{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -funbox-strict-fields #-}
-- NOTE: Does not currently ensure that a 'Point' was indeed generated
-- by the specified 'PointSupply'.
module Data.UnionFind.IntMap 
    ( newPointSupply, fresh, repr, descriptor, union, equivalent,
      PointSupply, Point ) where

import qualified Data.IntMap as IM

data PointSupply a = PointSupply !Int (IM.IntMap (Link a))
  deriving Show

data Link a 
    = Info {-# UNPACK #-} !Int a
      -- ^ This is the descriptive element of the equivalence class
      -- and its rank.
    | Link {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
      -- ^ Pointer to some other element of the equivalence class.
     deriving Show

newtype Point a = Point Int

newPointSupply :: PointSupply a
newPointSupply = PointSupply 0 IM.empty

fresh :: PointSupply a -> a -> (PointSupply a, Point a)
fresh (PointSupply next eqs) a =
  (PointSupply (next + 1) (IM.insert next (Info 0 a) eqs), Point next)

-- freshList :: PointSupply a -> [a] -> (PointSupply a, [Point a])
-- freshList 

repr :: PointSupply a -> Point a -> Point a
repr ps p = reprInfo ps p (\n _rank _a -> Point n)

reprInfo :: PointSupply a -> Point a -> (Int -> Int -> a -> r) -> r
reprInfo (PointSupply _next eqs) (Point n) k = go n
    go !i =
      case eqs IM.! i of
        Link i' -> go i'
        Info r a -> k i r a
union :: PointSupply a -> Point a -> Point a -> PointSupply a
union ps@(PointSupply next eqs) p1 p2 =
  reprInfo ps p1 $ \i1 r1 _a1 -> 
  reprInfo ps p2 $ \i2 r2 a2 ->
  if i1 == i2 then ps else
    case r1 `compare` r2 of
      LT ->
        -- No rank or descriptor update necessary
        let !eqs1 = IM.insert i1 (Link i2) eqs in
        PointSupply next eqs1
      EQ ->
        let !eqs1 = IM.insert i1 (Link i2) eqs
            !eqs2 = IM.insert i2 (Info (r2 + 1) a2) eqs1 in
        PointSupply next eqs2
      GT ->
        let !eqs1 = IM.insert i1 (Info r2 a2) eqs
            !eqs2 = IM.insert i2 (Link i1) eqs1 in
        PointSupply next eqs2

descriptor :: PointSupply a -> Point a -> a
descriptor ps p = reprInfo ps p (\_ _ a -> a)

equivalent :: PointSupply a -> Point a -> Point a -> Bool
equivalent ps p1 p2 =
  reprInfo ps p1 $ \i1 _ _ ->
  reprInfo ps p2 $ \i2 _ _ ->
  i1 == i2

tst1 :: IO ()
tst1 = do
  let ps0 = newPointSupply
      (ps1, p1) = fresh ps0 "hello"
      (ps2, p2) = fresh ps1 "world"
      (ps3, p3) = fresh ps2 "you"
      (ps, p4) = fresh ps3 "there"
  let ps' = union ps p1 p2
  print (descr ps p1, descr ps p2, equivalent ps p1 p2)
  print (descr ps' p1, descr ps' p2, equivalent ps' p1 p2)
  let ps'' = union ps' p3 p1
  print (descr ps'' p1, descr ps'' p3, equivalent ps'' p1 p3)
  print ps''

-- TODO: should fail
tst2 :: IO ()
tst2 = do
  let as0 = newPointSupply
      (as, a1) = fresh as0 "foo"
      bs0 = newPointSupply
      (bs, b1) = fresh bs0 "bar"
  print $ union as a1 b1