# typerbole ![hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/typerbole.svg?style=flat-square) Parameterized typesystems, lambda cube typeclasses, and typechecking interfaces. ## Parameterized Typesystems Like how datatypes such as `List a` (`[a]`), `Set a`, `Tree a` etc. in haskell have a parameter for a contained type, this library is based on the idea that a datatype that represents expressions can have a parameter for a typesystem. ### An Example: The Lambda Calculus As an example, we can put together a datatype that represents the syntax for the Lambda Calculus: ```haskell data LambdaTerm c v t = Variable v -- a variable bound by a lambda abstraction | Constant c -- a constant defined outside of the term | Apply (LambdaTerm c v t) (LambdaTerm c v t) -- an application of one term to another | Lambda (v, t) (LambdaTerm c v t) -- A lambda abstraction ``` This datatype has 3 parameters. The first two parameters represent constants and variables respectively, what's important is the final parameter `t` which is the parameter for the typesystem being used. We can use the typesystem `SimplyTyped` in `Compiler.Typesystem.SimplyTyped` as the typesystem to make this a simply-typed lambda calculus, or we could slot in `SystemF`, `SystemFOmega`, `Hask`, to change the typesystem associcated with with it. Sadly there's no magic that builds typecheckers for these (yet). Instead, using the language extensions `MultiParamTypeClasses` and `FlexibleInstances` and the `Typecheckable` typeclass from `Control.Typecheckable` we write a typechecker for each of these occurences. ```haskell instance (...) => Typecheckable (LambdaTerm c v) (SimplyTyped m) where ... instance (...) => Typecheckable (LambdaTerm c v) (SystemF m p) where ... instance (...) => Typecheckable (LambdaTerm c v) (SystemFOmega m p k) where ... -- and so on. ``` Or we can just ignore it all and turn it into an untyped lambda calculus: ```haskell type UntypedLambdaTerm c v = LambdaTerm c v () ``` ## The Lambda Cube The lambda cube describes the properties of a number of typesystems, an overview can be found [**here**](./lambdacube-overview.md). It is the basis for the library's classification of typesystems, a typeclass hierarchy where each axis is represented by a typeclass whose methods and associated types are indicitive of the properties of the axis. ![](https://github.com/Lokidottir/typerbole/blob/master/diagrams/typeclass-hierarchy.png?raw=true) *** ### Supported lambda-cube axies - [x] Simply-typed lambda calculus - [x] Polymorphic lambda calculus - [x] Higher-order lambda calculus - [x] Dependently-typed lambda calculus (dubiously, not got a implemented typesystem to back it up) ### TODOs - [ ] Give `Calculi.Lambda.Cube.Polymorphic.Unification` better documentation (incl. diagrams for graph-related functions/anything that'll benefit). - [ ] Finish the `Typecheckable` & `Inferable` instances for the typesystems in `Compiler.Typesystem.*` - [ ] Put together a working travis file. - [ ] Implement a Calculus of Constructions typesystem. - [ ] Document the type expression psudocode - [ ] Design a typeclass for typesystems with constraints (`Num a => ...`, `a ~ T` etc). - [ ] Provide a default way of evaluating lambda expressions. - [ ] Make the quasiquoters use the lambda cube typeclasses instead of specific typesystem implementations. - [ ] Subhask-style automated test writing. - [ ] Explore homotopy type theory - [ ] Remove all extensions that aren't light syntactic sugar from `default-extensions` and declare them explicitly in the modules they're used. - [ ] Listen to `-Wall` - [ ] Move `Control.Typecheckable` to it's own package. - [ ] Elaborate on the `Typecheck` type. Maybe make it a typeclass. ### Papers, Sites and Books read during development * Introduction to generalized type systems, Dr Henk Barendregt (Journal of Functional Programming, April 1991) * A Modern Perspective on Type Theory [(x)](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Modern-Perspective-Type-Theory-Origins/dp/1402023340) * A proof of correctness for the Hindley-Milner type inference algorithm, Dr Jeff Vaughan [(x)](http://www.jeffvaughan.net/docs/hmproof.pdf) * Compositional Type Checking for Hindley-Milner Type Systems with Ad-hoc Polymorphism, Dr. Gergő Érdi [(x)](https://gergo.erdi.hu/elte/thesis.pdf) * Many wikipedia pages on type theory.