{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-} module Main where import Prelude hiding (fail) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL import Data.Int import Data.Typeable import Data.Unjson import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import Data.Aeson ((.=)) import Data.List import Data.Data import Data.Functor.Invariant import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail(fail)) import Test.HUnit import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as LazyHashMap import qualified Data.Map as Map import System.Exit (ExitCode (..), exitWith) default (Text.Text, String, Int, Double) -- As an example we will use a hypothetical configuration data. -- There are some mandatory fields and some optional fields. data Konfig = Konfig { konfigHostname :: Text.Text , konfigPort :: Integer , konfigCredentials :: Credentials , konfigComment :: Maybe Text.Text , konfigOptions :: [Text.Text] , konfigAlternates :: Maybe (Text.Text,Credentials) , konfigInt32 :: Int32 } deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable) data Credentials = Credentials { credentialsUsername :: Text.Text , credentialsPassword :: Text.Text , credentialsDomain :: Maybe Text.Text } deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable) unjsonKonfig :: UnjsonDef Konfig unjsonKonfig = objectOf $ pure Konfig <*> field "hostname" konfigHostname "The hostname this service is visible as" <*> fieldDef "port" 80 konfigPort "Port to listen on, defaults to 80" <*> fieldBy "credentials" konfigCredentials "User admin credentials" unjsonCredentials <*> fieldOpt "comment" konfigComment "Optional comment, free text" <*> fieldDef "options" [] konfigOptions "Additional options, defaults to empty" <*> fieldOpt "alternates" konfigAlternates "Alternate names for this server" <*> field "int32" konfigInt32 "A bounded integer fieldd." unjsonCredentials :: UnjsonDef Credentials unjsonCredentials = objectOf $ pure Credentials <*> field "username" credentialsUsername "Name of the user" <*> field "password" credentialsPassword "Password for the user" <*> fieldOpt "domain" credentialsDomain "Domain for user credentials" instance Unjson Credentials where unjsonDef = unjsonCredentials test_proper_parse :: Test test_proper_parse = "Proper parsing of a complex structure" ~: do let json = Aeson.object [ "hostname" .= "www.example.com" , "comment" .= "nice server" , "credentials" .= Aeson.object [ "username" .= "usr1" , "password" .= "pass1" ] , "int32" .= 42 ] let expect = Konfig { konfigHostname = "www.example.com" , konfigPort = 80 , konfigComment = Just "nice server" , konfigCredentials = Credentials "usr1" "pass1" Nothing , konfigAlternates = Nothing , konfigOptions = [] , konfigInt32 = 42 } let Result val iss = parse unjsonKonfig json assertEqual "There are no issues in parsing" [] iss assertEqual "Value parsed is the one expected" expect val return () test_missing_key :: Test test_missing_key = "Key missing" ~: do -- Note: -- -- This test is strange with respect to what is returned as -- exceptions. We would expect to have whole path to problematic -- place returned, for some reason only last part of the path is -- returned. This is good enough to keep this mechanism in place but -- overall it is unknown why not everything is returned. -- -- Underlying mechanism is supposed to use mapException inside of -- mapException and that should stack them on top concatenating the -- path. Tests with external setup prove this is really the case, -- but for some reason does not happen in general scenario. -- -- *Data.Unjson> resultPrependKey "a" (resultPrependKey "b" (fail "d" :: Result ())) -- Result *** Exception: a.b: "d" -- let json1 = Aeson.object [ "hostname" .= "www.example.com" , "port" .= 12345 , "comment" .= "nice server" , "credentials" .= Aeson.object [ "username" .= "usr1" ] , "int32" .= 999 ] let json = Aeson.object [ "payload" .= json1 ] let unjsonEnvelope :: UnjsonDef Konfig unjsonEnvelope = objectOf $ pure id <*> fieldBy "payload" id "Enveloped Konfig" unjsonKonfig do let Result _val iss = parse unjsonEnvelope json assertEqual "There is one issue in parsing" [Anchored (Path [ PathElemKey "payload" , PathElemKey "credentials" , PathElemKey "password" ]) "missing key"] iss do let Result _val iss = parse unjsonKonfig json1 assertEqual "There is one issue in parsing" [Anchored (Path [ PathElemKey "credentials" , PathElemKey "password" ]) "missing key"] iss test_wrong_value_type :: Test test_wrong_value_type = "Value at key is wrong type" ~: do let json = Aeson.object [ "hostname" .= 12345 , "port" .= Aeson.object [ "username" .= "usr1" ] , "credentials" .= "www.example.com" , "int32" .= 999 ] let Result _val iss = parse unjsonKonfig json assertEqual "Number of issues in parsing" 3 (length iss) assertEqual "Hostname must be string error info is present" (Anchored (Path [PathElemKey "hostname"]) "parsing Text failed, expected String, but encountered Number") (iss!!0) assertEqual "Port must be number error info is present" (Anchored (Path [ PathElemKey "port" ]) "parsing Integer failed, expected Number, but encountered Object") (iss!!1) assertEqual "Credentials must be object error info is present" (Anchored (Path [ PathElemKey "credentials" ]) "Error in $: parsing HashMap ~Text failed, expected Object, but encountered String") (iss!!2) return () test_tuple_parsing :: Test test_tuple_parsing = "Tuple parsing" ~: do let json = Aeson.toJSON [ ("hostname" :: Aeson.Value) , ("port" :: Aeson.Value) , (Aeson.toJSON 123) ] let Result (val1 :: String, val2 :: Text.Text, val3 ::Integer) iss = parse unjsonDef json assertEqual "Number of issues in parsing" [] iss assertEqual "First element of tuple" "hostname" val1 assertEqual "Second element of tuple" "port" val2 assertEqual "Third element of tuple" 123 val3 let Result (_ :: (String, Text.Text, Int, Int)) iss' = parse unjsonDef json assertEqual "Issue in parsing" [Anchored mempty "cannot parse array of length 3 into tuple of size 4" ,Anchored (Path [PathElemIndex 3]) "missing key"] iss' let Result (_ :: (Integer, Integer, Text.Text)) iss'' = parse unjsonDef json assertEqual "Issues in parsing" [ Anchored (Path [PathElemIndex 0]) "parsing Integer failed, expected Number, but encountered String" , Anchored (Path [PathElemIndex 1]) "parsing Integer failed, expected Number, but encountered String" , Anchored (Path [PathElemIndex 2]) "parsing Text failed, expected String, but encountered Number" ] iss'' let Result (_ :: (String, Text.Text)) iss''' = parse unjsonDef json assertEqual "Array too long for 2-tuple" [Anchored mempty "cannot parse array of length 3 into tuple of size 2"] iss''' return () test_symmetry_of_serialization :: Test test_symmetry_of_serialization = "Key missing" ~: do let expect = Konfig { konfigHostname = "www.example.com" , konfigPort = 12345 , konfigComment = Just "nice server" , konfigCredentials = Credentials "usr1" "pass1" Nothing , konfigAlternates = Nothing , konfigOptions = [] , konfigInt32 = 42 } let json = unjsonToJSON unjsonKonfig expect let Result val _iss = parse unjsonKonfig json assertEqual "Serialize-parse produces no problems" expect val assertEqual "Serialize-parse is identity" expect val return () test_pretty_serialization :: Test test_pretty_serialization = "Pretty serialization" ~: do let konfig = Konfig { konfigHostname = "www.example.com" , konfigPort = 12345 , konfigComment = Just "nice server" , konfigCredentials = Credentials "usr1" "pass1" Nothing , konfigAlternates = Nothing , konfigOptions = [] , konfigInt32 = 42 } let jsonstr = BSL.unpack $ unjsonToByteStringLazy' (Options { nulls = False, indent = 4, pretty = True }) unjsonKonfig konfig let expect = intercalate "\n" [ "{" , " \"hostname\": \"www.example.com\"," , " \"port\": 12345," , " \"credentials\": {" , " \"username\": \"usr1\"," , " \"password\": \"pass1\"" , " }," , " \"comment\": \"nice server\"," , " \"options\": []," , " \"int32\": 42" , "}" ] assertEqual "Serialize pretty prints proper indents" expect jsonstr let jsonstr5 = BSL.unpack $ unjsonToByteStringLazy' (Options { nulls = False, indent = 5, pretty = True }) unjsonKonfig konfig let expect5 = intercalate "\n" [ "{" , " \"hostname\": \"www.example.com\"," , " \"port\": 12345," , " \"credentials\": {" , " \"username\": \"usr1\"," , " \"password\": \"pass1\"" , " }," , " \"comment\": \"nice server\"," , " \"options\": []," , " \"int32\": 42" , "}" ] assertEqual "Serialize pretty prints proper indents" expect5 jsonstr5 let jsonstr3 = BSL.unpack $ unjsonToByteStringLazy' (Options { nulls = False, indent = 3, pretty = False }) unjsonKonfig konfig let expect3 = concat [ "{" , "\"hostname\":\"www.example.com\"," , "\"port\":12345," , "\"credentials\":{" , "\"username\":\"usr1\"," , "\"password\":\"pass1\"" , "}," , "\"comment\":\"nice server\"," , "\"options\":[]," , "\"int32\":42" , "}" ] assertEqual "Serialize pretty prints proper indents" expect3 jsonstr3 return () test_serialize_with_nulls :: Test test_serialize_with_nulls = "Serialize with nulls" ~: do let konfig = Konfig { konfigHostname = "www.example.com" , konfigPort = 12345 , konfigComment = Just "nice server" , konfigCredentials = Credentials "usr1" "pass1" Nothing , konfigAlternates = Nothing , konfigOptions = [] , konfigInt32 = 42 } let jsonstr = BSL.unpack $ unjsonToByteStringLazy' (Options { nulls = True, indent = 4, pretty = True }) unjsonKonfig konfig let expect = intercalate "\n" [ "{" , " \"hostname\": \"www.example.com\"," , " \"port\": 12345," , " \"credentials\": {" , " \"username\": \"usr1\"," , " \"password\": \"pass1\"," , " \"domain\": null" , " }," , " \"comment\": \"nice server\"," , " \"options\": []," , " \"alternates\": null," , " \"int32\": 42" , "}" ] assertEqual "Serialize pretty prints proper indents" expect jsonstr unjsonButThirteen :: UnjsonDef Int unjsonButThirteen = objectOf $ pure id <*> fieldBy "value" id "Integer but god forbid 13" (unjsonInvmapR whenParse id $ unjsonDef) where whenParse 13 = fail "13 is a bad luck number" whenParse x = return x test_semantic_errors_on_values :: Test test_semantic_errors_on_values = "test_semantic_errors_on_values" ~: do do let json = Aeson.object [ "value" .= (13 :: Int) ] let Result _val iss = parse unjsonButThirteen json assertEqual "Problem is reported" [Anchored (Path [PathElemKey "value"]) "13 is a bad luck number"] iss -- assertEqual "Just numerical_value present" (13) val unjsonEitherIntText :: UnjsonDef (Either Int Text.Text) unjsonEitherIntText = disjointUnionOf "mode" [ ("number", unjsonIsConstrByName "Left", pure Left <*> field "numerical_value" fromLeft "Numerical value") , ("text", unjsonIsConstrByName "Right", pure Right <*> field "text_value" fromRight "Text value")] where fromLeft ~(Left x) = x fromRight ~(Right x) = x test_parse_either_field :: Test test_parse_either_field = "test_parse_either_field" ~: do do let json = Aeson.object [ "mode" .= "number" , "numerical_value" .= 12345 ] let Result val iss = parse unjsonEitherIntText json assertEqual "No problems" [] iss assertEqual "Just numerical_value present" (Left 12345) val do let json = Aeson.object [ "mode" .= "text" , "text_value" .= "asfsdfaf" ] let Result val iss = parse unjsonEitherIntText json assertEqual "No problems" [] iss assertEqual "Just text_value present" (Right "asfsdfaf") val do let json = Aeson.object [ "text_value" .= False , "numerical_value" .= 12345 ] let Result _val iss = parse unjsonEitherIntText json assertEqual "Problem when mode is missing" [Anchored (Path [PathElemKey "mode"]) "missing key"] iss do let json = Aeson.object [ "mode" .= "something else" ] let Result _val iss = parse unjsonEitherIntText json assertEqual "Problem when mode is missing" [Anchored (Path [PathElemKey "mode"]) "value 'something else' is not one of the allowed for enumeration [number,text]"] iss do let json = Aeson.object [ "mode" .= "number" , "numerical_value" .= 123 ] let ex = Left 123 let js = unjsonToJSON unjsonEitherIntText ex assertEqual "Serialized makes what expected" json js do let docstr = render unjsonEitherIntText assertBool "Documentation generates" (length docstr > 0) return () data AB = A | B deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) unjsonEnumAB :: UnjsonDef AB unjsonEnumAB = enumOf "mode" [ ("A", A) , ("B", B)] test_enum_field :: Test test_enum_field = "test_enum_field" ~: do do let json = Aeson.object [ "mode" .= "A" ] let Result val iss = parse unjsonEnumAB json assertEqual "No problems" [] iss assertEqual "Proper value present" A val do let json = Aeson.object [ "mode" .= "B" ] let Result val iss = parse unjsonEnumAB json assertEqual "No problems" [] iss assertEqual "Proper value present" B val do let json = Aeson.object [ "mode" .= "wrong" ] let Result _val iss = parse unjsonEnumAB json assertEqual "No problems" [Anchored (Path [PathElemKey "mode"]) "value 'wrong' is not one of the allowed for enumeration [A,B]"] iss data AutoAB = AutoA | AutoB deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Data, Typeable) unjsonAutoEnumAB :: UnjsonDef AutoAB unjsonAutoEnumAB = enumUnjsonDef test_auto_enum_field :: Test test_auto_enum_field = "test_auto_enum_field" ~: do do let json = Aeson.object [ "AutoAB" .= "AutoA" ] let Result val iss = parse unjsonAutoEnumAB json assertEqual "No problems" [] iss assertEqual "Proper value present" AutoA val do let json = Aeson.object [ "AutoAB" .= "AutoB" ] let Result val iss = parse unjsonAutoEnumAB json assertEqual "No problems" [] iss assertEqual "Proper value present" AutoB val do let json = Aeson.object [ "AutoAB" .= "wrong" ] let Result _val iss = parse unjsonAutoEnumAB json assertEqual "No problems" [Anchored (Path [PathElemKey "AutoAB"]) "value 'wrong' is not one of the allowed for enumeration [AutoA,AutoB]"] iss test_update_from_serialization :: Test test_update_from_serialization = "test_update_from_serialization" ~: do let initial = Konfig { konfigHostname = "old-www.server.com" , konfigPort = 12345 , konfigComment = Just "nice server" , konfigCredentials = Credentials "usr1" "pass1" Nothing , konfigAlternates = Nothing , konfigOptions = [] , konfigInt32 = 42 } let expect = Konfig { konfigHostname = "www.example.com" , konfigPort = 999 , konfigComment = Just "a better server" , konfigCredentials = Credentials "usr2" "pass1" (Just "domain") , konfigAlternates = Nothing , konfigOptions = [] , konfigInt32 = 256 } let json = Aeson.object [ "hostname" .= "www.example.com" -- mandatory field , "port" .= 999 -- optional with default , "comment" .= "a better server" -- optional field , "credentials" .= Aeson.object [ "domain" .= "domain" , "username" .= "usr2" ] , "int32" .= 256 ] let Result val iss = update initial unjsonKonfig json assertEqual "No problems" [] iss assertEqual "Object updated with json" expect val return () test_update_from_serialization_with_reset_to_default :: Test test_update_from_serialization_with_reset_to_default = "test_update_from_serialization_with_reset_to_default" ~: do let initial = Konfig { konfigHostname = "old-www.server.com" , konfigPort = 12345 , konfigComment = Just "nice server" , konfigCredentials = Credentials "usr1" "pass1" (Just "domain") , konfigAlternates = Nothing , konfigOptions = [] , konfigInt32 = 0 } let _expect = Konfig { konfigHostname = "www.example.com" , konfigPort = 80 , konfigComment = Nothing , konfigCredentials = Credentials "usr1" "pass1" (Nothing) , konfigAlternates = Just ("abc" , Credentials "usrx" "passx" Nothing) , konfigOptions = [] , konfigInt32 = 256 } let json = Aeson.object [ "hostname" .= Aeson.Null -- mandatory field , "port" .= Aeson.Null -- optional with default , "comment" .= Aeson.Null -- optional field , "credentials" .= Aeson.object [ "domain" .= Aeson.Null ] , "alternates" .= [ Aeson.toJSON "abc" , Aeson.object [ "username" .= "usrx" , "password" .= "passx" ] ] ] let Result _ iss = update initial unjsonKonfig json assertEqual "Cannot reset mandatory field without default" [Anchored (Path [PathElemKey "hostname"]) "parsing Text failed, expected String, but encountered Null"] iss return () test_array_modes :: Test test_array_modes = "test_array_modes" ~: do let json = Aeson.object [ "hostname" .= ("www.example.com" ::Text.Text) ] let json1 = Aeson.object [ "hostname" .= ["www.example.com" ::Text.Text] ] let p0 :: UnjsonDef [Text.Text] p0 = objectOf $ pure id <*> fieldBy "hostname" id "Single value or array" (arrayOf unjsonDef) let p1 :: UnjsonDef [Text.Text] p1 = objectOf $ pure id <*> fieldBy "hostname" id "Single value or array" (arrayWithModeOf ArrayModeParseSingle unjsonAeson) let p2 :: UnjsonDef [Text.Text] p2 = objectOf $ pure id <*> fieldBy "hostname" id "Single value or array" (arrayWithModeOf ArrayModeParseAndOutputSingle unjsonDef) let Result _val0 iss0 = parse p0 json assertEqual "Does not parse value in strict array mode" [Anchored (Path [PathElemKey "hostname"]) "Error in $: parsing Vector failed, expected Array, but encountered String"] iss0 let Result val1 iss1 = parse p1 json assertEqual "No problems" [] iss1 assertEqual "Accepts singel value in ArrayModeParseSingle" ["www.example.com"] val1 let sjson1 = unjsonToJSON p1 val1 assertEqual "Same json" json1 sjson1 let Result val2 iss2 = parse p2 json assertEqual "No problems" [] iss2 assertEqual "Array fetch produced result" ["www.example.com"] val2 let sjson2 = unjsonToJSON p2 val2 assertEqual "Same json" json sjson2 return () test_array_update_by_primary_key :: Test test_array_update_by_primary_key = "test_array_update_by_primary_key" ~: do let json = Aeson.object [ "array" .= [ Aeson.object [ "id" .= 12 , "value" .= "for 12" ] , Aeson.object [ "id" .= 17 , "value" .= "for 17" ] , Aeson.object [ "id" .= 3 , "value" .= "for 3" ] , Aeson.object [ "id" .= 17 , "value" .= "wrong value for 17" ] ] ] let json1 = Aeson.object [ "array" .= [ Aeson.object -- 17 is first now, value left intact [ "id" .= 17 ] , Aeson.object -- 3 is not there, but 4 is new [ "id" .= 4 , "value" .= "for 4" ] , Aeson.object [ "id" .= 12 -- 12 got new value , "value" .= "for 12 new value" ] ] ] let unjsonPair = objectOf $ pure (,) <*> field "id" fst "Unique id" <*> field "value" snd "Value" let pk1 = fst pk2 = objectOf $ field "id" id "Unique id" let p0 :: UnjsonDef [(Int,Text.Text)] p0 = objectOf $ pure id <*> fieldBy "array" id "Array updated by primary key" (arrayWithPrimaryKeyOf pk1 pk2 unjsonPair) let Result val0 iss0 = parse p0 json assertEqual "No problems" [] iss0 assertEqual "Parsing keeps proper order" [(12,"for 12"),(17,"for 17"),(3,"for 3"),(17,"wrong value for 17")] val0 let Result val1 iss1 = update val0 p0 json1 assertEqual "No problems" [] iss1 assertEqual "Update keeps proper order" [(17,"for 17"),(4,"for 4"),(12,"for 12 new value")] val1 return () test_maps :: Test test_maps = "test_maps" ~: do let json = Aeson.object [ "k1" .= (12 :: Int) , "k2" .= (1122 :: Int) , "a4" .= (666 :: Int) ] jsonEmbedded = Aeson.object [ "a_map" .= json ] let unjsonMapByInstance :: (Unjson a, Typeable a) => UnjsonDef a unjsonMapByInstance = objectOf $ pure id <*> field "a_map" id "The only map" let unjsonMapByExplicit :: (Unjson a, Typeable a) => UnjsonDef (HashMap.HashMap Text.Text a) unjsonMapByExplicit = objectOf $ pure id <*> fieldBy "a_map" id "The only map" (mapOf unjsonDef) let Result val0 iss0 = parse unjsonMapByInstance jsonEmbedded assertEqual "No problems" [] iss0 assertEqual "Parsing keeps proper order in Data.Map" (Map.fromList [("k1"::String, 12::Int),("k2", 1122), ("a4", 666)]) val0 let Result val1 iss1 = parse unjsonMapByInstance jsonEmbedded assertEqual "No problems" [] iss1 assertEqual "Parsing keeps proper order" (HashMap.fromList [("k1"::String, 12::Int),("k2", 1122), ("a4", 666)]) val1 let Result val2 iss2 = parse unjsonMapByExplicit jsonEmbedded assertEqual "No problems" [] iss2 assertEqual "Parsing keeps proper order" (LazyHashMap.fromList [("k1"::Text.Text, 12::Int),("k2", 1122), ("a4", 666)]) val2 return () data PlainUnion = PlainUnionA { plainUnionKey1 :: String , plainUnionKey2 :: Maybe Int } | PlainUnionB { plainUnionKey3 :: Int , plainUnionKey4 :: Int } deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Data) unjsonPlainUnion :: UnjsonDef PlainUnion unjsonPlainUnion = unionOf [ (unjsonIsConstrByName "PlainUnionA", pure PlainUnionA <*> field "key1" plainUnionKey1 "" <*> fieldOpt "key2" plainUnionKey2 "") , (unjsonIsConstrByName "PlainUnionB", pure PlainUnionB <*> field "key3" plainUnionKey3 "" <*> fieldDef "key4" 123 plainUnionKey4 "") ] test_plain_unions :: Test test_plain_unions = "test_maps" ~: do -- simplest case let json1 = Aeson.object [ "key1" .= ("abc" :: String) ] let Result val1 iss1 = parse unjsonPlainUnion json1 assertEqual "No problems" [] iss1 assertEqual "Got expected value" (PlainUnionA "abc" Nothing) val1 -- anyway choose first object on list, because 'key1' is present let json2 = Aeson.object [ "key1" .= ("abc" :: String) , "key3" .= ("abc" :: String) , "key4" .= ("abc" :: String) ] let Result val2 iss2 = parse unjsonPlainUnion json2 assertEqual "No problems" [] iss2 assertEqual "Got expected value" (PlainUnionA "abc" Nothing) val2 -- key is present so PlainUnionA will be chosen and then fail -- because of wrong types let json3 = Aeson.object [ "key1" .= (123 :: Int) ] let Result _val3 iss3 = parse unjsonPlainUnion json3 assertEqual "Cannot parse PlainUnionA" [Anchored (Path [PathElemKey "key1"]) "expected String, but encountered Number"] iss3 -- choose PlainUnionB let json4 = Aeson.object [ "xx" .= (123 :: Int) , "key3" .= (15523 :: Int) , "key4" .= (13 :: Int) ] let Result val4 iss4 = parse unjsonPlainUnion json4 assertEqual "No issues" [] iss4 assertEqual "Got expected value" (PlainUnionB 15523 13) val4 return () data ROTest = ROTest { roTestF1 :: Int , roTestF2 :: String } deriving (Eq,Ord,Show) unjsonROTest :: UnjsonDef ROTest unjsonROTest = objectOf $ pure (\f2 -> ROTest 444 f2) <*> field "f2" roTestF2 "f2 is a normal field" <* fieldReadonly "f1" roTestF1 "f1 is readonly field" test_readonly_fields :: Test test_readonly_fields = "test_readonly_fields" ~: do -- simplest case let json1 = Aeson.object [ "f2" .= ("abc" :: String) , "f1" .= (123 :: Int) ] let Result val1 iss1 = parse unjsonROTest json1 assertEqual "No problems" [] iss1 assertEqual "Got expected value" (ROTest 444 "abc") val1 let json2 = Aeson.object [ "f2" .= ("abc" :: String) ] let Result val2 iss2 = parse unjsonROTest json2 assertEqual "No problems" [] iss2 assertEqual "Got expected value" (ROTest 444 "abc") val2 let json3 = Aeson.object [ "f2x" .= ("abc" :: String) , "f1" .= ("should not be inspected" :: String) ] let Result _val3 iss3 = parse unjsonROTest json3 assertEqual "There are problems" [Anchored (Path [ PathElemKey "f2" ]) "missing key"] iss3 return () tests :: Test tests = test [ test_proper_parse , test_missing_key , test_wrong_value_type , test_tuple_parsing , test_symmetry_of_serialization , test_serialize_with_nulls , test_parse_either_field , test_enum_field , test_update_from_serialization , test_update_from_serialization_with_reset_to_default , test_array_modes , test_array_update_by_primary_key , test_pretty_serialization , test_semantic_errors_on_values , test_maps , test_plain_unions , test_readonly_fields ] main :: IO Counts main = do results <- runTestTT tests if (errors results + failures results == 0) then exitWith ExitSuccess else exitWith (ExitFailure 1) updateExampleRendering :: IO () updateExampleRendering = do contents <- readFile "src/Data/Unjson.hs" let (before,exampleAndRest) = break (=="-- Example rendering:") (lines contents) (_example,after) = break ("render ::" `isPrefixOf`) exampleAndRest _ <- return $! length after writeFile "src/Data/Unjson.hs" (unlines (before ++ ["-- Example rendering:", "--"] ++ (map ((++)"-- > ") $ lines $ filterOutAnsi $ render unjsonKonfig) ++ after)) filterOutAnsi :: String -> String filterOutAnsi "" = "" filterOutAnsi ('\ESC' : '[' : rest) = filterOutAnsiTillEndOfMulticharSequence rest filterOutAnsi ('\ESC' : _ : rest) = filterOutAnsi rest filterOutAnsi (c : rest) = c : filterOutAnsi rest filterOutAnsiTillEndOfMulticharSequence :: String -> String filterOutAnsiTillEndOfMulticharSequence (c : rest) | c >= '@' = filterOutAnsi rest filterOutAnsiTillEndOfMulticharSequence (_c : rest) = filterOutAnsiTillEndOfMulticharSequence rest filterOutAnsiTillEndOfMulticharSequence [] = [] data Example = Example { exampleName :: Text.Text, exampleArray :: [Int], exampleOptional :: Maybe Bool, exampleIntAsString :: Int } unjsonExample :: UnjsonDef Example unjsonExample = objectOf $ pure Example <*> field "name" exampleName "Name used for example" <*> fieldDefBy "array_of_ints" [] exampleArray "Array of integers, optional, defaults to empty list" (arrayOf unjsonDef) <*> fieldOpt "optional_bool" exampleOptional "Optional boolean" <*> fieldBy "int_as_string" exampleIntAsString "Integer value serialized as a string value in json" (invmap (read :: String -> Int) (show :: Int -> String) unjsonDef) newtype Theme = Theme { unTheme :: Int } unjsonTheme :: UnjsonDef Theme unjsonTheme = invmap (Theme . read :: String -> Theme) (show . unTheme :: Theme -> String) unjsonDef instance Unjson Theme where unjsonDef = unjsonTheme