{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unticked-promoted-constructors #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} module Html.Type where import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as B import GHC.TypeLits import GHC.Exts import Data.Proxy import Data.Type.Bool import qualified Data.Semigroup as S import qualified Data.Monoid as M {-# DEPRECATED Acronym , Applet , Basefont , Big , Blink , Center , Command , Content , Dir , Font , Frame , Frameset , Isindex , Keygen , Listing , Marquee , Multicol , Noembed , Plaintext , Shadow , Spacer , Strike , Tt , Xmp , Nextid "This is an obsolete html element and should not be used." #-} -- | The data type of all html elements and the kind of elements. data Element = DOCTYPE | A | Abbr | Acronym | Address | Applet | Area | Article | Aside | Audio | B | Base | Basefont | Bdi | Bdo | Bgsound | Big | Blink | Blockquote | Body | Br | Button | Canvas | Caption | Center | Cite | Code | Col | Colgroup | Command | Content | Data | Datalist | Dd | Del | Details | Dfn | Dialog | Dir | Div | Dl | Dt | Element | Em | Embed | Fieldset | Figcaption | Figure | Font | Footer | Form | Frame | Frameset | H1 | H2 | H3 | H4 | H5 | H6 | Head | Header | Hgroup | Hr | Html | I | Iframe | Image | Img | Input | Ins | Isindex | Kbd | Keygen | Label | Legend | Li | Link | Listing | Main | Map | Mark | Marquee | Math | Menu | Menuitem | Meta | Meter | Multicol | Nav | Nextid | Nobr | Noembed | Noframes | Noscript | Object | Ol | Optgroup | Option | Output | P | Param | Picture | Plaintext | Pre | Progress | Q | Rp | Rt | Rtc | Ruby | S | Samp | Script | Section | Select | Shadow | Slot | Small | Source | Spacer | Span | Strike | Strong | Style | Sub | Summary | Sup | Svg | Table | Tbody | Td | Template | Textarea | Tfoot | Th | Thead | Time | Title | Tr | Track | Tt | U | Ul | Var | Video | Wbr | Xmp -- | Check whether `b` is a valid child of `a`. You'll propably never -- need to call this directly. Through a GADT, it is enforced that -- every child is lawful. -- -- The only way to circumvent this would be to use 'undefined' or -- 'error' in combination with only type level values. -- -- >>> undefined :: 'Div > ('Html > ()) --
-- -- >>> undefined :: 'Div > ('Html > Proxy "a") --
-- -- >>> undefined :: 'Div > ('Html > String) --
*** Exception: Prelude.undefined type family (a :: Element) ?> b :: Constraint where a ?> (b # c) = (a ?> b, a ?> c) a ?> (b > _) = MaybeTypeError a b (TestPaternity (SingleElement b) (GetInfo a) (GetInfo b)) a ?> (b :> _) = MaybeTypeError a b (TestPaternity (SingleElement b) (GetInfo a) (GetInfo b)) a ?> Maybe b = a ?> b a ?> Either b c = (a ?> b, a ?> c) a ?> f (b > c) = a ?> (b > c) a ?> f (b :> c) = a ?> (b > c) a ?> f (b # c) = a ?> (b # c) a ?> () = () a ?> (b -> c) = (TypeError (Text "Html elements can't contain functions")) a ?> b = CheckString a -- | Combine two elements sequentially. -- -- >>> render (i_ () # div_ ()) :: String -- "
" data (#) a b = (:#:) a b {-# INLINE (#) #-} (#) :: a -> b -> a # b (#) = (:#:) infixr 5 # -- | Descend to a valid child of an element. -- It is recommended to use the predefined elements. -- -- >>> Child "a" :: 'Div > String --
-- -- >>> div_ "a" --
data (>) (a :: Element) b where Child :: (a ?> b) => b -> a > b infixr 8 > -- | Decorate an element with attributes and descend to a valid child. -- -- >>> WithAttributes [A.class_ "bar"] "a" :: 'Div :> String --
data (:>) (a :: Element) b where WithAttributes :: (a ?> b) => Attribute -> b -> a :> b infixr 8 :> -- | Wrapper for types which won't be escaped. newtype Raw a = Raw a newtype Converted a = Converted {unConv :: a} ------------------- -- internal code -- ------------------- newtype Attribute = Attribute B.Builder deriving (M.Monoid, S.Semigroup) type family ShowElement e where ShowElement DOCTYPE = "!DOCTYPE html" ShowElement A = "a" ShowElement Abbr = "abbr" ShowElement Acronym = "acronym" ShowElement Address = "address" ShowElement Applet = "applet" ShowElement Area = "area" ShowElement Article = "article" ShowElement Aside = "aside" ShowElement Audio = "audio" ShowElement B = "b" ShowElement Base = "base" ShowElement Basefont = "basefont" ShowElement Bdi = "bdi" ShowElement Bdo = "bdo" ShowElement Bgsound = "bgsound" ShowElement Big = "big" ShowElement Blink = "blink" ShowElement Blockquote = "blockquote" ShowElement Body = "body" ShowElement Br = "br" ShowElement Button = "button" ShowElement Canvas = "canvas" ShowElement Caption = "caption" ShowElement Center = "center" ShowElement Cite = "cite" ShowElement Code = "code" ShowElement Col = "col" ShowElement Colgroup = "colgroup" ShowElement Command = "command" ShowElement Content = "content" ShowElement Data = "data" ShowElement Datalist = "datalist" ShowElement Dd = "dd" ShowElement Del = "del" ShowElement Details = "details" ShowElement Dfn = "dfn" ShowElement Dialog = "dialog" ShowElement Dir = "dir" ShowElement Div = "div" ShowElement Dl = "dl" ShowElement Dt = "dt" ShowElement 'Element = "element" ShowElement Em = "em" ShowElement Embed = "embed" ShowElement Fieldset = "fieldset" ShowElement Figcaption = "figcaption" ShowElement Figure = "figure" ShowElement Font = "font" ShowElement Footer = "footer" ShowElement Form = "form" ShowElement Frame = "frame" ShowElement Frameset = "frameset" ShowElement H1 = "h1" ShowElement H2 = "h2" ShowElement H3 = "h3" ShowElement H4 = "h4" ShowElement H5 = "h5" ShowElement H6 = "h6" ShowElement Head = "head" ShowElement Header = "header" ShowElement Hgroup = "hgroup" ShowElement Hr = "hr" ShowElement Html = "html" ShowElement I = "i" ShowElement Iframe = "iframe" ShowElement Image = "image" ShowElement Img = "img" ShowElement Input = "input" ShowElement Ins = "ins" ShowElement Isindex = "isindex" ShowElement Kbd = "kbd" ShowElement Keygen = "keygen" ShowElement Label = "label" ShowElement Legend = "legend" ShowElement Li = "li" ShowElement Link = "link" ShowElement Listing = "listing" ShowElement Main = "main" ShowElement Map = "map" ShowElement Mark = "mark" ShowElement Marquee = "marquee" ShowElement Math = "math" ShowElement Menu = "menu" ShowElement Menuitem = "menuitem" ShowElement Meta = "meta" ShowElement Meter = "meter" ShowElement Multicol = "multicol" ShowElement Nav = "nav" ShowElement Nextid = "nextid" ShowElement Nobr = "nobr" ShowElement Noembed = "noembed" ShowElement Noframes = "noframes" ShowElement Noscript = "noscript" ShowElement Object = "object" ShowElement Ol = "ol" ShowElement Optgroup = "optgroup" ShowElement Option = "option" ShowElement Output = "output" ShowElement P = "p" ShowElement Param = "param" ShowElement Picture = "picture" ShowElement Plaintext = "plaintext" ShowElement Pre = "pre" ShowElement Progress = "progress" ShowElement Q = "q" ShowElement Rp = "rp" ShowElement Rt = "rt" ShowElement Rtc = "rtc" ShowElement Ruby = "ruby" ShowElement S = "s" ShowElement Samp = "samp" ShowElement Script = "script" ShowElement Section = "section" ShowElement Select = "select" ShowElement Shadow = "shadow" ShowElement Slot = "slot" ShowElement Small = "small" ShowElement Source = "source" ShowElement Spacer = "spacer" ShowElement Span = "span" ShowElement Strike = "strike" ShowElement Strong = "strong" ShowElement Style = "style" ShowElement Sub = "sub" ShowElement Summary = "summary" ShowElement Sup = "sup" ShowElement Svg = "svg" ShowElement Table = "table" ShowElement Tbody = "tbody" ShowElement Td = "td" ShowElement Template = "template" ShowElement Textarea = "textarea" ShowElement Tfoot = "tfoot" ShowElement Th = "th" ShowElement Thead = "thead" ShowElement Time = "time" ShowElement Title = "title" ShowElement Tr = "tr" ShowElement Track = "track" ShowElement Tt = "tt" ShowElement U = "u" ShowElement Ul = "ul" ShowElement Var = "var" ShowElement Video = "video" ShowElement Wbr = "wbr" ShowElement Xmp = "xmp" type family OpenTag e where OpenTag e = AppendSymbol (AppendSymbol "<" (ShowElement e)) ">" type family CloseTag e where CloseTag e = AppendSymbol (AppendSymbol "" type family CountContent c where CountContent (a # b) = CountContent a + CountContent b CountContent (a > b) = CountContent b CountContent (a :> b) = 1 + CountContent b CountContent () = 0 CountContent _ = 1 -- | Flatten a html tree of elements into a type list of tags. type family ToTypeList a where ToTypeList (Next val nex) = Next (ToTypeList val) (ToTypeList nex) ToTypeList (a # b) = Append (ToTypeList a) (ToTypeList b) ToTypeList (a > ()) = If (HasContent (GetInfo a)) (Open a, Close a) (Open a) ToTypeList (a :> ()) = If (HasContent (GetInfo a)) (OpenAttr a, (Attribute, (EndOfOpen, Close a))) (OpenAttr a, (Attribute, EndOfOpen)) ToTypeList (a > b) = Append (Open a, ToTypeList b) (Close a) ToTypeList (a :> b) = Append (OpenAttr a, (Attribute, (EndOfOpen, ToTypeList b))) (Close a) ToTypeList x = x -- | Append two type lists. type family Append a b where Append (a, b) c = (a, Append b c) Append a b = (a, b) -- | Check whether an element may have content. type family HasContent a where HasContent (ElementInfo _ NoContent _) = False HasContent _ = True -- | Remove omittable and empty tags from a type list of tags. type family PruneTags a where PruneTags ((), a) = PruneTags a PruneTags (a , ()) = PruneTags a PruneTags (Close a, b) = IsOmittable (GetInfo a) (Close a, b) PruneTags (Next a b) = IsOmittableL (Head' (PruneTags a)) (PruneTags a) (Last (PruneTags a)) b PruneTags (a, b) = (a, PruneTags b) PruneTags a = a data Next v nex type family IsOmittableL head val last next where IsOmittableL (OpenAttr head) val (Close last) (Close next) = IsOmittable2 (Open head) val (GetInfo last) (Close next) IsOmittableL (Open head) val (Close last) (Close next) = IsOmittable2 (Open head) val (GetInfo last) (Close next) -- Base case IsOmittableL _head val _last next = val type family IsOmittable2 head list last next where IsOmittable2 (Open head) val (ElementInfo _ _ (LastChildOrFollowedBy (head ': _))) -- last (Close next) = Init val IsOmittable2 (Open head) val (ElementInfo a b (LastChildOrFollowedBy (_ ': xs))) -- last (Close next) = IsOmittable2 (Open head) val (ElementInfo a b (LastChildOrFollowedBy xs)) (Close next) -- Base case IsOmittable2 _head val _last next = val -- | Checks whether a tag is omittable. Sadly, returning a kind Bool -- would make the compiler loop, so we inline the if into the type -- function. type family IsOmittable a b where IsOmittable (ElementInfo _ _ RightOmission) (_,c) = PruneTags c IsOmittable (ElementInfo _ _ (LastChildOrFollowedBy _)) (_,(Close b, c)) = PruneTags (Close b, c) IsOmittable (ElementInfo _ _ (LastChildOrFollowedBy _)) (_,Close b) = Close b IsOmittable (ElementInfo _ _ (LastChildOrFollowedBy '[])) (b,c) = (b, PruneTags c) IsOmittable (ElementInfo _ _ (LastChildOrFollowedBy (x ': _))) (c, (Open x, d)) = PruneTags (Open x, d) IsOmittable (ElementInfo _ _ (LastChildOrFollowedBy (x ': _))) (c, (OpenAttr x, d)) = PruneTags (OpenAttr x, d) IsOmittable (ElementInfo a b (LastChildOrFollowedBy (_ ': xs))) c = IsOmittable (ElementInfo a b (LastChildOrFollowedBy xs)) c IsOmittable _ (c,d) = (c, PruneTags d) -- | Convert tags to type level strings. type family RenderTags a where RenderTags (a, b) = (RenderTags a, RenderTags b) RenderTags (Open a) = Proxy (OpenTag a) RenderTags (OpenAttr a) = Proxy (AppendSymbol "<" (ShowElement a)) RenderTags (Close a) = Proxy (CloseTag a) RenderTags EndOfOpen = Proxy ">" RenderTags a = a -- | Fuse neighbouring type level strings. type family Fuse a where Fuse (Proxy (a :: Symbol), (Proxy (b :: Symbol), c)) = Fuse (Proxy (AppendSymbol a b), c) Fuse (Proxy (a :: Symbol), Proxy (b :: Symbol)) = '[AppendSymbol a b] Fuse (Proxy (a :: Symbol), (b,c)) = a ': Fuse c Fuse (Proxy (a :: Symbol), b) = a ': Fuse b Fuse (Proxy (a :: Symbol)) = '[a] Fuse (a, b) = "" ': Fuse b Fuse a = '[""] type family Drop n xs :: [Symbol] where Drop 0 xs = xs Drop 1 (_ ': xs) = xs Drop 2 (_ ': _ ': xs) = xs Drop 3 (_ ': _ ': _ ': xs) = xs Drop 4 (_ ': _ ': _ ': _ ': xs) = xs Drop n (_ ': _ ': _ ': _ ': _ ': xs) = Drop (n-5) xs type family Take n xs :: [Symbol] where Take 0 _ = '[] Take 1 (x1 ': _) = '[x1] Take 2 (x1 ': x2 ': _) = [x1,x2] Take 3 (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': _) = [x1,x2,x3] Take 4 (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': _) = [x1,x2,x3,x4] Take n (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': xs) = x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': Take (n-5) xs -- | Init for type level lists. type family Init xs where Init (a, (b, (c, d))) = (a, (b, Init (c, d))) Init (a, (b,c)) = (a, b) Init (a, b) = a Init a = a -- | Last for type level lists. type family Last a where Last (a, (b, (c, d))) = Last d Last (a, (b, c)) = c Last (a, b) = b Last a = a -- | Last for type level lists. type family Last' (xs :: [Symbol]) where Last' (_ ': _ ': _ ': _ ': x ': xs) = Last' (x ': xs) Last' (_ ': _ ': _ ': x ': xs) = x Last' (_ ': _ ': x ': xs) = x Last' (_ ': x ': xs) = x Last' (x ': xs) = x Last' _ = "" -- | Head for type level lists. type family Head' a where Head' (a, as) = a Head' a = a type family HeadL a :: Symbol where HeadL (a ': _) = a -- | Utility types. data EndOfOpen data Open (a :: Element) data OpenAttr (a :: Element) data Close (a :: Element) -- | Type of type level information about tags. data ElementInfo (contentCategories :: [ContentCategory]) (permittedContent :: ContentCategory) (tagOmission :: TagOmission) -- | Kind describing whether it is valid to delete a closing tag. data TagOmission = NoOmission | RightOmission | LastChildOrFollowedBy [Element] type family TestPaternity a b c :: Bool where TestPaternity a (ElementInfo _ ps _) (ElementInfo cs _ _) = CheckContentCategory ps (a ': cs) type family CheckContentCategory (a :: ContentCategory) (b :: [ContentCategory]) :: Bool where CheckContentCategory (a :|: b) c = CheckContentCategory a c || CheckContentCategory b c CheckContentCategory (a :&: b) c = CheckContentCategory a c && CheckContentCategory b c CheckContentCategory (NOT a) c = Not (CheckContentCategory a c) CheckContentCategory a c = Elem a c -- | Check whether a given element may contain a string. type family CheckString (a :: Element) where CheckString a = If (TestPaternity OnlyText (GetInfo a) (ElementInfo '[FlowContent, PhrasingContent] NoContent NoOmission)) (() :: Constraint) (TypeError (ShowType a :<>: Text " can't contain a string")) -- | Content categories according to the html spec. data ContentCategory = MetadataContent | FlowContent | SectioningContent | HeadingContent | PhrasingContent | EmbeddedContent | InteractiveContent | FormAssociatedContent | TransparentContent | PalpableContent | SectioningRoot | (:|:) ContentCategory ContentCategory | (:&:) ContentCategory ContentCategory | NOT ContentCategory | NoContent | OnlyText | SingleElement Element infixr 2 :|: infixr 3 :&: type family MaybeTypeError (a :: Element) (b :: Element) c where MaybeTypeError a b c = If c (() :: Constraint) (TypeError (ShowType b :<>: Text " is not a valid child of " :<>: ShowType a)) type family Elem (a :: ContentCategory) (xs :: [ContentCategory]) where Elem a (a : xs) = True Elem a (_ : xs) = Elem a xs Elem a '[] = False newtype Tagged (proxies :: [Symbol]) target (next :: *) = Tagged target type Symbols a = Fuse (RenderTags (PruneTags (ToTypeList a))) -- | Retrieve type level meta data about elements. type family GetInfo a where GetInfo DOCTYPE = ElementInfo '[] NoContent RightOmission GetInfo A = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, InteractiveContent, PalpableContent ] (TransparentContent :|: FlowContent :&: NOT InteractiveContent :|: PhrasingContent) NoOmission GetInfo Abbr = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, PalpableContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo Address = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PalpableContent ] (FlowContent :&: NOT (HeadingContent :|: SectioningContent :|: SingleElement Address :|: SingleElement Header :|: SingleElement Footer)) NoOmission GetInfo Area = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ] NoContent RightOmission GetInfo Article = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, SectioningContent, PalpableContent ] FlowContent NoOmission GetInfo Aside = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, SectioningContent, PalpableContent ] FlowContent NoOmission GetInfo Audio = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, EmbeddedContent, InteractiveContent, PalpableContent ] (SingleElement Source :|: SingleElement Track :|: TransparentContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Audio :|: SingleElement Video)) NoOmission GetInfo B = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, PalpableContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo Base = ElementInfo '[ MetadataContent ] NoContent RightOmission GetInfo Bdi = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, PalpableContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo Bdo = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, PalpableContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo Blockquote = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, SectioningRoot, PalpableContent ] FlowContent NoOmission GetInfo Body = ElementInfo '[ SectioningRoot ] FlowContent NoOmission -- complicated exceptions GetInfo Br = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ] NoContent RightOmission GetInfo Button = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, InteractiveContent, PalpableContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo Canvas = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, EmbeddedContent, PalpableContent ] (TransparentContent :&: NOT InteractiveContent :|: SingleElement A :|: SingleElement Button :|: SingleElement Input) NoOmission GetInfo Caption = ElementInfo '[] FlowContent NoOmission GetInfo Cite = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, PalpableContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo Code = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, PalpableContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo Col = ElementInfo '[] NoContent RightOmission GetInfo Colgroup = ElementInfo '[] (SingleElement Col) NoOmission -- complicated rules GetInfo Data = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, PalpableContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo Datalist = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ] (PhrasingContent :|: SingleElement Option) NoOmission GetInfo Dd = ElementInfo '[] FlowContent (LastChildOrFollowedBy '[Dd]) GetInfo Del = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ] TransparentContent NoOmission GetInfo Details = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, SectioningRoot, InteractiveContent, PalpableContent ] ( SingleElement Summary :|: FlowContent) NoOmission GetInfo Dfn = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, PalpableContent ] (PhrasingContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Dfn)) NoOmission GetInfo Dialog = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, SectioningRoot ] FlowContent NoOmission GetInfo Div = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PalpableContent ] (FlowContent :|: SingleElement Dt :|: SingleElement Dd :|: SingleElement Script :|: SingleElement Template) NoOmission GetInfo Dl = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PalpableContent ] (SingleElement Dt :|: SingleElement Dd :|: SingleElement Script :|: SingleElement Template :|: SingleElement Div) NoOmission GetInfo Dt = ElementInfo '[] (FlowContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Header :|: SingleElement Footer :|: SectioningContent :|: HeadingContent)) (LastChildOrFollowedBy '[Dd]) -- really? GetInfo Em = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, PalpableContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo Embed = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, EmbeddedContent, InteractiveContent, PalpableContent ] NoContent RightOmission GetInfo Fieldset = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, SectioningRoot, FormAssociatedContent, PalpableContent ] (SingleElement Legend :|: FlowContent) NoOmission GetInfo Figcaption = ElementInfo '[] FlowContent NoOmission GetInfo Figure = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, SectioningRoot, PalpableContent ] (SingleElement Figcaption :|: FlowContent) NoOmission GetInfo Footer = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PalpableContent ] (FlowContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Footer :|: SingleElement Header)) NoOmission GetInfo Form = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PalpableContent ] (FlowContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Form)) NoOmission GetInfo H1 = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, HeadingContent, PalpableContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo H2 = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, HeadingContent, PalpableContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo H3 = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, HeadingContent, PalpableContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo H4 = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, HeadingContent, PalpableContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo H5 = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, HeadingContent, PalpableContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo H6 = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, HeadingContent, PalpableContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo Head = ElementInfo '[] (MetadataContent :|: SingleElement Title) NoOmission -- complicated GetInfo Header = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PalpableContent ] (FlowContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Header :|: SingleElement Footer)) NoOmission GetInfo Hgroup = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, HeadingContent, PalpableContent ] (SingleElement H1 :|: SingleElement H2 :|: SingleElement H3 :|: SingleElement H4 :|: SingleElement H5 :|: SingleElement H6) NoOmission GetInfo Hr = ElementInfo '[ FlowContent ] NoContent RightOmission GetInfo Html = ElementInfo '[] (SingleElement Head :|: SingleElement Body) NoOmission -- complicated GetInfo I = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, PalpableContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo Iframe = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, EmbeddedContent, InteractiveContent, PalpableContent ] NoContent -- complicated NoOmission GetInfo Img = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, EmbeddedContent, PalpableContent, InteractiveContent ] NoContent RightOmission GetInfo Ins = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ] TransparentContent NoOmission GetInfo Kbd = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, PalpableContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo Label = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, InteractiveContent, FormAssociatedContent, PalpableContent ] (PhrasingContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Label)) NoOmission GetInfo Legend = ElementInfo '[] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo Li = ElementInfo '[] FlowContent (LastChildOrFollowedBy '[Li]) GetInfo Link = ElementInfo [ MetadataContent, FlowContent, PhrasingContent ] NoContent RightOmission GetInfo Main = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PalpableContent ] FlowContent NoOmission GetInfo Map = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, PalpableContent ] TransparentContent NoOmission GetInfo Mark = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, PalpableContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo Menu = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PalpableContent ] (FlowContent :|: SingleElement Li :|: SingleElement Script :|: SingleElement Template :|: SingleElement Menu :|: SingleElement Menuitem :|: SingleElement Hr) NoOmission GetInfo Menuitem = ElementInfo '[] NoContent RightOmission GetInfo Meta = ElementInfo [ MetadataContent, FlowContent, PhrasingContent ] NoContent RightOmission GetInfo Meter = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, PalpableContent ] (PhrasingContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Meter)) NoOmission GetInfo Nav = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, SectioningContent, PalpableContent ] FlowContent NoOmission GetInfo Noscript = ElementInfo [ MetadataContent, FlowContent, PhrasingContent ] (SingleElement Link :|: SingleElement Style :|: SingleElement Meta :|: TransparentContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Noscript) :|: FlowContent :|: PhrasingContent) NoOmission GetInfo Object = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, EmbeddedContent, PalpableContent, InteractiveContent, FormAssociatedContent ] (SingleElement Param :|: TransparentContent) NoOmission GetInfo Ol = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PalpableContent ] (SingleElement Li) NoOmission GetInfo Optgroup = ElementInfo '[] (SingleElement Option) (LastChildOrFollowedBy '[Optgroup]) GetInfo Option = ElementInfo '[] OnlyText (LastChildOrFollowedBy '[Option, Optgroup]) GetInfo Output = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, FormAssociatedContent, PalpableContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo P = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PalpableContent ] PhrasingContent (LastChildOrFollowedBy '[Address, Article, Aside, Blockquote, Div, Dl, Fieldset, Footer, Form, H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, Header, Hr, Menu, Nav, Ol, Pre, Section, Table, Ul, P]) -- And parent isn't GetInfo Param = ElementInfo '[] NoContent RightOmission GetInfo Picture = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, EmbeddedContent ] (SingleElement Source :|: SingleElement Img) NoOmission GetInfo Pre = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PalpableContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo Progress = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, PalpableContent ] (PhrasingContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Progress)) NoOmission GetInfo Q = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, PalpableContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo Rp = ElementInfo '[] OnlyText NoOmission GetInfo Rt = ElementInfo '[] PhrasingContent (LastChildOrFollowedBy '[Rt, Rp]) GetInfo Rtc = ElementInfo '[] (PhrasingContent :|: SingleElement Rt) (LastChildOrFollowedBy '[Rtc, Rt]) GetInfo Ruby = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, PalpableContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo S = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo Samp = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, PalpableContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo Script = ElementInfo [ MetadataContent, FlowContent, PhrasingContent ] OnlyText NoOmission GetInfo Section = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, SectioningContent, PalpableContent ] FlowContent NoOmission GetInfo Select = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, InteractiveContent, FormAssociatedContent ] (SingleElement Option :|: SingleElement Optgroup) NoOmission GetInfo Slot = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ] TransparentContent NoOmission GetInfo Small = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo Source = ElementInfo '[] NoContent RightOmission GetInfo Span = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo Strong = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, PalpableContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo Style = ElementInfo [ MetadataContent, FlowContent ] OnlyText NoOmission GetInfo Sub = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo Summary = ElementInfo '[] (PhrasingContent :|: HeadingContent) NoOmission GetInfo Sup = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo Table = ElementInfo '[FlowContent] (SingleElement Caption :|: SingleElement Colgroup :|: SingleElement Thead :|: SingleElement Tbody :|: SingleElement Tr :|: SingleElement Tfoot) NoOmission GetInfo Tbody = ElementInfo '[] (SingleElement Tr) NoOmission GetInfo Td = ElementInfo '[] FlowContent (LastChildOrFollowedBy '[Th, Td]) GetInfo Template = ElementInfo [ MetadataContent, FlowContent, PhrasingContent ] (MetadataContent :|: FlowContent) -- complicated NoOmission GetInfo Textarea = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, InteractiveContent, FormAssociatedContent ] OnlyText NoOmission GetInfo Tfoot = ElementInfo '[] (SingleElement Tr) (LastChildOrFollowedBy '[]) GetInfo Th = ElementInfo '[] (FlowContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Header :|: SingleElement Footer :|: SectioningContent :|: HeadingContent)) (LastChildOrFollowedBy '[Th, Td]) GetInfo Thead = ElementInfo '[] (SingleElement Tr) (LastChildOrFollowedBy '[Tbody, Tfoot]) -- nearly GetInfo Time = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, PalpableContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo Title = ElementInfo '[ MetadataContent ] OnlyText NoOmission GetInfo Tr = ElementInfo '[] (SingleElement Td :|: SingleElement Th) (LastChildOrFollowedBy '[Tr]) GetInfo Track = ElementInfo '[] NoContent RightOmission GetInfo U = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, PalpableContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo Ul = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PalpableContent ] (SingleElement Li) NoOmission GetInfo Var = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, PalpableContent ] PhrasingContent NoOmission GetInfo Video = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, EmbeddedContent, InteractiveContent, PalpableContent ] (SingleElement Track :|: TransparentContent :&: NOT (SingleElement Audio :|: SingleElement Video) :|: SingleElement Source) NoOmission GetInfo Wbr = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent ] NoContent RightOmission GetInfo _ = ElementInfo [ FlowContent, PhrasingContent, EmbeddedContent, InteractiveContent, PalpableContent ] (FlowContent :|: PhrasingContent :|: EmbeddedContent :|: InteractiveContent :|: PalpableContent) NoOmission