module UHC.Light.Compiler.EHC.Main ( mainEHC ) where import System.Console.GetOpt import System.IO import System.Exit import System.Process import System.Environment import qualified UHC.Light.Compiler.Config as Cfg import UHC.Light.Compiler.EHC.Common import UHC.Light.Compiler.EHC.Main.Utils import UHC.Light.Compiler.EHC.Environment import UHC.Light.Compiler.EHC.CompileUnit import UHC.Light.Compiler.EHC.CompileRun import UHC.Light.Compiler.EHC.InitialSetup import UHC.Light.Compiler.EHC.CompilePhase.TopLevelPhases import qualified Debug.Trace import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import Control.Monad.State import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.Target import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.Optimize (allOptimizeMp) import qualified UHC.Light.Compiler.SourceCodeSig as Sig import UHC.Light.Compiler.EHC.CompilePhase.Module import UHC.Light.Compiler.Module.ImportExport (modBuiltin) import UHC.Light.Compiler.Module.ImportExport import System.Directory import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.PackageDatabase import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.Parser2 import qualified UHC.Light.Compiler.ConfigCabal as Cfg (getDataDir) {-# LINE 94 "src/ehc/EHC/Main.chs" #-} mainEHC :: IO () mainEHC = do { args <- getArgs ; progName <- getProgName ; curDir <- getCurrentDirectory -- an empty data dir means we are running as cabal installed exec ; mbDataDir <- Cfg.getDataDir >>= \d -> return $ if null d then Nothing else Just d ; let opts1 = defaultEHCOpts { ehcOptEnvironment = defaultEHCEnvironment , ehcProgName = p , ehcCurDir = curDir } where p = mkFPath "uhcl" -- hardbaked name oo@(o,n,errs) = ehcCmdLineOptsApply (maybe [] (\d -> [\o -> o {ehcOptCfgInstallRoot = Just d}]) mbDataDir) args opts1 opts2 = maybe opts1 id o ; case opts2 of o | isNotOk (ehcOptMbTarget o) -> err $ "non existent target `" ++ fromNotOk (ehcOptMbTarget o) ++ "'" | isNotOk (ehcOptMbTargetFlavor o) -> err $ "non existent target flavor `" ++ fromNotOk (ehcOptMbTargetFlavor o) ++ "'" where err x = do { hPutStrLn stderr ("option error: " ++ x) ; exitFailure } _ -> return () ; userDir <- ehcenvDir (envkey opts2) ; let opts3 = opts2 { ehcOptUserDir = userDir , ehcOptOutputDir = let outputDir = maybe "." id (ehcOptOutputDir opts2) in case ehcOptPkgOpt opts2 of Just (PkgOption {pkgoptName=s}) -> case parsePkgKey s of Just k -> Just $ outputDir ++ "/" ++ mkInternalPkgFileBase k (Cfg.installVariant opts2) (ehcOptTarget opts2) (ehcOptTargetFlavor opts2) _ -> ehcOptOutputDir opts2 _ -> ehcOptOutputDir opts2 } ; case ehcOptImmQuit opts3 of Just immq -> let inputSuffixes = catMaybes [ s | (s,_,vis) <- mkFileSuffMpHs opts3, vis ] in handleImmQuitOption ehcCmdLineOpts inputSuffixes immq opts3 _ | null errs -> unless (null n) (doCompileRun n opts3) | otherwise -> do { putStr (head errs) ; exitFailure } } where envkey opts = mkEhcenvKey (Cfg.verFull Cfg.version) (fpathToStr $ ehcProgName opts) Cfg.ehcDefaultVariant {-# LINE 189 "src/ehc/EHC/Main.chs" #-} defaultEHCEnvironment :: EHCEnvironment defaultEHCEnvironment = EHCEnvironment Cfg.ehcDefaultVariant Cfg.ehcDefaultInplaceInstallDir {-# LINE 267 "src/ehc/EHC/Main.chs" #-} doCompilePrepare :: [String] -> EHCOpts -> IO (Maybe (EHCOpts,[FPath],[HsName],EHCompileRun)) doCompilePrepare fnL@(fn:_) opts = do { let fpL@(fp:_) = map (mkTopLevelFPath "hs") fnL topModNmL@(topModNm:_) = map (mkHNm . fpathBase) fpL -- installVariant = Cfg.installVariant opts -- ; installRoot <- Cfg.installRootM opts -- ; userDir <- ehcenvDir (Cfg.verFull Cfg.version) -- ; let opts2 = opts -- {ehcOptUserDir = userDir} ; pkgDb1 <- pkgDbFromDirs opts ({- [ filePathCoalesceSeparator $ filePathUnPrefix $ Cfg.mkDirbasedInstallPrefix (filelocDir d) Cfg.INST_LIB_PKG "" (show (ehcOptTarget opts)) "" | d <- ehcOptPkgdirLocPath opts ] ++ [ filePathUnPrefix $ Cfg.mkDirbasedTargetVariantPkgPrefix installRoot installVariant (show (ehcOptTarget opts)) "" ] -} {- -} [ filePathUnPrefix d | d <- nub $ ehcOptPkgdirLocPath opts ++ [Cfg.mkInstallPkgdirUser opts, Cfg.mkInstallPkgdirSystem opts] ] ) ; let (pkgDb2,pkgErrs) = pkgDbSelectBySearchFilter (pkgSearchFilter Just PackageSearchFilter_ExposePkg (map tup123to1 $ pkgExposedPackages pkgDb1) ++ sort (ehcOptPackageSearchFilter opts) ) pkgDb1 pkgDb3 = pkgDbFreeze pkgDb2 -- ; putStrLn $ "db1 " ++ show pkgDb1 -- ; putStrLn $ "db2 " ++ show pkgDb2 -- ; putStrLn $ "db3 " ++ show pkgDb3 -- ; putStrLn (show $ ehcOptPackageSearchFilter opts) ; ehcioinfo <- newEHCIOInfo ; let searchPath = [emptyFileLoc] ++ ehcOptImportFileLocPath opts {- ++ [ mkPkgFileLoc (p, Nothing) $ filePathUnPrefix $ Cfg.mkDirbasedLibVariantTargetPkgPrefix (filelocDir d) "" (show (ehcOptTarget opts)) p | d <- ehcOptLibFileLocPath opts , p <- ehcOptLibPackages opts ] ++ [ mkPkgFileLoc p $ filePathUnPrefix $ Cfg.mkDirbasedTargetVariantPkgPrefix installRoot installVariant (show (ehcOptTarget opts)) p | p <- ( ehcOptLibPackages opts ++ (if ehcOptHideAllPackages opts then [] else Cfg.ehcAssumedPackages) ) ] -} ++ [fileLocPkgDb] opts3 = opts { ehcOptImportFileLocPath = searchPath , ehcOptPkgDb = pkgDb3 } {- this does not work in ghc 6.8.2 crsi = emptyEHCompileRunStateInfo { crsiOpts = opts3 , crsiHSInh = initialHSSem opts3 , crsiEHInh = initialEHSem opts3 fp , crsiCoreInh = initialCore2GrSem opts3 -- , crsiHIInh = initialHISem opts3 , crsiHSModInh = initialHSSemMod opts3 } -} crsi = (EHCompileRunStateInfo opts3 uidStart uidStart (initialHSSem opts3) (initialEHSem opts3 fp) (initialCore2GrSem opts3) Nothing -- (initialHISem opts3) (initialHSSemMod opts3) Map.empty Map.empty defaultOptim Map.empty ehcioinfo [] ) initialState = mkEmptyCompileRun topModNm crsi ; return $ Just (opts3,fpL,topModNmL,initialState) } doCompileRun :: [String] -> EHCOpts -> IO () doCompileRun fnL@(fn:_) opts = do { mbPrep <- doCompilePrepare fnL opts ; if isJust mbPrep then do { let ( opts , fpL@(fp:_) , topModNmL@(topModNm:_) , initialState ) = fromJust mbPrep searchPath = ehcOptImportFileLocPath opts fileSuffMpHs = mkFileSuffMpHs opts ; when (ehcOptVerbosity opts >= VerboseDebug) (putStrLn $ "search path: " ++ show searchPath) ; _ <- if False -- ehcOptPriv opts then runStateT (compile2 opts fileSuffMpHs searchPath fpL topModNmL) initialState else runStateT (compile opts fileSuffMpHs searchPath fpL topModNmL) initialState ; return () } else exitFailure } where compile2 :: EHCOpts -> FileSuffMp -> FileLocPath -> [FPath] -> [HsName] -> EHCompilePhase () compile2 opts fileSuffMpHs searchPath fpL topModNmL = do { -- start with directly importing top modules, providing the filepath directly topModNmL' <- toplayer fpL topModNmL ; cpPP "topModNmL'" ; oneModNmL <- onelayer ; cpPP "oneModNmL" ; return () } where toplayer fpL topModNmL = zipWithM (\fp topModNm -> imp1 opts fileSuffMpHs searchPath (ECUS_Haskell HSOnlyImports) (Just fp) Nothing topModNm) fpL topModNmL onelayer = do { cr <- get ; let modNmS = Map.keysSet $ crCUCache cr ms = Set.unions [ case cuState e of -- ECUS_Haskell HIOnlyImports -> ecuTransClosedOrphanModS ecu _ -> ecuImpNmS e | m <- Set.toList modNmS, let e = crCU m cr ] `Set.difference` modNmS ; sequence -- or: cpSeq + return () [ do { i@(m',_) <- imp1 opts fileSuffMpHs searchPath (ECUS_Haskell HSOnlyImports) Nothing Nothing m -- ; cpEhcFullProgModuleDetermineNeedsCompile m' ; return i } | m <- Set.toList ms ] } -- dbg {- showCompileOrder = do { cr <- get ; lift $ putStrLn $ "compile order: " ++ show (crCompileOrder cr) } -} compile :: EHCOpts -> FileSuffMp -> FileLocPath -> [FPath] -> [HsName] -> EHCompilePhase () compile opts fileSuffMpHs searchPath fpL topModNmL@(modNm:_) = do { cpMsg modNm VerboseDebug $ "doCompileRun.compile topModNmL: " ++ show topModNmL -- check module import relationship for builtin module ; cpCheckModsModWith (const emptyModMpInfo) [modBuiltin] -- start with directly importing top modules, providing the filepath directly ; topModNmL' <- zipWithM (\fp topModNm -> imp (ECUS_Haskell HSOnlyImports) (Just fp) Nothing topModNm) fpL topModNmL -- follow the import relation to chase modules which have to be analysed ; cpImportGatherFromModsWithImp (if ehcOptPriv opts then \ecu -> case ecuState ecu of -- ECUS_Haskell HIStart -> Set.toList $ ecuTransClosedOrphanModS ecu ECUS_Haskell HIOnlyImports -> [] -- Set.toList $ ecuTransClosedOrphanModS ecu _ -> ecuImpNmL ecu else ecuImpNmL ) (imp (ECUS_Haskell HSOnlyImports) Nothing) (map fst topModNmL') -- import orphans ; when (ehcOptPriv opts) (do { -- import orphans importAlso (ECUS_Haskell HSOnlyImports) ecuTransClosedOrphanModS -- import used remaining modules, but just minimally ; importAlso (ECUS_Haskell HMOnlyMinimal) (Set.unions . Map.elems . ecuTransClosedUsedModMp) }) -- inhibit mutual recursiveness ; cpEhcCheckAbsenceOfMutRecModules -- and compile it all ; cpEhcFullProgCompileAllModules -- cleanup ; unless (ehcOptKeepIntermediateFiles opts) cpRmFilesToRm } where -- abbrev for imp1 imp = imp1 opts fileSuffMpHs searchPath -- import others, but then in a (slightly) different way importAlso :: EHCompileUnitState -> (EHCompileUnit -> Set.Set HsName) -> EHCompilePhase () importAlso how getNms = do { cr <- get ; let allAnalysedModS = Map.keysSet $ crCUCache cr allNewS = Set.unions [ getNms $ crCU m cr | m <- Set.toList allAnalysedModS ] `Set.difference` allAnalysedModS ; cpImportGatherFromModsWithImp (const []) (imp how Nothing) (Set.toList allNewS) } imp1 :: EHCOpts -> FileSuffMp -> FileLocPath -> EHCompileUnitState -> Maybe FPath -> Maybe (HsName,(FPath,FileLoc)) -> HsName -> EHCompilePhase (HsName,Maybe (HsName,(FPath,FileLoc))) imp1 opts fileSuffMpHs searchPath desiredState mbFp mbPrev nm = do { let isTopModule = isJust mbFp fileSuffMpHs' = map tup123to12 $ (if isTopModule then fileSuffMpHsNoSuff else []) ++ fileSuffMpHs ; let searchPath' = adaptedSearchPath mbPrev ; fpsFound <- cpFindFilesForFPathInLocations (fileLocSearch opts) (\(x,_,_) -> x) False fileSuffMpHs' searchPath' (Just nm) mbFp ; when (ehcOptVerbosity opts >= VerboseDebug) (do { lift $ putStrLn $ show nm ++ ": " ++ show (fmap fpathToStr mbFp) ++ ": " ++ show (map fpathToStr fpsFound) ; lift $ putStrLn $ "searchPath: " ++ show searchPath' }) ; when isTopModule (cpUpdCU nm (ecuSetIsTopMod True)) ; cpUpdCU nm (ecuSetTarget (ehcOptTarget opts)) ; case fpsFound of (fp:_) -> do { nm' <- cpEhcModuleCompile1 (Just desiredState) nm ; cr <- get ; let (ecu,_,_,_) = crBaseInfo nm' cr ; return (nm',Just (nm',(fp, ecuFileLocation ecu))) } _ -> return (nm,Nothing) } where -- strip tail part corresponding to module name, and use it to search as well adaptedSearchPath (Just (prevNm,(prevFp,prevLoc))) = case (fpathMbDir (mkFPath prevNm), fpathMbDir prevFp, prevLoc) of (_, _, p) | filelocIsPkg p -> p : searchPath (Just n, Just p, _) -> mkDirFileLoc (filePathUnPrefix prefix) : searchPath where (prefix,_) = splitAt (length p - length n) p _ -> searchPath adaptedSearchPath _ = searchPath