-- | Miscellaneous functions that don't fit the project directly
module Web.Tweet.Utils (
  , hits'
  , getTweetsFast
  , getTweets
  , displayTimeline
  , displayTimelineColor
  , lineByKey
  , bird
  , getConfigData
  , filterQuotes
  , filterReplies
  , filterRTs
  ) where

import           Control.Composition
import           Control.Lens                hiding (noneOf)
import qualified Data.ByteString             as BS2
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8       as BS
import           Data.List
import           Data.List.Extra
import           Data.Void
import           Text.Megaparsec
import           Web.Tweet.Parser
import           Web.Tweet.Parser.FastParser hiding (text)
import           Web.Tweet.Types
import           Web.Tweet.Utils.Colors

-- | filter out retweets, and sort by most successful.
hits :: Timeline -> Timeline
hits = sortTweets . filterRTs

-- | Filter out retweets and replies, and sort by most sucessful.
hits' :: Timeline -> Timeline
hits' = hits . filterReplies

-- | Filter out retweets
filterRTs :: Timeline -> Timeline
filterRTs = filter ((/="RT @") . take 4 . (view text))

-- | Filter out replies
filterReplies :: Timeline -> Timeline
filterReplies = filter ((/="@") . take 1 . (view text))

-- | Filter out quotes
filterQuotes :: Timeline -> Timeline
filterQuotes = filter ((==Nothing) . (view quoted))

-- | Get a list of tweets from a response, returning author, favorites, retweets, and content.
getTweets :: BS2.ByteString -> Either (ParseError Char Void) Timeline
getTweets = parse parseTweet "" . BS.unpack

-- | Get a list of tweets from a response, returning author, favorites, retweets, and content.
-- This version uses aeson, which it's far faster, but also has worse error messages.
getTweetsFast :: BS2.ByteString -> Either String Timeline
getTweetsFast = fmap (fmap fromFast) . fastParse

-- | Display Timeline without color
displayTimeline :: Timeline -> String
displayTimeline ((TweetEntity content u sn idTweet _ Nothing rts fave):rest) = concat [u
    , " ("
    , sn
    , ")"
    ,":\n    "
    ,fixNewline content
    ,"\n    "
    , "💜"
    -- , "♥ "
    ,show fave
    , " \61561  "
    -- ," ♺ "
    ,show rts
    , "  "
    , show idTweet
    ,displayTimeline rest]
displayTimeline ((TweetEntity content u sn idTweet _ (Just q) rts fave):rest) = concat [u
    , " ("
    , sn
    , ")"
    , ":\n    "
    , fixNewline content
    , "\n    "
    , "💜"
    , show fave
    , " \61561  "
    , show rts
    , "  "
    , show idTweet
    , "\n    "
    , _name q
    , " ("
    , _screenName q
    , ")"
    , ": "
    , _text q
    , "\n\n"
    , displayTimeline rest]
displayTimeline [] = []

bird :: String
bird = toPlainBlue $ "🐦\n"

-- | Display Timeline in color
displayTimelineColor :: Timeline -> String
displayTimelineColor ((TweetEntity content u sn idTweet _ Nothing rts fave):rest) = concat [toYellow u
    , " ("
    , sn
    , ")"
    , ":\n    "
    , fixNewline content
    , "\n    "
    , toRed "💜"
    , " "
    , show fave
    , toGreen " \61561  " -- ♺ "
    , show rts
    , "  "
    , toBlue (show idTweet)
    , "\n\n"
    , displayTimelineColor rest]
displayTimelineColor ((TweetEntity content u sn idTweet _ (Just q) rts fave):rest) = concat [toYellow u
    , " ("
    , sn
    , ")"
    , ":\n    "
    , fixNewline content
    , "\n    "
    , toRed "💜"
    , " "
    , show fave
    , toGreen " \61561  "
    , show rts
    , "  "
    , toBlue (show idTweet)
    , "\n    "
    , toYellow $ _name q
    , " ("
    , _screenName q
    , ")"
    , ": "
    , _text q
    , "\n\n"
    , displayTimelineColor rest]
displayTimelineColor [] = []

-- | When displaying, newlines should include indentation.
fixNewline :: String -> String
fixNewline = replace "\n" "\n    "

-- | sort tweets by most successful
sortTweets :: Timeline -> Timeline
sortTweets = sortBy compareTweet
    where compareTweet (TweetEntity _ _ _ _ _ _ r1 f1) (TweetEntity _ _ _ _ _ _ r2 f2) = compare (2*r2 + f2) (2*r1 + f1)

-- | helper function to get the key as read from a file
keyLinePie :: String -> String
keyLinePie = takeWhile (/=':')

-- | Pick out a key value from a key
lineByKey :: BS.ByteString -> [(BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString)] -> BS.ByteString
lineByKey = snd .* head .* (filter . (fst -.* (==)))

-- | Filter a line of a file for only the actual data and no descriptors
filterLine :: String -> String
filterLine = reverse . (takeWhile (not . (`elem` (" :" :: String)))) . reverse

-- | Get pairs of "key" to search for and actual values
getConfigData :: FilePath -> IO [(BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString)]
getConfigData filepath = zip <$> keys <*> content
    where content = (map (BS.pack . filterLine)) . lines <$> file
          keys    = (map (BS.pack . keyLinePie)) . lines <$> file
          file    = readFile filepath