{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}

module UHC.Util.CHR.Solve.TreeTrie.Visualizer
  ( chrVisualize

import           Prelude
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import           UHC.Util.Pretty
import           UHC.Util.PrettySimple
import           UHC.Util.CHR.Rule
import           UHC.Util.CHR.GTerm.Parser
import           UHC.Util.CHR.Solve.TreeTrie.Mono
import           UHC.Util.CHR.Solve.TreeTrie.MonoBacktrackPrio as MBP
import           UHC.Util.CHR.Solve.TreeTrie.Examples.Term.AST
import           UHC.Util.CHR.Solve.TreeTrie.Internal
import           UHC.Util.CHR.Solve.TreeTrie.Internal.Shared
import           UHC.Util.Substitutable
import           Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import           Data.Graph.Inductive.Tree

sortGroupOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [[a]]
sortGroupOn f = construct . sortOn f
    construct []     = []
    construct (y:ys) = group : construct rest
        group = y : takeWhile ((f y ==) . f) ys
        rest  =     dropWhile ((f y ==) . f) ys

data NodeData
  -- Applied rule with first alt (if it exists)
  = NodeRule 
    { nrLayer       :: Int
    , nrColumn      :: Int
    , nrName        :: String
    , nrRuleVars    :: [Tm]
    , nrFirstAlt    :: Maybe C
  -- Additional alts of a rule
  | NodeAlt
    { naLayer       :: Int
    , naColumn      :: Int
    , naConstraint  :: C
  -- Added node to make a proper layered graph
  -- A proper layered graph is a graph in which all edges
  -- go from a layer to the next layer. To satisfy this,
  -- we add synthesized nodes on edges that do not skip one
  -- or more layers
  | NodeSynthesized 
    { nsLayer       :: Int
    , nsColumn      :: Int
    , nsEdgeKind    :: EdgeKind

data EdgeKind
  = EdgeGuard -- Usage of term in guard of rule.
  | EdgeHead  -- Usage of term in head of rule.
  | EdgeUnify -- Usage of some term that required unification of this node.
  | EdgeAlt   -- Link between NodeRule and NodeAlt. Both nodes have same layer.
  deriving Eq

type Node' = LNode NodeData
-- | Edge has a kind and a bool that says whether this edge is
--   the last edge of a sequence of edges. The last edge does not
--   end in a synthesized node, the others do.
type Edge' = LEdge (EdgeKind, Bool)
type NodeEdge = (Node', Node', EdgeKind, Bool)

asEdge :: NodeEdge -> Edge'
asEdge ((from, _), (to, _), kind, isLast) = (from, to, (kind, isLast))

-- | Gets the layer of a node
nodeLayer :: Node' -> Int
nodeLayer (_, NodeRule{nrLayer = layer})        = layer
nodeLayer (_, NodeAlt{naLayer = layer})         = layer
nodeLayer (_, NodeSynthesized{nsLayer = layer}) = layer

-- | Gets the column of a node
nodeColumn :: Node' -> Int
nodeColumn (_, NodeRule{nrColumn = col})        = col
nodeColumn (_, NodeAlt{naColumn = col})         = col
nodeColumn (_, NodeSynthesized{nsColumn = col}) = col

-- | Sets the column of a node
nodeSetColumn :: Node' -> Int -> Node'
nodeSetColumn (n, d@NodeRule{}) col        = (n, d{nrColumn = col})
nodeSetColumn (n, d@NodeAlt{}) col         = (n, d{naColumn = col})
nodeSetColumn (n, d@NodeSynthesized{}) col = (n, d{nsColumn = col})

-- | A map between a term, and the location where it was found combined
--   with the required unifications
type NodeMap = Map.Map Tm (Node', [Node'])
-- | Contains all data needed to build the graph, during traversal of
--   the solve trace
data BuildState = BuildState [Node'] [NodeEdge] NodeMap Int Int
emptyBuildState :: BuildState
emptyBuildState = BuildState [] [] Map.empty 0 0

-- | Gives all terms that follow after a unification
replaceInTm :: Tm -> Tm -> Tm -> [Tm]
replaceInTm a b tm
  | tm == a || tm == b = [a, b]
  | otherwise          = case tm of
    Tm_Con name tms -> fmap (Tm_Con name) (replaceList tms)
    Tm_Lst tms ltm  -> do
      tms' <- replaceList tms
      ltm' <- replaceMaybe ltm
      return $ Tm_Lst tms' ltm'
    Tm_Op op tms    -> fmap (Tm_Op op) (replaceList tms)
    x               -> [x]
      replaceList = sequence . fmap (replaceInTm a b)
      replaceMaybe Nothing  = [Nothing]
      replaceMaybe (Just y) = fmap Just $ replaceInTm a b y

-- | Gives all terms in a constraint
tmsInC :: C -> [Tm]
tmsInC (C_Con s tms) = [Tm_Con s tms]
tmsInC _             = []

-- | Gives all terms in a guard
tmsInG :: G -> [Tm]
tmsInG (G_Tm tm) = tmsInTm tm
tmsInG _         = []

tmsInTm :: Tm -> [Tm]
tmsInTm tm = tm : children tm
    children (Tm_Lst as Nothing)  = as
    children (Tm_Lst as (Just a)) = as ++ [a]
    children _                    = [] 

-- | Finds all terms that were used for this rule
--   Used by visualizer to draw edges to the origin of
--   these rules.
precedentTms :: Rule C G P P -> [(Tm, EdgeKind)]
precedentTms rule
  =  fmap (\n -> (n, EdgeHead))  (concatMap tmsInC $ ruleHead rule)
  ++ fmap (\n -> (n, EdgeGuard)) (concatMap tmsInG $ ruleGuard rule)

-- | Adds the constraint (of an alt) to the NodeMap
addConstraint :: C -> Node' -> NodeMap -> NodeMap
addConstraint (CB_Eq a b)   = addUnify a b
addConstraint (C_Con s tms) = addTerm $ Tm_Con s tms
addConstraint c             = const id

addTerm :: Tm -> Node' -> NodeMap -> NodeMap
addTerm tm node =  Map.insert tm (node, [])

addUnify :: Tm -> Tm -> Node' -> NodeMap -> NodeMap
addUnify a b node map = Map.foldlWithKey cb map map
    cb :: NodeMap -> Tm -> (Node', [Node']) -> NodeMap
    cb map' tm (n, nodes) = foldl (\map'' key -> Map.insertWith compare key (n, node : nodes) map'') map' (replaceInTm a b tm)
    compare x@(_, nodes1) y@(_, nodes2)
      | length nodes1 <= length nodes2 = x
      | otherwise                      = y

-- | Generates nodes and edges for a SolveStep.
--   Stores the resulting terms in the NodeMap.
stepToNodes :: BuildState -> SolveStep' C (MBP.StoredCHR C G P P) S -> BuildState
stepToNodes state@(BuildState _ _ nodeMap nodeId layer) step
  = BuildState
    schr = stepChr step
    rule = storedChrRule' schr
    updRule = varUpd (stepSubst step) rule
    alt = maybe [] (fmap $ varUpd $ stepSubst step) $ stepAlt step
    (BuildState nodes edges' nodeMap' nodeId' layer', primaryNode) =
        (maybe "[untitled]" id (ruleName rule))
        (Map.elems (stepSubst step))
    edges'' =
      ( fmap (\(n, kind) -> (n, primaryNode, kind, True))
        $ concatMap (\(n, ns, kind) -> (n, kind) : fmap (\x -> (x, EdgeUnify)) ns)
        $ mapMaybe
          (\(tm, kind) -> fmap
            (\(n, ns) -> (n, ns, kind))
            (Map.lookup tm nodeMap))
          (precedentTms updRule)
      ++ edges'

createNodes :: String -> [Tm] -> [C] -> BuildState -> (BuildState, Node')
createNodes name vars alts (BuildState previousNodes previousEdges nodeMap nodeId layer)
  = ( BuildState (nodes ++ previousNodes) (edges ++ previousEdges) nodeMap' (nodeId + max 1 (length alts)) (layer + 1)
    , primaryNode
    primaryNode =
      (nodeId, NodeRule
        { nrLayer    = layer
        , nrColumn   = 0
        , nrName     = name
        , nrRuleVars = vars
        , nrFirstAlt = listToMaybe alts
    nodes = primaryNode : altNodes
    altTms = concatMap tmsInC alts
    nodeMap' = foldl updateMap nodeMap nodes
    -- Updates node map for a new node
    updateMap :: NodeMap -> Node' -> NodeMap
    updateMap map node@(_, NodeRule{ nrFirstAlt = Just alt }) = addConstraint alt node map
    updateMap map node@(_, NodeAlt{ naConstraint = alt }) = addConstraint alt node map
    updateMap map _ = map
    altNode (constraint, i) = (nodeId + i, NodeAlt layer 0 constraint)
    altNodes = fmap altNode (drop 1 $ addIndices alts)
    edges = (fmap (\n -> (primaryNode, n, EdgeAlt, True)) altNodes)

-- | Adds synthesized nodes to create a proper layered graph
createSynthesizedNodes :: [Node'] -> [NodeEdge] -> Int -> ([NodeEdge], [Node'])
createSynthesizedNodes nodes es firstNode
  = create es firstNode [] []
    create :: [NodeEdge] -> Int -> [NodeEdge] -> [Node'] -> ([NodeEdge], [Node'])
    create ((edge@(from, to, kind, _)):edges) id accumEdges accumNodes
      = create edges id' (es ++ accumEdges) (ns ++ accumNodes)
        (es, ns, id') = split (nodeLayer from) edge id
    create _ _ accumEdges accumNodes = (accumEdges, accumNodes)
    split :: Int -> NodeEdge -> Int -> ([NodeEdge], [Node'], Int)
    split fromLayer edge@(from, to, kind, _) id
      | fromLayer + 1 >= nodeLayer to = ([edge], [], id)
      | otherwise                     =
        ( (from, node, kind, False) : edges',
          node : nodes',
          node = (id, (NodeSynthesized (fromLayer + 1) 0 kind))
          (edges', nodes', id') = split (fromLayer + 1) (node, to, kind, True) (id + 1)

-- | Creates a graph with the visualization
createGraph :: [C] -> [SolveStep' C (MBP.StoredCHR C G P P) S] -> Gr NodeData (EdgeKind, Bool)
createGraph query steps = mkGraph sortedLayers (fmap asEdge edges)
    -- | Sort the layers by giving each node in a layer an unique nodeColumn value
    sortedLayers = sortedFirstLayer ++ sortNodes maxLayerSize (sortedFirstLayer : layers) layeredEdges
    -- | Set the nodeColumn values of each of the nodes in the query (the query forms the first layer)
    sortedFirstLayer = uniqueColumns firstLayer ((maxLayerSize - length firstLayer) `div` 2)
    -- | Extracting [[Node']] from layerNodes
    firstLayer : layers = sortGroupOn nodeLayer nodes
    -- firstLayer : layers = Map.elems $ layerNodes nodes
    -- | For each layer we create a list with the nodes in that layer
    -- layerNodes :: [Node'] -> Map.Map Int [Node']
    -- layerNodes ns = foldl (\m x -> Map.insertWith (++) (nodeLayer x) [x] m) Map.empty ns
    (state, _) = createNodes "?" [] query emptyBuildState
    BuildState nodes' edges' _ id _ = foldr (flip stepToNodes) state steps
    (edges, synNodes) = createSynthesizedNodes nodes' edges' id
    nodes = nodes' ++ synNodes
    maxLayerSize = maximum $ fmap length (firstLayer : layers)
    edgesCrossLayer = filter (\(from, to, _, _) -> nodeLayer from /= nodeLayer to) edges
    layeredEdges = sortGroupOn (nodeLayer . fst') edgesCrossLayer

-- | Sort the nodes using the median heuristic
-- | The first layer is left as it was, the second layer is sorted using the first etc.
sortNodes :: Int -> [[Node']] -> [[NodeEdge]] -> [Node']
sortNodes _ (x:[]) _ = []
sortNodes maxLayerSize (x:xs:xss) e = medianHeurstic maxLayerSize x xs edges ++ sortNodes maxLayerSize (xs:xss) rest
    (edges, rest) =
      if null e then
        ([], [])
      else if (nodeLayer $ fst' $ head $ head e) == nodeLayer (head x) then
        (head e, tail e)
        ([], e)

-- | lowerLayer is the layer to be sorted, upperLayer is assumed to be sorted
-- | The maxLayerSize is used to center the graph (by altering the value given to uniqueColumns)
-- | Documentation for the median heuristic:
-- | https://cs.brown.edu/~rt/gdhandbook/chapters/hierarchical.pdf
-- | http://www.cs.usyd.edu.au/~shhong/fab.pdf
-- | https://books.google.nl/books?id=6hfsCAAAQBAJ&lpg=PA28&dq=median%20heuristic%20sorting%20vertices&hl=nl&pg=PA28#v=onepage&q&f=false
medianHeurstic :: Int -> [Node'] -> [Node'] -> [NodeEdge] -> [Node']
medianHeurstic maxLayerSize upperLayer lowerLayer e = uniqueColumns sortedMedianList ((maxLayerSize - length lowerLayer) `div` 2)
    -- | The medianList sorted on the median values
    sortedMedianList = sortOn nodeColumn medianList
    -- | The list of median values for each of the nodes in lowerLayer
    medianList = map (\x -> nodeSetColumn x (median x)) lowerLayer
    -- | The median value of the x coördinates of the neighbors
    median n
      | neighborCount == 0 = 0
      | otherwise          = coords !! (ceiling (realToFrac neighborCount / 2) - 1)
        coords = coordinates n
        neighborCount = length coords
    -- | The values of the x coördinates of the neighbors
    coordinates n = map nodeColumn (neighbors n)
    -- | The neighbor nodes of the given Node' n (on a higher layer)
    neighbors n = map (fst') (edges n)
    -- | All the edges connected to given Node' n
    edges n = filter (\(_, (id, _), _, _) -> id == fst n) e

-- | Ensure that each Node' has an unique nodeColumn (the x coördinate)
-- | The value of the nodeColumn is set to i
uniqueColumns :: [Node'] -> Int -> [Node']
uniqueColumns (n:ns) i = nodeSetColumn n i : uniqueColumns ns (i + 1)
uniqueColumns _ _ = []

fst' :: (a, b, c, d) -> a
fst' (a, _, _, _) = a

-- | Creates a HTML tag
tag :: String -> PP_Doc -> PP_Doc -> PP_Doc
tag name attr content = (text ("<" ++ name)) >|< attributes attr >|< body content
    attributes Emp = Emp
    attributes a   = text " " >|< a
    body Emp       = text " />"
    body content   = text ">" >|< content >|< text ("</" ++ name ++ ">")

-- | Creates a HTML tag without attributes
tag' :: String -> PP_Doc -> PP_Doc
tag' name = tag name Emp

-- | Add indices to an array as a tuple with value and index
addIndices :: [a] -> [(a, Int)]
addIndices = flip zip [0..]

-- | Generates HTML for a node
showNode :: (Node' -> (Int, Int)) -> Node' -> PP_Doc
showNode pos node@(_, NodeRule{nrLayer = layer, nrName = name, nrRuleVars = vars, nrFirstAlt = alt}) = tag "div"
    text "class=\"rule\" style=\"top: "
    >|< pp (y + 10) 
    >|< text "px; left: "
    >|< pp x
    >|< text "px;\""
    tag "span" (text "class=\"" >|< className >|< text "\"") (
      (text name)
      >|< (hlist (fmap ((" " >|<) . pp) vars))
    >|< tag' "br" Emp
    >|< text "&#8627;"
    >|< tag "span" (text "class=\"rule-alt\"") altText
    (x, y) = pos node
    altText = maybe (text ".") pp alt
    className = text "rule-text"
    showUsage name var = tag "div" (text $ "class=\"" ++ className ++ "\"") (text " ")
        className = name ++ " var-" ++ var
showNode pos node@(_, NodeAlt{ naConstraint = constraint }) = tag "div"
    text "class=\"rule-additional-alt\" style=\"top: "
    >|< pp (y + 10)
    >|< text "px; left: "
    >|< pp x
    >|< text "px;\""
    text "&#8627;"
    >|< tag "span" (text "class=\"rule-alt\"") (pp constraint)
    (x, y) = pos node
showNode _ (_, NodeSynthesized{}) = Emp

-- | Generates HTML for an edge
showEdge :: (Node -> (Int, Int)) -> Edge' -> PP_Doc
showEdge pos (from, to, (kind, isEnd)) =
  if kind == EdgeAlt then
    -- Edge between rule and alt of same rule
    tag "div"
        text "class=\"edge-alt\" style=\"top: "
        >|< pp y1
        >|< "px; left: "
        >|< pp (min x1 x2)
        >|< "px; width: "
        >|< abs (x2 - x1 - 16)
        >|< "px;\""
      (text " ")
    tag "div"
        text "class=\"edge-ver "
        >|< text className
        >|< text "\" style=\"top: "
        >|< pp (y1 + 35)
        >|< "px; left: "
        >|< pp x1
        >|< "px; height: "
        >|< (y2 - y1 - 60 - 6)
        >|< "px;\""
      (text " ")
    >|< tag "div"
        text "class=\"edge-hor"
        >|< text (if x2 > x1 then " edge-hor-left " else if x2 < x1 then " edge-hor-right " else " edge-hor-no-curve ")
        >|< text className
        >|< text "\" style=\"top: "
        >|< pp (y2 - 19)
        >|< "px; left: "
        >|< pp (if x1 < x2 then x1 else x2 + (if isEnd then 0 else (abs (x2 - x1) + 1) `div` 2))
        >|< "px; width: "
        >|< pp (abs (x2 - x1) `div` (if isEnd then 1 else 2))
        >|< "px;\""
      (text " ")
    >|< (if isEnd then Emp else tag "div"
          text "class=\"edge-end edge-end-"
          >|< text (if x2 > x1 then "left " else if x2 < x1 then "right " else "no-curve ")
          >|< text className
          >|< text "\" style=\"top: "
          >|< pp (y2 - 3 + 11)
          >|< "px; left: "
          >|< pp (if x1 < x2 then (x1 + x2) `div` 2 + 6 else x2)
          >|< pp "px; width: "
          >|< pp (if x1 == x2 then 0 else ((abs (x2 - x1) + 1) `div` 2) - 6)
          >|< "px;\""
        (text " ")
    (x1, y1)  = pos from
    (x2, y2)  = pos to
    className = case kind of
      EdgeAlt   -> ""
      EdgeGuard -> "edge-guard"
      EdgeHead  -> "edge-head"
      EdgeUnify -> "edge-unify"

-- | Creates a visualization for the given query and solve trace.
--   Output is a PP_Doc containing a HTML file.
chrVisualize :: [C] -> SolveTrace' C (MBP.StoredCHR C G P P) S -> PP_Doc
chrVisualize query trace = tag' "html" $
  tag' "head" (
    tag' "title" (text "CHR visualization")
    >|< tag' "style" styles
  >|< tag' "body" (
    graph = createGraph query trace
    body = ufold reduce Emp graph >|< hlist (fmap (showEdge posId) $ labEdges graph)
    reduce (inn, id, node, out) right = showNode pos (id, node) >|< right
    nodeCount = length $ nodes graph
    pos :: Node' -> (Int, Int)
    pos n = ((nodeColumn n) * 200, (nodeLayer n) * 60)
    posId :: Node -> (Int, Int)
    posId node = pos (node, fromJust $ lab graph node)

-- | The stylesheet used in the visualization.
styles :: PP_Doc
styles =
  text "body {\n\
       \  font-size: 9pt;\n\
       \  font-family: Arial;\n\
       \.rule {\n\
       \  position: absolute;\n\
       \  white-space: nowrap;\n\
       \.rule-text {\n\
       \  border: 1px solid #aaa;\n\
       \  background-color: #fff;\n\
       \  display: inline-block;\n\
       \  padding: 2px;\n\
       \  margin: 3px 1px 0;\n\
       \  min-width: 30px;\n\
       \  text-align: center;\n\
       \.rule-alt {\n\
       \  display: inline-block;\n\
       \  color: #A89942;\n\
       \  background: #fff;\n\
       \.rule-additional-alt {\n\
       \  position: absolute;\n\
       \  white-space: nowrap;\n\
       \  margin-top: 24px;\n\
       \.edge-ver {\n\
       \  position: absolute;\n\
       \  width: 0px;\n\
       \  border-left: 6px solid #578999;\n\
       \  opacity: 0.4;\n\
       \  margin-left: 15px;\n\
       \  margin-top: 9px;\n\
       \  z-index: -1;\n\
       \.edge-hor {\n\
       \  position: absolute;\n\
       \  height: 27px;\n\
       \  border-bottom: 6px solid #578999;\n\
       \  opacity: 0.4;\n\
       \  margin-left: 15px;\n\
       \  margin-top: 8px;\n\
       \  z-index: -1;\n\
       \.edge-diag {\n\
       \  transform-origin: 50% 50%;\n\
       \  position: absolute;\n\
       \  height: 6px;\n\
       \.edge-hor-left {\n\
       \  border-bottom-left-radius: 100% 33px;\n\
       \  border-left: 6px solid #578999;\n\
       \.edge-hor-right {\n\
       \  border-bottom-right-radius: 100% 33px;\n\
       \  border-right: 6px solid #578999;\n\
       \.edge-hor-no-curve {\n\
       \  border-right: 6px solid #578999;\n\
       \.edge-end {\n\
       \  position: absolute;\n\
       \  height: 27px;\n\
       \  width: 16px;\n\
       \  border-top: 6px solid #578999;\n\
       \  opacity: 0.4;\n\
       \  margin-left: 15px;\n\
       \  margin-top: 8px;\n\
       \  z-index: -1;\n\
       \.edge-end-left {\n\
       \  border-top-right-radius: 100% 33px;\n\
       \  border-right: 6px solid #578999;\n\
       \.edge-end-no-curve {\n\
       \  border-right: 6px solid #578999;\n\
       \  margin-top: 14px;\n\
       \  height: 21px;\n\
       \.edge-end-right {\n\
       \  border-top-left-radius: 100% 33px;\n\
       \  border-left: 6px solid #578999;\n\
       \.edge-guard {\n\
       \  border-color: #69B5A7;\n\
       \.edge-unify {\n\
       \  border-color: #8CBF7A;\n\
       \.edge-alt {\n\
       \  height: 1px;\n\
       \  background-color: #aaa;\n\
       \  position: absolute;\n\
       \  margin-top: 19px;\n\
       \  z-index: -1;\n\
       \  padding-right: 22px;\n\