type class that provides an abstract API over textual types and a `castString` function that converts via the `String` type * [text-conversions](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/text-conversions) converts via the `Text` type * [textual](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/textual) (deprecated) converts via the `String` type ### Arbitrary Type Conversion There are also a number of libraries that provide type classes for conversion between arbitrary types, including string types. * [basement](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/basement) provides type classes for conversion that may fail as well as conversion that cannot fail * [convertible](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/convertible) * [witch](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/witch) provides type classes for conversion that may fail as well as conversion that cannot fail ## Project ### Links * Hackage: * Stackage: * GitHub: * GitHub Actions CI: ### Dependencies Dependency version bounds are strictly specified according to what versions have been tested. If upper bounds need to be bumped when a new package is released or the package has been tested with earlier versions, feel free to submit an issue. ### Releases All releases are tagged in the `main` branch. Release tags are signed using the [`security@extrema.is` GPG key](http://keys.gnupg.net/pks/lookup?op=vindex&fingerprint=on&search=0x1D484E4B4705FADF). ### Contribution Issues and feature requests are tracked on GitHub: Issues may also be submitted via email to . ### License This project is released under the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) as specified in the [`LICENSE`](LICENSE) file.