{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}

-- |
-- Module:      Web.Twitter.Conduit
-- Copyright:   (c) 2014 Takahiro Himura
-- License:     BSD
-- Maintainer:  Takahiro Himura <taka@himura.jp>
-- Stability:   experimental
-- Portability: portable
-- A client library for Twitter APIs (see <https://dev.twitter.com/>).

module Web.Twitter.Conduit
       -- * How to use this library
       -- $howto

       -- * Re-exports
         module Web.Twitter.Conduit.Api
       , module Web.Twitter.Conduit.Cursor
       , module Web.Twitter.Conduit.Parameters
       , module Web.Twitter.Conduit.Request
       , module Web.Twitter.Conduit.Response
       , module Web.Twitter.Conduit.Status
       , module Web.Twitter.Conduit.Stream
       , module Web.Twitter.Conduit.Types

       -- * 'Web.Twitter.Conduit.Base'
       , TwitterBaseM
       , call
       , call'
       , callWithResponse
       , callWithResponse'
       , sourceWithMaxId
       , sourceWithMaxId'
       , sourceWithCursor
       , sourceWithCursor'
       , sourceWithSearchResult
       , sourceWithSearchResult'

       -- * Backward compatibility
       -- $backward
       ) where

import Web.Twitter.Conduit.Api
import Web.Twitter.Conduit.Base
import Web.Twitter.Conduit.Cursor
import Web.Twitter.Conduit.Parameters
import Web.Twitter.Conduit.Request
import Web.Twitter.Conduit.Response
import Web.Twitter.Conduit.Status
import Web.Twitter.Conduit.Stream
import Web.Twitter.Conduit.Types

-- for haddock
import Web.Authenticate.OAuth
import Data.Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Lens

#ifdef HLINT
{-# ANN module "HLint: ignore Use import/export shortcut" #-}

-- $howto
-- The main module of twitter-conduit is "Web.Twitter.Conduit".
-- This library cooperate with <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/twitter-types twitter-types>,
-- <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/authenticate-oauth authenticate-oauth>,
-- and <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/conduit conduit>.
-- All of following examples import modules as below:
-- > {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- >
-- > import Web.Twitter.Conduit
-- > import Web.Twitter.Types.Lens
-- > import Web.Authenticate.OAuth
-- > import Network.HTTP.Conduit
-- > import Data.Conduit
-- > import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
-- > import qualified Data.Text as T
-- > import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-- > import Control.Monad.IO.Class
-- > import Control.Lens
-- First, you should obtain consumer token and secret from <https://apps.twitter.com/ Twitter>,
-- and prepare 'OAuth' variables as follows:
-- @
-- tokens :: 'OAuth'
-- tokens = 'twitterOAuth'
--     { 'oauthConsumerKey' = \"YOUR CONSUMER KEY\"
--     , 'oauthConsumerSecret' = \"YOUR CONSUMER SECRET\"
--     }
-- @
-- Second, you should obtain access token and secret.
-- You can find examples obtaining those tokens in
-- <https://github.com/himura/twitter-conduit/blob/master/sample sample directry>,
-- for instance,
-- <https://github.com/himura/twitter-conduit/blob/master/sample/oauth_pin.hs oauth_pin.hs>, and
-- <https://github.com/himura/twitter-conduit/blob/master/sample/oauth_callback.hs oauth_callback.hs>.
-- If you need more information, see <https://dev.twitter.com/docs/auth/obtaining-access-tokens>.
-- You should set an access token to 'Credential' variable:
-- @
-- credential :: 'Credential'
-- credential = 'Credential'
--     [ (\"oauth_token\", \"YOUR ACCESS TOKEN\")
--     , (\"oauth_token_secret\", \"YOUR ACCESS TOKEN SECRET\")
--     ]
-- @
-- You should also set up the 'TWToken' and 'TWInfo' variables as below:
-- @
-- twInfo :: 'TWInfo'
-- twInfo = 'def'
--     { 'twToken' = 'def' { 'twOAuth' = tokens, 'twCredential' = credential }
--     , 'twProxy' = Nothing
--     }
-- @
-- Or, simply as follows:
-- > twInfo = setCredential tokens credential def
-- Twitter API requests are performed by 'call' function.
-- For example, <https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/get/statuses/home_timeline GET statuses/home_timeline>
-- could be obtained by:
-- @
-- timeline \<- 'withManager' $ \\mgr -\> 'call' twInfo mgr 'homeTimeline'
-- @
-- The response of 'call' function is wrapped by the suitable type of
-- <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/twitter-types twitter-types>.
-- In this case, /timeline/ has a type of ['Status'].
-- If you need /raw/ JSON Value which is parsed by <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/aeson aeson>,
-- use 'call'' to obtain it.
-- By default, the response of <https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/get/statuses/home_timeline GET statuses/home_timeline>
-- includes 20 tweets, and you can change the number of tweets by the /count/ parameter.
-- @
-- timeline \<- 'withManager' $ \\mgr -\> 'call' twInfo mgr '$' 'homeTimeline' '&' 'count' '?~' 200
-- @
-- If you need more statuses, you can obtain those with multiple API requests.
-- This library provides the wrapper for multiple requests with conduit interfaces.
-- For example, if you intend to fetch the all friends information,
-- you may perform multiple API requests with changing cursor parameter,
-- or use the conduit wrapper 'sourceWithCursor' as below:
-- @
-- friends \<- 'withManager' $ \\mgr -\> 'sourceWithCursor' twInfo mgr ('friendsList' ('ScreenNameParam' \"thimura\") '&' 'count' '?~' 200) '$$' 'CL.consume'
-- @
-- Statuses APIs, for instance, 'homeTimeline', are also wrapped by 'sourceWithMaxId'.
-- For example, you can print 1000 tweets from your home timeline, as below:
-- @
-- main :: IO ()
-- main = withManager $ \mgr -> do
--     'sourceWithMaxId' twInfo mgr 'homeTimeline'
--         $= CL.isolate 60
--         $$ CL.mapM_ $ \status -> liftIO $ do
--             T.putStrLn $ T.concat [ T.pack . show $ status ^. statusId
--                                   , \": \"
--                                   , status ^. statusUser . userScreenName
--                                   , \": \"
--                                   , status ^. statusText
--                                   ]
-- @

-- $backward
-- In the version below 0.1.0, twitter-conduit provides the TW monad,
-- and every Twitter API functions are run in the TW monad.
-- For backward compatibility, TW monad and the functions are provided in the Web.Twitter.Conduit.Monad module.