## 0.5.1 * Add result_type to searchTweets [#78](https://github.com/himura/twitter-conduit/pull/78). ## 0.5.0 * Support for OverloadedLabels `twitter-conduit` now supports the OverloadedLabels extensions for overloaded parameters in `APIRequest` (e.g.: `#count`, `#max_id`). We can now write: ```haskell homeTimeline & #count ?~ 200 ``` instead of: ```haskell import qualified Web.Twitter.Conduit.Parameters as P homeTimeline & P.count ?~ 200 ``` NOTE: See `Web.Twitter.Conduit.ParametersDeprecated` module if you would like to use classic value lenses. * Drop supports conduit < 1.3 and http-conduit < 2.3 [#69](https://github.com/himura/twitter-conduit/pull/69). * `Web.Twitter.Conduit.Status` is no longer re-exported by Web.Twitter.Conduit in order to avoid name conflictions (e.g. `update`, `lookup`) [#71](https://github.com/himura/twitter-conduit/pull/71). * Add alias for functions in `Web.Twitter.Conduit.Status` with statuses- prefix [#71](https://github.com/himura/twitter-conduit/pull/71). (e.g. `Web.Twitter.Conduit.Api.statusesHomeTimeline` for `Web.Twitter.Conduit.Status.homeTimeline`) * Drop supports network < 2.6 [#74](https://github.com/himura/twitter-conduit/pull/74). * Support `tweet_mode` parameter [#72](https://github.com/himura/twitter-conduit/pull/72). ## 0.4.0 * Follow direct message API changes [#65](https://github.com/himura/twitter-conduit/pull/65) [#62](https://github.com/himura/twitter-conduit/pull/62) * Changed WithCursor type [5b9e9d7a](https://github.com/himura/twitter-conduit/commit/5b9e9d7a13d33327fe637cae8e2359a38fce92b5) * Added type parameter to WithCursor to supports `Text` as the next cursor type. * Changed {previous,next}Cursor in WithCursor to be optional * Changed APIRequest type to take HTTP Method [f25fd9b3](https://github.com/himura/twitter-conduit/commit/f25fd9b3b860032f384d01b3457ea896e596366b) ## 0.3.0 * Upgrade http-conduit dependencies to: http-conduit >= 2.0 && < 2.4 [#59](https://github.com/himura/twitter-conduit/pull/59) ## 0.2.2 * Upgrade http-conduit and http-client dependencies to: http-conduit >= 2.1.8 && http-client >= 0.4.30 [#51](https://github.com/himura/twitter-conduit/pull/51) * Added `include_email` parameter to `AccountVerifyCredentials` [#49](https://github.com/himura/twitter-conduit/pull/49) * Added `extAltText` parameter to `showId` [#50](https://github.com/himura/twitter-conduit/pull/50) ## 0.2.1 * Added `fullText` parameter to direct message calls [#47](https://github.com/himura/twitter-conduit/pull/47) * Replaced `SearchStatus` with `Status` type [#46](https://github.com/himura/twitter-conduit/pull/46) * Added `accountUpdateProfile` [#45](https://github.com/himura/twitter-conduit/pull/45) * Added `listsMembersCreateAll` and `listsMembersDestroyAll` * Parameter lenses in `Web.Twitter.Conduit` re-exported from `Web.Twitter.Conduit.Parameters` are deprecated ## 0.2.0 * Changed the signature of functions defined in Web.Twitter.Conduit.Base, because Manager of http-conduit 2.0 and later does not need MonadResource. [#43](https://github.com/himura/twitter-conduit/issues/43) * Removed `TwitterBaseM` * Removed `TW` monad * Re-exported `OAuth (..)` and `Credential (..)` from authenticate-oauth * Re-exported `def` from data-default * Re-exported `Manager`, `newManager` and `tlsManagerSettings` from http-conduit ## 0.1.3 * Make TWToken and TWInfo an instance of Read and Typeable [#42](https://github.com/himura/twitter-conduit/issues/42) ## 0.1.2 * Streaming API: Support multiple filters [#41](https://github.com/himura/twitter-conduit/issues/41) * Include parameters in body for POST requests [#40](https://github.com/himura/twitter-conduit/issues/40) ## * Fix warnings on GHC 7.10 * Fix doctest when twitter-feed package exists ## 0.1.1 * Add `sourceWithSearchResult` and `sourceWithSearchResult'`