-- UUAGC (build/103/lib-ehc/UHC/Light/Compiler/Core.ag)
module UHC.Light.Compiler.Core(module UHC.Light.Compiler.AbstractCore
, module UHC.Light.Compiler.AnaDomain
, module UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.Target
, CodeAGItf (..), CModule (..), CExpr (..), CBind (..), CBound (..), CMetaVal (..), CMetaBind (..), CMetas, CBindL, CBoundL, CPatRest (..), CAlt (..), CAltL, CPat (..), CPatFld (..), CPatFldL
, CBindAnn (..), CBindAnnL, CExprAnn (..)
, CExport (..), CExportL, CImport (..), CImportL
, CDeclMeta (..), CDeclMetaL, CDataCon (..), CDataConL
, RAlt, RPat, RPatConBind, RPatFld
, cmetasDefault
, cmetasVal
, cmetasMapVal
, CBindCateg (..)
, EvalCtx (..), evalCtxIsStrict
, cexprIsLam
, cbindNm
, mkCMod, emptyCModule
, cexprMbVar, cexprVar
, cexprTupFld
, cexprIsEvaluated
, CVarIntro (..), emptyCVarIntro
, CVarIntroMp, CVarIntroL, cviLookup
, cLevModule, cLevExtern
, CVarRepl (..)
, CVarReplMp
, CVarReplNm, emptyCVarReplNm
, CVarReplNmMp, CVarReplNmL
, cvrFromCvi
, fvLev, fvsLev
, SysfTy, SysfTyBind, SysfTyBound, SysfTySeq, SysfTySeq1
, CTy, mkCTy, mkSTy, cty
, cbindLNub
, cTupLbl
, cTupTag
, cTupOff
, cmodSetImports
, cbindAspectMbExpr, cbindExprs
, cLevIntern
, cModMerge
, CDbBindLetInfo
, CDbBindRef, CDbModuleBindMp
, CModuleDatabase (..), emptyCModuleDatabase
, cmoddbLookup
, module UHC.Light.Compiler.Foreign) where

import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.HsName.Builtin
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.Common
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.TermLike
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Opts.Base
import UHC.Light.Compiler.AbstractCore
import UHC.Light.Compiler.AnaDomain
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.Target (FFIWay (..),TargetFlavor (..))
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import UHC.Util.Utils
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Ty
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.Debug
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Module.Merge
import Data.Array
import Control.Monad
import UHC.Util.Binary
import UHC.Util.Serialize
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Generics (Data)
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Foreign

-- | Explicit dummy instances instead of derived ones which not really are used except as context for PP
instance Show CExpr where
  show _ = "CExpr"

instance Show CBound where
  show _ = "CBound"

type RAlt           = RAlt'         CExpr CTy CBind CPatRest
type RPat           = RPat'         CExpr CTy CBind CPatRest
type RPatConBind    = RPatConBind'  CExpr CTy CBind CPatRest
type RPatFld        = RPatFld'      CExpr CTy CBind CPatRest

-- | Set imports
cmodSetImports :: [HsName] -> CModule -> CModule
cmodSetImports imp m = m {imports_CModule_Mod = map CImport_Import imp}

cTupLbl :: CExpr -> HsName
cTupLbl e
  =  case e of
         CExpr_TupIns _ _ l _ _ -> l
         CExpr_TupUpd _ _ l _ _ -> l
         CExpr_TupDel _ _ l _   -> l

cTupTag :: CExpr -> CTag
cTupTag e
  =  case e of
         CExpr_TupIns _ t _ _ _ -> t
         CExpr_TupUpd _ t _ _ _ -> t
         CExpr_TupDel _ t _ _   -> t

cTupOff :: CExpr -> CExpr
cTupOff e
  =  case e of
         CExpr_TupIns _ _ _ o _ -> o
         CExpr_TupUpd _ _ _ o _ -> o
         CExpr_TupDel _ _ _ o   -> o

cmetasDefault :: CMetas
cmetasDefault = (CMetaBind_Plain,CMetaVal_Val)

cmetasVal :: CMetas -> CMetaVal
cmetasVal (_,v) = v

cmetasMapVal :: (CMetaVal -> CMetaVal) -> CMetas -> CMetas
cmetasMapVal f (b,v) = (b,f v)

data CBindCateg
  = CBindCateg_Rec              -- mutually recursive
  | CBindCateg_Strict           -- strictly evaluated
  | CBindCateg_Plain                -- plain
  | CBindCateg_FFI              -- imported function
  | CBindCateg_FFE              -- exported function (not implemented yet)
  deriving (Show,Eq,Enum)

deriving instance Typeable CBindCateg
deriving instance Data CBindCateg

data EvalCtx
  = EvalCtx_None         -- nothing known, no strictness required, no thunking
  | EvalCtx_Thunk        -- lazy/thunked representation required
  | EvalCtx_PApp0        -- partial app of lam with 0 params
  | EvalCtx_Eval         -- strictness (thus eval) required
  | EvalCtx_EvalUnbox    -- strictness (thus eval) + unboxing required
  deriving Eq

evalCtxIsStrict:: EvalCtx -> Bool
evalCtxIsStrict EvalCtx_Eval        = True
evalCtxIsStrict EvalCtx_EvalUnbox   = True
evalCtxIsStrict _                   = False

cexprIsLam :: CExpr -> Bool
cexprIsLam (CExpr_Lam _ _) = True
cexprIsLam _               = False

cbindNm :: CBind -> HsName
cbindNm (CBind_Bind      n _) = n
-- cbindNm (CBind_FFI _ _ _ n _  ) = n

-- | extract expr for aspect, relevant for later use/analysis/...
cbindAspectMbExpr :: CBound -> Maybe CExpr
cbindAspectMbExpr (CBound_Bind _     e) = Just e
cbindAspectMbExpr (CBound_Val  _ _ _ e) = Just e
cbindAspectMbExpr _                     = Nothing

-- | extract exprs of a binding which are relevant for use/analysis/...
cbindExprs :: CBind -> [CExpr]
cbindExprs (CBind_Bind _ a) = catMaybes $ map cbindAspectMbExpr a

cbindLNub :: CBindL -> CBindL
cbindLNub = nubBy (\b1 b2 -> cbindNm b1 == cbindNm b2)

mkCMod :: CExpr -> CModule
mkCMod e = CModule_Mod (hsnFromString "") [] [] [] e -- []

emptyCModule :: CModule
emptyCModule = mkCMod (CExpr_Int 0)

cexprMbVar :: CExpr -> Maybe HsName
cexprMbVar (CExpr_Var r) = Just (acbrefNm r)
cexprMbVar _             = Nothing

cexprVar :: CExpr -> HsName
cexprVar = maybe hsnUnknown id . cexprMbVar

cexprTupFld :: CExpr -> CExpr
cexprTupFld (CExpr_TupIns _ _ _ _ e) = e
cexprTupFld _                        = panic "Core.cexprTupFld" -- acoreVar hsnUnknown

cexprIsEvaluated :: CExpr -> Bool
cexprIsEvaluated (CExpr_Int  _) = True
cexprIsEvaluated (CExpr_Char _) = True
cexprIsEvaluated _              = False

data CVarIntro
  = CVarIntro
      { cviLev      :: Int      -- lexical level
      , cviMeta     :: CMetaVal -- meta info

emptyCVarIntro :: CVarIntro
  = CVarIntro cLevExtern CMetaVal_Val

type CVarIntroMp = Map.Map HsName CVarIntro
type CVarIntroL  = AssocL  HsName CVarIntro

cviLookup :: HsName -> CVarIntroMp -> CVarIntro
cviLookup n m = Map.findWithDefault emptyCVarIntro n m

cLevModule, cLevExtern :: Int
cLevModule = 0
cLevExtern = 0

cLevIntern :: Int
cLevIntern = 1

data CVarRepl r
  = CVarRepl
      { cvrRepl     :: r        -- replacement
      , cvrMeta     :: CMetaVal -- meta info

type CVarReplMp  r = Map.Map HsName (CVarRepl r)
type CVarReplAsc r = AssocL  HsName (CVarRepl r)

type CVarReplNm = CVarRepl HsName

emptyCVarReplNm :: CVarReplNm
emptyCVarReplNm = CVarRepl hsnUnknown CMetaVal_Val

type CVarReplNmMp = CVarReplMp  HsName
type CVarReplNmL  = CVarReplAsc HsName

cvrFromCvi :: CVarIntro -> CVarReplNm
cvrFromCvi i
  = emptyCVarReplNm
      { cvrMeta     = cviMeta i

fvLev :: HsName -> CVarIntroMp -> Int
fvLev n m = cviLev $ cviLookup n m

fvsLev :: CVarIntroMp -> Int -> FvS -> Int
fvsLev lm lDflt fvs = foldr (\n l -> fvLev n lm `max` l) lDflt $ Set.toList $ fvs

-- | merge by concatenation
cModMerge :: [CModule] -> CModule
cModMerge mL
  = foldr1 cmb mL
  where get (CExpr_Let c b e) = CExpr_Let c b . get e
        get  _                = id
        cmb (CModule_Mod m1 ex1 im1 mt1 e1) (CModule_Mod m2 ex2 im2 mt2 e2)
          = CModule_Mod m2 (ex1++ex2) (im1++im2) (mt1++mt2) (get e1 e2)

-- | the binding info required for let bind
type CDbBindLetInfo'  f            = ModDbBindLetInfo'' f  CBindCateg CBind
type CDbBindLetInfo                = CDbBindLetInfo'  []

-- | actual bindings stored in separate array to allow for sharing
type CDbBindArray = ModDbBindArray' CBindCateg CBind

-- | reference into database of bindings, agnostic of name given to it
type CDbBindRef = (Int,Int)

-- | binding map of global names to individual bindings
type CDbModuleBindMp = Map.Map HsName CDbBindRef

-- | the full module represented in a map/database like format (20101004 AD: to be made into persistent db soon)
data CModuleDatabase
  = CModuleDatabase
      { cmoddbModNm         :: !HsName              -- module name
      , cmoddbBindArr       :: !CDbBindArray        -- bindings
      , cmoddbBindMp        :: !CDbModuleBindMp     -- map of name to bindings
      , cmoddbMainExpr      :: !CExpr               -- the final expr of the module's let expr
      , cmoddbExports       :: !CExportL            -- exports
      , cmoddbImports       :: !CImportL            -- imports
      , cmoddbMeta          :: !CDeclMetaL          -- meta info/decl

emptyCModuleDatabase :: CModuleDatabase
emptyCModuleDatabase = CModuleDatabase hsnUnknown (array (1,0) []) Map.empty (CExpr_Int 0) [] [] []

cmoddbLookup :: HsName -> CModuleDatabase -> Maybe CDbBindRef
cmoddbLookup n db = Map.lookup n $ cmoddbBindMp db

-- | If there is no SysF used, just the plain type (used during type check/infer)
type SysfTy         = Ty            -- base ty
type SysfTyBind     = Ty            -- binder
type SysfTyBound    = Ty            -- to be bound by binder
type SysfTySeq      = SysfTy            -- sequence
type SysfTySeq1     = SysfTy            -- singleton

-- | In case of SysF isomorphic to Either 'old ty' 'sysf ty', to be chosen at a higher level
type CTy = Ty

-- | Make CTy, ignoring the second Ty arg, which is a dummy anyway
mkCTy :: EHCOpts -> Ty -> SysfTy -> CTy
mkCTy _ t _ = t

-- | Make CTy from sysf ty
mkSTy :: SysfTy -> CTy
mkSTy = id
{-# INLINE mkSTy #-}

-- | CTy fold, using the first 'f'
cty :: (Ty -> x) -> (SysfTy -> x) -> CTy -> x
cty f _ t = f t

instance AbstractCore CExpr CMetaVal CBind CBound ACoreAppLikeMetaBound CBindCateg CMetaBind CTy CPat CPatRest CPatFld CAlt where
  -- expr
  acore1AppBound   f a                  = CExpr_App f a
  -- acoreLam1Ty a _ e                  = CExpr_Lam (acoreBind1 a) e
  acoreLam1Bind b e                     = CExpr_Lam b e
  acoreTagTyTupBound   tg _ es          = acoreAppBound (CExpr_Tup tg) es
  acoreBoundVal1CatLevMetasTy _ _ _ m _ e
                                        = CBound_Bind m e
  acoreBoundmeta a m l                  = (a,m,l)
  acoreBound1MetaVal (a,m,l) e          = CBound_Val a m l e
  acoreBoundValTy1CatLev _ _ _ t
                                        = CBound_Ty acbaspkeyDefaultTy t
  acoreBind1Asp n as                    = CBind_Bind n as
  acoreBind1CatLevMetasTy bcat n mlev mb t e
                                        = acoreBind1Asp n [acoreBoundValTy1CatLev bcat n (mlev+1) t, acoreBoundVal1CatLevMetasTy bcat n mlev mb t e]
  acoreLetBase                          = CExpr_Let
  acoreCaseDflt e as d                  = CExpr_Case e as (maybe (acoreVar hsnUnknown) id d)
  acoreVar n                            = CExpr_Var (acoreMkRef n)
  acoreStringTy _ i                     = CExpr_String i
  acoreCharTy _ i                       = CExpr_Char i
  acoreIntTy _ i                        = CExpr_Int i
  acoreIntTy2 _ i                       = CExpr_Int (fromInteger i)
  acoreUidHole                          = CExpr_Hole
  acoreHoleLet                          = CExpr_HoleLet
  -- acoreDflt                              =
  acoreExprErr                          = CExpr_Dbg

  -- ty constants
  acoreTyBool o                         = acoreTy2ty o $ appCon (ehcOptBuiltin o ehbnDataBool)

  -- ty
  -- acoreTyInt2                            = tyInt
  acoreTy2ty _                          = id

  -- pat
  acorePatVarTy n _                     = CPat_Var n
  acorePatCon                           = CPat_Con
  acorePatIntTy _ i                     = CPat_Int i
  acorePatIntTy2 _ i                    = CPat_Int (fromInteger i)
  acorePatCharTy _ i                    = CPat_Char i
  acorePatBoolExpr                      = CPat_BoolExpr

  -- patfld
  acorePatFldBind (lbl,off) b           = CPatFld_Fld lbl off b []
  -- acorePatFldTy _ (lbl,off) n            = CPatFld_Fld lbl off n []

  -- patrest
  acorePatRestEmpty                     = CPatRest_Empty
  acorePatRestVar                       = CPatRest_Var

  -- alt
  acoreAlt                              = CAlt_Alt

  -- defaults
  acoreDfltBoundmeta                    = (acbaspkeyDefault,0,CLbl_None)
  acoreMetavalDflt                      = CMetaVal_Val
  acoreMetavalDfltDict                  = CMetaVal_Dict
  acoreMetabindDflt                     = CMetaBind_Plain
  acoreTyErr s                          = acoreTy2ty emptyEHCOpts $ Ty_Dbg s
  acoreTyNone                           = acoreTyErr "Core.acoreTyNone"
  acoreTyChar o                         = acoreTy2ty o $ tyChar
  acoreTyInt o                          = acoreTy2ty o $ tyInt
  acoreTyString o                       = acoreTy2ty o $ tyString o

  -- bindcateg
  acoreBindcategRec                     = CBindCateg_Rec
  acoreBindcategStrict                  = CBindCateg_Strict
  acoreBindcategPlain                   = CBindCateg_Plain

  -- inspecting
  acoreExprMbApp (CExpr_App f b)        = Just (f,b)
  acoreExprMbApp _                      = Nothing

  acoreExprMbLam (CExpr_Lam b e)        = Just (b,e)
  acoreExprMbLam _                      = Nothing

  acoreExprMbLet (CExpr_Let c b e)      = Just (c,b,e)
  acoreExprMbLet _                      = Nothing

  acoreExprMbVar (CExpr_Var r)          = Just (acbrefNm r)
  acoreExprMbVar _                      = Nothing

  acoreExprMbInt (CExpr_Int i)          = Just (acoreTyErr "Core.acoreExprMbInt",toInteger i)
  acoreExprMbInt _                      = Nothing

  acoreBindcategMbRec CBindCateg_Rec    = Just CBindCateg_Rec
  acoreBindcategMbRec _                 = Nothing

  acoreBindcategMbStrict CBindCateg_Strict  = Just CBindCateg_Strict
  acoreBindcategMbStrict _                  = Nothing

  acorePatMbCon (CPat_Con tg r fs)      = Just (tg,r,fs)
  acorePatMbCon _                       = Nothing

  acorePatMbInt (CPat_Int i)            = Just (acoreTyErr "Core.acorePatMbInt",toInteger i)
  acorePatMbInt _                       = Nothing

  acorePatMbChar (CPat_Char i)          = Just (acoreTyErr "Core.acorePatMbChar",i)
  acorePatMbChar _                      = Nothing

  acoreUnAlt (CAlt_Alt p e)             = (p,e)
  acoreUnPatFld (CPatFld_Fld l o b _)   = ((l,o),b)
  acoreUnBind (CBind_Bind n as)         = (n,as)

  acoreBoundMbVal (CBound_Val a m l e)  = Just ((a,m,l),e)
  acoreBoundMbVal _                     = Nothing

  -- coercion
  acoreCoeArg                           = CExpr_CoeArg
  acoreExprIsCoeArg                     = (== CExpr_CoeArg)

instance Serialize CModule where
  sput (CModule_Mod   a b c d e) = {- sputWord8 0 >> -} sput a >> sput b >> sput c >> sput d >> sput e
    = do {- t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
            0 -> -} liftM5 CModule_Mod         sget sget sget sget sget

instance Serialize CExport where
  sput (CExport_Export a  ) = {- sputWord8 0 >> -} sput a
    = do {- t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
            0 -> -} liftM   CExport_Export       sget

instance Serialize CImport where
  sput (CImport_Import a  ) = {- sputWord8 0 >> -} sput a
    = do {- t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
            0 -> -} liftM   CImport_Import       sget

instance Serialize CDeclMeta where
  sput (CDeclMeta_Data   a b) = {- sputWord8 0 >> -} sput a >> sput b
    = do {- t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
            0 -> -} liftM2  CDeclMeta_Data         sget sget

instance Serialize CDataCon where
  sput (CDataCon_Con   a b c) = {- sputWord8 0 >> -} sput a >> sput b >> sput c
    = do {- t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
            0 -> -} liftM3  CDataCon_Con         sget sget sget

instance Serialize CExpr where
  sput (CExpr_Let       a b c       ) = sputWord8  0 >> sput a >> sput b >> sput c
  sput (CExpr_App       a b         ) = sputWord8  1 >> sput a >> sput b
  sput (CExpr_Lam       a b         ) = sputWord8  2 >> sput a >> sput b
  sput (CExpr_Case      a b c       ) = sputWord8  3 >> sput a >> sput b >> sput c
  sput (CExpr_Var       a           ) = sputWord8  4 >> sput a
  sput (CExpr_Int       a           ) = sputWord8  5 >> sput a
  sput (CExpr_Char      a           ) = sputWord8  6 >> sput a
  sput (CExpr_String    a           ) = sputWord8  7 >> sput a
  sput (CExpr_Tup       a           ) = sputWord8  8 >> sput a
  sput (CExpr_TupDel    a b c d     ) = sputWord8  9 >> sput a >> sput b >> sput c >> sput d
  sput (CExpr_TupIns    a b c d e   ) = sputWord8 10 >> sput a >> sput b >> sput c >> sput d >> sput e
  sput (CExpr_TupUpd    a b c d e   ) = sputWord8 11 >> sput a >> sput b >> sput c >> sput d >> sput e
  sput (CExpr_CaseAltFail
                        a b         ) = sputWord8 12 >> sput a >> sput b
  sput (CExpr_Hole      a           ) = sputWord8 13 >> sput a
  sput (CExpr_HoleLet   a b         ) = sputWord8 14 >> sput a >> sput b
  sput (CExpr_ImplsApp  a b         ) = sputWord8 15 >> sput a >> sput b
  sput (CExpr_ImplsLam  a b         ) = sputWord8 16 >> sput a >> sput b
  sput (CExpr_CoeArg                ) = sputWord8 17
  sput (CExpr_Integer   a           ) = sputWord8 18 >> sput a
  sput (CExpr_Ann       a b         ) = sputWord8 19 >> sput a >> sput b
  sput (CExpr_FFI       a b c d     ) = sputWord8 20 >> sput a >> sput b >> sput c >> sput d
  sput (CExpr_Dbg       a           ) = sputWord8 21 >> sput a
    = do t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
           0  -> liftM3 CExpr_Let           sget sget sget
           1  -> liftM2 CExpr_App           sget sget
           2  -> liftM2 CExpr_Lam           sget sget
           3  -> liftM3 CExpr_Case          sget sget sget
           4  -> liftM  CExpr_Var           sget
           5  -> liftM  CExpr_Int           sget
           6  -> liftM  CExpr_Char          sget
           7  -> liftM  CExpr_String        sget
           8  -> liftM  CExpr_Tup           sget
           9  -> liftM4 CExpr_TupDel        sget sget sget sget
           10 -> liftM5 CExpr_TupIns        sget sget sget sget sget
           11 -> liftM5 CExpr_TupUpd        sget sget sget sget sget
           12 -> liftM2 CExpr_CaseAltFail   sget sget
           13 -> liftM  CExpr_Hole          sget
           14 -> liftM2 CExpr_HoleLet       sget sget
           15 -> liftM2 CExpr_ImplsApp      sget sget
           16 -> liftM2 CExpr_ImplsLam      sget sget
           17 -> return CExpr_CoeArg
           18 -> liftM  CExpr_Integer       sget
           19 -> liftM2 CExpr_Ann           sget sget
           20 -> liftM4 CExpr_FFI           sget sget sget sget
           21 -> liftM  CExpr_Dbg           sget

instance Serialize CMetaVal where
  sput (CMetaVal_Val                ) = sputWord8 0
  sput (CMetaVal_Dict               ) = sputWord8 1
  sput (CMetaVal_DictClass      a   ) = sputWord8 2 >> sput a
  sput (CMetaVal_DictInstance   a   ) = sputWord8 3 >> sput a
  sput (CMetaVal_Track          a   ) = sputWord8 4 >> sput a
    = do t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
            0 -> return CMetaVal_Val
            1 -> return CMetaVal_Dict
            2 -> liftM  CMetaVal_DictClass          sget
            3 -> liftM  CMetaVal_DictInstance       sget
            4 -> liftM  CMetaVal_Track              sget

instance Serialize CExprAnn where
  sput (CExprAnn_Ty    a) = sputWord8 0 >> sput a
  sput (CExprAnn_Coe   a) = sputWord8 1 >> sput a
  sput (CExprAnn_Debug _) = sputWord8 2
    = do t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
            0 -> liftM  CExprAnn_Ty         sget
            1 -> liftM  CExprAnn_Coe        sget
            2 -> return (CExprAnn_Debug     "")

instance Serialize CBindAnn where
  sput (CBindAnn_Coe   a) = sputWord8 0 >> sput a
    = do t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
            0 -> liftM  CBindAnn_Coe         sget

instance Serialize CBound where
  sput (CBound_Bind     a b      ) = sputWord8 0 >> sput a >> sput b
  -- sput (CBound_FFI   a b c d  ) = sputWord8 1 >> sput a >> sput b >> sput c >> sput d
  sput (CBound_FFE      a b c d  ) = sputWord8 2 >> sput a >> sput b >> sput c >> sput d
  sput (CBound_RelevTy a b      ) = sputWord8 3 >> sput a >> sput b
  sput (CBound_Meta    a b      ) = sputWord8 4 >> sput a >> sput b
  sput (CBound_Val     a b c d  ) = sputWord8 5 >> sput a >> sput b >> sput c >> sput d
  sput (CBound_Ty      a b      ) = sputWord8 6 >> sput a >> sput b
    = do t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
            0 -> liftM2 CBound_Bind          sget sget
            -- 1 -> liftM4 CBound_FFI           sget sget sget sget
            2 -> liftM4 CBound_FFE           sget sget sget sget
            3 -> liftM2 CBound_RelevTy       sget sget
            4 -> liftM2 CBound_Meta          sget sget
            5 -> liftM4 CBound_Val           sget sget sget sget
            6 -> liftM2 CBound_Ty            sget sget

instance Serialize CBind where
  sput (CBind_Bind a b      ) = {- sputWord8 0 >> -} sput a >> sput b
    = do {- t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
            0 -> -} liftM2 CBind_Bind          sget sget

instance Serialize CAlt where
  sput (CAlt_Alt   a b      ) = {- sputWord8 0 >> -} sput a >> sput b
    = do {- t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
            0 -> -} liftM2 CAlt_Alt         sget sget

instance Serialize CPat where
  sput (CPat_Var       a        ) = sputWord8 0 >> sput a
  sput (CPat_Con       a b c    ) = sputWord8 1 >> sput a >> sput b >> sput c
  sput (CPat_Int       a        ) = sputWord8 2 >> sput a
  sput (CPat_Char      a        ) = sputWord8 3 >> sput a
  sput (CPat_BoolExpr  a        ) = sputWord8 4 >> sput a
    = do t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
            0 -> liftM  CPat_Var         sget
            1 -> liftM3 CPat_Con         sget sget sget
            2 -> liftM  CPat_Int         sget
            3 -> liftM  CPat_Char        sget
            4 -> liftM  CPat_BoolExpr    sget

instance Serialize CPatRest where
  sput (CPatRest_Var   a        ) = sputWord8 0 >> sput a
  sput (CPatRest_Empty          ) = sputWord8 1
    = do t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
            0 -> liftM  CPatRest_Var           sget
            1 -> return CPatRest_Empty

instance Serialize CPatFld where
  sput (CPatFld_Fld   a b c d ) = {- sputWord8 0 >> -} sput a >> sput b >> sput c >> sput d
    = do {- t <- sgetWord8
         case t of
            0 -> -} liftM4 CPatFld_Fld         sget sget sget sget

instance Serialize CBindCateg where
  sput = sputEnum8
  sget = sgetEnum8

instance Serialize CMetaBind where
  sput = sputEnum8
  sget = sgetEnum8

-- CAlt --------------------------------------------------------
data CAlt = CAlt_Alt {pat_CAlt_Alt :: !(CPat),expr_CAlt_Alt :: !(CExpr)}
          deriving ( Data,Eq,Typeable)
-- CAltL -------------------------------------------------------
type CAltL = [CAlt]
-- CBind -------------------------------------------------------
data CBind = CBind_Bind {nm_CBind_Bind :: !(HsName),bindAspects_CBind_Bind :: !(CBoundL)}
           deriving ( Data,Eq,Typeable)
-- CBindAnn ----------------------------------------------------
data CBindAnn = CBindAnn_Coe {coe_CBindAnn_Coe :: !(RelevCoe)}
              deriving ( Data,Eq,Typeable)
-- CBindAnnL ---------------------------------------------------
type CBindAnnL = [CBindAnn]
-- CBindL ------------------------------------------------------
type CBindL = [CBind]
-- CBound ------------------------------------------------------
data CBound = CBound_Bind {bindMeta_CBound_Bind :: !(CMetas),expr_CBound_Bind :: !(CExpr)}
            | CBound_Meta {aspectKeyS_CBound_Meta :: !(ACoreBindAspectKeyS),cmetas_CBound_Meta :: !(CMetas)}
            | CBound_RelevTy {aspectKeyS_CBound_RelevTy :: !(ACoreBindAspectKeyS),relevTy_CBound_RelevTy :: !(RelevTy)}
            | CBound_Val {aspectKeyS_CBound_Val :: !(ACoreBindAspectKeyS),mlev_CBound_Val :: !(MetaLev),lbl_CBound_Val :: !(CLbl),expr_CBound_Val :: !(CExpr)}
            | CBound_Ty {aspectKeyS_CBound_Ty :: !(ACoreBindAspectKeyS),ty_CBound_Ty :: !(Ty)}
            | CBound_FFE {callconv_CBound_FFE :: !(FFIWay),expEnt_CBound_FFE :: !(ForeignEnt),expr_CBound_FFE :: !(CExpr),ty_CBound_FFE :: !(Ty)}
            deriving ( Data,Eq,Typeable)
-- CBoundL -----------------------------------------------------
type CBoundL = [CBound]
-- CDataCon ----------------------------------------------------
data CDataCon = CDataCon_Con {conNm_CDataCon_Con :: !(HsName),tagNr_CDataCon_Con :: !(Int),arity_CDataCon_Con :: !(Int)}
              deriving ( Data,Typeable)
-- CDataConL ---------------------------------------------------
type CDataConL = [CDataCon]
-- CDeclMeta ---------------------------------------------------
data CDeclMeta = CDeclMeta_Data {tyNm_CDeclMeta_Data :: !(HsName),dataCons_CDeclMeta_Data :: !(CDataConL)}
               deriving ( Data,Typeable)
-- CDeclMetaL --------------------------------------------------
type CDeclMetaL = [CDeclMeta]
-- CExport -----------------------------------------------------
data CExport = CExport_Export {nm_CExport_Export :: !(HsName)}
             deriving ( Data,Eq,Ord,Typeable)
-- CExportL ----------------------------------------------------
type CExportL = [CExport]
-- CExpr -------------------------------------------------------
data CExpr = CExpr_Var {ref_CExpr_Var :: !(ACoreBindRef)}
           | CExpr_Int {int_CExpr_Int :: !(Int)}
           | CExpr_Char {char_CExpr_Char :: !(Char)}
           | CExpr_String {str_CExpr_String :: !(String)}
           | CExpr_Integer {integer_CExpr_Integer :: !(Integer)}
           | CExpr_Tup {tag_CExpr_Tup :: !(CTag)}
           | CExpr_Let {categ_CExpr_Let :: !(CBindCateg),binds_CExpr_Let :: !(CBindL),body_CExpr_Let :: !(CExpr)}
           | CExpr_App {func_CExpr_App :: !(CExpr),arg_CExpr_App :: !(CBound)}
           | CExpr_Lam {bind_CExpr_Lam :: !(CBind),body_CExpr_Lam :: !(CExpr)}
           | CExpr_Case {expr_CExpr_Case :: !(CExpr),alts_CExpr_Case :: !(CAltL),dflt_CExpr_Case :: !(CExpr)}
           | CExpr_CaseAltFail {failReason_CExpr_CaseAltFail :: !(CaseAltFailReason),errorExpr_CExpr_CaseAltFail :: !(CExpr)}
           | CExpr_TupDel {expr_CExpr_TupDel :: !(CExpr),tag_CExpr_TupDel :: !(CTag),nm_CExpr_TupDel :: !(HsName),offset_CExpr_TupDel :: !(CExpr)}
           | CExpr_TupIns {expr_CExpr_TupIns :: !(CExpr),tag_CExpr_TupIns :: !(CTag),nm_CExpr_TupIns :: !(HsName),offset_CExpr_TupIns :: !(CExpr),fldExpr_CExpr_TupIns :: !(CExpr)}
           | CExpr_TupUpd {expr_CExpr_TupUpd :: !(CExpr),tag_CExpr_TupUpd :: !(CTag),nm_CExpr_TupUpd :: !(HsName),offset_CExpr_TupUpd :: !(CExpr),fldExpr_CExpr_TupUpd :: !(CExpr)}
           | CExpr_FFI {callconv_CExpr_FFI :: !(FFIWay),safety_CExpr_FFI :: !(String),impEnt_CExpr_FFI :: !(ForeignEnt),ty_CExpr_FFI :: !(Ty)}
           | CExpr_Dbg {info_CExpr_Dbg :: !(String)}
           | CExpr_Hole {uid_CExpr_Hole :: !(UID)}
           | CExpr_HoleLet {bindsUid_CExpr_HoleLet :: !(UID),body_CExpr_HoleLet :: !(CExpr)}
           | CExpr_CoeArg {}
           | CExpr_ImplsApp {func_CExpr_ImplsApp :: !(CExpr),uid_CExpr_ImplsApp :: !(ImplsVarId)}
           | CExpr_ImplsLam {uid_CExpr_ImplsLam :: !(ImplsVarId),body_CExpr_ImplsLam :: !(CExpr)}
           | CExpr_Ann {ann_CExpr_Ann :: !(CExprAnn),expr_CExpr_Ann :: !(CExpr)}
           deriving ( Data,Eq,Typeable)
-- CExprAnn ----------------------------------------------------
data CExprAnn = CExprAnn_Ty {ty_CExprAnn_Ty :: !(Ty)}
              | CExprAnn_Coe {coe_CExprAnn_Coe :: !(RelevCoe)}
              | CExprAnn_Debug {info_CExprAnn_Debug :: !(String)}
              deriving ( Data,Eq,Typeable)
-- CImport -----------------------------------------------------
data CImport = CImport_Import {nm_CImport_Import :: !(HsName)}
             deriving ( Data,Eq,Ord,Typeable)
-- CImportL ----------------------------------------------------
type CImportL = [CImport]
-- CMetaBind ---------------------------------------------------
data CMetaBind = CMetaBind_Plain {}
               | CMetaBind_Function0 {}
               | CMetaBind_Function1 {}
               | CMetaBind_Apply0 {}
               deriving ( Data,Enum,Eq,Typeable)
-- CMetaVal ----------------------------------------------------
data CMetaVal = CMetaVal_Val {}
              | CMetaVal_Dict {}
              | CMetaVal_DictClass {tracks_CMetaVal_DictClass :: !(([Track]))}
              | CMetaVal_DictInstance {tracks_CMetaVal_DictInstance :: !(([Track]))}
              | CMetaVal_Track {track_CMetaVal_Track :: !(Track)}
              deriving ( Data,Eq,Typeable)
-- CMetas ------------------------------------------------------
type CMetas = ( CMetaBind,CMetaVal)
-- CModule -----------------------------------------------------
data CModule = CModule_Mod {moduleNm_CModule_Mod :: !(HsName),exports_CModule_Mod :: !(CExportL),imports_CModule_Mod :: !(CImportL),declMetas_CModule_Mod :: !(CDeclMetaL),expr_CModule_Mod :: !(CExpr)}
             deriving ( Data,Typeable)
-- CPat --------------------------------------------------------
data CPat = CPat_Var {pnm_CPat_Var :: !(HsName)}
          | CPat_Con {tag_CPat_Con :: !(CTag),rest_CPat_Con :: !(CPatRest),binds_CPat_Con :: !(CPatFldL)}
          | CPat_Int {int_CPat_Int :: !(Int)}
          | CPat_Char {char_CPat_Char :: !(Char)}
          | CPat_BoolExpr {cexpr_CPat_BoolExpr :: !(CExpr)}
          deriving ( Data,Eq,Typeable)
-- CPatFld -----------------------------------------------------
data CPatFld = CPatFld_Fld {lbl_CPatFld_Fld :: !(HsName),offset_CPatFld_Fld :: !(CExpr),bind_CPatFld_Fld :: !(CBind),fldAnns_CPatFld_Fld :: !(CBindAnnL)}
             deriving ( Data,Eq,Typeable)
-- CPatFldL ----------------------------------------------------
type CPatFldL = [CPatFld]
-- CPatRest ----------------------------------------------------
data CPatRest = CPatRest_Var {nm_CPatRest_Var :: !(HsName)}
              | CPatRest_Empty {}
              deriving ( Data,Eq,Typeable)
-- CodeAGItf ---------------------------------------------------
data CodeAGItf = CodeAGItf_AGItf {module_CodeAGItf_AGItf :: !(CModule)}
               deriving ( Data,Typeable)