{ a = { stdenv, fetchgit }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { name = "foo-${version}"; version = "unstable-2016-06-26"; # ^ version will be updated to the date of the new revision src = fetchgit { url = "/tmp/nix-update-fetchgit-test/repo1"; rev = "1c60ae07b5740aab02e32b4f64600f002112e6fd"; # ^ rev will be updated to the revision of HEAD sha256 = "008xwkjfsv3rj50x9fqj0vvggl1zwrbqh7bkvnga94krmij63hib"; # ^ sha256 will be updated to the correct hash }; }; b = { pkgs ? import (builtins.fetchTarball { url = "https://github.com/expipiplus1/update-nix-fetchgit/archive/"; # # ^ 'foobar' will be replaced with the revision pointed to by 'refs/tags/' sha256 = "0zhng69b6lr8dbdwrw09glbyavw7cfqvm3gb4xqxx973iajifmv7"; # ^ sha256 will be updated to the correct hash }) { } }: myExpression; c = { upfind = import (pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "expipiplus1"; repo = "upfind"; rev = "cb451254f5b112f839aa36e5b6fd83b60cf9b9ae"; # pin # ^ This will not change because of the '# pin' comment sha256 = "15g5nvs6azgb2fkdna1dxbyiabx9n63if0wcbdvs91hjafhzjaqa"; # ^ This will be updated }) { }; }; }