{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, LambdaCase, RecordWildCards,
    ScopedTypeVariables, ViewPatterns #-}
module Rubik.Tables.Internal where

import Rubik.Cube.Cubie
import Rubik.Cube.Coord
import Rubik.Cube.Moves
import Rubik.Distances
import Rubik.Misc
import Rubik.Solver
import Rubik.Symmetry
import Control.Exception
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Newtype
import Data.Binary.Storable
import Data.Coerce
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as G
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Allocated as S
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.IO.Unsafe

{-# NOINLINE tsPath #-}
tsPath :: IORef FilePath
tsPath = unsafePerformIO (do
  home <- getHomeDirectory
  newIORef (home </> ".27"))

{-# NOINLINE precompute #-}
precompute :: IORef Bool
precompute = unsafePerformIO (newIORef False)

{-# NOINLINE overwrite #-}
overwrite :: IORef Bool
overwrite = unsafePerformIO (newIORef False)

{-# NOINLINE noFiles #-}
noFiles :: IORef Bool
noFiles = unsafePerformIO (newIORef False)

{-# NOINLINE debug #-}
debug :: IORef Bool
debug = unsafePerformIO (newIORef False)

setTsPath :: FilePath -> IO ()
setTsPath = writeIORef tsPath

setTsPathFromHome :: FilePath -> IO ()
setTsPathFromHome p = do
  home <- getHomeDirectory
  setTsPath (home </> p)

setOverwrite :: Bool -> IO ()
setOverwrite = writeIORef overwrite

setPrecompute :: Bool -> IO ()
setPrecompute = writeIORef precompute

setNoFiles :: Bool -> IO ()
setNoFiles = writeIORef noFiles

setDebug :: Bool -> IO ()
setDebug = writeIORef debug

{-# NOINLINE saved #-}
saved :: Binary a => FilePath -> a -> a
saved f a = unsafePerformIO $ do
  noFiles <- readIORef noFiles
  if noFiles then return a else preload f a

preload :: Binary a => FilePath -> a -> IO a
preload f a = do
  tsPath <- readIORef tsPath
  createDirectoryIfMissing True tsPath
  let path = tsPath </> f
  fileExists <- doesFileExist path
  precompute <- readIORef precompute
  overwrite <- readIORef overwrite
  putStrLn <- bool (\_ -> return ()) putStrLn <$> readIORef debug
  putStrLn $ ">" ++ f
  a' <- if precompute && (overwrite || not fileExists) then do
      putStrLn ("!" ++ f)
      evaluate a
      encodeFile path a
      return a
    else if not precompute && not fileExists
    then fail $ f ++ " not found. You may need to set -p or -d."
    else decodeFile path
  putStrLn $ "<" ++ f
  return a'

saved' :: (NFData a, Binary a) => FilePath -> a -> a
saved' f = saved f . force

rawMoveTables :: (CubeAction a, RawEncodable a)
  => MoveTag m [Cube] -> MoveTag m [RawMove a]
rawMoveTables moves = (over MoveTag . fmap) moveTable moves

  :: forall a m. (CubeAction a, RawEncodable a)
  => String -> MoveTag m [Cube] -> MoveTag m [RawMove a]
savedRawMoveTables name moves@(MoveTag moves')
  = saved' name (rawMoveTables moves)

rawSymTables :: RawEncodable a
  => (Cube -> a -> a) -> [Symmetry sym] -> Symmetries sym a
rawSymTables conj syms
  = MoveTag . V.fromList $ symTable conj <$> symAsCube <$> syms

savedRawSymTables :: forall a sym. RawEncodable a
  => String -> (Cube -> a -> a) -> [Symmetry sym]
  -> Symmetries sym a
savedRawSymTables name conj syms
  = saved' name (rawSymTables conj syms)

move18to10 :: MoveTag Move18 [as] -> MoveTag Move10 [as]
move18to10 (MoveTag as) = MoveTag
  (composeList as [ n - 1 + 3 * fromEnum m | (n, m) <- unMoveTag move10Names ])

  :: (FromCube a, FromCube b, RawEncodable a, RawEncodable b)
  => String -> MoveTag m [RawMove a] -> MoveTag m [RawMove b]
  -> S.Vector DInt
distanceTable2 name m1 m2
  = saved name (distanceWith2' m1 m2 proj1 proj2 n1 n2)
    proj1 = rawProjection
    proj2 = rawProjection
    n1 = range (proxyUnwrap proj1)
    n2 = range (proxyUnwrap proj2)

  :: G.Vector v DInt
  => MoveTag m [RawMove a] -> MoveTag m [RawMove b]
  -> Projection' m a -> Projection' m b -> Int -> Int -> v DInt
distanceWith2' (MoveTag m1) (MoveTag m2) proj1 proj2 n1 n2
  = distances n root neighbors
    n = n1 * n2
    root = flatIndex n2 (unRawCoord (convertP proj1 iden)) (unRawCoord (convertP proj2 iden))
    neighbors ((`divMod` n2) -> (x1, x2))
      = zipWith (\v1 v2 -> flatIndex n2
          (unRawCoord . indexP proj1 v1 $ RawCoord x1)
          (unRawCoord . indexP proj2 v2 $ RawCoord x2)) m1 m2

{-# INLINE indexWithSym #-}
  :: MoveTag sym (V.Vector (RawMove b))
  -- Conjugation by the inverse: s <> b <> s^-1
  -> Int
  -> SymCoord sym a
  -> RawCoord b
  -> Int
indexWithSym sb nb (SymClass xa, i) xb = flatIndex nb xa (symB sb i xb)
    symB :: MoveTag sym (V.Vector (RawMove b)) -> SymCode sym -> RawCoord b -> Int
    symB (MoveTag s) (SymCode i) (RawCoord xb) = unRawMove (s V.! i) S.! xb

  :: (G.Vector v d, Integral d, Show d)
  => MoveTag m [SymMove sym a] -> MoveTag m [RawMove b]
  -> Symmetries sym b
  -> SymProjection m sym a
  -> Projection' m b
  -> Int
  -> Int
  -> v d
distanceWithSym2' (MoveTag ma) (MoveTag mb) sb a b na nb
  = distances n root neighbors
    n = na * nb
    root = flatIndex nb (unSymClass . fst $ convertP a iden) (unRawCoord (convertP b iden))
    neighbors ((`divMod` nb) -> (xa, xb))
      = zipWith (\va vb ->
          let ya = indexP a va (SymClass xa, SymCode 0 :: SymCode sym)
              yb = indexP b vb (RawCoord xb)
          in indexWithSym sb nb ya yb) ma mb

castDistance :: Distance m (RawCoord a) -> Distance m (RawCoord (Symmetric sym a))
castDistance = coerce