{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module UniqueLogic.ST.TF.Expression ( T, -- * Construct primitive expressions constant, fromVariable, -- * Operators from rules with small numbers of arguments fromRule1, fromRule2, fromRule3, -- * Operators from rules with any number of arguments Apply, arg, runApply, -- * Predicates on expressions (=:=), -- * Common operators (see also 'Num' and 'Fractional' instances) (=!=), sqr, sqrt, max, maximum, pair, ) where import qualified UniqueLogic.ST.TF.Rule as Rule import qualified UniqueLogic.ST.TF.System as Sys import Control.Monad (ap, ) import Control.Applicative (Applicative, pure, liftA, liftA2, (<*>), ) -- import Control.Category ((.)) -- import Data.Maybe (Maybe) -- import Prelude (Double, Eq, Ord, (+), (*), (/)) import qualified Prelude as P import Prelude hiding (max, maximum, sqrt) {- | An expression is defined by a set of equations and the variable at the top-level. The value of the expression equals the value of the top variable. -} newtype T w s a = Cons (Sys.T w s (Sys.Variable w s a)) {- | Make a constant expression of a simple numeric value. -} constant :: (Sys.C w, Sys.Value w a) => a -> T w s a constant = Cons . Sys.constant fromVariable :: Sys.Variable w s a -> T w s a fromVariable = Cons . return fromRule1 :: (Sys.C w, Sys.Value w a) => (Sys.Variable w s a -> Sys.T w s ()) -> (T w s a) fromRule1 rule = Cons $ do xv <- Sys.localVariable rule xv return xv fromRule2, _fromRule2 :: (Sys.C w, Sys.Value w b) => (Sys.Variable w s a -> Sys.Variable w s b -> Sys.T w s ()) -> (T w s a -> T w s b) fromRule2 rule (Cons x) = Cons $ do xv <- x yv <- Sys.localVariable rule xv yv return yv fromRule3, _fromRule3 :: (Sys.C w, Sys.Value w c) => (Sys.Variable w s a -> Sys.Variable w s b -> Sys.Variable w s c -> Sys.T w s ()) -> (T w s a -> T w s b -> T w s c) fromRule3 rule (Cons x) (Cons y) = Cons $ do xv <- x yv <- y zv <- Sys.localVariable rule xv yv zv return zv newtype Apply w s f = Apply (Sys.T w s f) instance Functor (Apply w s) where fmap f (Apply a) = Apply $ fmap f a instance Applicative (Apply w s) where pure a = Apply $ return a Apply f <*> Apply a = Apply $ ap f a {- | This function allows to generalize 'fromRule2' and 'fromRule3' to more arguments using 'Applicative' combinators. Example: > fromRule3 rule x y > = runApply $ liftA2 rule (arg x) (arg y) > = runApply $ pure rule <*> arg x <*> arg y Building rules with 'arg' provides more granularity than using auxiliary 'pair' rules! -} arg :: T w s a -> Apply w s (Sys.Variable w s a) arg (Cons x) = Apply x runApply :: (Sys.C w, Sys.Value w a) => Apply w s (Sys.Variable w s a -> Sys.T w s ()) -> T w s a runApply (Apply rule) = Cons $ do f <- rule xv <- Sys.localVariable f xv return xv {- examples of how to use 'arg' and 'runApply' -} _fromRule2 rule x = runApply $ liftA rule $ arg x _fromRule3 rule x y = runApply $ liftA2 rule (arg x) (arg y) instance (Sys.C w, Sys.Value w a, P.Fractional a) => P.Num (T w s a) where fromInteger = constant . fromInteger (+) = fromRule3 Rule.add (-) = fromRule3 (\z x y -> Rule.add x y z) (*) = fromRule3 Rule.mul abs = fromRule2 (Sys.assignment2 abs) signum = fromRule2 (Sys.assignment2 signum) instance (Sys.C w, Sys.Value w a, P.Fractional a) => P.Fractional (T w s a) where fromRational = constant . fromRational (/) = fromRule3 (\z x y -> Rule.mul x y z) sqr :: (Sys.C w, Sys.Value w a, P.Floating a) => T w s a -> T w s a sqr = fromRule2 Rule.square sqrt :: (Sys.C w, Sys.Value w a, P.Floating a) => T w s a -> T w s a sqrt = fromRule2 (flip Rule.square) infixl 4 =!= (=!=) :: (Sys.C w) => T w s a -> T w s a -> T w s a (=!=) (Cons x) (Cons y) = Cons $ do xv <- x yv <- y Rule.equ xv yv return xv infix 0 =:= (=:=) :: (Sys.C w) => T w s a -> T w s a -> Sys.T w s () (=:=) (Cons x) (Cons y) = do xv <- x yv <- y Rule.equ xv yv {- | We are not able to implement a full Ord instance including Eq superclass and comparisons, but we need to compute maxima. -} max :: (Sys.C w, Ord a, Sys.Value w a) => T w s a -> T w s a -> T w s a max = fromRule3 Rule.max maximum :: (Sys.C w, Ord a, Sys.Value w a) => [T w s a] -> T w s a maximum = foldl1 max {- | Construct or decompose a pair. -} pair :: (Sys.C w, Sys.Value w a, Sys.Value w b, Sys.Value w (a,b)) => T w s a -> T w s b -> T w s (a,b) pair = fromRule3 Rule.pair