Module      : Data.Tyro
Description : A library for automatically deriving JSON parsers from types
Copyright   : (c) Richard Lupton, 2017
License     : BSD-3
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, KindSignatures, TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-redundant-constraints #-}
module Data.Tyro (
  -- * Introduction
  -- $introduction

  -- * Building types
  -- $typed_example
  , type( >%> )
  , List
  ,  unwrap

  -- * Value level API
  -- $value_example
  , Tyro
  , extract
  , (>%>)
  , (%%>)

-- * Internal types
  , JSBranch
  , Unwrap ) where

import           Data.Aeson ((.:))
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import           Data.Aeson.Types (Parser)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import           Data.Reflection (reifySymbol)
import           Data.Singletons (Sing, SingI(..))
import           Data.Singletons.TypeLits ( Symbol, SSymbol, KnownSymbol
                                          , withKnownSymbol, symbolVal )
import           Data.String (String)
import           Data.Text (pack)
import           Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as V

import           Data.Tyro.Internal

import           Lib.Prelude

-- Type level API using a type family to mirror JSON structure

-- | @Extract a@ represents trying to parse JSON to an @a@.
type Extract a = JSBranch 'JSExtract a

-- | The type operator '>%> provides a way of describing how to walk
-- down a JSON tree.
type family (x :: Symbol) >%> (b :: *) :: *
type instance (x :: Symbol) >%> JSBranch xs a = JSBranch ('JSKey x xs) a

-- | The 'List' type operator constructs a parsing type for parsing
-- a list of JSON objects.
type family List (x :: *) :: *
type instance List (JSBranch xs a) = JSBranch ('JSArray xs) a

-- Value level API using reification

-- | 'Tyro' is an abstract type representing a parser that walks down a JSON
-- tree.
newtype Tyro = Tyro [String] deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | 'extract' is the value which represents halting the walk along the JSON
-- tree, and pulling out the value there.
extract :: Tyro
extract = Tyro []

-- | '>%>' allows you to specify a subtree indexed by a key. It's right
-- associative, so chains of keys can be specified without parenthesese.
(>%>) :: String -> Tyro -> Tyro
(>%>) s (Tyro t) = Tyro (s:t)
infixr 9 >%>

-- | Internal proxying datatype for accumulating reified values as a list
data TyroProxy :: JSLens Symbol -> * where
  Take :: TyroProxy 'JSExtract
  Key :: TyroProxy s -> TyroProxy ('JSKey t s)

-- | '%%>' tries to parse a ByteString along a 'Tyro' to obtain a value
(%%>) :: (A.FromJSON a) => B.ByteString -> Tyro -> Maybe a
(%%>) bs (Tyro xs) = go bs (reverse xs) Take
    go :: (A.FromJSON a, SingI xs) =>
      B.ByteString -> [String] -> TyroProxy xs -> Maybe a
    go b [] t = fmap dumbUnwrap $ parse b t
    go b (k:ks) t = reifySymbol k $ \p -> go b ks (extend t p)

    parse :: (A.FromJSON a, SingI xs) =>
      B.ByteString -> TyroProxy xs -> Maybe (JSBranch xs a)
    parse b _ = A.decode b

    extend :: (KnownSymbol s) => TyroProxy xs -> Proxy s -> TyroProxy ('JSKey s xs)
    extend t _ = Key t

    dumbUnwrap :: JSBranch xs a -> a
    dumbUnwrap (JSNil x) = x
    dumbUnwrap (JSCons x') = dumbUnwrap x'
    dumbUnwrap _ = error "dumbUnwrap received unexpected input"

infixl 8 %%>

-- Basic dependent structure

-- | 'JSBranch' is a dependent datatype which represents a walk down a JSON
-- tree. @JSBranch ["key1", "key2"] a@ represents the walk "take the value at
-- @key1@ and then the value at @key2@, and (try to) interpret that as an @a@".
data JSBranch :: JSLens Symbol -> * -> * where
  JSNil :: a -> JSBranch 'JSExtract a
  JSCons :: JSBranch xs a -> JSBranch ('JSKey t xs) a
  JSArr :: Vector (JSBranch xs a) -> JSBranch ('JSArray xs) a

-- | 'Unwrap' captures the unstructured type encapsulated by a JSBranch
type family Unwrap (x :: *) :: *
type instance Unwrap (JSBranch 'JSExtract a) = a
type instance Unwrap (JSBranch ('JSKey k js) a) = Unwrap (JSBranch js a)
type instance Unwrap (JSBranch ('JSArray js) a) = [Unwrap (JSBranch js a)]

-- | 'unwrap' allows parsing types to be removed from a JSBranch
unwrap :: JSBranch xs a -> Unwrap (JSBranch xs a)
unwrap (JSNil x) = x
unwrap (JSCons x') = unwrap x'
unwrap (JSArr xs) = V.toList $ fmap unwrap xs

instance (A.FromJSON a, SingI xs) => A.FromJSON (JSBranch xs a) where
  parseJSON :: (A.FromJSON a, SingI xs) => A.Value -> Parser (JSBranch xs a)
  parseJSON = parse sing
      parse :: (A.FromJSON a) => Sing xs -> A.Value -> Parser (JSBranch xs a)
      parse s o = case s of
        SJSExtract -> JSNil <$> A.parseJSON o
        SJSKey x xs -> case o of
          A.Object v -> let key = pack (reflectSymbol x) in
            JSCons <$> (v .: key >>= parse xs)
          _ -> empty
        SJSArray xs -> case o of
          A.Array vs -> JSArr <$> ( sequence $ fmap (parse xs) vs )
          _ -> empty

-- | 'reflectSym' reflects a type level symbol into a value level string
reflectSymbol :: SSymbol s -> String
reflectSymbol s = withKnownSymbol s $ proxySym s Proxy
    proxySym :: (KnownSymbol n) => SSymbol n -> Proxy n -> String
    proxySym _ = symbolVal

-- Documentation

-- $introduction
-- 'Tyro' provides a type driven way of obtaining simple JSON parsers, and
-- a simple value driven interface to obtain values deep inside a JSON object.

-- $typed_example
-- A small (artificial) example demonstrating how to use the typed interface.
-- > {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- > {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-- > {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-- > import Data.Tyro
-- > import Data.Aeson (decode)
-- > import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
-- >
-- > json = "{\"key1\":[{\"key2\":41},{\"key2\":42}]}" :: B.ByteString
-- >
-- > -- Extract [41, 42] inside the Tyro types
-- > parsed = decode json :: Maybe ("key1" >%> List ("key2" >%> Extract Integer))
-- >
-- > -- We can dispose of the types using unwrap: 'values' will have the value
-- > -- Just [41, 42]
-- > values :: Maybe [Integer]
-- > values = fmap unwrap parsed

-- $value_example
-- (Experimental!)
-- The value level interface allows a piece of the JSON object to be extracted
-- in a similar way to most dynamically typed languages.
-- > {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- > import Data.Tyro
-- >
-- > json = "{\"key1\": {\"key2\" :  [41, 42]}}" :: B.ByteString
-- >
-- > -- Extract [41, 42] inside the JSON
-- > parsed = json %%> "key1" >%> "key2" >%> extract :: Maybe [Integer]
-- Not the overloaded strings extension in the above is only used to define
-- the 'json' 'ByteString'..