{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, FunctionalDependencies, UndecidableInstances, ExistentialQuantification, ScopedTypeVariables, StandaloneDeriving #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}

--- Constraint Handling Rules

{- |
Derived from work by Gerrit vd Geest, but with searching structures for predicates
to avoid explosion of search space during resolution.

module UHC.Util.CHR.Rule
  ( CHRRule(..)
  , Rule(..)
  , (<==>), (==>), (|>)
  , MkSolverConstraint(..)
  , MkSolverGuard(..)

import qualified UHC.Util.TreeTrie as TreeTrie
import           UHC.Util.CHR.Base
import           UHC.Util.VarMp
import           UHC.Util.Utils
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Typeable
import           Data.Data
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import           UHC.Util.Pretty
import           UHC.Util.CHR.Key
import           Control.Monad
import           UHC.Util.Binary
import           UHC.Util.Serialize
import           UHC.Util.Substitutable

--- Existentially quantified Rule representations to allow for mix of arbitrary universes

data CHRRule env subst
  = CHRRule
      { chrRule :: Rule (CHRConstraint env subst) (CHRGuard env subst)
  deriving (Typeable)

type instance TTKey (CHRRule env subst) = TTKey (CHRConstraint env subst)

deriving instance Typeable (CHRRule env subst)

instance Show (CHRRule env subst) where
  show _ = "CHRRule"

instance PP (CHRRule env subst) where
  pp (CHRRule r) = pp r

--- CHR, derived structures

-- | A CHR (rule) consist of head (simplification + propagation, boundary indicated by an Int), guard, and a body. All may be empty, but not all at the same time.
data Rule cnstr guard
  = Rule
      { ruleHead         :: ![cnstr]
      , ruleSimpSz       :: !Int             -- length of the part of the head which is the simplification part
      , ruleGuard        :: ![guard]         -- subst -> Maybe subst
      , ruleBody         :: ![cnstr]
  deriving (Typeable, Data)

emptyCHRGuard :: [a]
emptyCHRGuard = []

instance Show (Rule c g) where
  show _ = "Rule"

instance (PP c,PP g) => PP (Rule c g) where
  pp chr
    = case chr of
        (Rule h@(_:_)  sz g b) | sz == 0        -> ppChr ([ppL h, pp  "==>"] ++ ppGB g b)
        (Rule h@(_:_)  sz g b) | sz == length h -> ppChr ([ppL h, pp "<==>"] ++ ppGB g b)
        (Rule h@(_:_)  sz g b)                  -> ppChr ([ppL (take sz h), pp "|", ppL (drop sz h), pp "<==>"] ++ ppGB g b)
        (Rule []       _  g b)                  -> ppChr (ppGB g b)
    where ppGB g@(_:_) b@(_:_) = [ppL g, "|" >#< ppL b]
          ppGB g@(_:_) []      = [ppL g >#< "|"]
          ppGB []      b@(_:_) = [ppL b]
          ppGB []      []      = []
          ppL [x] = pp x
          ppL xs  = ppBracketsCommasBlock xs -- ppParensCommasBlock xs
          ppChr l = vlist l -- ppCurlysBlock

type instance TTKey (Rule cnstr guard) = TTKey cnstr

instance (TTKeyable cnstr) => TTKeyable (Rule cnstr guard) where
  toTTKey' o chr = toTTKey' o $ head $ ruleHead chr

--- Var instances

type instance ExtrValVarKey (Rule c g) = ExtrValVarKey c

instance (VarExtractable c, VarExtractable g, ExtrValVarKey c ~ ExtrValVarKey g) => VarExtractable (Rule c g) where
  varFreeSet          (Rule {ruleHead=h, ruleGuard=g, ruleBody=b})
    = Set.unions $ concat [map varFreeSet h, map varFreeSet g, map varFreeSet b]

instance (VarUpdatable c s, VarUpdatable g s) => VarUpdatable (Rule c g) s where
  varUpd s r@(Rule {ruleHead=h, ruleGuard=g, ruleBody=b})
    = r {ruleHead = map (varUpd s) h, ruleGuard = map (varUpd s) g, ruleBody = map (varUpd s) b}

--- Construction: Rule

class MkRule c g c' g' r | r c -> g g' c', r g -> c c' g', c c' -> g g' r, g g' -> c c' r, r g' -> c c' g, c' g' r -> c g, r -> c g c' g' where
-- class MkRule c g c' g' r | r -> c' g' c g, c' -> g' r, g' -> c' r, c -> g r, g -> c r where
-- class MkRule c g c' g' r | r -> c' g' c g where
  -- | Lift constraint, from In to Out
  toSolverConstraint :: c -> c'
  -- | Lift guard, from In to Out
  toSolverGuard :: g -> g'
  -- | Make rule
  mkRule :: [c'] -> Int -> [g'] -> [c'] -> r
  -- | Add guards to rule
  guardRule :: [g'] -> r -> r

infix   1 <==>, ==>
infixr  0 |>

(<==>), (==>) :: forall c g c' g' r . (MkRule c g c' g' r) => [c] -> [c] -> r
hs <==>  bs = mkRule (map toSolverConstraint hs) (length hs) ([]::[g']) (map toSolverConstraint bs)
hs  ==>  bs = mkRule (map toSolverConstraint hs) 0 ([]::[g']) (map toSolverConstraint bs)

(|>) :: (MkRule c g c' g' r) => r -> [g] -> r
r |> g = guardRule (map toSolverGuard g) r

instance MkRule c g c g (Rule c g) where
  toSolverConstraint = id
  toSolverGuard = id
  mkRule = Rule
  guardRule g r = r {ruleGuard = ruleGuard r ++ g}

class MkSolverConstraint c c' where
  toSolverConstraint :: c' -> c
  fromSolverConstraint :: c -> Maybe c'

instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} MkSolverConstraint c c where
  toSolverConstraint = id
  fromSolverConstraint = Just
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-}
         ( IsCHRConstraint e c s
         , TTKey (CHRConstraint e s) ~ TTKey c
         , ExtrValVarKey (CHRConstraint e s) ~ ExtrValVarKey c
         ) => MkSolverConstraint (CHRConstraint e s) c where
  toSolverConstraint = CHRConstraint
  fromSolverConstraint (CHRConstraint c) = cast c

class MkSolverGuard g g' where
  toSolverGuard :: g' -> g
  fromSolverGuard :: g -> Maybe g'

instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} MkSolverGuard g g where
  toSolverGuard = id
  fromSolverGuard = Just

instance {-# OVERLAPS #-}
         ( IsCHRGuard e g s
         , ExtrValVarKey (CHRGuard e s) ~ ExtrValVarKey g
         ) => MkSolverGuard (CHRGuard e s) g where
  toSolverGuard = CHRGuard
  fromSolverGuard (CHRGuard g) = cast g

class MkRule r where
  type SolverConstraint r :: *
  type SolverGuard r :: *
  -- | Make rule
  mkRule :: [SolverConstraint r] -> Int -> [SolverGuard r] -> [SolverConstraint r] -> r
  -- | Add guards to rule
  guardRule :: [SolverGuard r] -> r -> r

instance MkRule (Rule c g) where
  type SolverConstraint (Rule c g) = c
  type SolverGuard (Rule c g) = g
  mkRule = Rule
  guardRule g r = r {ruleGuard = ruleGuard r ++ g}

instance MkRule (CHRRule e s) where
  type SolverConstraint (CHRRule e s) = (CHRConstraint e s)
  type SolverGuard (CHRRule e s) = (CHRGuard e s)
  mkRule h1 h2 l b = CHRRule $ mkRule h1 h2 l b 
  guardRule g (CHRRule r) = CHRRule $ guardRule g r

infix   1 <==>, ==>
infixr  0 |>

(<==>), (==>) :: (MkRule r, MkSolverConstraint (SolverConstraint r) c1, MkSolverConstraint (SolverConstraint r) c2) => [c1] -> [c2] -> r
hs <==>  bs = mkRule (map toSolverConstraint hs) (length hs) [] (map toSolverConstraint bs)
hs  ==>  bs = mkRule (map toSolverConstraint hs) 0 [] (map toSolverConstraint bs)

(|>) :: (MkRule r, MkSolverGuard (SolverGuard r) g') => r -> [g'] -> r
r |> g = guardRule (map toSolverGuard g) r

-- Below variant runs into typing problem w.r.t. injectivity of type functions...
class MkRule r where
  type MkSolverConstraintIn r :: *
  type MkSolverGuardIn r :: *
  type MkSolverConstraintOut r :: *
  type MkSolverGuardOut r :: *
  -- | Lift constraint, from In to Out
  toSolverConstraint :: MkSolverConstraintIn r -> MkSolverConstraintOut r
  -- | Lift guard, from In to Out
  toSolverGuard :: MkSolverGuardIn r -> MkSolverGuardOut r
  -- | Make rule
  mkRule :: [MkSolverConstraintOut r] -> Int -> [MkSolverGuardOut r] -> [MkSolverConstraintOut r] -> r
  -- | Add guards to rule
  guardRule :: [MkSolverGuardOut r] -> r -> r

infix   1 <==>, ==>
infixr  0 |>

(<==>), (==>) :: forall r c . (MkRule r, c ~ MkSolverConstraintIn r) => [c] -> [c] -> r
hs <==>  bs = mkRule (map toSolverConstraint hs) (length hs) (map toSolverGuard emptyCHRGuard) (map toSolverConstraint bs)
hs  ==>  bs = mkRule (map toSolverConstraint hs) 0 (map toSolverGuard emptyCHRGuard) (map toSolverConstraint bs)

(|>) :: (MkRule r, g ~ MkSolverGuardIn r) => r -> [g] -> r
r |> g = guardRule (map toSolverGuard g) r

instance MkRule (Rule c g) where
  type MkSolverConstraintIn (Rule c g) = c
  type MkSolverGuardIn (Rule c g) = g
  type MkSolverConstraintOut (Rule c g) = c
  type MkSolverGuardOut (Rule c g) = g
  toSolverConstraint = id
  toSolverGuard = id
  mkRule = Rule
  guardRule g r = r {ruleGuard = ruleGuard r ++ g}

--- Instances: Serialize

instance (Serialize c,Serialize g) => Serialize (Rule c g) where
  sput (Rule a b c d) = sput a >> sput b >> sput c >> sput d
  sget = liftM4 Rule sget sget sget sget

instance (MkSolverConstraint (CHRConstraint e s) x', Serialize x') => Serialize (CHRConstraint e s) where
  sput x = maybe (panic "UHC.Util.CHR.Rule.Serialize.MkSolverConstraint.sput") sput $ fromSolverConstraint x
  sget = liftM toSolverConstraint sget

instance Serialize (CHRRule e s) where
  sput (CHRRule a) = sput a
  sget = liftM CHRRule sget