module Unlit.String (
  unlit, relit
  , Style, parseStyle
  , WhitespaceMode(..), parseWhitespaceMode
  , all, infer, latex, bird, jekyll,  haskell, markdown, tildefence, backtickfence
  , Lang, setLang
  , Error(..), showError
) where

import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Data.Bool (bool)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, maybeToList)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Prelude hiding (all, or)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isInfixOf, isSuffixOf, dropWhileEnd)
import qualified Data.Char as Char

stripStart, stripEnd, toLower :: String -> String
stripStart = dropWhile Char.isSpace
stripEnd   = dropWhileEnd Char.isSpace
toLower    = map Char.toLower

data Delimiter
  = LaTeX         BeginEnd
  | OrgMode       BeginEnd Lang
  | Bird
  | Jekyll        BeginEnd Lang
  | TildeFence    Lang
  | BacktickFence Lang
  deriving (Eq, Show)

data BeginEnd
  = Begin
  | End
  deriving (Eq, Show)

isBegin :: Delimiter -> Bool
isBegin (LaTeX   Begin  ) = True
isBegin (OrgMode Begin _) = True
isBegin (Jekyll  Begin _) = True
isBegin  _                = False

type Lang = Maybe String

containsLang :: String -> Lang -> Bool
containsLang _ Nothing     = True
containsLang l (Just lang) = toLower lang `isInfixOf` toLower l

emitDelimiter :: Delimiter -> String
emitDelimiter (LaTeX Begin)     = "\\begin{code}"
emitDelimiter (LaTeX End)       = "\\end{code}"
emitDelimiter (OrgMode Begin l) = "#+BEGIN_SRC" <+> fromMaybe "" l
emitDelimiter (OrgMode End _)   = "#+END_SRC"
emitDelimiter  Bird             = ">"
emitDelimiter (Jekyll Begin l)  = "{% highlight " <+> fromMaybe "" l <+> " %}"
emitDelimiter (Jekyll End   _)  = "{% endhighlight %}"
emitDelimiter (TildeFence l)    = "~~~" <+> fromMaybe "" l
emitDelimiter (BacktickFence l) = "```" <+> fromMaybe "" l

infixr 5 <+>
(<+>) :: String -> String -> String
"" <+> y  = y
x  <+> "" = x
x  <+> y  = x <> " " <> y

type Recogniser = String -> Maybe Delimiter

isLaTeX :: Recogniser
isLaTeX l
  | "\\begin{code}" `isPrefixOf` stripStart l = Just $ LaTeX Begin
  | "\\end{code}"   `isPrefixOf` stripStart l = Just $ LaTeX End
  | otherwise = Nothing

isOrgMode :: Lang -> Recogniser
isOrgMode lang l
  | "#+BEGIN_SRC" `isPrefixOf` stripStart l
    && l `containsLang` lang                = Just $ OrgMode Begin lang
  | "#+END_SRC"   `isPrefixOf` stripStart l = Just $ OrgMode End Nothing
  | otherwise = Nothing

isBird :: Recogniser
isBird l = bool Nothing (Just Bird) (l == ">" || "> " `isPrefixOf` l)

stripBird :: String -> String
stripBird = stripBird' WsKeepIndent

stripBird' :: WhitespaceMode -> String -> String
stripBird' WsKeepAll    l = " " <> drop 1 l
stripBird' WsKeepIndent l = drop 2 l

isJekyll :: Lang -> Recogniser
isJekyll lang l
  | "{% highlight" `isPrefixOf` stripStart l
    && l `containsLang` lang
    && "%}" `isSuffixOf` stripEnd l     = Just $ Jekyll Begin lang
  | "{% endhighlight %}" `isPrefixOf` l = Just $ Jekyll End   lang
  | otherwise                           = Nothing

isFence :: String -> Lang -> Recogniser
isFence fence lang l
  | fence `isPrefixOf` stripStart l =
    Just $ TildeFence $ bool Nothing lang (l `containsLang` lang)
  | otherwise = Nothing

isDelimiter :: Style -> Recogniser
isDelimiter ds l = asum (map go ds)
    go (LaTeX _)            = isLaTeX l
    go  Bird                = isBird l
    go (Jekyll _ lang)      = isJekyll lang l
    go (TildeFence lang)    = isFence "~~~" lang l
    go (BacktickFence lang) = isFence "```" lang l
    go (OrgMode _ lang)     = isOrgMode lang l

match :: Delimiter -> Delimiter -> Bool
match (LaTeX Begin)     (LaTeX End)             = True
match (Jekyll Begin _)  (Jekyll End _)          = True
match (OrgMode Begin _) (OrgMode End _)         = True
match (TildeFence _)    (TildeFence Nothing)    = True
match (BacktickFence _) (BacktickFence Nothing) = True
match  _                 _                      = False

type Style = [Delimiter]

all, backtickfence, bird, haskell, infer, jekyll, latex, markdown, orgmode, tildefence :: Style
all           = latex <> markdown
backtickfence = [BacktickFence Nothing]
bird          = [Bird]
haskell       = latex <> bird
infer         = []
jekyll        = [Jekyll Begin Nothing, Jekyll End Nothing]
latex         = [LaTeX Begin, LaTeX End]
markdown      = bird <> tildefence <> backtickfence
orgmode       = [OrgMode Begin Nothing, OrgMode End Nothing]
tildefence    = [TildeFence Nothing]

parseStyle :: String -> Maybe Style
parseStyle s = case toLower s of
  "all"           -> Just all
  "backtickfence" -> Just backtickfence
  "bird"          -> Just bird
  "haskell"       -> Just haskell
  "infer"         -> Just infer
  "jekyll"        -> Just jekyll
  "latex"         -> Just latex
  "markdown"      -> Just markdown
  "orgmode"       -> Just orgmode
  "tildefence"    -> Just tildefence
  _               -> Nothing

setLang :: Lang -> Style -> Style
setLang = fmap . setLang'

setLang' :: Lang -> Delimiter -> Delimiter
setLang' lang (TildeFence _)       = TildeFence lang
setLang' lang (BacktickFence _)    = BacktickFence lang
setLang' lang (OrgMode beginEnd _) = OrgMode beginEnd lang
setLang' lang (Jekyll beginEnd _)  = Jekyll beginEnd lang
setLang' _     d                   = d

inferred :: Maybe Delimiter -> Style
inferred  Nothing             = []
inferred (Just (LaTeX _))     = latex
inferred (Just (Jekyll _ _))  = jekyll
inferred (Just (OrgMode _ _)) = orgmode
inferred (Just _)             = markdown

data WhitespaceMode
  = WsKeepIndent -- ^ keeps only indentations
  | WsKeepAll    -- ^ keeps all lines and whitespace

parseWhitespaceMode :: String -> Maybe WhitespaceMode
parseWhitespaceMode s = case toLower s of
  "all"    -> Just WsKeepAll
  "indent" -> Just WsKeepIndent
  _        -> Nothing

or :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
xs `or` [] = xs
[] `or` ys = ys
xs `or` _  = xs

unlit :: WhitespaceMode -> Style -> String -> Either Error String
unlit ws ss = fmap unlines . unlit' ws ss Nothing . zip [1..] . lines

type State = Maybe Delimiter

unlit' :: WhitespaceMode -> Style -> State -> [(Int, String)] -> Either Error [String]
unlit' _ _  Nothing    []  = Right []
unlit' _ _ (Just Bird) []  = Right []
unlit' _ _ (Just o)    []  = Left $ UnexpectedEnd o
unlit' ws ss q ((n, l):ls) = case (q, q') of

  (Nothing  , Nothing)   -> continue $ lineIfKeepAll

  (Just Bird, Nothing)   -> close    $ lineIfKeepAll
  (Just _o  , Nothing)   -> continue $ [l]

  (Nothing  , Just Bird) -> open     $ lineIfKeepIndent <> [stripBird' ws l]
  (Nothing  , Just c)
     | isBegin c         -> open     $ lineIfKeepAll <> lineIfKeepIndent
     | otherwise         -> Left     $ SpuriousDelimiter n c

  (Just Bird, Just Bird) -> continue $ [stripBird' ws l]
  (Just _o  , Just Bird) -> continue $ [l]
  (Just o   , Just c)
     | o `match` c       -> close    $ lineIfKeepAll
     | otherwise         -> Left     $ SpuriousDelimiter n c

    q'                = isDelimiter (ss `or` all) l
    continueWith r l' = (l' <>) <$> unlit' ws (ss `or` inferred q') r ls
    open              = continueWith q'
    continue          = continueWith q
    close             = continueWith Nothing
    lineIfKeepAll     = case ws of WsKeepAll    -> [""]; WsKeepIndent -> []
    lineIfKeepIndent  = case ws of WsKeepIndent -> [""]; WsKeepAll -> []

relit :: Style -> Style -> String -> Either Error String
relit ss ts = fmap unlines . relit' ss (head ts) Nothing . zip [1..] . lines

emitBird :: String -> String
emitBird l = "> " <> l

emitOpen :: Delimiter -> Maybe String -> [String]
emitOpen  Bird              l = "" : fmap emitBird (maybeToList l)
emitOpen (LaTeX End)        l = emitOpen (LaTeX Begin) l
emitOpen (Jekyll End lang)  l = emitOpen (Jekyll Begin lang) l
emitOpen (OrgMode End lang) l = emitOpen (OrgMode Begin lang) l
emitOpen  del               l = emitDelimiter del : maybeToList l

emitCode :: Delimiter -> String -> String
emitCode Bird l = emitBird l
emitCode _    l = l

emitClose :: Delimiter -> String
emitClose  Bird                = ""
emitClose (LaTeX Begin)        = emitClose (LaTeX End)
emitClose (Jekyll Begin lang)  = emitClose (Jekyll End lang)
emitClose (OrgMode Begin lang) = emitClose (OrgMode End lang)
emitClose  del                 = emitDelimiter (setLang' Nothing del)

relit' :: Style -> Delimiter -> State -> [(Int, String)] -> Either Error [String]
relit' _ _   Nothing    [] = Right []
relit' _ ts (Just Bird) [] = Right [emitClose ts]
relit' _ _  (Just o)    [] = Left $ UnexpectedEnd o
relit' ss ts q ((n, l):ls) = case (q, q') of

  (Nothing  , Nothing)   -> continue

  (Nothing  , Just Bird) -> blockOpen $ Just (stripBird l)
  (Nothing  , Just c)
    | isBegin c          -> blockOpen Nothing
    | otherwise          -> Left $ SpuriousDelimiter n c

  (Just Bird, Nothing)   -> blockClose
  (Just _o  , Nothing)   -> blockContinue l

  (Just Bird, Just Bird) -> blockContinue $ stripBird l
  (Just _o  , Just Bird) -> continue
  (Just o   , Just c)
    | o `match` c        -> blockClose
    | otherwise          -> Left $ SpuriousDelimiter n c

    q'               = isDelimiter (ss `or` all) l
    continueWith  r  = relit' (ss `or` inferred q') ts r ls
    continue         = (l :)                <$> continueWith q
    blockOpen     l' = (emitOpen  ts l' <>) <$> continueWith q'
    blockContinue l' = (emitCode  ts l' :)  <$> continueWith q
    blockClose       = (emitClose ts    :)  <$> continueWith Nothing

data Error
  = SpuriousDelimiter Int Delimiter
  | UnexpectedEnd     Delimiter
  deriving (Eq, Show)

showError :: Error -> String
showError (UnexpectedEnd       q) = "unexpected end of file: unmatched " <> emitDelimiter q
showError (SpuriousDelimiter n q) = "at line " <>  (show n) <> ": spurious "  <> emitDelimiter q