{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-}

{- |
    This module supplies a method for writing 'Uniplate' and 'Biplate' instances.
    This moulde gives the highest performance, but requires many instance definitions. The
    instances can be generated using Derive: <http://community.haskell.org/~ndm/derive/>.
    To take an example:
    > data Expr = Var Int | Pos Expr String | Neg Expr | Add Expr Expr
    > data Stmt = Seq [Stmt] | Sel [Expr] | Let String Expr
    > instance Uniplate Expr where
    >     uniplate (Var x  ) = plate Var |- x
    >     uniplate (Pos x y) = plate Pos |* x |- y
    >     uniplate (Neg x  ) = plate Neg |* x
    >     uniplate (Add x y) = plate Add |* x |* y
    > instance Biplate Expr Expr where
    >     biplate = plateSelf
    > instance Uniplate Stmt where
    >     uniplate (Seq x  ) = plate Seq ||* x
    >     uniplate (Sel x  ) = plate Sel ||+ x
    >     uniplate (Let x y) = plate Let |-  x |- y
    > instance Biplate Stmt Stmt where
    >     biplate = plateSelf
    > instance Biplate Stmt Expr where
    >     biplate (Seq x  ) = plate Seq ||+ x
    >     biplate (Sel x  ) = plate Sel ||* x
    >     biplate (Let x y) = plate Let |-  x |* y

module Data.Generics.Uniplate.Direct(
    module Data.Generics.Uniplate.Operations,
    -- * The Combinators
    plate, plateSelf,
    (|+), (|-), (|*), (||+), (||*),
    ) where

import Control.Arrow
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Operations
import Data.Generics.Str
import Data.Ratio

type Type from to = (Str to, Str to -> from)

-- | The main combinator used to start the chain.
-- The following rule can be used for optimisation:
-- > plate Ctor |- x == plate (Ctor x)
{-# INLINE plate #-}
plate :: from -> Type from to
plate f = (Zero, \_ -> f)

-- | The field to the right is the target.
{-# INLINE (|*) #-}
(|*) :: Type (to -> from) to -> to -> Type from to
(|*) (xs,x_) y = (Two xs (One y),\(Two xs (One y)) -> x_ xs y)

-- | The field to the right may contain the target.
{-# INLINE (|+) #-}
(|+) :: Biplate item to => Type (item -> from) to -> item -> Type from to
(|+) (xs,x_) y = case biplate y of
                      (ys,y_) -> (Two xs ys, \(Two xs ys) -> x_ xs (y_ ys))

-- | The field to the right /does not/ contain the target.
{-# INLINE (|-) #-}
(|-) :: Type (item -> from) to -> item -> Type from to
(|-) (xs,x_) y = (xs,\xs -> x_ xs y)

-- | The field to the right is a list of the type of the target
{-# INLINE (||*) #-}
(||*) :: Type ([to] -> from) to -> [to] -> Type from to
(||*) (xs,x_) y = (Two xs (listStr y), \(Two xs ys) -> x_ xs (strList ys))

-- | The field to the right is a list of types which may contain the target
(||+) :: Biplate item to => Type ([item] -> from) to -> [item] -> Type from to
(||+) (xs,x_) [] = (xs, \xs -> x_ xs []) -- can eliminate a Two _ Zero in the base case
(||+) (xs,x_) (y:ys) = case plate (:) |+ y ||+ ys of
                       (ys,y_) -> (Two xs ys, \(Two xs ys) -> x_ xs (y_ ys))

-- | Used for 'Biplate' definitions where both types are the same.
plateSelf :: to -> Type to to
plateSelf x = (One x, \(One x) -> x)

-- | Write an instance in terms of a projection/injection pair. Usually used to define instances
--   for abstract containers such as Map:
-- > instance Biplate (Map.Map [Char] Int) Int where
-- >     biplate = plateProject Map.toAscList Map.fromDistinctAscList
-- Because we know that Uniplate operations will not change the keys,
-- we can use the 'fromDistictAscList' function to reconstruct it.
plateProject :: Biplate item to => (from -> item) -> (item -> from) -> from -> Type from to
plateProject into outof = second (outof . ) . biplate . into

instance Uniplate Int where uniplate x = plate x
instance Uniplate Bool where uniplate x = plate x
instance Uniplate Char where uniplate x = plate x
instance Uniplate Integer where uniplate x = plate x
instance Uniplate Double where uniplate x = plate x
instance Uniplate Float where uniplate x = plate x
instance Uniplate () where uniplate x = plate x

instance Uniplate [Char] where
    uniplate (x:xs) = plate (x:) |* xs
    uniplate x = plate x

instance Biplate [Char] Char where
    biplate (x:xs) = plate (:) |* x ||* xs
    biplate x = plate x

instance Biplate [Char] [Char] where
    biplate = plateSelf

instance Uniplate (Ratio Integer) where
    uniplate = plate

instance Biplate (Ratio Integer) (Ratio Integer) where
    biplate = plateSelf

instance Biplate (Ratio Integer) Integer where
    biplate x = (Two (One (numerator x)) (One (denominator x)), \(Two (One n) (One d)) -> n % d)