module Data.Char.Properties.Derivation where
	import Data.Char.Properties.GeneralCategory;
	import Data.Char.Properties.MiscData;
	-- | Combining Grapheme Joiner character.
	isCGJ :: Char -> Bool;
	isCGJ '\x034F' = True;
	isCGJ _ = False;	

	-- | Characters with the Math property. For more information, see Chapter 4, Character Properties.
	-- Math = Sm + Other_Math.
	isMath :: Char -> Bool;
	isMath c = case getGeneralCategory c of
		-- Categories
		GcSm -> True;

		-- Properties
		_ | isOtherMath c -> True;

		-- Unspecified
		_ -> False;

	-- | Characters with the Alphabetic property. For more information, see Chapter 4, Character Properties.
	-- Alphabetic = Lu+Ll+Lt+Lm+Lo+ Other_Alphabetic.
	isAlphabetic :: Char -> Bool;
	isAlphabetic c = case getGeneralCategory c of
		-- Categories
		GcLu -> True;
		GcLl -> True;
		GcLt -> True;
		GcLm -> True;
		GcLo -> True;

		-- Properties
		_ | isOtherAlphabetic c -> True;

		-- Unspecified
		_ -> False;

	-- | Characters with the Lowercase property. For more information, see Chapter 4, Character Properties and UAX #21: Case Mappings.
	-- Lowercase = Ll + Other_Lowercase.
	isLowercase :: Char -> Bool;
	isLowercase c = case getGeneralCategory c of
		-- Categories
		GcLl -> True;

		-- Properties
		_ | isOtherLowercase c -> True;

		-- Unspecified
		_ -> False;

	-- | Characters with the Uppercase property. For more information, see Chapter 4, Character Properties and UAX #21: Case Mappings.
	-- Uppercase = Lu + Other_Uppercase.
	isUppercase :: Char -> Bool;
	isUppercase c = case getGeneralCategory c of
		-- Categories
		GcLu -> True;

		-- Properties
		_ | isOtherUppercase c -> True;

		-- Unspecified
		_ -> False;

	-- | Characters that can start an identifier.
	-- ID_Start = Lu+Ll+Lt+Lm+Lo+Nl.
	isIDStart :: Char -> Bool;
	isIDStart c = case getGeneralCategory c of
		-- Categories
		GcLu -> True;
		GcLl -> True;
		GcLt -> True;
		GcLm -> True;
		GcLo -> True;
		GcNl -> True;

		-- Properties

		-- Unspecified
		_ -> False;

	-- | Characters that can continue an identifier. See Cf Note.
	-- ID_Continue = ID_Start + Mn+Mc+Nd+Pc.
	isIDContinue :: Char -> Bool;
	isIDContinue c = case getGeneralCategory c of
		-- Categories
		GcMn -> True;
		GcMc -> True;
		GcNd -> True;
		GcPc -> True;

		-- Properties
		_ | isIDStart c -> True;

		-- Unspecified
		_ -> False;

	-- | For programmatic determination of default-ignorable code points. New characters that should be ignored in processing (unless explicitly supported) will be assigned in these ranges, permitting programs to correctly handle the default behavior of such characters when not otherwise supported. For more information, see UTR #29: Text Boundaries (in proposed draft status at release time for Unicode 3.2).
	-- Default_Ignorable_Code_Point = Other_Default_Ignorable_Code_Point + Cf + Cc + Cs - White_Space.
	isDefaultIgnorableCodePoint :: Char -> Bool;
	isDefaultIgnorableCodePoint c = case getGeneralCategory c of
		-- Categories
		GcCf -> True;
		GcCc -> True;
		GcCs -> True;

		-- Properties
		_ | isOtherDefaultIgnorableCodePoint c -> True;
		_ | isWhiteSpace c -> False;

		-- Unspecified
		_ -> False;

	-- | For programmatic determination of grapheme cluster boundaries. For more information, see UTR #29: Text Boundaries (in proposed draft status at publication of Unicode 3.2).
	-- Grapheme_Base = [0..10FFFF] - Cc - Cf - Cs - Co - Cn - Zl - Zp - Grapheme_Extend - Grapheme_Link - CGJ.
	isGraphemeBase :: Char -> Bool;
	isGraphemeBase c = case getGeneralCategory c of
		-- Categories
		GcCc -> False;
		GcCf -> False;
		GcCs -> False;
		GcCo -> False;
		GcCn -> False;
		GcZl -> False;
		GcZp -> False;

		-- Properties
		_ | isGraphemeExtend c -> False;
		_ | isGraphemeLink c -> False;
		_ | isCGJ c -> False;

		-- Unspecified
		_ -> True;

	-- | For programmatic determination of grapheme cluster boundaries. For more information, see UTR #29: Text Boundaries (in proposed draft status at publication of Unicode 3.2).
	-- Grapheme_Extend = Me + Mn + Mc + Other_Grapheme_Extend - Grapheme_Link - CGJ.
	isGraphemeExtend :: Char -> Bool;
	isGraphemeExtend c = case getGeneralCategory c of
		-- Categories
		GcMe -> True;
		GcMn -> True;
		GcMc -> True;

		-- Properties
		_ | isOtherGraphemeExtend c -> True;
		_ | isGraphemeLink c -> False;
		_ | isCGJ c -> False;

		-- Unspecified
		_ -> False;