{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unticked-promoted-constructors #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Html.Type.Internal where import GHC.TypeLits import GHC.Exts (Constraint) import Data.Proxy import Data.Type.Bool import Data.ByteString (ByteString) -- | -- = Type level modelling of html -- The following types and docs are from the following source: -- [2020-10-16] https://html.spec.whatwg.org/ Copyright © WHATWG -- HTML - Living Standard -- (Apple, Google, Mozilla, Microsoft). This work is licensed under a -- Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License -- | \ 3 Semantics. structure, and APIs of HTML documents -- 3.2 Elements -- 3.2.5 Content models data ContentCategory = OnlyText | (:|:) ContentCategory ContentCategory | (:&:) ContentCategory ContentCategory | NOT ContentCategory | Elements [Symbol] -- | \ The "nothing" content model | None -- | \ Kinds of content -- Metadata content | Metadata -- | \ Flow content | Flow -- | \ Sectioning content | Sectioning -- | \ Heading content | Heading -- | \ Phrasing content | Phrasing -- | \ Embedded content | Embedded -- | \ Interactive content | Interactive -- | \ Palpable content | Palpable -- | \ Script-supporting elements | Scripting -- | 4 The elements of HTML data Element (name :: Symbol) (categories :: [ContentCategory]) (contentModel :: ContentCategory) (contentAttributes :: [Symbol]) where DOCTYPE :: Element "!DOCTYPE html" '[] None '[] -- | \ 4.1 The document element -- 4.1.1 Html :: Element "html" '[] -- A head element followed by a body element. (Elements ["head", "body"]) (ManifestA & '[]) -- | \ 4.2 Document metadata -- 4.2.1 Head :: Element "head" '[] -- If the document is an iframe srcdoc document or if title -- information is available from a higher-level protocol: Zero or -- more elements of metadata content, of which no more than one is -- a title element and no more than one is a base -- element. Otherwise: One or more elements of metadata content, -- of which exactly one is a title element and no more than one is -- a base element. Metadata '[] -- | \ 4.2.2 Title :: Element "title" '[Metadata] -- Text that is not inter-element whitespace. OnlyText '[] -- | \ 4.2.3 Base :: Element "base" '[Metadata] None (HrefA & TargetA & '[]) -- | \ 4.2.4 Link :: Element "link" '[Metadata, Flow, Phrasing] None (HrefA & CrossoriginA & RelA & MediaA & IntegrityA & HreflangA & TypeA & ReferrerpolicyA & SizesA & ImagesrcsetA & ImagesizesA & AsA & RelA & ColorA & DisabledA & '[]) -- | \ 4.2.5 Meta :: Element "meta" '[Metadata, Flow, Phrasing] None (NameA & HttpEquivA & ContentA & CharsetA & '[]) -- | \ 4.2.6 Style :: Element "style" '[Metadata] -- Text that gives a conformant style sheet. OnlyText (MediaA & '[]) -- | \ 4.3 Sections -- 4.3.1 Body :: Element "body" '[] Flow (OnafterprintA & OnbeforeprintA & OnbeforeunloadA & OnhashchangeA & OnlanguagechangeA & OnmessageA & OnmessageerrorA & OnofflineA & OnonlineA & OnpagehideA & OnpageshowA & OnpopstateA & OnrejectionhandledA & OnstorageA & OnunhandledrejectionA & OnunloadA & '[]) -- | \ 4.3.2 Article :: Element "article" '[Flow, Sectioning, Palpable] Flow '[] -- | \ 4.3.3 Section :: Element "section" '[Flow, Sectioning, Palpable] Flow '[] -- | \ 4.3.4 Nav :: Element "nav" '[Flow, Sectioning, Palpable] Flow '[] -- | \ 4.3.5 Aside :: Element "aside" '[Flow, Sectioning, Palpable] Flow '[] -- | \ 4.3.6 H1 :: Element "h1" '[Flow, Heading, Palpable] Phrasing '[] H2 :: Element "h2" '[Flow, Heading, Palpable] Phrasing '[] H3 :: Element "h3" '[Flow, Heading, Palpable] Phrasing '[] H4 :: Element "h4" '[Flow, Heading, Palpable] Phrasing '[] H5 :: Element "h5" '[Flow, Heading, Palpable] Phrasing '[] H6 :: Element "h6" '[Flow, Heading, Palpable] Phrasing '[] -- | \ 4.3.7 Hgroup :: Element "hgroup" '[Flow, Heading, Palpable] ((Heading :&: NOT (Elements '["hgroup"])) :|: Scripting) '[] -- | \ 4.3.8 Header :: Element "header" '[Flow, Palpable] -- Flow content, but with no header or footer element descendants. (Flow :&: NOT (Elements ["header", "footer"])) '[] -- | \ 4.3.9 Footer :: Element "footer" '[Flow, Palpable] -- Flow content, but with no header or footer element descendants. (Flow :&: NOT (Elements ["header", "footer"])) '[] -- | \ 4.3.10 Address :: Element "address" '[Flow, Palpable] -- Flow content, but with no heading content descendants, no -- sectioning content descendants, and no header, footer, or -- address element descendants. (Flow :&: NOT (Heading :|: Sectioning :|: Elements ["header", "footer", "address"])) '[] -- | \ 4.4 Grouping content -- 4.4.1 P :: Element "p" '[Flow, Palpable] Phrasing '[] -- | \ 4.4.2 Hr :: Element "hr" '[Flow] None '[] -- | \ 4.4.3 Pre :: Element "pre" '[Flow, Palpable] Phrasing '[] -- | \ 4.4.4 Blockquote :: Element "blockquote" '[Flow, Palpable] Flow (CiteA & '[]) -- | \ 4.4.5 Ol :: Element "ol" '[Flow, Palpable] (Elements '["li"] :|: Scripting) (ReversedA & StartA & TypeA & '[]) -- | \ 4.4.6 Ul :: Element "ul" '[Flow, Palpable] (Elements '["li"] :|: Scripting) '[] -- | \ 4.4.7 Menu :: Element "menu" '[Flow, Palpable] (Elements '["li"] :|: Scripting) '[] -- | \ 4.4.8 Li :: Element "li" '[] Flow (ValueA & '[]) -- | \ 4.4.9 Dl :: Element "dl" '[Flow, Palpable] (Elements ["dt", "dd", "div"] :|: Scripting) '[] -- | \ 4.4.10 Dt :: Element "dt" '[] (Flow :&: NOT (Sectioning :|: Heading :|: Elements ["header", "footer"])) '[] -- | \ 4.4.11 Dd :: Element "dd" '[] Flow '[] -- | \ 4.4.12 Figure :: Element "figure" '[Flow, Palpable] -- Either: one figcaption element followed by flow content. Or: -- flow content followed by one figcaption element. Or: flow -- content. (Flow :|: Elements '["figcaption"]) '[] -- | \ 4.4.13 Figcaption :: Element "figcaption" '[] Flow '[] -- | \ 4.4.14 Main :: Element "main" '[Flow, Palpable] Flow '[] -- | \ 4.4.15 Div :: Element "div" '[Flow, Palpable] -- If the element is a child of a dl element: one or more dt -- elements followed by one or more dd elements, optionally -- intermixed with script-supporting elements. If the element is -- not a child of a dl element: flow content. (Flow :|: Elements ["dt", "dt"] :|: Scripting) '[] -- | \ 4.5 Text-level semantics -- 4.5.1 A :: Element "a" '[Flow, Phrasing, Interactive, Palpable] -- Transparent, but there must be no interactive content -- descendant, a element descendant, or descendant with the -- tabindex attribute specified. ((Flow :|: Phrasing :|: Palpable) :&: NOT (Elements '["a"])) (HrefA & TargetA & DownloadA & PingA & RelA & HreflangA & TypeA & ReferrerpolicyA & '[]) -- | \ 4.5.2 Em :: Element "em" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] Phrasing '[] -- | \ 4.5.3 Strong :: Element "strong" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] Phrasing '[] -- | \ 4.5.4 Small :: Element "small" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] Phrasing '[] -- | \ 4.5.5 S :: Element "s" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] Phrasing '[] -- | \ 4.5.6 Cite :: Element "cite" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] Phrasing '[] -- | \ 4.5.7 Q :: Element "q" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] Phrasing (CiteA & '[]) -- | \ 4.5.8 Dfn :: Element "dfn" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] (Phrasing :&: NOT (Elements '["dfn"])) '[] -- | \ 4.5.9 Abbr :: Element "abbr" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] Phrasing '[] -- | \ 4.5.10 Ruby :: Element "ruby" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] (Phrasing :|: Elements ["rt", "rp"]) '[] -- | \ 4.5.11 Rt :: Element "rt" '[] Phrasing '[] -- | \ 4.5.12 Rp :: Element "rp" '[] OnlyText '[] -- | \ 4.5.13 Data :: Element "data" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] Phrasing (ValueA & '[]) -- | \ 4.5.14 Time :: Element "time" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] Phrasing (DatetimeA & '[]) -- | \ 4.5.15 Code :: Element "code" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] Phrasing '[] -- | \ 4.5.16 Var :: Element "var" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] Phrasing '[] -- | \ 4.5.17 Samp :: Element "samp" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] Phrasing '[] -- | \ 4.5.18 Kbd :: Element "kbd" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] Phrasing '[] -- | \ 4.5.19 Sub :: Element "sub" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] Phrasing '[] Sup :: Element "sup" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] Phrasing '[] -- | \ 4.5.20 I :: Element "i" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] Phrasing '[] -- | \ 4.5.21 B :: Element "b" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] Phrasing '[] -- | \ 4.5.22 U :: Element "u" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] Phrasing '[] -- | \ 4.5.23 Mark :: Element "mark" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] Phrasing '[] -- | \ 4.5.24 Bdi :: Element "bdi" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] Phrasing '[] -- | \ 4.5.25 Bdo :: Element "bdo" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] Phrasing '[] -- | \ 4.5.26 Span :: Element "span" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] Phrasing '[] -- | \ 4.5.27 Br :: Element "br" '[Flow, Phrasing] None '[] -- | \ 4.5.28 Wbr :: Element "wbr" '[Flow, Phrasing] None '[] -- | \ 4.7 Edits -- 4.7.1 Ins :: Element "ins" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] (Flow :|: Phrasing :|: Palpable) (CiteA & DatetimeA & '[]) -- | \ 4.7.2 Del :: Element "del" '[Flow, Phrasing] (Flow :|: Phrasing) (CiteA & DatetimeA & '[]) -- | \ 4.8 Embedded content -- 4.8.1 Picture :: Element "picture" '[Flow, Phrasing, Embedded] (Elements ["source", "img"] :|: Scripting) '[] -- | \ 4.8.2 Source :: Element "source" '[] None (SrcA & TypeA & SrcsetA & SizesA & MediaA & '[]) -- | \ 4.8.3 Img :: Element "img" '[Flow, Phrasing, Embedded, Interactive, Palpable] None (AltA & SrcA & SrcsetA & SizesA & CrossoriginA & UsemapA & IsmapA & WidthA & HeightA & ReferrerpolicyA & DecodingA & LoadingA & '[]) -- | \ 4.8.5 Iframe :: Element "iframe" '[Flow, Phrasing, Embedded, Interactive, Palpable] None (SrcA & SrcdocA & NameA & SandboxA & AllowA & AllowfullscreenA & WidthA & HeightA & ReferrerpolicyA & LoadingA & '[]) -- | \ 4.8.6 Embed :: Element "embed" '[Flow, Phrasing, Embedded, Interactive, Palpable] None (SrcA & TypeA & WidthA & HeightA & '[]) -- | \ 4.8.7 Object :: Element "object" '[Flow, Phrasing, Embedded, Interactive, Palpable] (Elements '["param"] :|: Flow :|: Phrasing :|: Embedded :|: Interactive :|: Palpable) (DataA & TypeA & NameA & UsemapA & FormA & WidthA & HeightA & '[]) -- | \ 4.8.8 Param :: Element "param" '[] None (NameA & ValueA & '[]) -- | \ 4.8.9 Video :: Element "video" '[Flow, Phrasing, Embedded, Interactive, Palpable] ((Elements ["track", "source"] :|: Flow :|: Phrasing :|: Embedded :|: Interactive :|: Palpable) :&: NOT (Elements ["audio", "video"])) (SrcA & CrossoriginA & PosterA & PreloadA & AutoplayA & PlaysinlineA & LoopA & MutedA & ControlsA & WidthA & HeightA & '[]) -- | \ 4.8.10 Audio :: Element "audio" '[Flow, Phrasing, Embedded, Interactive, Palpable] ((Elements ["track", "source"] :|: Flow :|: Phrasing :|: Embedded :|: Interactive :|: Palpable) :&: NOT (Elements ["audio", "video"])) (SrcA & CrossoriginA & PreloadA & AutoplayA & LoopA & MutedA & ControlsA & '[]) -- | \ 4.8.11 Track :: Element "track" '[] None (KindA & SrcA & SrclangA & LabelA & DefaultA & '[]) -- | \ 4.8.13 Map :: Element "map" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] (Flow :|: Phrasing :|: Palpable) (NameA & '[]) -- | \ 4.8.14 Area :: Element "area" '[Flow, Phrasing] None (AltA & CoordsA & ShapeA & HrefA & TargetA & DownloadA & PingA & RelA & ReferrerpolicyA & '[]) -- | \ 4.9 Tabular data -- 4.9.1 Table :: Element "table" '[Flow, Palpable] (Elements ["caption", "colgroup", "thead", "tbody", "tr", "tfoot"] :|: Scripting) '[] -- | \ 4.9.2 Caption :: Element "caption" '[] (Flow :|: NOT (Elements '["table"])) '[] -- | \ 4.9.3 Colgroup :: Element "colgroup" '[] (Elements ["col", "template"]) (SpanA & '[]) -- | \ 4.9.4 Col :: Element "col" '[] None (SpanA & '[]) -- | \ 4.9.5 Tbody :: Element "tbody" '[] (Elements '["tr"] :|: Scripting) '[] -- | \ 4.9.6 Thead :: Element "thead" '[] (Elements '["tr"] :|: Scripting) '[] -- | \ 4.9.7 Tfoot :: Element "tfoot" '[] (Elements '["tr"] :|: Scripting) '[] -- | \ 4.9.8 Tr :: Element "tr" '[] (Elements ["td", "th"] :|: Scripting) '[] -- | \ 4.9.9 Td :: Element "td" '[] Flow (ColspanA & RowspanA & HeadersA & '[]) -- | \ 4.9.10 Th :: Element "th" '[] (Flow :&: NOT (Elements ["header", "footer"] :|: Sectioning :|: Heading)) (ColspanA & RowspanA & HeadersA & ScopeA & AbbrA & '[]) -- | \ 4.10 Forms -- 4.10.3 Form :: Element "form" '[Flow, Palpable] (Flow :&: NOT (Elements '["form"])) (AcceptCharsetA & ActionA & AutocompleteA & EnctypeA & MethodA & NameA & NovalidateA & TargetA & RelA & '[]) -- | \ 4.10.4 Label :: Element "label" '[Flow, Phrasing, Interactive, Palpable] (Phrasing :&: NOT (Elements '["label"])) (ForA & '[]) -- | \ 4.10.5 Input :: Element "input" '[Flow, Phrasing, Interactive, Palpable] None (AcceptA & AltA & AutocompleteA & CheckedA & DirnameA & DisabledA & FormA & FormactionA & FormenctypeA & FormmethodA & FormnovalidateA & FormtargetA & HeightA & ListA & MaxA & MaxlengthA & MinA & MinlengthA & MultipleA & NameA & PatternA & PlaceholderA & ReadonlyA & RequiredA & SizeA & SrcA & StepA & TypeA & ValueA & WidthA & '[]) -- | \ 4.10.6 Button :: Element "button" '[Flow, Phrasing, Interactive, Palpable] (Phrasing :&: NOT Interactive) (DisabledA & FormA & FormactionA & FormenctypeA & FormmethodA & FormnovalidateA & FormtargetA & NameA & TypeA & ValueA & '[]) -- | \ 4.10.7 Select :: Element "select" '[Flow, Phrasing, Interactive, Palpable] (Elements ["option", "optgroup"] :|: Scripting) (AutocompleteA & DisabledA & FormA & MultipleA & NameA & RequiredA & SizeA & '[]) -- | \ 4.10.8 Datalist :: Element "datalist" '[Flow, Phrasing] (Phrasing :|: Scripting :|: Elements '["option"]) '[] -- | \ 4.10.9 Optgroup :: Element "optgroup" '[] (Elements '["option"] :|: Scripting) (DisabledA & LabelA & '[]) -- | \ 4.10.10 Option :: Element "option" '[] OnlyText (DisabledA & LabelA & SelectedA & ValueA & '[]) -- | \ 4.10.11 Textarea :: Element "textarea" '[Flow, Phrasing, Interactive, Palpable] OnlyText (AutocompleteA & ColsA & DirnameA & DisabledA & FormA & MaxlengthA & MinlengthA & NameA & PlaceholderA & ReadonlyA & RequiredA & RowsA & WrapA & '[]) -- | \ 4.10.12 Output :: Element "output" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] Phrasing (ForA & FormA & NameA & '[]) -- | \ 4.10.13 Progress :: Element "progress" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] (Phrasing :&: NOT (Elements '["progress"])) (ValueA & MaxA & '[]) -- | \ 4.10.14 Meter :: Element "meter" '[Flow, Phrasing, Palpable] (Phrasing :&: NOT (Elements '["meter"])) (ValueA & MinA & MaxA & LowA & HighA & OptimumA & '[]) -- | \ 4.10.15 Fieldset :: Element "fieldset" '[Flow, Palpable] (Elements '["legend"] :|: Flow) (DisabledA & FormA & NameA & '[]) -- | \ 4.10.16 Legend :: Element "legend" '[] (Phrasing :|: Heading) '[] -- | \ 4.11 Interactive elements -- 4.11.1 Details :: Element "details" '[Flow, Interactive, Palpable] (Elements '["summary"] :|: Flow) (OpenA & '[]) -- | \ 4.11.2 Summary :: Element "summary" '[] (Phrasing :|: Heading) '[] -- | \ 4.11.4 Dialog :: Element "dialog" '[Flow] Flow (OpenA & '[]) -- | \ 4.12 Scripting -- 4.12.1 Script :: Element "script" '[Metadata, Flow, Phrasing, Scripting] OnlyText (SrcA & TypeA & NomoduleA & AsyncA & DeferA & CrossoriginA & IntegrityA & ReferrerpolicyA & '[]) -- | \ 4.12.2 Noscript :: Element "noscript" '[Metadata, Flow, Phrasing] ((Elements ["link", "style", "meta"] :|: Metadata :|: Flow :|: Phrasing) :&: NOT (Elements '["noscript"])) '[] -- | \ 4.12.3 Template :: Element "template" '[Metadata, Flow, Phrasing, Scripting] (Metadata :|: Flow :|: Sectioning :|: Heading :|: Phrasing :|: Palpable) '[] -- | \ 4.12.4 Slot :: Element "slot" '[Flow, Phrasing] (Flow :|: Phrasing) (NameA & '[]) -- | \ 4.12.5 Canvas :: Element "canvas" '[Flow, Phrasing, Embedded, Palpable] (((Flow :|: Phrasing :|: Embedded :|: Palpable) :&: NOT Interactive) :|: Elements ["a", "img", "button", "input", "select"]) (WidthA & HeightA & '[]) -- | \ 4.13 Custom elements CustomElement :: Element name categories contentModel contentAttributes data Attribute name global boolean where CustomA :: Attribute name global boolean -- List of attributes (excluding event handler content attributes) AbbrA :: Attribute "abbr" False False AcceptA :: Attribute "accept" False False AcceptCharsetA :: Attribute "accept-charset" False False AccesskeyA :: Attribute "accesskey" True False ActionA :: Attribute "action" False False AllowA :: Attribute "allow" False False AllowfullscreenA :: Attribute "allowfullscreen" False True AltA :: Attribute "alt" False False AsA :: Attribute "as" False False AsyncA :: Attribute "async" False True AutocapitalizeA :: Attribute "autocapitalize" True False AutocompleteA :: Attribute "autocomplete" False False AutofocusA :: Attribute "autofocus" True True AutoplayA :: Attribute "autoplay" False True CharsetA :: Attribute "charset" False False CheckedA :: Attribute "checked" False True CiteA :: Attribute "cite" False False ClassA :: Attribute "class" True False ColorA :: Attribute "color" False False ColsA :: Attribute "cols" False False ColspanA :: Attribute "colspan" False False ContentA :: Attribute "content" False False ContenteditableA :: Attribute "contenteditable" True False ControlsA :: Attribute "controls" False True CoordsA :: Attribute "coords" False False CrossoriginA :: Attribute "crossorigin" False False DataA :: Attribute "data" False False DatetimeA :: Attribute "datetime" False False DecodingA :: Attribute "decoding" False False DefaultA :: Attribute "default" False True DeferA :: Attribute "defer" False True DirA :: Attribute "dir" True False DirnameA :: Attribute "dirname" False False DisabledA :: Attribute "disabled" False True DownloadA :: Attribute "download" False False DraggableA :: Attribute "draggable" True False EnctypeA :: Attribute "enctype" False False EnterkeyhintA :: Attribute "enterkeyhint" True False ForA :: Attribute "for" False False FormA :: Attribute "form" False False FormactionA :: Attribute "formaction" False False FormenctypeA :: Attribute "formenctype" False False FormmethodA :: Attribute "formmethod" False False FormnovalidateA :: Attribute "formnovalidate" False True FormtargetA :: Attribute "formtarget" False False HeadersA :: Attribute "headers" False False HeightA :: Attribute "height" False False HiddenA :: Attribute "hidden" True True HighA :: Attribute "high" False False HrefA :: Attribute "href" False False HreflangA :: Attribute "hreflang" False False HttpEquivA :: Attribute "httpEquiv" False False IdA :: Attribute "id" True False ImagesizesA :: Attribute "imagesizes" False False ImagesrcsetA :: Attribute "imagesrcset" False False InputmodeA :: Attribute "inputmode" True False IntegrityA :: Attribute "integrity" False False IsA :: Attribute "is" True False IsmapA :: Attribute "ismap" False True ItemidA :: Attribute "itemid" True False ItempropA :: Attribute "itemprop" True False ItemrefA :: Attribute "itemref" True False ItemscopeA :: Attribute "itemscope" True True ItemtypeA :: Attribute "itemtype" True False KindA :: Attribute "kind" False False LabelA :: Attribute "label" False False LangA :: Attribute "lang" True False ListA :: Attribute "list" False False LoadingA :: Attribute "loading" False False LoopA :: Attribute "loop" False True LowA :: Attribute "low" False False ManifestA :: Attribute "manifest" False False MaxA :: Attribute "max" False False MaxlengthA :: Attribute "maxlength" False False MediaA :: Attribute "media" False False MethodA :: Attribute "method" False False MinA :: Attribute "min" False False MinlengthA :: Attribute "minlength" False False MultipleA :: Attribute "multiple" False True MutedA :: Attribute "muted" False True NameA :: Attribute "name" False False NomoduleA :: Attribute "nomodule" False True NonceA :: Attribute "nonce" True False NovalidateA :: Attribute "novalidate" False True OpenA :: Attribute "open" False True OptimumA :: Attribute "optimum" False False PatternA :: Attribute "pattern" False False PingA :: Attribute "ping" False False PlaceholderA :: Attribute "placeholder" False False PlaysinlineA :: Attribute "playsinline" False True PosterA :: Attribute "poster" False False PreloadA :: Attribute "preload" False False ReadonlyA :: Attribute "readonly" False True ReferrerpolicyA :: Attribute "referrerpolicy" False False RelA :: Attribute "rel" False False RequiredA :: Attribute "required" False True ReversedA :: Attribute "reversed" False True RowsA :: Attribute "rows" False False RowspanA :: Attribute "rowspan" False False SandboxA :: Attribute "sandbox" False False ScopeA :: Attribute "scope" False False SelectedA :: Attribute "selected" False True ShapeA :: Attribute "shape" False False SizeA :: Attribute "size" False False SizesA :: Attribute "sizes" False False SlotA :: Attribute "slot" True False SpanA :: Attribute "span" False False SpellcheckA :: Attribute "spellcheck" True False SrcA :: Attribute "src" False False SrcdocA :: Attribute "srcdoc" False False SrclangA :: Attribute "srclang" False False SrcsetA :: Attribute "srcset" False False StartA :: Attribute "start" False False StepA :: Attribute "step" False False StyleA :: Attribute "style" True False TabindexA :: Attribute "tabindex" True False TargetA :: Attribute "target" False False TitleA :: Attribute "title" True False TranslateA :: Attribute "translate" True False TypeA :: Attribute "type" False False UsemapA :: Attribute "usemap" False False ValueA :: Attribute "value" False False WidthA :: Attribute "width" False False WrapA :: Attribute "wrap" False False -- List of event handler content attributes OnabortA :: Attribute "onabort" True False OnauxclickA :: Attribute "onauxclick" True False OnafterprintA :: Attribute "onafterprint" False False OnbeforeprintA :: Attribute "onbeforeprint" False False OnbeforeunloadA :: Attribute "onbeforeunload" False False OnblurA :: Attribute "onblur" True False OncancelA :: Attribute "oncancel" True False OncanplayA :: Attribute "oncanplay" True False OncanplaythroughA :: Attribute "oncanplaythrough" True False OnchangeA :: Attribute "onchange" True False OnclickA :: Attribute "onclick" True False OncloseA :: Attribute "onclose" True False OncontextmenuA :: Attribute "oncontextmenu" True False OncopyA :: Attribute "oncopy" True False OncuechangeA :: Attribute "oncuechange" True False OncutA :: Attribute "oncut" True False OndblclickA :: Attribute "ondblclick" True False OndragA :: Attribute "ondrag" True False OndragendA :: Attribute "ondragend" True False OndragenterA :: Attribute "ondragenter" True False OndragleaveA :: Attribute "ondragleave" True False OndragoverA :: Attribute "ondragover" True False OndragstartA :: Attribute "ondragstart" True False OndropA :: Attribute "ondrop" True False OndurationchangeA :: Attribute "ondurationchange" True False OnemptiedA :: Attribute "onemptied" True False OnendedA :: Attribute "onended" True False OnerrorA :: Attribute "onerror" True False OnfocusA :: Attribute "onfocus" True False OnformdataA :: Attribute "onformdata" True False OnhashchangeA :: Attribute "onhashchange" False False OninputA :: Attribute "oninput" True False OninvalidA :: Attribute "oninvalid" True False OnkeydownA :: Attribute "onkeydown" True False OnkeypressA :: Attribute "onkeypress" True False OnkeyupA :: Attribute "onkeyup" True False OnlanguagechangeA :: Attribute "onlanguagechange" False False OnloadA :: Attribute "onload" True False OnloadeddataA :: Attribute "onloadeddata" True False OnloadedmetadataA :: Attribute "onloadedmetadata" True False OnloadstartA :: Attribute "onloadstart" True False OnmessageA :: Attribute "onmessage" False False OnmessageerrorA :: Attribute "onmessageerror" False False OnmousedownA :: Attribute "onmousedown" True False OnmouseenterA :: Attribute "onmouseenter" True False OnmouseleaveA :: Attribute "onmouseleave" True False OnmousemoveA :: Attribute "onmousemove" True False OnmouseoutA :: Attribute "onmouseout" True False OnmouseoverA :: Attribute "onmouseover" True False OnmouseupA :: Attribute "onmouseup" True False OnofflineA :: Attribute "onoffline" False False OnonlineA :: Attribute "ononline" False False OnpagehideA :: Attribute "onpagehide" False False OnpageshowA :: Attribute "onpageshow" False False OnpasteA :: Attribute "onpaste" True False OnpauseA :: Attribute "onpause" True False OnplayA :: Attribute "onplay" True False OnplayingA :: Attribute "onplaying" True False OnpopstateA :: Attribute "onpopstate" False False OnprogressA :: Attribute "onprogress" True False OnratechangeA :: Attribute "onratechange" True False OnresetA :: Attribute "onreset" True False OnresizeA :: Attribute "onresize" True False OnrejectionhandledA :: Attribute "onrejectionhandled" False False OnscrollA :: Attribute "onscroll" True False OnsecuritypolicyviolationA :: Attribute "onsecuritypolicyviolation" True False OnseekedA :: Attribute "onseeked" True False OnseekingA :: Attribute "onseeking" True False OnselectA :: Attribute "onselect" True False OnslotchangeA :: Attribute "onslotchange" True False OnstalledA :: Attribute "onstalled" True False OnstorageA :: Attribute "onstorage" False False OnsubmitA :: Attribute "onsubmit" True False OnsuspendA :: Attribute "onsuspend" True False OntimeupdateA :: Attribute "ontimeupdate" True False OntoggleA :: Attribute "ontoggle" True False OnunhandledrejectionA :: Attribute "onunhandledrejection" False False OnunloadA :: Attribute "onunload" False False OnvolumechangeA :: Attribute "onvolumechange" True False OnwaitingA :: Attribute "onwaiting" True False OnwheelA :: Attribute "onwheel" True False -- [2020-11-03] ARIA https://w3c.github.io/aria/#states_and_properties RoleA :: Attribute "role" True False -- 6.7 Definitios of States and Properties (all aria-* attributes) AriaActivedescendantA :: Attribute "aria-activedescendant" True False AriaAtomicA :: Attribute "aria-atomic" True False AriaAutocompleteA :: Attribute "aria-autocomplete" True False AriaBraillelableA :: Attribute "aria-braillelable" True False AriaBrailleroledescriptionA :: Attribute "aria-brailleroledescription" True False AriaBusyA :: Attribute "aria-busy" True False AriaCheckedA :: Attribute "aria-checked" True False AriaColcountA :: Attribute "aria-colcount" True False AriaColindexA :: Attribute "aria-colindex" True False AriaColindextextA :: Attribute "aria-colindextext" True False AriaColspanA :: Attribute "aria-colspan" True False AriaControlsA :: Attribute "aria-controls" True False AriaCurrentA :: Attribute "aria-current" True False AriaDescribedbyA :: Attribute "aria-describedby" True False AriaDescriptionA :: Attribute "aria-description" True False AriaDetailsA :: Attribute "aria-details" True False AriaDisabledA :: Attribute "aria-disabled" True False AriaDropeffectA :: Attribute "aria-dropeffect" True False AriaErrormessageA :: Attribute "aria-errormessage" True False AriaExpandedA :: Attribute "aria-expanded" True False AriaFlowtoA :: Attribute "aria-flowto" True False AriaGrabbedA :: Attribute "aria-grabbed" True False AriaHaspopupA :: Attribute "aria-haspopup" True False AriaHiddenA :: Attribute "aria-hidden" True False AriaInvalidA :: Attribute "aria-invalid" True False AriaKeyshortcutsA :: Attribute "aria-keyshortcuts" True False AriaLabelA :: Attribute "aria-label" True False AriaLabelledByA :: Attribute "aria-labelledBy" True False AriaLevelA :: Attribute "aria-level" True False AriaLiveA :: Attribute "aria-live" True False AriaModalA :: Attribute "aria-modal" True False AriaMultilineA :: Attribute "aria-multiline" True False AriaMultiselectableA :: Attribute "aria-multiselectable" True False AriaOrientationA :: Attribute "aria-orientation" True False AriaOwnsA :: Attribute "aria-owns" True False AriaPlaceholderA :: Attribute "aria-placeholder" True False AriaPosinsetA :: Attribute "aria-posinset" True False AriaPressedA :: Attribute "aria-pressed" True False AriaReadonlyA :: Attribute "aria-readonly" True False AriaRelevantA :: Attribute "aria-relevant" True False AriaRequiredA :: Attribute "aria-required" True False AriaRoledescriptionA :: Attribute "aria-roledescription" True False AriaRowcountA :: Attribute "aria-rowcount" True False AriaRowindexA :: Attribute "aria-rowindex" True False AriaRowindextextA :: Attribute "aria-rowindextext" True False AriaRowspanA :: Attribute "aria-rowspan" True False AriaSelectedA :: Attribute "aria-selected" True False AriaSetsizeA :: Attribute "aria-setsize" True False AriaSortA :: Attribute "aria-sort" True False AriaValuemaxA :: Attribute "aria-valuemax" True False AriaValueminA :: Attribute "aria-valuemin" True False AriaValuenowA :: Attribute "aria-valuenow" True False AriaValuetextA :: Attribute "aria-valuetext" True False -- | -- = Utilities type GetAttributeName (e :: Attribute a global boolean) = a type (&) k b = GetAttributeName k ': b newtype Lawless a = Lawless a infixr 5 & -- | We need efficient cons, snoc and append. This API has cons(O1) -- and snoc(O1) but append(On). Optimal would be a FingerTree. data List = List [Symbol] Symbol type family (<|) s t :: List where (<|) l ('List (s ': ss) r) = 'List (AppendSymbol l s ': ss) r (<|) l ('List '[] r) = 'List '[] (AppendSymbol l r) type family (|>) t s :: List where (|>) ('List ss r) rr = 'List ss (AppendSymbol r rr) type family (><) t1 t2 :: List where (><) ('List ss r) ('List (s ': ss2) r2) = 'List (Append ss (AppendSymbol r s ': ss2)) r2 (><) ('List ss r) ('List '[] r2) = 'List ss (AppendSymbol r r2) -- | Flatten a document into a type list of tags. type family ToList a :: List where ToList (Element name categories contentModel contentAttributes :> b) = AppendSymbol "<" (AppendSymbol name ">") <| ToList b |> AppendSymbol "") ToList ((Element name categories contentModel contentAttributes :@ at) :> b) = AppendSymbol "<" name <| ToList at >< (">" <| ToList b) |> AppendSymbol "") ToList (Element name categories None contentAttributes) = 'List '[] (AppendSymbol "<" (AppendSymbol name ">")) ToList (Element name categories contentModel contentAttributes) = ToList (Element name categories contentModel contentAttributes :> ()) ToList (Element name categories None contentAttributes :@ at) = AppendSymbol "<" name <| ToList at |> ">" ToList (Element name categories contentModel contentAttributes :@ at) = AppendSymbol "<" name <| ToList at |> AppendSymbol ">") ToList (a # b) = ToList a >< ToList b ToList (Lawless a) = ToList a ToList (Attribute a global boolean) = 'List '[] (AppendSymbol " " a) ToList (Attribute a global boolean := ()) = 'List '[] (AppendSymbol " " a) ToList (Attribute a global boolean := b) = AppendSymbol " " (AppendSymbol a "=\"") <| ToList b |> "\"" ToList () = 'List '[] "" ToList (Proxy x) = 'List '[] x ToList x = 'List '[""] "" -- | Combine two elements or attributes sequentially. -- -- >>> i_ () # div_ () --
-- -- >>> i_A (A.id_ "a" # A.class_ "b") "c" -- c data (#) a b = (:#:) a b {-# INLINE (#) #-} (#) :: a -> b -> a # b (#) = (:#:) infixr 5 # type family Lawful relationship father child :: Constraint where Lawful relation x (Raw y) = () Lawful relation x (Lawless y) = () Lawful relation x (y1 # y2) = (Lawful relation x y1, Lawful relation x y2) Lawful relation x (Maybe y) = Lawful relation x y Lawful relation x (Either y1 y2) = (Lawful relation x y1, Lawful relation x y2) Lawful relation x [y] = Lawful relation x y Lawful relation x (c :@ _) = Lawful relation x c Lawful relation x (c :> _) = Lawful relation x c Lawful relation x (c := _) = Lawful relation x c Lawful AttributeValue (Attribute name1 global1 boolean1) (Attribute name2 global2 boolean2) = TypeError (Text "The attribute " :<>: Text name1 :<>: Text " can't contain the attribute " :<>: Text name2 :<>: Text ".") Lawful AttributeValue (Attribute name1 global1 boolean1) (Element name2 categories contentModel contentAttributes) = TypeError (Text "The attribute " :<>: Text name1 :<>: Text " can't contain the element " :<>: Text name2 :<>: Text ".") Lawful AttributeValue (Attribute name global boolean) v = If boolean (TypeError (Text "The attribute " :<>: Text name :<>: Text " is boolean and can't contain a value.")) (() :: Constraint) Lawful AttributeValue x v = TypeError (ShowType x :<>: Text " is not an attribute.") Lawful Fatherhood (e :@ _) c = Lawful Fatherhood e c Lawful Fatherhood (Element name categories contentModel contentAttributes) (Attribute name2 global boolean) = TypeError (Text name :<>: Text " can't have an attribute as children.") Lawful Fatherhood (Element name categories None contentAttributes) _ = TypeError (Text name :<>: Text " can't have children.") Lawful Fatherhood (Element name1 categories1 contentModel1 contentAttributes1) (Element name2 categories2 contentModel2 contentAttributes2) = MaybeTypeError name1 (Text name2) (CheckContentCategory name2 contentModel1 categories2) Lawful Fatherhood (Element name categories contentModel contentAttributes) string = MaybeTypeError name (ShowType string) (CheckContentCategory "" contentModel '[OnlyText, Flow, Phrasing]) Lawful Fatherhood _ _ = TypeError (Text "Only Elements and Elements with Attributes can father children.") Lawful Attribution (Element name categories contentModel contentAttributes) (Attribute a global boolean) = If (global || Elem a contentAttributes) (() :: Constraint) (TypeError (Text a :<>: Text " is not a valid attribute of " :<>: Text name :<>: Text ".")) Lawful Attribution (Element name categories contentModel contentAttributes) a = TypeError (ShowType a :<>: Text " is not a valid attribute of " :<>: Text name :<>: Text ".") Lawful Attribution a _ = TypeError (ShowType a :<>: Text " is not an attributable element.") type family MaybeTypeError a b c where MaybeTypeError a b c = If c (() :: Constraint) (TypeError (b :<>: Text " is not a valid child of " :<>: Text a :<>: Text ".")) data Relationship = Fatherhood | Attribution | AttributeValue data (:>) father child where (:>) :: Lawful Fatherhood f c => f -> c -> f :> c data (:@) element attribution where (:@) :: Lawful Attribution e a => e -> a -> e :@ a data (:=) a v where (:=) :: Lawful AttributeValue a v => a -> v -> a := v infixr 6 :> infixr 9 :@ infixr 9 := -- | Wrapper for types which won't be escaped. newtype Raw a = Raw {fromRaw :: a} type family Null xs where Null '[] = True Null _ = False type family Length c where Length (a :> b) = Length a + Length b Length (a :@ b) = Length b Length (a # b) = Length a + Length b Length (_ := b) = Length b Length (Lawless a) = Length a Length (Attribute a global boolean) = 0 Length (Element name categories contentModel contentAttributes) = 0 Length () = 0 Length (Proxy _) = 0 Length _ = 1 -- | Append two type lists. -- -- Note that this definition is that ugly to reduce compiletimes. -- Please check whether the context reduction stack or compiletimes of -- a big html page get bigger if you try to refactor. type family Append xs ys :: [k] where Append (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': x8 ': x9 ': x10 ': x11 ': x12 ': x13 ': x14 ': x15 ': x16 ': xs) ys = x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': x8 ': x9 ': x10 ': x11 ': x12 ': x13 ': x14 ': x15 ': x16 ': Append xs ys Append (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': x8 ': xs) ys = x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': x8 ': Append xs ys Append (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': xs) ys = x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': Append xs ys Append (x1 ': x2 ': xs) ys = x1 ': x2 ': Append xs ys Append (x1 ': xs) ys = x1 ': Append xs ys Append '[] ys = ys -- | Type level drop. -- -- Note that this definition is that ugly to reduce compiletimes. -- Please check whether the context reduction stack or compiletimes of -- a big html page get bigger if you try to refactor. type family Drop n xs :: [k] where Drop 0 xs = xs Drop 1 (_ ': xs) = xs Drop 2 (_ ': _ ': xs) = xs Drop 4 (_ ': _ ': _ ': _ ': xs) = xs #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 804 Drop 8 (_ ': _ ': _ ': _ ': _ ': _ ': _ ': _ ': xs) = xs Drop n xs = Drop (n - 2^Log2 n) (Drop (2^(Log2 n-1)) (Drop (2^(Log2 n-1)) xs)) #else Drop 3 (_ ': _ ': _ ': xs) = xs Drop n (_ ': _ ': _ ': _ ': _ ': xs) = Drop (n-5) xs #endif -- | Type level take. -- -- Note that this definition is that ugly to reduce compiletimes. -- Please check whether the context reduction stack or compiletimes of -- a big html page get bigger if you try to refactor. type family Take n xs :: [k] where Take 0 _ = '[] Take 1 (x1 ': _) = '[x1] Take 2 (x1 ': x2 ': _) = '[x1, x2] Take 3 (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': _) = '[x1, x2, x3] Take 4 (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': _) = '[x1, x2, x3, x4] Take 5 (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': _) = '[x1, x2, x3, x4, x5] Take 6 (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': _) = '[x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6] Take 7 (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': _) = '[x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7] Take 8 (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': x8 ': _) = '[x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8] Take 9 (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': x8 ': x9 ': _) = '[x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9] Take n (x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': x8 ': x9 ': x10 ': xs) = x1 ': x2 ': x3 ': x4 ': x5 ': x6 ': x7 ': x8 ': x9 ': x10 ': Take (n-10) xs type family CheckContentCategory (name :: Symbol) (a :: ContentCategory) (b :: [ContentCategory]) :: Bool where CheckContentCategory n (a :|: b) c = CheckContentCategory n a c || CheckContentCategory n b c CheckContentCategory n (a :&: b) c = CheckContentCategory n a c && CheckContentCategory n b c CheckContentCategory n (NOT a) c = Not (CheckContentCategory n a c) CheckContentCategory n (Elements xs) c = Elem n xs CheckContentCategory n a c = Elem a c infixr 2 :|: infixr 3 :&: type family Elem (a :: k) (xs :: [k]) where Elem a (a : xs) = True Elem a (_ : xs) = Elem a xs Elem a '[] = False newtype T (proxies :: k) target = T target -- | Data for declaring variables in a html document which will be compacted. data V (n :: Symbol) = V newtype One a = One a -- | Unique set of variables in a html document in the order of occurence. type Variables a = Dedupe (GetV a) -- | A compacted html documented with it's variables annoted as a list of Symbols. data CompactHTML (a :: [Symbol]) = MkCompactHTML ByteString [(Int, ByteString)] deriving Show type family GetV a :: [Symbol] where GetV (a # b) = Append (GetV a) (GetV b) GetV (a :> b) = Append (GetV a) (GetV b) GetV (a :@ b) = Append (GetV a) (GetV b) GetV (a := b) = GetV b GetV (Maybe a) = GetV a GetV [a] = GetV a GetV (Either a b) = Append (GetV a) (GetV b) GetV (V v) = '[v] GetV x = '[] type family Reverse xs where Reverse xs = Reverse' xs '[] type family Reverse' xs ys where Reverse' (x':xs) ys = Reverse' xs (x':ys) Reverse' '[] ys = ys type family Dedupe xs :: [Symbol] where Dedupe (x ': xs) = x ': Dedupe (Delete x xs) Dedupe '[] = '[] type family Delete x xs :: [Symbol] where Delete x (x ': xs) = Delete x xs Delete x (y ': xs) = y ': Delete x xs Delete _ _ = '[] class ShowTypeList a where showTypeList :: [String] instance (ShowTypeList xs, KnownSymbol x) => ShowTypeList (x ': xs) where showTypeList = symbolVal (Proxy @ x) : showTypeList @ xs instance ShowTypeList '[] where showTypeList = []