cabal-version: 2.2 -- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.35.0. -- -- see: name: uniform-strings version: 0.1.3 synopsis: Manipulate and convert strings of characters uniformly and consistently description: Reduce complexity of Haskell by providing a . - set of uniformly named conversion functions between . - String, . - Text, . - ByteString, . - LazyByteString and . - urlEncoding . with the most important text manipulation functions for string and text where the semantic is the same (tested with quickcheck). Tentatively some infix string manipulations are offered as well. . v 0.1.3 added stack build lts 19.16 for ghc 9.0.2 . Please see the README on GitHub at category: Data Text Uniform bug-reports: author: Andrew Frank maintainer: Andrew U. Frank copyright: 2021 Andrew U. Frank license: GPL-2.0-only build-type: Simple extra-source-files: library exposed-modules: Uniform.Strings Uniform.Strings.Conversion Uniform.Strings.Infix Uniform.Strings.Utilities other-modules: Paths_uniform_strings hs-source-dirs: ./ build-depends: MissingH , base >4.5 && <5 , bytestring , monads-tf , network-uri , pretty-show , safe , split , text , text-icu , uniform-algebras >=0.1.3 default-language: Haskell2010 autogen-modules: Paths_uniform_strings