{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures , MultiParamTypeClasses , FunctionalDependencies , TypeFamilies , TypeSynonymInstances , FlexibleInstances , DeriveFunctor #-} module Data.Url where import Path.Extended import Data.Functor.Identity import Control.Monad.Trans import Control.Monad.Reader -- * Classes class MonadUrl b (m :: * -> *) where pathUrl :: Path b t -> m String locUrl :: Location b t -> m String symbolUrl :: ( ToLocation s b t ) => s -> m String instance ( MonadUrl b m , MonadTrans t , Monad m ) => MonadUrl b (t m) where pathUrl = lift . pathUrl locUrl = lift . locUrl symbolUrl = lift . symbolUrl -- | Make an instance for your own stringless route type to use your symbols -- instead of strings or @Path@. class ToLocation a b t | a -> b t where toLocation :: a -> Location b t -- | Overload extraction for deployment transformers. class UrlReader m where type RunUrlReader m :: * -> * runUrlReader :: m a -- ^ MonadReader with index @string@ and result @b@ -> UrlAuthority -- ^ URI Scheme, hostname, and other details -> RunUrlReader m a -- ^ Final result -- * Types -- | The hostname of a URL. data UrlAuthority = UrlAuthority { urlScheme :: String , urlSlashes :: Bool , urlAuth :: Maybe UrlAuthent , urlHost :: String , urlPort :: Maybe Int } deriving (Eq, Ord) instance Show UrlAuthority where show (UrlAuthority sh sl ma h mp) = sh ++ ":" ++ if sl then "//" else "" ++ maybe "" (\a -> show a ++ "@") ma ++ h ++ maybe "" (\p -> ":" ++ show p) mp data UrlAuthent = UrlAuthent { urlAuthUser :: String , urlAuthPass :: Maybe String } deriving (Eq, Ord) instance Show UrlAuthent where show (UrlAuthent u mp) = u ++ maybe "" (\p -> ":" ++ p) mp -- ** Relative Urls newtype RelativeUrlT m a = RelativeUrlT { runRelativeUrlT :: UrlAuthority -> m a } deriving Functor type RelativeUrl = RelativeUrlT Identity instance Applicative m => Applicative (RelativeUrlT m) where pure x = RelativeUrlT $ const (pure x) f <*> x = RelativeUrlT $ \r -> (runRelativeUrlT f r) <*> (runRelativeUrlT x r) instance Monad m => Monad (RelativeUrlT m) where return x = RelativeUrlT $ const (return x) m >>= f = RelativeUrlT $ \r -> runRelativeUrlT m r >>= (\x -> runRelativeUrlT (f x) r) instance MonadTrans RelativeUrlT where lift = RelativeUrlT . const -- | Returns the base that urls are appended to - @mempty@ instance ( Monad m ) => MonadReader String (RelativeUrlT m) where ask = return "" local _ x = x instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (RelativeUrlT m) where liftIO = lift . liftIO instance ( Applicative m ) => MonadUrl Rel (RelativeUrlT m) where pathUrl x = pure (toFilePath x) locUrl x = pure (show x) symbolUrl x = pure (show (toLocation x)) instance UrlReader (RelativeUrlT m) where type RunUrlReader (RelativeUrlT m) = m runUrlReader = runRelativeUrlT -- ** Grounded Urls newtype GroundedUrlT m a = GroundedUrlT { runGroundedUrlT :: UrlAuthority -> m a } deriving Functor type GroundedUrl = GroundedUrlT Identity instance Applicative m => Applicative (GroundedUrlT m) where pure x = GroundedUrlT $ const (pure x) f <*> x = GroundedUrlT $ \r -> (runGroundedUrlT f r) <*> (runGroundedUrlT x r) instance Monad m => Monad (GroundedUrlT m) where return x = GroundedUrlT $ const (return x) m >>= f = GroundedUrlT $ \r -> runGroundedUrlT m r >>= (\x -> runGroundedUrlT (f x) r) instance MonadTrans GroundedUrlT where lift = GroundedUrlT . const -- | Returns the base that urls are appended to - @/@ instance ( Monad m ) => MonadReader String (GroundedUrlT m) where ask = return "/" local _ x = x instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (GroundedUrlT m) where liftIO = lift . liftIO instance ( Applicative m ) => MonadUrl Abs (GroundedUrlT m) where pathUrl x = pure (toFilePath x) locUrl x = pure (show x) symbolUrl x = pure (show (toLocation x)) instance UrlReader (GroundedUrlT m) where type RunUrlReader (GroundedUrlT m) = m runUrlReader = runGroundedUrlT -- ** Absolute Urls newtype AbsoluteUrlT m a = AbsoluteUrlT { runAbsoluteUrlT :: UrlAuthority -> m a } deriving Functor type AbsoluteUrl = AbsoluteUrlT Identity instance Applicative m => Applicative (AbsoluteUrlT m) where pure x = AbsoluteUrlT $ const (pure x) f <*> x = AbsoluteUrlT $ \r -> (runAbsoluteUrlT f r) <*> (runAbsoluteUrlT x r) instance Monad m => Monad (AbsoluteUrlT m) where return x = AbsoluteUrlT $ const (return x) m >>= f = AbsoluteUrlT $ \r -> runAbsoluteUrlT m r >>= (\x -> runAbsoluteUrlT (f x) r) instance MonadTrans AbsoluteUrlT where lift = AbsoluteUrlT . const -- | Returns the base that urls are appended to - the host instance ( Monad m ) => MonadReader UrlAuthority (AbsoluteUrlT m) where ask = AbsoluteUrlT return local f (AbsoluteUrlT g) = AbsoluteUrlT (g . f) instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (AbsoluteUrlT m) where liftIO = lift . liftIO instance ( Applicative m ) => MonadUrl Abs (AbsoluteUrlT m) where pathUrl x = AbsoluteUrlT (\h -> pure $ show h ++ toFilePath x) locUrl x = AbsoluteUrlT (\h -> pure $ show h ++ show x) symbolUrl x = AbsoluteUrlT (\h -> pure $ show h ++ show (toLocation x)) instance UrlReader (AbsoluteUrlT m) where type RunUrlReader (AbsoluteUrlT m) = m runUrlReader = runAbsoluteUrlT