# Type of html `Type of html` is a library for generating html in a highly performant and type safe manner. Please read the documentation of the module: [Html](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/type-of-html/docs/Html.html) Note that you need at least ghc 8.2. ## Typesafety Part of the html spec is encoded at the typelevel, turning a lot of mistakes into type errors. ## Performance `Type of html` is normally a lot faster than `blaze html`. Criterion says about the following snippet that `Type of html` needs only ~450 ns, `blaze html` needs ten times more time. ```haskell example x = html_ ( body_ ( h1_ ( img_ # strong_ "0" ) # div_ ( div_ "1" ) # div_ ( form_ ( fieldset_ ( div_ ( div_ ( label_ "a" # select_ ( option_ "b" # option_ "c" ) # div_ "d" ) # i_ x ) # button_ (i_ "e") ) ) ) ) ) ```