name: usb version: 0.4 cabal-version: >=1.6 build-type: Custom license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE copyright: 2009–2010 Bas van Dijk author: Bas van Dijk maintainer: Bas van Dijk stability: experimental category: System synopsis: Communicate with USB devices description: This library enables you to communicate with USB devices from userspace. It is implemented as a high-level wrapper around bindings-libusb which is a low-level binding to the C library: libusb-1.*. source-repository head Type: darcs Location: Library GHC-Options: -Wall build-depends: base >= 4 && < 4.3 , base-unicode-symbols >= 0.1.1 && < 0.3 , bindings-libusb >= 1.3 && < 1.5 , bytestring >= 0.9 && < 0.10 , text >= 0.5 && < 0.8 , iteratee >= 0.3.5 && < 0.4 , transformers >= 0.2 && < 0.3 , MonadCatchIO-transformers >= 0.2 && < 0.3 , MonadCatchIO-transformers-foreign >= 0.1 && < 0.2 exposed-modules: System.USB System.USB.Initialization System.USB.Enumeration System.USB.DeviceHandling System.USB.Descriptors System.USB.IO.Synchronous System.USB.IO.Synchronous.Enumerator System.USB.Exceptions other-modules: System.USB.Internal