# unicode-collation [![GitHub CI](https://github.com/jgm/unicode-collation/workflows/CI%20tests/badge.svg)](https://github.com/jgm/unicode-collation/actions) [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/unicode-collation.svg?logo=haskell)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/unicode-collation) [![BSD-2-Clause license](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-BSD--2--Clause-blue.svg)](LICENSE) Haskell implementation of [unicode collation algorithm]. [unicode collation algorithm]: https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr10 ## Motivation Previously there was no way to do correct unicode collation (sorting) in Haskell without depending on the C library `icu` and the barely maintained Haskell wrapper `text-icu`. This library offers a pure Haskell solution. ## Conformance The library passes UCA conformance tests (except for tests involving unmatched surrogates and a few Tibetan characters, which seem to be changed in unexpected ways by Text.pack or normalization). Localized collations have not been tested extensively. ## Performance ``` sort a list of 10000 random Texts: OK (2.19s) 8.2 ms ± 599 μs, 27 MB allocated, 911 KB copied sort same list with text-icu: OK (2.04s) 2.0 ms ± 112 μs, 7.1 MB allocated, 147 KB copied ``` ## Localized collations The following localized collations are available. For languages not listed here, the root collation is used. ``` af ar as az be bn ca cs cu cy da de-AT-u-co-phonebk de-u-co-phonebk dsb ee eo es es-u-co-trad et fa fi fi-u-co-phonebk fil fo fr-CA gu ha haw he hi hr hu hy ig is ja kk kl kn ko kok lkt ln lt lv mk ml mr mt nb nn nso om or pa pl ro sa se si si-u-co-dict sk sl sq sr sv sv-u-co-reformed ta te th tn to tr ug-Cyrl uk ur vi vo wae wo yo zh zh-u-co-big5han zh-u-co-gb2312 zh-u-co-pinyin zh-u-co-stroke zh-u-co-zhuyin ``` Collation reordering (e.g. `[reorder Latn Kana Hani]`) is not suported ## Data files Version 13.0.0 of the Unicode data is used: Locale-specific tailorings are derived from the Perl module Unicode::Collate: https://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/S/SA/SADAHIRO/Unicode-Collate-1.29.tar.gz ## Executable The package includes an executable component, `unicode-collate`, which may be used for testing and for collating in scripts. To build it, enable the `executable` flag. For usage instructions, `unicode-collate --help`. ## References - Unicode Technical Standard #35: Unicode Locale Data Markup Language (LDML): - Unicode Technical Standard #10: Unicode Collation Algorithm: