Module      : EventLoop.Input.InputEvent
Description : Library of all the possible 'InputEvent's in the example implementation.
Copyright   : (c) Sebastiaan la Fleur, 2014
License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : sebastiaan.la.fleur@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : All

All different 'InputEvent's are combined to a single 'InputEvent' type. 
In this example implementation, the 'EventLoop.Input.Keyboard', 'EventLoop.Input.Mouse' and 'EventLoop.Input.SystemMessage' are modeled.
module EventLoop.Input.InputEvent where

import EventLoop.Config
import EventLoop.Json
import EventLoop.Input.Keyboard
import EventLoop.Input.Mouse
import EventLoop.Input.SystemMessage

 The central 'InputEvent' type.
data InputEvent = InMouse Mouse                -- ^ A 'EventLoop.Input.Mouse' event.
                | InKeyboard Keyboard          -- ^ A 'EventLoop.Input.Keyboard' event.
                | InSysMessage SystemMessageIn -- ^ A 'EventLoop.Input.SystemMessage' event.
 Instance to express how a JSON formatted message can be parsed into an 'InputEvent'.
instance FromJSON InputEvent where
    fromJsonMessage obj@(JSONObject ms) | keyboardS == type'      = InKeyboard (fromJsonMessage obj)
                                        | mouseS == type'         = InMouse (fromJsonMessage obj)
                                        | systemmessageS == type' = InSysMessage (fromJsonMessage obj) 
                                              JSONString type' = retrieveError typeS ms