{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.WebSockets.Connection
    ( makeSocket
    , closeSocket
    , PendingConnection (..)
    , makePendingConnection
    , AcceptRequest(..)
    , acceptRequest
    , acceptRequestWith
    , rejectRequest

    , Connection (..)

    , ConnectionOptions (..)
    , defaultConnectionOptions

    , receive
    , receiveDataMessage
    , receiveData
    , send
    , sendDataMessage
    , sendTextData
    , sendBinaryData
    , sendClose
    , sendCloseCode
    , sendPing
    ) where

import           Blaze.ByteString.Builder    (Builder)
import qualified Blaze.ByteString.Builder    as Builder
import           Control.Exception           (throw)
import           Control.Monad               (unless)
import qualified Data.ByteString             as B
import           Data.List                   (find)
import           Data.IORef                  (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import           Data.Word                   (Word16)
import           System.IO.Streams           (InputStream, OutputStream)
import qualified System.IO.Streams             as Streams
import qualified System.IO.Streams.Attoparsec  as Streams
import           Network.Socket                (Socket)
import qualified Network.Socket              as S

import           Network.WebSockets.Http
import           Network.WebSockets.Protocol
import           Network.WebSockets.Types

-- | Create a standardized socket. Should only be used for a quick and dirty solution!
-- Should be preceded by the call Network.Socket.withSocketsDo

makeSocket :: String -> Int -> IO Socket
makeSocket host port = do
    sock  <- S.socket S.AF_INET S.Stream S.defaultProtocol
    _     <- S.setSocketOption sock S.ReuseAddr 1
    host' <- S.inet_addr host
    S.bindSocket sock (S.SockAddrInet (fromIntegral port) host')
    S.listen sock 5
    return sock

-- | Closes a socket. This function serves as a quick utility to close a socket and
-- as a reminder that you need to close sockets made by makeSocket.    
closeSocket :: Socket -> IO ()
closeSocket sock = S.sClose sock
-- | A new client connected to the server. We haven't accepted the connection
-- yet, though.
data PendingConnection = PendingConnection
    { pendingOptions  :: ConnectionOptions
    -- ^ Options, passed as-is to the 'Connection'
    , pendingRequest  :: RequestHead
    -- ^ Useful for e.g. inspecting the request path.
    , pendingOnAccept :: Connection -> IO ()
    -- ^ One-shot callback fired when a connection is accepted, i.e., *after*
    -- the accepting response is sent to the client.
    , pendingIn       :: InputStream B.ByteString
    -- ^ Input stream
    , pendingOut      :: OutputStream Builder
    -- ^ Output stream

-- | Use data from the socket to create a Pending Connection. This is a blocking
-- function. It tries to first accept a connection before creating a pending
-- connection. Then you are able to choose if you want to accept the connection
-- or not.
makePendingConnection :: Socket -> IO PendingConnection    
makePendingConnection sock = do
    (conn, _) <- S.accept sock
    (sIn, sOut) <- Streams.socketToStreams conn
    bOut        <- Streams.builderStream sOut
    -- TODO: we probably want to send a 40x if the request is bad?
    request     <- Streams.parseFromStream (decodeRequestHead False) sIn
    let pc = PendingConnection
                { pendingOptions  = defaultConnectionOptions
                , pendingRequest  = request
                , pendingOnAccept = \_ -> return ()
                , pendingIn       = sIn
                , pendingOut      = bOut
    return pc

data AcceptRequest = AcceptRequest
    { acceptSubprotocol :: Maybe B.ByteString
    -- ^ The subprotocol to speak with the client.  If 'pendingSubprotcols' is
    -- non-empty, 'acceptSubprotocol' must be one of the subprotocols from the list.

-- | Utility
sendResponse :: PendingConnection -> Response -> IO ()
sendResponse pc rsp = do
    Streams.write (Just (encodeResponse rsp)) (pendingOut pc)
    Streams.write (Just Builder.flush)        (pendingOut pc)

acceptRequest :: PendingConnection -> IO Connection
acceptRequest pc = acceptRequestWith pc $ AcceptRequest Nothing

acceptRequestWith :: PendingConnection -> AcceptRequest -> IO Connection
acceptRequestWith pc ar = case find (flip compatible request) protocols of
    Nothing       -> do
        sendResponse pc $ response400 versionHeader ""
        throw NotSupported
    Just protocol -> do
        let subproto = maybe [] (\p -> [("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol", p)]) $ acceptSubprotocol ar
            response = finishRequest protocol request subproto
        sendResponse pc response
        msgIn  <- decodeMessages protocol (pendingIn pc)
        msgOut <- encodeMessages protocol ServerConnection (pendingOut pc)
        sentRef <- newIORef False
        let connection = Connection
                { connectionOptions   = pendingOptions pc
                , connectionType      = ServerConnection
                , connectionProtocol  = protocol
                , connectionIn        = msgIn
                , connectionOut       = msgOut
                , connectionSentClose = sentRef

        pendingOnAccept pc connection
        return connection
    request       = pendingRequest pc
    versionHeader = [("Sec-WebSocket-Version",
        B.intercalate ", " $ concatMap headerVersions protocols)]

rejectRequest :: PendingConnection -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
rejectRequest pc message = sendResponse pc $ response400 [] message

data Connection = Connection
    { connectionOptions  :: ConnectionOptions
    , connectionType     :: ConnectionType
    , connectionProtocol :: Protocol
    , connectionIn       :: InputStream Message
    , connectionOut      :: OutputStream Message
    , connectionSentClose :: IORef Bool
    -- ^ According to the RFC, both the client and the server MUST send
    -- a close control message to each other.  Either party can initiate
    -- the first close message but then the other party must respond.  Finally,
    -- the server is in charge of closing the TCP connection.  This IORef tracks
    -- if we have sent a close message and are waiting for the peer to respond.

data ConnectionOptions = ConnectionOptions
    { connectionOnPong :: IO ()

defaultConnectionOptions :: ConnectionOptions
defaultConnectionOptions = ConnectionOptions
    { connectionOnPong = return ()

receive :: Connection -> IO Message
receive conn = do
    mmsg <- Streams.read (connectionIn conn)
    case mmsg of
        Nothing  -> throw ConnectionClosed
        Just msg -> return msg

-- | Receive an application message. Automatically respond to control messages.
-- When the peer sends a close control message, an exception of type 'CloseRequest'
-- is thrown.  The peer can send a close control message either to initiate a
-- close or in response to a close message we have sent to the peer.  In either
-- case the 'CloseRequest' exception will be thrown.  The RFC specifies that
-- the server is responsible for closing the TCP connection, which should happen
-- after receiving the 'CloseRequest' exception from this function.
-- This will throw 'ConnectionClosed' if the TCP connection dies unexpectedly.
receiveDataMessage :: Connection -> IO DataMessage
receiveDataMessage conn = do
    msg <- receive conn
    case msg of
        DataMessage am    -> return am
        ControlMessage cm -> case cm of
            Close i closeMsg -> do
                hasSentClose <- readIORef $ connectionSentClose conn
                unless hasSentClose $ send conn msg
                throw $ CloseRequest i closeMsg
            Pong _    -> do
                connectionOnPong (connectionOptions conn)
                receiveDataMessage conn
            Ping pl   -> do
                send conn (ControlMessage (Pong pl))
                receiveDataMessage conn

-- | Receive a message, converting it to whatever format is needed.
receiveData :: WebSocketsData a => Connection -> IO a
receiveData conn = do
    dm <- receiveDataMessage conn
    case dm of
        Text x   -> return (fromLazyByteString x)
        Binary x -> return (fromLazyByteString x)

send :: Connection -> Message -> IO ()
send conn msg = do
    case msg of
        (ControlMessage (Close _ _)) -> writeIORef (connectionSentClose conn) True
        _ -> return ()
    Streams.write (Just msg) (connectionOut conn)

-- | Send a 'DataMessage'
sendDataMessage :: Connection -> DataMessage -> IO ()
sendDataMessage conn = send conn . DataMessage

-- | Send a message as text
sendTextData :: WebSocketsData a => Connection -> a -> IO ()
sendTextData conn = sendDataMessage conn . Text . toLazyByteString

-- | Send a message as binary data
sendBinaryData :: WebSocketsData a => Connection -> a -> IO ()
sendBinaryData conn = sendDataMessage conn . Binary . toLazyByteString

-- | Send a friendly close message.  Note that after sending this message,
-- you should still continue calling 'receiveDataMessage' to process any
-- in-flight messages.  The peer will eventually respond with a close control
-- message of its own which will cause 'receiveDataMessage' to throw the
-- 'CloseRequest' exception.  This exception is when you can finally consider
-- the connection closed.
sendClose :: WebSocketsData a => Connection -> a -> IO ()
sendClose conn = sendCloseCode conn 1000

-- | Send a friendly close message and close code.  Similar to 'sendClose', you should
-- continue calling 'receiveDataMessage' until you receive a 'CloseRequest' exception.
-- See <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-7.4> for a list of close
-- codes.
sendCloseCode :: WebSocketsData a => Connection -> Word16 -> a -> IO ()
sendCloseCode conn code =
    send conn . ControlMessage . Close code . toLazyByteString

-- | Send a ping
sendPing :: WebSocketsData a => Connection -> a -> IO ()
sendPing conn = send conn . ControlMessage . Ping . toLazyByteString