{-# LANGUAGE  NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
module Text.Twine.Interpreter (runEval) where

import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString,pack,unpack)
import Debug.Trace
import Text.Twine.Interpreter.Builtins
import Text.Twine.Interpreter.Interface
import Text.Twine.Interpreter.Types
import Text.Twine.Parser.Types
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Data.Map as M

-- TODO: Most of the interpreter is all wrong, and there is no error
--       checking.  Eventually this all needs to be fixed up.

type Stack m a = StateT (ContextState m) (WriterT [String] m) a

foldCX :: (Monad m) => [TwineElement m] -> TwineElement m
foldCX = foldl (<+>) emptyContext

mergeCXP (TwineObjectList a) (TwineObjectList b) = TwineObjectList (a ++ b)
mergeCXP (TwineList a)  (TwineList b)  = TwineList (a ++ b)
mergeCXP (TwineObject a)   x   = TwineObjectList [a] `mergeCXP` x
mergeCXP x (TwineObject a)   = x `mergeCXP` TwineObjectList [a]
mergeCXP a b = error $ "Cannot merge " ++ show a ++ " and " ++ show b

(<+>) = mergeCXP

runStack run state = runWriterT (runStateT run state)

lift2 f = lift $ lift $ f

debug _ fn = fn 
--debug = trace

runEval :: (Monad m, Functor m) => Template -> TwineElement m -> m ByteString
runEval tm cx = do 
  ((r,log),_) <- runStack (eval' tm) (ContextState cx M.empty)
  debug (show r) $ do
    return $ C.concat r

getCX :: (Monad m) => Stack m (TwineElement m)
getCX = do s <- get 
           return (getContextState s)

putCX :: (Monad m) => TwineElement m -> Stack m ()
putCX cx = do s <- get
              put $ s { getContextState = cx }

eval' :: (Monad m, Functor m) => [TemplateCode] -> Stack m [ByteString] 
eval' = mapM eval

eval :: (Monad m, Functor m) => TemplateCode -> Stack m ByteString
eval (Text x) = return x 

eval (Slot x) = debug ("evaluating slot: " ++ show x) $ do
  ee  <- evalExpr x
  st  <- case ee of
        (TwineObjectList [x]) -> lift2 $ getString x
        (TwineObject x)     -> lift2 $ getString x
        x -> lift2 $ makeString x
  return (C.pack st)

eval (Assign k e) = debug ("evaluating assign " ++ show k ++ " = " ++ show e) $ do 
  ee <- evalExpr e
  st <- getCX
  putCX (bind (M.fromList [(k,ee)]) <+> st)
  return (C.pack "")

eval (Cond e bls) = do
  ee <- evalExpr e
  st <- getCX
  case ee of
    (TwineNull) -> return (C.pack "") 
    (TwineBool False) -> return (C.pack "")
    _  ->  lift2 $ runEval bls st

eval (Loop e as bls) = do
  ee <- evalExpr e
  case ee of 
    TwineNull -> return (C.pack "")
    a -> runLoop a
    --runLoop :: (Monad m) => TwineElement m -> m C.ByteString
    runLoop (TwineList ls) = fmap (C.concat) $ mapM inner ls  
    runLoop (TwineObjectList x) = do                          
      it <- lift2 $ getIterable (head x)                      
      runLoop (TwineList it)                                  
    runLoop (TwineObject x) = do                              
      it <- lift2 $ getIterable x                             
      runLoop (TwineList it)                                  
    runLoop x = error $ "Not iterable: " ++ show x            
    inner v = do 
      cx <- getCX                                  
      lift2 $ runEval bls (bind (M.fromList [(as,v)]) <+> cx)   

eval x = error $ "Cannot eval: '" ++ (show x) ++ "'"

fromMaybeToContext (Just a)  = a
fromMaybeToContext Nothing = TwineNull

evalExpr :: (Monad m, Functor m) => Expr -> Stack m (TwineElement m)
evalExpr (Func n a) = do 
  cx <- getCX
  ll <- lift2 $ doLookup n cx
  case ll of 
    Just (TwineFunction f) -> do 
      args <- mapM evalExpr a
      lift2 $ f args
    _ -> error $ (C.unpack n) ++ " is not a function. "

evalExpr (Var n) = do g <- getCX 
                      r <- lift2 $ doLookup n g
                      case r of
                        Just a -> return a
                        Nothing-> return TwineNull

evalExpr (NumberLiteral n) = return . bind $ n
evalExpr (StringLiteral n) = return . bind $ n

evalExpr acc@(Accessor n expr) = do
  g <- getCX
  accessObjectInContext g acc
accessObjectInContext :: (Monad m, Functor m) => TwineElement m -> Expr -> Stack m (TwineElement m)
accessObjectInContext context (Accessor (Var n) expr) = do
  cx <- lift2 $ doLookup' n context
  case cx of
    Nothing -> error "ERROR"
    Just cx' -> accessObjectInContext cx' expr

accessObjectInContext context (Accessor (Func n a) expr) = do
  cx <- lift2 $ doLookup' n context
  case cx of 
    Nothing -> error "ERROR"
    Just cx' ->
      case cx' of
        TwineFunction f -> do
          args <- mapM evalExpr a
          z <- lift2 $ f args
          accessObjectInContext z expr
        _ -> accessObjectInContext cx' expr

accessObjectInContext context (Var n) = do
  cx <- lift2 $ doLookup' n context
  case cx of
    Just x -> return x
    Nothing -> error "ERROR"

accessObjectInContext context (Func n args) = do
  cx <- lift2 $ doLookup' n context
  case cx of 
    Nothing -> error "Error"
    Just cx' -> do
      case cx' of
        TwineFunction f -> do 
          args' <- mapM evalExpr args
          lift2 $ f args'
        _ -> error "Not a callable method"

doLookup k v = let parts = C.split '.' k
               in aux parts v
      aux [] t = return (Just t)
      aux (x:xs) t = do ll <- doLookup' x t
                        case ll of
                          Just a  -> aux xs a
                          Nothing -> return Nothing

doLookup' _ (TwineObjectList []) = return Nothing
doLookup' st (TwineObjectList (x:xs)) = do
    let cx = getContext x
    s <- cx st
    case s of
      TwineNull -> doLookup' st (TwineObjectList xs)
      a  -> return (Just a)

doLookup' st (TwineBool True) = return (Just $ TwineString $ pack "True")
doLookup' st (TwineBool False) = return Nothing
doLookup' st (TwineObject m) = doLookup' st (TwineObjectList [m])
doLookup' st x = error $ "Context not searchable when looking up '" ++ unpack st ++ "' in " ++ show x


split :: Char -> [Char] -> [[Char]]
split delim s
    | [] == rest = [token]
    | otherwise = token : split delim (tail rest)
    where (token,rest) = span (/= delim) s