-- | This small library defines data types 'Tup1', 'Tup2' ... 'Tup9' for homogeneous tuples of small size (both strict and lazy), 
-- and various instances for them, most notably 'Functor' and 'Applicative'. We also have a 'Tup' type class:
-- > class Tup f where
-- >   tupSize     :: f a -> Int
-- >   tupToList   :: f a -> [a]
-- >   tupFromList :: [a] -> f a 
-- >   tupProxy    :: f a -> Proxy a
-- >   ...
-- Also included is a very simple preprocesszor @tuplepp@ which translates
-- the syntax @\{\{a,b,c\}\}@ into @(Tup3 a b c)@.
-- A different implementation is also given in the module "Data.Tup.Vec"; this basically implements
-- lists which encode their length in their types. For this, just replace 'Tup' by 'Vec' everywhere.
-- The same instances and functions are provided.
-- A third implementation is in "Data.Tup.Newtype"; here the tuples are newtypes of Haskell tuples.
-- Just replace 'Tup' by 'NTup'.

module Data.Tup ( module Data.Tup.Tup )  where

import Control.Applicative ( Applicative )     -- only for Haddock

import Data.Tup.Tup