--- parse tree --- [ Code "test/typ/meta/outline-00.typ" ( line 1 , column 2 ) (Let (BasicBind (Just (Identifier "test"))) (FuncExpr [ NormalParam (Identifier "x") , NormalParam (Identifier "y") ] (Block (CodeBlock [ If [ ( Equals (Ident (Identifier "x")) (Ident (Identifier "y")) , Block (Content [ Text "\9989" ]) ) , ( Literal (Boolean True) , Block (Content [ Text "\10060" , Text "(" , Code "test/typ/meta/outline-00.typ" ( line 1 , column 47 ) (FuncCall (Ident (Identifier "repr")) [ NormalArg (Ident (Identifier "x")) ]) , Space , Text "/" , Text "=" , Space , Code "test/typ/meta/outline-00.typ" ( line 1 , column 59 ) (FuncCall (Ident (Identifier "repr")) [ NormalArg (Ident (Identifier "y")) ]) , Text ")" ]) ) ] ])))) , SoftBreak , Code "test/typ/meta/outline-00.typ" ( line 2 , column 2 ) (Set (Ident (Identifier "page")) [ NormalArg (Literal (String "a7")) , KeyValArg (Identifier "margin") (Literal (Numeric 20.0 Pt)) , KeyValArg (Identifier "numbering") (Literal (String "1")) ]) , SoftBreak , Code "test/typ/meta/outline-00.typ" ( line 3 , column 2 ) (Set (Ident (Identifier "heading")) [ KeyValArg (Identifier "numbering") (Literal (String "(1/a)")) ]) , SoftBreak , Code "test/typ/meta/outline-00.typ" ( line 4 , column 2 ) (Show (Just (FuncCall (FieldAccess (Ident (Identifier "where")) (Ident (Identifier "heading"))) [ KeyValArg (Identifier "level") (Literal (Int 1)) ])) (Set (Ident (Identifier "text")) [ NormalArg (Literal (Numeric 12.0 Pt)) ])) , SoftBreak , Code "test/typ/meta/outline-00.typ" ( line 5 , column 2 ) (Show (Just (FuncCall (FieldAccess (Ident (Identifier "where")) (Ident (Identifier "heading"))) [ KeyValArg (Identifier "level") (Literal (Int 2)) ])) (Set (Ident (Identifier "text")) [ NormalArg (Literal (Numeric 10.0 Pt)) ])) , ParBreak , Code "test/typ/meta/outline-00.typ" ( line 7 , column 2 ) (FuncCall (Ident (Identifier "outline")) []) , ParBreak , Heading 1 [ Text "Einleitung" ] , Code "test/typ/meta/outline-00.typ" ( line 10 , column 2 ) (FuncCall (Ident (Identifier "lorem")) [ NormalArg (Literal (Int 12)) ]) , ParBreak , Heading 1 [ Text "Analyse" ] , Code "test/typ/meta/outline-00.typ" ( line 13 , column 2 ) (FuncCall (Ident (Identifier "lorem")) [ NormalArg (Literal (Int 10)) ]) , ParBreak , Code "test/typ/meta/outline-00.typ" ( line 15 , column 2 ) (Block (Content [ SoftBreak , Code "test/typ/meta/outline-00.typ" ( line 16 , column 4 ) (Set (Ident (Identifier "heading")) [ KeyValArg (Identifier "outlined") (Literal (Boolean False)) ]) , SoftBreak , Heading 2 [ Text "Methodik" ] , Code "test/typ/meta/outline-00.typ" ( line 18 , column 4 ) (FuncCall (Ident (Identifier "lorem")) [ NormalArg (Literal (Int 6)) ]) , ParBreak ])) , ParBreak , Heading 2 [ Text "Verarbeitung" ] , Code "test/typ/meta/outline-00.typ" ( line 22 , column 2 ) (FuncCall (Ident (Identifier "lorem")) [ NormalArg (Literal (Int 4)) ]) , ParBreak , Heading 2 [ Text "Programmierung" ] , RawBlock "rust" "fn main() {\n panic!(\"in the disco\");\n}\n" , ParBreak , Heading 4 [ Text "Deep" , Space , Text "Stuff" ] , Text "Ok" , Space , Ellipsis , ParBreak , Code "test/typ/meta/outline-00.typ" ( line 34 , column 2 ) (Set (Ident (Identifier "heading")) [ KeyValArg (Identifier "numbering") (Literal (String "(I)")) ]) , ParBreak , Heading 1 [ Code "test/typ/meta/outline-00.typ" ( line 36 , column 4 ) (FuncCall (Ident (Identifier "text")) [ NormalArg (Ident (Identifier "blue")) , BlockArg [ Text "Zusammen" ] ]) , Text "fassung" ] , Code "test/typ/meta/outline-00.typ" ( line 37 , column 2 ) (FuncCall (Ident (Identifier "lorem")) [ NormalArg (Literal (Int 10)) ]) , ParBreak ] --- evaluated --- { text(body: [ ]), text(body: [ ]), text(body: [ ]), text(body: [ ]), parbreak(), outline(), parbreak(), heading(body: text(body: [Einleitung]), level: 1, numbering: "(1/a)"), text(body: [Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor]), parbreak(), heading(body: text(body: [Analyse]), level: 1, numbering: "(1/a)"), text(body: [Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do]), parbreak(), text(body: [ ]), text(body: [ ]), heading(body: text(body: [Methodik]), level: 2, numbering: "(1/a)", outlined: false), text(body: [Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur]), parbreak(), parbreak(), heading(body: text(body: [Verarbeitung]), level: 2, numbering: "(1/a)", outlined: false), text(body: [Lorem ipsum dolor sit]), parbreak(), heading(body: text(body: [Programmierung]), level: 2, numbering: "(1/a)", outlined: false), raw(block: true, lang: "rust", text: "fn main() {\n panic!(\"in the disco\");\n}\n"), parbreak(), heading(body: text(body: [Deep Stuff]), level: 4, numbering: "(1/a)", outlined: false), text(body: [Ok …]), parbreak(), parbreak(), heading(body: { text(body: text(body: [Zusammen]), color: rgb(0%,45%,85%,100%)), text(body: [fassung]) }, level: 1, numbering: "(I)", outlined: false), text(body: [Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do]), parbreak() }