{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell , ScopedTypeVariables , FlexibleInstances , FlexibleContexts , MultiParamTypeClasses #-} ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Unbound.LocallyNameless.Types -- License : BSD-like (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : Brent Yorgey -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : GHC only -- -- Special type combinators for specifying binding structure. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- module Unbound.LocallyNameless.Types ( Bind(..) , Rebind(..) , Rec(..) , TRec(..) , Embed(..) , Shift(..) , module Unbound.LocallyNameless.Name -- * Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain -- | These type representation objects are exported so they can be -- referenced by auto-generated code. Please pretend they do not -- exist. , rBind, rRebind, rEmbed, rRec, rShift ) where import Generics.RepLib import Unbound.LocallyNameless.Name ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Basic types ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Bind -------------------------------------------------- -- | The most fundamental combinator for expressing binding structure -- is 'Bind'. The /term type/ @Bind p t@ represents a pattern @p@ -- paired with a term @t@, where names in @p@ are bound within @t@. -- -- Like 'Name', 'Bind' is also abstract. You can create bindings -- using 'bind' and take them apart with 'unbind' and friends. data Bind p t = B p t instance (Show a, Show b) => Show (Bind a b) where showsPrec p (B a b) = showParen (p>0) (showString "<" . showsPrec p a . showString "> " . showsPrec 0 b) -- XXX todo: make sure everything has write Read and Eq instances? -- Rebind -------------------------------------------------- -- | @Rebind@ allows for /nested/ bindings. If @p1@ and @p2@ are -- pattern types, then @Rebind p1 p2@ is also a pattern type, -- similar to the pattern type @(p1,p2)@ except that @p1@ -- /scopes over/ @p2@. That is, names within terms embedded in @p2@ -- may refer to binders in @p1@. data Rebind p1 p2 = R p1 p2 instance (Show a, Show b) => Show (Rebind a b) where showsPrec p (R a b) = showParen (p>0) (showString "<<" . showsPrec p a . showString ">> " . showsPrec 0 b) -- Rec -------------------------------------------------- -- | If @p@ is a pattern type, then @Rec p@ is also a pattern type, -- which is /recursive/ in the sense that @p@ may bind names in terms -- embedded within itself. Useful for encoding e.g. lectrec and -- Agda's dot notation. data Rec p = Rec p instance Show a => Show (Rec a) where showsPrec _ (Rec a) = showString "[" . showsPrec 0 a . showString "]" -- TRec -------------------------------------------------- -- | @TRec@ is a standalone variant of 'Rec': the only difference is -- that whereas @'Rec' p@ is a pattern type, @TRec p@ -- is a /term type/. It is isomorphic to @'Bind' ('Rec' p) ()@. -- -- Note that @TRec@ corresponds to Pottier's /abstraction/ construct -- from alpha-Caml. In this context, @'Embed' t@ corresponds to -- alpha-Caml's @inner t@, and @'Shift' ('Embed' t)@ corresponds to -- alpha-Caml's @outer t@. newtype TRec p = TRec (Bind (Rec p) ()) instance Show a => Show (TRec a) where showsPrec _ (TRec (B (Rec p) ())) = showString "[" . showsPrec 0 p . showString "]" -- Embed -------------------------------------------------- -- | @Embed@ allows for terms to be /embedded/ within patterns. Such -- embedded terms do not bind names along with the rest of the -- pattern. For examples, see the tutorial or examples directories. -- -- If @t@ is a /term type/, then @Embed t@ is a /pattern type/. -- -- @Embed@ is not abstract since it involves no binding, and hence -- it is safe to manipulate directly. To create and destruct -- @Embed@ terms, you may use the @Embed@ constructor directly. -- (You may also use the functions 'embed' and 'unembed', which -- additionally can construct or destruct any number of enclosing -- 'Shift's at the same time.) newtype Embed t = Embed t deriving Eq instance Show a => Show (Embed a) where showsPrec p (Embed a) = showString "{" . showsPrec 0 a . showString "}" -- Shift -------------------------------------------------- -- | Shift the scope of an embedded term one level outwards. newtype Shift p = Shift p deriving Eq instance Show a => Show (Shift a) where showsPrec p (Shift a) = showString "{" . showsPrec 0 a . showString "}" -- Pay no attention... $(derive [''Bind, ''Embed, ''Rebind, ''Rec, ''Shift])