{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-| Use this module to either: * match `Text` with light-weight backtracking patterns, or: * parse structured values from `Text`. Example usage: >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings >>> match ("can" <|> "cat") "cat" ["cat"] >>> match ("can" <|> "cat") "dog" [] >>> match (decimal `sepBy` ",") "1,2,3" [[1,2,3]] This pattern has unlimited backtracking, and will return as many solutions as possible: >>> match (prefix (star anyChar)) "123" ["123","12","1",""] Use @do@ notation to structure more complex patterns: >>> :{ let bit = ("0" *> pure False) <|> ("1" *> pure True) :: Pattern Bool; portableBitMap = do { "P1" ; width <- spaces1 *> decimal ; height <- spaces1 *> decimal ; count width (count height (spaces1 *> bit)) }; in match (prefix portableBitMap) "P1\n2 2\n0 0\n1 0\n" :} [[[False,False],[True,False]]] -} module Turtle.Pattern ( -- * Pattern Pattern , match -- * Primitive patterns , anyChar , eof -- * Character patterns , dot , satisfy , char , notChar , text , oneOf , noneOf , space , spaces , spaces1 , tab , newline , crlf , upper , lower , alphaNum , letter , digit , hexDigit , octDigit -- * Numbers , decimal , signed -- * Combinators , prefix , suffix , has , once , star , plus , selfless , choice , count , option , between , skip , within , fixed , sepBy , sepBy1 -- * High-efficiency primitives , chars , chars1 ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans.State import Data.Char import Data.List (foldl') import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..), (<>)) import Data.String (IsString(..)) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text -- | A fully backtracking pattern that parses an @\'a\'@ from some `Text` newtype Pattern a = Pattern { runPattern :: StateT Text [] a } deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, Alternative, MonadPlus) instance Monoid a => Monoid (Pattern a) where mempty = pure mempty mappend = liftA2 mappend instance Num a => Num (Pattern a) where fromInteger n = pure (fromInteger n) (+) = liftA2 (+) (*) = liftA2 (*) (-) = liftA2 (-) abs = fmap abs signum = fmap signum negate = fmap negate instance Fractional a => Fractional (Pattern a) where fromRational n = pure (fromRational n) recip = fmap recip (/) = liftA2 (/) instance Floating a => Floating (Pattern a) where pi = pure pi exp = fmap exp sqrt = fmap sqrt log = fmap log sin = fmap sin tan = fmap tan cos = fmap cos asin = fmap sin atan = fmap atan acos = fmap acos sinh = fmap sinh tanh = fmap tanh cosh = fmap cosh asinh = fmap asinh atanh = fmap atanh acosh = fmap acosh (**) = liftA2 (**) logBase = liftA2 logBase instance (a ~ Text) => IsString (Pattern a) where fromString str = text (Text.pack str) {-| Match a `Pattern` against a `Text` input, returning all possible solutions The `Pattern` must match the entire `Text` -} match :: Pattern a -> Text -> [a] match p = evalStateT (runPattern (p <* eof)) {-| Match any character >>> match anyChar "1" "1" >>> match anyChar "" "" -} anyChar :: Pattern Char anyChar = Pattern (do Just (c, cs) <- fmap Text.uncons get put cs return c ) {-| Matches the end of input >>> match eof "1" [] >>> match eof "" [()] -} eof :: Pattern () eof = Pattern (do True <- fmap Text.null get return () ) -- | Synonym for `anyChar` dot :: Pattern Char dot = anyChar {-| Match any character that satisfies the given predicate >>> match (satisfy (== '1')) "1" "1" >>> match (satisfy (== '2')) "1" "" -} satisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Pattern Char satisfy predicate = do c <- anyChar guard (predicate c) return c {-| Match a specific character >>> match (char '1') "1" "1" >>> match (char '2') "1" "" -} char :: Char -> Pattern Char char c = satisfy (== c) {-| Match any character except the given one >>> match (notChar '2') "1" "1" >>> match (notChar '1') "1" "" -} notChar :: Char -> Pattern Char notChar c = satisfy (/= c) {-| Match a specific string >>> match (text "123") "123" ["123"] You can also omit the `text` function if you enable the @OverloadedStrings@ extension: >>> match "123" "123" ["123"] -} text :: Text -> Pattern Text text before' = Pattern (do txt <- get let (before, after) = Text.splitAt (Text.length before') txt guard (before == before') put after return before) {-| Match any one of the given characters >>> match (oneOf "1a") "1" "1" >>> match (oneOf "2a") "1" "" -} oneOf :: [Char] -> Pattern Char oneOf cs = satisfy (`elem` cs) {-| Match anything other than the given characters >>> match (noneOf "2a") "1" "1" >>> match (noneOf "1a") "1" "" -} noneOf :: [Char] -> Pattern Char noneOf cs = satisfy (`notElem` cs) {-| Match a whitespace character >>> match space " " " " >>> match space "1" "" -} space :: Pattern Char space = satisfy isSpace {-| Match zero or more whitespace characters >>> match spaces " " [" "] >>> match spaces "" [""] -} spaces :: Pattern Text spaces = star space {-| Match one or more whitespace characters >>> match spaces1 " " [" "] >>> match spaces1 "" [] -} spaces1 :: Pattern Text spaces1 = plus space {-| Match the tab character (@\'\t\'@) >>> match tab "\t" "\t" >>> match tab " " "" -} tab :: Pattern Char tab = char '\t' {-| Match the newline character (@\'\n\'@) >>> match newline "\n" "\n" >>> match newline " " "" -} newline :: Pattern Char newline = char '\n' {-| Matches a carriage return (@\'\r\'@) followed by a newline (@\'\n\'@) >>> match crlf "\r\n" ["\r\n"] >>> match crlf "\n\r" [] -} crlf :: Pattern Text crlf = text "\r\n" {-| Match an uppercase letter >>> match upper "A" "A" >>> match upper "a" "" -} upper :: Pattern Char upper = satisfy isUpper {-| Match a lowercase letter >>> match lower "a" "a" >>> match lower "A" "" -} lower :: Pattern Char lower = satisfy isLower {-| Match a letter or digit >>> match alphaNum "1" "1" >>> match alphaNum "a" "a" >>> match alphaNum "A" "A" >>> match alphaNum "." "" -} alphaNum :: Pattern Char alphaNum = satisfy isAlphaNum {-| Match a letter >>> match letter "A" "A" >>> match letter "a" "a" >>> match letter "1" "" -} letter :: Pattern Char letter = satisfy isLetter {-| Match a digit >>> match digit "1" "1" >>> match digit "a" "" -} digit :: Pattern Char digit = satisfy isDigit {-| Match a hexadecimal digit >>> match hexDigit "1" "1" >>> match hexDigit "A" "A" >>> match hexDigit "a" "a" >>> match hexDigit "g" "" -} hexDigit :: Pattern Char hexDigit = satisfy isHexDigit {-| Match an octal digit >>> match octDigit "1" "1" >>> match octDigit "9" "" -} octDigit :: Pattern Char octDigit = satisfy isOctDigit {-| Match an unsigned decimal number >>> match decimal "123" [123] >>> match decimal "-123" [] -} decimal :: Num n => Pattern n decimal = do ds <- some digit return (foldl' step 0 ds) where step n d = n * 10 + fromIntegral (ord d - ord '0') {-| Transform a numeric parser to accept an optional leading @\'+\'@ or @\'-\'@ sign >>> match (signed decimal) "+123" [123] >>> match (signed decimal) "-123" [-123] >>> match (signed decimal) "123" [123] -} signed :: Num a => Pattern a -> Pattern a signed p = do sign <- (char '+' *> pure id) <|> (char '-' *> pure negate) <|> (pure id) fmap sign p {-| Match a `Char`, but return `Text` >>> match (once (char '1')) "1" ["1"] >>> match (once (char '1')) "" [] -} once :: Pattern Char -> Pattern Text once p = fmap Text.singleton p {-| Use this to match the prefix of a string >>> match "A" "ABC" [] >>> match (prefix "A") "ABC" ["A"] -} prefix :: Pattern a -> Pattern a prefix p = p <* chars {-| Use this to match the suffix of a string >>> match "C" "ABC" [] >>> match (suffix "C") "ABC" ["C"] -} suffix :: Pattern a -> Pattern a suffix p = chars *> p {-| Use this to match the interior of a string >>> match "B" "ABC" [] >>> match (has "B") "ABC" ["B"] -} has :: Pattern a -> Pattern a has p = chars *> p <* chars {-| Parse 0 or more occurrences of the given character >>> match (star anyChar) "123" ["123"] >>> match (star anyChar) "" [""] See also: `chars` -} star :: Pattern Char -> Pattern Text star p = fmap Text.pack (many p) {-| Parse 1 or more occurrences of the given character >>> match (plus anyChar) "123" ["123"] >>> match (plus anyChar) "" [] See also: `chars1` -} plus :: Pattern Char -> Pattern Text plus p = fmap Text.pack (some p) {-| Patterns that match multiple times are greedy by default, meaning that they try to match as many times as possible. The `selfless` combinator makes a pattern match as few times as possible This only changes the order in which solutions are returned, by prioritizing less greedy solutions >>> match (prefix (selfless (some anyChar))) "123" ["1","12","123"] >>> match (prefix (some anyChar) ) "123" ["123","12","1"] -} selfless :: Pattern a -> Pattern a selfless p = Pattern (StateT (\s -> reverse (runStateT (runPattern p) s))) {-| Apply the patterns in the list in order, until one of them succeeds >>> match (choice ["cat", "dog", "egg"]) "egg" ["egg"] >>> match (choice ["cat", "dog", "egg"]) "cat" ["cat"] >>> match (choice ["cat", "dog", "egg"]) "fan" [] -} choice :: [Pattern a] -> Pattern a choice = msum {-| Apply the given pattern a fixed number of times, collecting the results >>> match (count 3 anyChar) "123" ["123"] >>> match (count 4 anyChar) "123" [] -} count :: Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern [a] count = replicateM {-| Transform a parser to a succeed with an empty value instead of failing See also: `optional` >>> match (option "1" <> "2") "12" ["12"] >>> match (option "1" <> "2") "2" ["2"] -} option :: Monoid a => Pattern a -> Pattern a option p = p <|> mempty {-| @(between open close p)@ matches @\'p\'@ in between @\'open\'@ and @\'close\'@ >>> match (between (char '(') (char ')') (star anyChar)) "(123)" ["123"] >>> match (between (char '(') (char ')') (star anyChar)) "(123" [] -} between :: Pattern a -> Pattern b -> Pattern c -> Pattern c between open close p = open *> p <* close {-| Discard the pattern's result >>> match (skip anyChar) "1" [()] >>> match (skip anyChar) "" [] -} skip :: Pattern a -> Pattern () skip = void {-| Restrict the pattern to consume no more than the given number of characters >>> match (within 2 decimal) "12" [12] >>> match (within 2 decimal) "1" [1] >>> match (within 2 decimal) "123" [] -} within :: Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern a within n p = Pattern (do txt <- get let (before, after) = Text.splitAt n txt put before a <- runPattern p modify (<> after) return a ) {-| Require the pattern to consume exactly the given number of characters >>> match (fixed 2 decimal) "12" [12] >>> match (fixed 2 decimal) "1" [] -} fixed :: Int -> Pattern a -> Pattern a fixed n p = do txt <- Pattern get guard (Text.length txt >= n) within n (p <* eof) {-| @p `sepBy` sep@ matches zero or more occurrences of @p@ separated by @sep@ >>> match (decimal `sepBy` char ',') "1,2,3" [[1,2,3]] >>> match (decimal `sepBy` char ',') "" [[]] -} sepBy :: Pattern a -> Pattern b -> Pattern [a] p `sepBy` sep = (p `sepBy1` sep) <|> pure [] {-| @p `sepBy1` sep@ matches one or more occurrences of @p@ separated by @sep@ >>> match (decimal `sepBy1` ",") "1,2,3" [[1,2,3]] >>> match (decimal `sepBy1` ",") "" [] -} sepBy1 :: Pattern a -> Pattern b -> Pattern [a] p `sepBy1` sep = (:) <$> p <*> many (sep *> p) -- | Like @star dot@ or @star anyChar@, except more efficient chars :: Pattern Text chars = Pattern (StateT (\txt -> reverse (zip (Text.inits txt) (Text.tails txt)) )) -- | Like @plus dot@ or @plus anyChar@, except more efficient chars1 :: Pattern Text chars1 = Text.cons <$> dot <*> chars