{-# LANGUAGE PatternSignatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Unamb
-- Copyright   :  (c) Conal Elliott 2008
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  conal@conal.net
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Unambiguous choice

module Data.Unamb
    unamb, amb, race, assuming, hang, asAgree
  ) where

-- For hang
import Control.Monad (forever)
import System.IO.Unsafe

-- For unamb
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception (evaluate)

-- | Unambiguous choice operator.  Equivalent to the ambiguous choice
-- operator, but with arguments restricted to be equal where not bottom,
-- so that the choice doesn't matter.  See also 'amb'.
unamb :: a -> a -> a
a `unamb` b = unsafePerformIO (a `amb` b)

-- | Ambiguous choice operator.  Yield either value.  Evaluates in
-- separate threads and picks whichever finishes first.  See also
-- 'unamb' and 'race'.
amb :: a -> a -> IO a
a `amb` b = evaluate a `race` evaluate b

-- | Race two actions against each other in separate threads, and pick
-- whichever finishes first.  See also 'amb'.  Thanks to Spencer Janssen
-- for this simple version.
race :: IO a -> IO a -> IO a
race a b = do
    v <- newEmptyMVar
    ta <- forkIO (a >>= putMVar v)
    tb <- forkIO (b >>= putMVar v)
    x <- takeMVar v
    -- TODO: why forkIO in the next line?
    forkIO (killThread ta >> killThread tb)
    return x

-- Without using unsafePerformIO, is there a way to define a
-- non-terminating but non-erroring pure value that consume very little
-- resources while not terminating?

-- | Never yield an answer.  Like 'undefined' or 'error "whatever"', but
-- don't raise an error, and don't consume computational resources.
hang :: a
hang = unsafePerformIO hangIO

-- | Block forever.
hangIO :: IO a
hangIO = do -- putStrLn "warning: blocking forever."
            -- Any never-terminating computation goes here
            -- This one can yield an exception "thread blocked indefinitely"
            -- newEmptyMVar >>= takeMVar
            -- sjanssen suggests this alternative:
            forever $ threadDelay maxBound
            -- forever's return type is (), though it could be fully
            -- polymorphic.  Until it's fixed, I need the following line.
            return undefined

-- | Yield a value if a condition is true.  Otherwise wait forever.
assuming :: Bool -> a -> a
assuming c a = if c then a else hang

-- | The value of agreeing values (or hang)
asAgree :: Eq a => a -> a -> a
a `asAgree` b = assuming (a == b) a