name: update-nix-fetchgit version: "0.2.2" synopsis: A program to update fetchgit values in Nix expressions description: | This command-line utility is meant to be used by people maintaining Nix expressions that fetch files from Git repositories. It automates the process of keeping such expressions up-to-date with the latest upstream sources. author: Joe Hermaszewski maintainer: Joe Hermaszewski copyright: 2020 Joe Hermaszewski github: expipiplus1/update-nix-fetchgit extra-source-files: - package.yaml - .gitignore - default.nix - - LICENSE - - tests/ - tests/test_*.in.nix - tests/test_*.expected.nix - tests/networked/test_*.in.nix - tests/networked/test_*.expected.nix executables: update-nix-fetchgit: main: Main.hs source-dirs: app ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N dependencies: - base - optparse-applicative - optparse-generic >= 1.4.2 - say - text >= 1.2 - update-nix-fetchgit library: source-dirs: src dependencies: - base >= 4.7 && < 5 - aeson >= 0.9 - async >= 2.1 - bytestring >= 0.10 - data-fix - github-rest - hnix >= 0.11 - monad-validate - mtl - process >= 1.2 - syb - template-haskell - text >= 1.2 - time >= 1.5 - utf8-string >= 1.0 - vector tests: update-nix-fetchgit-samples: source-dirs: tests main: Driver.hs dependencies: - base >= 4.7 && < 5 - directory - filepath - process - tasty - tasty-discover - tasty-golden >= 2.3 - temporary - text - update-nix-fetchgit ghc-options: -Wall default-extensions: - DataKinds - DefaultSignatures - DeriveAnyClass - DeriveDataTypeable - DeriveGeneric - DerivingStrategies - FlexibleContexts - FlexibleInstances - GADTs - LambdaCase - MultiParamTypeClasses - OverloadedStrings - PolyKinds - RankNTypes - RecordWildCards - ScopedTypeVariables - StandaloneDeriving - TemplateHaskellQuotes - TupleSections - TypeApplications - TypeFamilies - TypeOperators - ViewPatterns