module Data.UTC.Internal.Test where import Test.QuickCheck import Test.Framework (testGroup) import Test.Framework (Test) import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty) import Data.UTC.Internal test :: Test test = testGroup "Data.UTC.Internal" $ [ testYearMonthDayToDays , testYearToDays , testYearToDaysAndDaysToYear , testDaysToYearMonthDay , testYearMonthDayToDaysAndDaysToYearMonthDay , testProperty "yearMonthDayToDays for every day in year 0-400" $ conjoin $ map (\(ds, ymd)-> ds == yearMonthDayToDays ymd ) (dayDateTuples) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay for every day in year 0-400" $ conjoin $ map (\(ds, ymd)-> daysToYearMonthDay ds == ymd ) (dayDateTuples) ] dayDateTuples :: [(Integer, (Integer, Integer, Integer))] dayDateTuples = zip [0..] [ (y,m,d) | y <- [0..400] , m <- [1..12] , d <- [1..31] , isValidDate (y,m,d) ] testYearMonthDayToDays :: Test testYearMonthDayToDays = testGroup "yearMonthDayToDays" $ [ testProperty ("yearMonthDayToDays (0,1,1) === 0") $ yearMonthDayToDays (0,1,1) === 0 , testProperty ("yearMonthDayToDays (1,1,1) === 366 + 365") $ yearMonthDayToDays (1,1,1) === 366 , testProperty ("yearMonthDayToDays (2,1,1) === 366 + 365") $ yearMonthDayToDays (2,1,1) === 366 + 365 , testProperty ("yearMonthDayToDays (3,1,1) === 366 + 365 + 365") $ yearMonthDayToDays (3,1,1) === 366 + 365 + 365 , testProperty ("yearMonthDayToDays (4,1,1) === 366 + 365 + 365 + 365") $ yearMonthDayToDays (4,1,1) === 366 + 365 + 365 + 365 , testProperty ("yearMonthDayToDays (4,3,3) === 366 + 365 + 365 + 365 + 31 + 29 + 2") $ yearMonthDayToDays (4,3,3) === 366 + 365 + 365 + 365 + 31 + 29 + 2 ] testYearToDaysAndDaysToYear :: Test testYearToDaysAndDaysToYear = testGroup "yearToDays <-> daysToYear" $ [ testProperty "yearToDays (daysToYear x) - x === 0" $ forAll (choose (0, 146463)) $ \x-> (x - yearToDays (daysToYear x)) `div` 366 === 0 ] testYearToDays :: Test testYearToDays = testGroup "yearToDays" $ [ testProperty "400 years are 146463 days" $ yearToDays 401 === (fromIntegral $ length dayDateTuples) , testProperty ("yearToDays 800 === 365 * 800 + length " ++ show (js 800)) $ yearToDays 800 === 365 * 800 + (fromIntegral $ length (js 800)) , testProperty ("yearToDays 700 === 365 * 700 + length " ++ show (js 700)) $ yearToDays 700 === 365 * 700 + (fromIntegral $ length (js 700)) , testProperty ("yearToDays 600 === 365 * 600 + length " ++ show (js 600)) $ yearToDays 600 === 365 * 600 + (fromIntegral $ length (js 600)) , testProperty ("yearToDays 500 === 365 * 500 + length " ++ show (js 500)) $ yearToDays 500 === 365 * 500 + (fromIntegral $ length (js 500)) , testProperty ("yearToDays 401 === 365 * 401 + length " ++ show (js 401)) $ yearToDays 401 === 365 * 401 + (fromIntegral $ length (js 401)) , testProperty ("yearToDays 400 === 365 * 400 + length " ++ show (js 400)) $ yearToDays 400 === 365 * 400 + (fromIntegral $ length (js 400)) , testProperty ("yearToDays 399 === 365 * 399 + length " ++ show (js 399)) $ yearToDays 399 === 365 * 399 + (fromIntegral $ length (js 399)) , testProperty ("yearToDays 300 === 365 * 300 + length " ++ show (js 300)) $ yearToDays 300 === 365 * 300 + (fromIntegral $ length (js 300)) , testProperty ("yearToDays 200 === 365 * 200 + length " ++ show (js 200)) $ yearToDays 200 === 365 * 200 + (fromIntegral $ length (js 200)) , testProperty ("yearToDays 101 === 365 * 101 + length " ++ show (js 101)) $ yearToDays 101 === 365 * 101 + (fromIntegral $ length (js 101)) , testProperty ("yearToDays 100 === 365 * 100 + length " ++ show (js 100)) $ yearToDays 100 === 365 * 100 + (fromIntegral $ length (js 100)) , testProperty ("yearToDays 99 === 365 * 99 + length " ++ show (js 99)) $ yearToDays 99 === 365 * 99 + (fromIntegral $ length (js 99)) , testProperty ("yearToDays 4 === 365 * 4 + length " ++ show (js 4)) $ yearToDays 4 === 365 * 4 + (fromIntegral $ length (js 4)) , testProperty ("yearToDays 3 === 365 * 3 + length " ++ show (js 3)) $ yearToDays 3 === 365 * 3 + (fromIntegral $ length (js 3)) , testProperty ("yearToDays 2 === 365 * 2 + length " ++ show (js 2)) $ yearToDays 2 === 365 * 2 + (fromIntegral $ length (js 2)) , testProperty ("yearToDays 1 === 365 * 1 + length " ++ show (js 1)) $ yearToDays 1 === 365 * 1 + (fromIntegral $ length (js 1)) , testProperty "yearToDays 0 === 0" $ yearToDays 0 === 0 , testProperty "yearToDays (-1) === 0 - 365" $ yearToDays (-1) === 0 - 365 , testProperty "yearToDays (-2) === 0 - 365 - 365" $ yearToDays (-2) === 0 - 365 - 365 , testProperty "yearToDays (-3) === 0 - 365 - 365 - 365" $ yearToDays (-3) === 0 - 365 - 365 - 365 , testProperty "yearToDays (-4) === 0 - 365 - 365 - 365 - 366" $ yearToDays (-4) === 0 - 365 - 365 - 365 - 366 , testProperty ("yearToDays (-100) === (-365) * 100 - length " ++ show (ls 100)) $ yearToDays (-100) === (-365) * 100 - (fromIntegral $ length (ls 100)) , testProperty ("yearToDays (-200) === (-365) * 200 - length " ++ show (ls 200)) $ yearToDays (-200) === (-365) * 200 - (fromIntegral $ length (ls 200)) , testProperty ("yearToDays (-300) === (-365) * 300 - length " ++ show (ls 300)) $ yearToDays (-300) === (-365) * 300 - (fromIntegral $ length (ls 300)) , testProperty ("yearToDays (-400) === (-365) * 400 - length " ++ show (ls 400)) $ yearToDays (-400) === (-365) * 400 - (fromIntegral $ length (ls 400)) ] where ls :: Int -> [Int] ls z = [x | x <- [negate z..(-1)], x `mod` 400 == 0 || (x `mod` 4 == 0 && x `mod` 100 /= 0 )] js :: Int -> [Int] js z = [x | x <- [0..(z-1)], x `mod` 400 == 0 || (x `mod` 4 == 0 && x `mod` 100 /= 0 )] testDaysToYearMonthDay :: Test testDaysToYearMonthDay = testGroup "daysToYearMonthDay" $ [ testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay 366 === (1,1,1)" $ daysToYearMonthDay 366 === (1,1,1) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay 365 === (0,12,31)" $ daysToYearMonthDay 365 === (0,12,31) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay 335 === (0,12,1)" $ daysToYearMonthDay 335 === (0,12,1) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay 334 === (0,11,30)" $ daysToYearMonthDay 334 === (0,11,30) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay 305 === (0,11,1)" $ daysToYearMonthDay 305 === (0,11,1) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay 304 === (0,10,31)" $ daysToYearMonthDay 304 === (0,10,31) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay 274 === (0,10,1)" $ daysToYearMonthDay 274 === (0,10,1) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay 273 === (0,9,30)" $ daysToYearMonthDay 273 === (0,9,30) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay 244 === (0,9,1)" $ daysToYearMonthDay 244 === (0,9,1) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay 243 === (0,8,31)" $ daysToYearMonthDay 243 === (0,8,31) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay 213 === (0,8,1)" $ daysToYearMonthDay 213 === (0,8,1) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay 212 === (0,7,31)" $ daysToYearMonthDay 212 === (0,7,31) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay 182 === (0,7,1)" $ daysToYearMonthDay 182 === (0,7,1) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay 181 === (0,6,30)" $ daysToYearMonthDay 181 === (0,6,30) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay 152 === (0,6,1)" $ daysToYearMonthDay 152 === (0,6,1) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay 151 === (0,5,31)" $ daysToYearMonthDay 151 === (0,5,31) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay 121 === (0,5,1)" $ daysToYearMonthDay 121 === (0,5,1) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay 120 === (0,4,30)" $ daysToYearMonthDay 120 === (0,4,30) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay 91 === (0,4,1)" $ daysToYearMonthDay 91 === (0,4,1) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay 90 === (0,3,31)" $ daysToYearMonthDay 90 === (0,3,31) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay 60 === (0,3,1)" $ daysToYearMonthDay 60 === (0,3,1) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay 59 === (0,2,29)" $ daysToYearMonthDay 59 === (0,2,29) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay 58 === (0,2,28)" $ daysToYearMonthDay 58 === (0,2,28) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay 31 === (0,2,1)" $ daysToYearMonthDay 31 === (0,2,1) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay 30 === (0,1,31)" $ daysToYearMonthDay 30 === (0,1,31) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay 0 === (0,1,1)" $ daysToYearMonthDay 0 === (0,1,1) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-1) === (-1,12,31)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-1) === (-1,12,31) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-31) === (-1,12,1)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-31) === (-1,12,1) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-32) === (-1,11,30)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-32) === (-1,11,30) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-61) === (-1,11,1)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-61) === (-1,11,1) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-62) === (-1,10,31)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-62) === (-1,10,31) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-92) === (-1,10,1)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-92) === (-1,10,1) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-93) === (-1,9,30)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-93) === (-1,9,30) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-103) === (-1,9,20)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-103) === (-1,9,20) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-108) === (-1,9,15)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-108) === (-1,9,15) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-111) === (-1,9,12)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-111) === (-1,9,12) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-112) === (-1,9,11)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-112) === (-1,9,11) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-113) === (-1,9,10)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-113) === (-1,9,10) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-114) === (-1,9,9)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-114) === (-1,9,9) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-122) === (-1,9,1)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-122) === (-1,9,1) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-123) === (-1,8,31)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-123) === (-1,8,31) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-153) === (-1,8,1)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-153) === (-1,8,1) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-154) === (-1,7,31)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-154) === (-1,7,31) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-184) === (-1,7,1)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-184) === (-1,7,1) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-185) === (-1,6,30)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-185) === (-1,6,30) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-214) === (-1,6,1)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-214) === (-1,6,1) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-215) === (-1,5,31)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-215) === (-1,5,31) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-245) === (-1,5,1)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-245) === (-1,5,1) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-246) === (-1,4,30)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-246) === (-1,4,30) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-275) === (-1,4,1)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-275) === (-1,4,1) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-276) === (-1,3,31)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-276) === (-1,3,31) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-306) === (-1,3,1)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-306) === (-1,3,1) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-307) === (-1,2,28)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-307) === (-1,2,28) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-334) === (-1,2,1)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-334) === (-1,2,1) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-335) === (-1,1,31)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-335) === (-1,1,31) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-365) === (-1,1,1)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-365) === (-1,1,1) , testProperty "daysToYearMonthDay (-366) === (-2,12,31)" $ daysToYearMonthDay (-366) === (-2,12,31) ] testYearMonthDayToDaysAndDaysToYearMonthDay :: Test testYearMonthDayToDaysAndDaysToYearMonthDay = testGroup "yearMonthDayToDays <-> daysToYearMonthDay" $ [ testProperty ("daysToYearMonthDay (yearMonthDayToDays (0,1,1)) === (0,1,1)") $ daysToYearMonthDay (yearMonthDayToDays (0,1,1)) === (0,1,1) , testProperty ("yearMonthDayToDays (daysToYearMonthDay x) - x === 0 for 0 < x < 1000") $ forAll (choose (0, 1000)) $ \x-> yearMonthDayToDays (daysToYearMonthDay x) - x === 0 , testProperty ("yearMonthDayToDays (daysToYearMonthDay x) - x === 0 for 0 < x < 2000") $ forAll (choose (0, 2000)) $ \x-> yearMonthDayToDays (daysToYearMonthDay x) - x === 0 , testProperty ("yearMonthDayToDays (daysToYearMonthDay x) - x === 0 for 0 < x < 3652424") $ forAll (choose (0, 3652424)) -- 0000-01-01 to 9999-12-31 $ \x-> yearMonthDayToDays (daysToYearMonthDay x) - x === 0 , testProperty ("yearMonthDayToDays (daysToYearMonthDay x) - x === 0 for -100 < x < 100") $ forAll (choose ((-100), 100)) -- 0000-01-01 to 9999-12-31 $ \x-> yearMonthDayToDays (daysToYearMonthDay x) - x === 0 , testProperty ("yearMonthDayToDays (daysToYearMonthDay x) - x === 0 for -1000000 < x < 5000000") $ forAll (choose (-1000000, 5000000)) -- 0000-01-01 to 9999-12-31 $ \x-> yearMonthDayToDays (daysToYearMonthDay x) - x === 0 ]