-- The MPTCs and FlexibleInstances are only for -- mtl:Control.Monad.Error.MonadError {-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fwarn-tabs #-} ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- ~ 2012.03.18 -- | -- Module : Control.Monad.EitherK -- License : BSD -- Maintainer : wren@community.haskell.org -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : semi-portable (Rank2Types, MPTCs, FlexibleInstances) -- -- A continuation-passing variant of 'Either' for short-circuiting -- at failure. This code is based on "Control.Monad.MaybeK". ---------------------------------------------------------------- module Control.Monad.EitherK ( -- * The short-circuiting monad EitherK() , runEitherK , toEitherK , eitherK , throwEitherK , catchEitherK -- * The short-circuiting monad transformer , EitherKT() , runEitherKT , toEitherKT , liftEitherK , lowerEitherK , throwEitherKT , catchEitherKT ) where import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..)) import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), Alternative(..)) import Control.Monad (MonadPlus(..), liftM, ap) import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadTrans(..)) import Control.Monad.Error (MonadError(..)) ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A continuation-passing encoding of 'Either' as an error monad; -- also known as @Codensity (Either e)@, if you're familiar with -- that terminology. N.B., this is not the 2-continuation implementation -- based on the Church encoding of @Either@. The latter tends to -- have worse performance than non-continuation based implementations. -- -- This is generally more efficient than using @Either@ (or the -- MTL's @Error@) for two reasons. First is that it right associates -- all binds, ensuring that bad associativity doesn't artificially -- introduce midpoints in short-circuiting to the nearest handler. -- Second is that it removes the need for intermediate case -- expressions. -- -- Another benefit over MTL's @Error@ is that it doesn't artificially -- restrict the error type. In fact, there's no reason why @e@ must -- denote \"errors\" per se. This could also denote computations -- which short-circuit with the final answer, or similar methods -- of non-local control flow. -- -- N.B., the 'Alternative' and 'MonadPlus' instances are left-biased -- in @a@ and monoidal in @e@. Thus, they are not commutative. newtype EitherK e a = EK (forall r. (a -> Either e r) -> Either e r) -- | Execute an @EitherK@ and return the concrete @Either@ encoding. runEitherK :: EitherK e a -> Either e a {-# INLINE runEitherK #-} runEitherK (EK m) = m Right -- | Lift an @Either@ into an @EitherK@. toEitherK :: Either e a -> EitherK e a {-# INLINE toEitherK #-} toEitherK (Left e) = throwEitherK e toEitherK (Right a) = return a -- | Throw an error in the @EitherK@ monad. This is identical to -- 'throwError'. throwEitherK :: e -> EitherK e a {-# INLINE throwEitherK #-} throwEitherK e = EK (\_ -> Left e) -- | Handle errors in the @EitherK@ monad. N.B., this type is more -- general than that of 'catchError', allowing the type of the -- errors to change. catchEitherK :: EitherK e a -> (e -> EitherK f a) -> EitherK f a {-# INLINE catchEitherK #-} catchEitherK m handler = eitherK handler return m -- | A version of 'either' on @EitherK@, for convenience. N.B., -- using this function inserts a case match, reducing the range of -- short-circuiting. eitherK :: (e -> b) -> (a -> b) -> EitherK e a -> b {-# INLINE eitherK #-} eitherK left right m = case runEitherK m of Left e -> left e Right a -> right a instance Functor (EitherK e) where fmap f (EK m) = EK (\k -> m (k . f)) instance Applicative (EitherK e) where pure = return (<*>) = ap (*>) = (>>) x <* y = x >>= \a -> y >> return a instance Monad (EitherK e) where return a = EK (\k -> k a) EK m >>= f = EK (\k -> m (\a -> case f a of EK n -> n k)) -- Using case instead of let seems to improve performance -- considerably by removing excessive laziness. instance (Monoid e) => Alternative (EitherK e) where empty = mzero (<|>) = mplus instance (Monoid e) => MonadPlus (EitherK e) where mzero = throwEitherK mempty m `mplus` n = catchEitherK m $ \me -> catchEitherK n $ \ne -> throwEitherK $ me `mappend` ne instance MonadError e (EitherK e) where throwError = throwEitherK catchError = catchEitherK ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A monad transformer version of 'EitherK'. newtype EitherKT e m a = EKT (forall r. (a -> m (Either e r)) -> m (Either e r)) -- | Execute an @EitherKT@ and return the concrete @Either@ encoding. runEitherKT :: (Monad m) => EitherKT e m a -> m (Either e a) {-# INLINE runEitherKT #-} runEitherKT (EKT m) = m (return . Right) -- | Lift an @Either@ into an @EitherKT@. toEitherKT :: (Monad m) => Either e a -> EitherKT e m a {-# INLINE toEitherKT #-} toEitherKT (Left e) = throwEitherKT e toEitherKT (Right a) = return a -- | Lift an @EitherK@ into an @EitherKT@. liftEitherK :: (Monad m) => EitherK e a -> EitherKT e m a {-# INLINE liftEitherK #-} liftEitherK = toEitherKT . runEitherK -- -- With the above implementation, when @liftEitherK x@ is forced -- it will force not only @x = EK m@, but will also force @m@. If -- we want to force only @x@ and to defer @m@, then we should use -- the following implementation instead: -- -- > liftEitherK (EK m) = EKT (\k -> either (return . Left) k (m Right)) -- -- Or if we want to defer both @m@ and @x@, then we could use: -- -- > liftEitherK x = EKT (\k -> either (return . Left) k (runEitherK x)) -- -- However, all versions need to reify @m@ at some point, and -- therefore will lose short-circuiting. This is necessary since -- given some @k :: a -> m (Either e r)@ we have no way of constructing -- the needed @k' :: a -> Either e r@ from it without prematurely -- executing the side-effects. -- | Lower an @EitherKT@ into an @EitherK@. lowerEitherK :: (Monad m) => EitherKT e m a -> m (EitherK e a) {-# INLINE lowerEitherK #-} lowerEitherK = liftM toEitherK . runEitherKT -- | Throw an error in the @EitherKT@ monad. This is identical to -- 'throwError'. throwEitherKT :: (Monad m) => e -> EitherKT e m a {-# INLINE throwEitherKT #-} throwEitherKT e = EKT (\_ -> return (Left e)) -- | Handle errors in the @EitherKT@ monad. N.B., this type is more -- general than that of 'catchError', allowing the type of the -- errors to change. catchEitherKT :: (Monad m) => EitherKT e m a -> (e -> EitherKT f m a) -> EitherKT f m a {-# INLINE catchEitherKT #-} catchEitherKT m handler = EKT $ \k -> do ea <- runEitherKT m case ea of Left e -> case handler e of EKT m' -> m' k Right a -> k a instance Functor (EitherKT e m) where fmap f (EKT m) = EKT (\k -> m (k . f)) instance Applicative (EitherKT e m) where pure = return (<*>) = ap (*>) = (>>) x <* y = x >>= \a -> y >> return a instance Monad (EitherKT e m) where return a = EKT (\k -> k a) EKT m >>= f = EKT (\k -> m (\a -> case f a of EKT n -> n k)) -- I'm pretty sure it's impossible to define a @(<|>)@ which only -- requires @Applicative m@. instance (Monad m, Monoid e) => Alternative (EitherKT e m) where empty = mzero (<|>) = mplus instance (Monad m, Monoid e) => MonadPlus (EitherKT e m) where mzero = throwEitherKT mempty m `mplus` n = catchEitherKT m (catchEitherKT n . (throwEitherKT .) . mappend) instance (Monad m) => MonadError e (EitherKT e m) where throwError = throwEitherKT catchError = catchEitherKT instance MonadTrans (EitherKT e) where lift m = EKT (\k -> m >>= k) ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- fin.