{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

-- | Various functions for declaring new instances of Binary for types.
module Util.BinaryUtils(
   mapWrite, -- :: HasBinary b m => (a -> b) -> (WriteBinary m -> a -> m ())
   mapRead, -- :: (Monad m,HasBinary b m) => (b -> a) -> (ReadBinary m -> m a)
      -- :: (HasBinary b m,MonadIO m)
      -- => (a -> IO b) -> (WriteBinary m -> a -> m ())
      -- :: (HasBinary b m,MonadIO m)
      -- => (b -> IO a) -> (ReadBinary m -> m a)

      -- A type for encoding a monadic action which requires an
      -- extra argument (of type "arg").
      --    ArgMonad arg m
      -- is an instance of Monad (and Functor), if m is.
      -- ArgMonad is intended as a way of writing instances of Binary which
      -- require a bit of context.  Thus you would write something like
      -- instance Monad m => HasBinary MyType1 (ArgMonad context m) where
      --    writeBinary wb (MyType1 v1 v2) = mkArgMonad
      --       (\ context ->
      --           do
      --              runArgMonad context (writeBinary rb v1)
      --                 -- this is something which is automatically
      --                 -- an instance of HasBinary for (ArgMonad context m)
      --                 -- like the standard types.
      --              runArgMonad context (writeBinary rb (f v2 context))
      --                 -- this is something which needs to be changed by
      --                 -- f, using context, to give a suitable instance.
      --           )
      --  (and likewise for readBinary).
      -- Then if you want to encode MyType2, containing MyType1, and providing
      -- this context, you could write
      -- instance Monad m => HasBinary MyType2 m where
      --    writeBinary wb (MyType2 v3 v4) =
      --       do
      --          context <- ...
      --          writeBinary wb v3 -- encoding v3 doesn't need context
      --          runArgMonad context
      --             (writeBinary (writeBinaryToArgMonad wb) v4)
      --             -- encoding v4 does need context.
   mkArgMonad, -- :: (arg -> m a) -> ArgMonad arg m a
   toArgMonad, -- :: m a -> ArgMonad arg m a
   runArgMonad, -- :: arg -> ArgMonad arg m a -> m a

   writeBinaryToArgMonad, -- :: WriteBinary m -> WriteBinary (ArgMonad arg m)
   readBinaryToArgMonad, -- :: ReadBinary m -> ReadBinary (ArgMonad arg m)

      -- a wrapper for instances of HasBinary _ IO.
   hWriteWrappedBinary, -- :: Handle -> WrappedBinary -> IO ()

      -- more general wrapped for any monad.
   ) where

import System.IO(Handle)

-- GHC imports
import Control.Monad.Trans

-- our imports
import Util.Binary

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Mapping HasBinary instances
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Given a function which converts an (a) to something we can already
-- convert to binary, return a 'writeBin' function to be used in
-- instances of 'HasBinary' (a).
mapWrite :: HasBinary b m => (a -> b) -> (WriteBinary m -> a -> m ())
mapWrite  fn wb a = writeBin wb (fn a)

-- | Given a function which converts something we can already read from
-- binary to (a), return a 'readBin' function to be used in instances
-- of 'HasBinary' (a).
mapRead :: (Monad m,HasBinary b m) => (b -> a) -> (ReadBinary m -> m a)
mapRead fn rb =
      b <- readBin rb
      return (fn b)

-- | Like 'mapWrite', but the conversion function is also allowed to use
-- 'IO'.
mapWriteIO :: (HasBinary b m,MonadIO m)
   => (a -> IO b) -> (WriteBinary m -> a -> m ())
mapWriteIO fn wb a =
      b <- liftIO (fn a)
      writeBin wb b

-- | LIke 'mapRead', but the conversion function is also allowed to use
-- 'IO'.
mapReadIO :: (HasBinary b m,MonadIO m)
   => (b -> IO a) -> (ReadBinary m -> m a)
mapReadIO fn rb =
      b <- readBin rb
      liftIO (fn b)

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Creating HasBinary instances that need extra information about their
-- context
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | A monad which hides an additional value which the 'HasBinary'
-- instances should be able to get at.  This is used, for example,
-- by "CodedValue", to make the 'View' available to instances.
newtype ArgMonad arg m a = ArgMonad (arg -> m a)

mkArgMonad :: (arg -> m a) -> ArgMonad arg m a
mkArgMonad = ArgMonad

toArgMonad :: m a -> ArgMonad arg m a
toArgMonad act = ArgMonad (const act)

writeBinaryToArgMonad :: WriteBinary m -> WriteBinary (ArgMonad arg m)
writeBinaryToArgMonad = liftWriteBinary toArgMonad

readBinaryToArgMonad :: ReadBinary m -> ReadBinary (ArgMonad arg m)
readBinaryToArgMonad = liftReadBinary toArgMonad

runArgMonad :: arg -> ArgMonad arg m a -> m a
runArgMonad arg (ArgMonad fn) = fn arg

instance Functor m => Functor (ArgMonad arg m) where
   fmap mapFn (ArgMonad fn) =
         fn2 arg = fmap mapFn (fn arg)
         ArgMonad fn2

instance Monad m => Monad (ArgMonad arg m) where
   (>>=) (ArgMonad fn1) getArgMonad =
         fn arg =
               v1 <- fn1 arg
                  (ArgMonad fn2) = getArgMonad v1
               fn2 arg
         ArgMonad fn

   return v = ArgMonad (const (return v))

   fail s = ArgMonad (const (fail s))

instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (ArgMonad arg m) where
   liftIO act = ArgMonad (\ arg -> liftIO act)

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- A wrapper for instances of Binary.  This can be written, but not
-- read (since we wouldn't know what type to decode).
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | A wrapper for instances of Binary.  This can be written, but not
-- read (since we wouldn't know what type to decode).
data WrappedBinary =
   forall v . HasBinary v IO => WrappedBinary v

-- | Write a 'WrappedBinary'
hWriteWrappedBinary :: Handle -> WrappedBinary -> IO ()
hWriteWrappedBinary handle (WrappedBinary v) = hWrite handle v

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- More generally we provide a wrapped type for each monad, and a way
-- of writing it.  Of course we have to leave the method for reading it
-- undefined
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

data WrapBinary m = forall v . HasBinary v m => WrapBinary v

instance HasBinary (WrapBinary m) m where
   writeBin wb (WrapBinary v) = writeBin wb v

   readBin = error "BinaryUtils: can't read a general wrapped binary type"