{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} import Test.Framework (defaultMain, testGroup) import Test.Framework.Providers.API (Test) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase) import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty) import Test.HUnit.Base hiding (Test) import Text.Show.Unicode data T試6験 = Å4 { すけろく :: String} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) data T試7験 = String :\& String deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) -- Derived instance of Read and Show produced by GHC -- does not satisfy Haskell 2010 spec, for the moment (ghc 7.10.3). -- Therefore, we must regretfully skip this test. data T試8験 = String :@\& String deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) ushowTo :: Show a => a -> String -> Test ushowTo f t = testCase ("ushow " ++ show f ++ " == " ++ t) $ t @=? ushow f tests :: [Test] tests = [ testGroup "individual representations test" [ "صباح الخير" `ushowTo` "\"صباح الخير\"" , "😆💕>λ\\=🐘" `ushowTo` "\"😆💕>λ\\\\=🐘\"" , "漢6" `ushowTo` "\"漢6\"" , "\32\&7" `ushowTo` "\" 7\"" , "改\n行" `ushowTo` "\"改\\n行\"" , "下一站\na\ri\ta国际机场" `ushowTo` "\"下一站\\na\\ri\\ta国际机场\"" , "\SOH\SO\&H" `ushowTo` "\"\\SOH\\SO\\&H\"" ] , testGroup "read . ushow == id" [ testProperty "read . ushow == id, for String" $ \str -> read (ushow str) == (str :: String) , testProperty "read . read . ushow . ushow == id, for String" $ \str -> (read $ read $ ushow $ ushow str) == (str :: String) , testProperty "read . ushow == id, for some crazy Unicode type" $ \str -> let v = Å4 str in read (ushow v) == v , testProperty "read . ushow == id, for some crazy Unicode type" $ \a b -> let v = a :\& b in read (ushow v) == v -- , testProperty "read . ushow == id, for some crazy Unicode type" $ -- \a b -> let v = a :@\& b in read (show v) == v , testProperty "read . ushow == id, for compound type" $ \str -> read (ushow str) == (str :: Either [String] (String,String)) ] ] main :: IO () main = defaultMain tests