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This module makes the operations exported by @System.Posix.User@
available on all platforms. On POSIX systems it re-exports operations from
@System.Posix.User@. On other platforms it provides dummy implementations.
module System.PosixCompat.User (
    -- * User environment
    -- ** Querying the user environment
    , getRealGroupID
    , getEffectiveUserID
    , getEffectiveGroupID
    , getGroups
    , getLoginName
    , getEffectiveUserName

    -- *** The group database
    , GroupEntry(..)
    , getGroupEntryForID
    , getGroupEntryForName
    , getAllGroupEntries

    -- *** The user database
    , UserEntry(..)
    , getUserEntryForID
    , getUserEntryForName
    , getAllUserEntries

    -- ** Modifying the user environment
    , setUserID
    , setGroupID
    ) where

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import System.Posix.User

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