{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} -- | -- Module : Utxorpc.Client -- Description : Create a connected UTxO RPC client. -- Create a UTxO RPC client connected to a UTxO RPC service. -- Provide a UtxorpcClientLogger to perform automated logging. module Utxorpc.Client ( -- * How to use this library -- $use -- ** Building Messages -- $messages -- ** Server Stream Methods -- $streaming -- ** Logging -- $logging -- ** Examples -- $examples -- * Creating a @'UtxorpcClient'@ UtxorpcInfo (..), simpleUtxorpcClient, utxorpcClient, utxorpcClientWith, -- * The @'UtxorpcClient'@ UtxorpcClient (..), BuildClient (..), SubmitClient (..), SyncClient (..), WatchClient (..), -- ** RPC call function types ServerStreamCall, ServerStreamReply, UnaryReply, -- * Logging UtxorpcClientLogger (..), RequestLogger, ReplyLogger, ServerStreamLogger, ServerStreamEndLogger, ) where import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import Network.GRPC.Client (gzip, uncompressed) import Network.GRPC.Client.Helpers ( GrpcClient (_grpcClientHeaders), GrpcClientConfig, UseTlsOrNot, close, grpcClientConfigSimple, setupGrpcClient, _grpcClientConfigCompression, ) import Network.GRPC.HTTP2.ProtoLens (RPC (RPC)) import Proto.Utxorpc.V1alpha.Build.Build import Proto.Utxorpc.V1alpha.Submit.Submit import Proto.Utxorpc.V1alpha.Sync.Sync import Proto.Utxorpc.V1alpha.Watch.Watch import Utxorpc.Logged (ReplyLogger, RequestLogger, ServerStreamEndLogger, ServerStreamLogger, UtxorpcClientLogger (..), loggedSStream, loggedUnary) import Utxorpc.Types import "http2-client" Network.HTTP2.Client (ClientError, HostName, PortNumber, runClientIO) -- | Configuration info for a UTxO RPC Client. -- For more fine-grained control, use @'GrpcClientConfig'@ and @'utxorpcClientWith'@ data UtxorpcInfo m = UtxorpcInfo { -- | Host name of the service. _hostName :: HostName, -- | Port number of the service. _portNumber :: PortNumber, -- | Whether or not to use TLS. _tlsEnabled :: UseTlsOrNot, -- | Whether or not to use gzip compression. _useGzip :: Bool, -- | Headers to include in each request (e.g., API key/authorization). _clientHeaders :: [(BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString)], -- | Log all RPC events. _logger :: Maybe (UtxorpcClientLogger m) } -- | Make a connection to a UTxO RPC service with the minimum required information. -- No compression is used, no headers are added, and no logging is performed. -- For more configurability, use @'utxorpcClient'@ or @'utxorpcClientWith'@. simpleUtxorpcClient :: -- | Host name of the service. HostName -> -- | Port number of the service. PortNumber -> -- | Whether or not to use TLS. UseTlsOrNot -> IO (Either ClientError UtxorpcClient) simpleUtxorpcClient host port tlsEnabled = utxorpcClient $ UtxorpcInfo host port tlsEnabled False [] Nothing -- | Connect to a UTxO RPC service from a @'UtxorpcInfo'@. -- Provides more configurability than @'simpleUtxorpcClient'@ but less than @'utxorpcClientWith'@. utxorpcClient :: UtxorpcInfo m -> IO (Either ClientError UtxorpcClient) utxorpcClient UtxorpcInfo {_hostName, _portNumber, _tlsEnabled, _useGzip, _logger, _clientHeaders} = do eClient <- grpcClient _hostName _portNumber _tlsEnabled _useGzip return $ fromGrpc _logger . withHeaders _clientHeaders <$> eClient where withHeaders hdrs client = let oldHdrs = _grpcClientHeaders client in client {_grpcClientHeaders = oldHdrs ++ hdrs} -- | Connect to a UTxO RPC from a @'GrpcClientConfig'@. -- For a simpler interface with less configurability, use @'utxorpcClient'@ or @'simpleUtxorpcClient'@. utxorpcClientWith :: GrpcClientConfig -> Maybe (UtxorpcClientLogger m) -> IO (Either ClientError UtxorpcClient) utxorpcClientWith config logger = do eClient <- runClientIO $ setupGrpcClient config return $ fromGrpc logger <$> eClient grpcClient :: HostName -> PortNumber -> UseTlsOrNot -> Bool -> IO (Either ClientError GrpcClient) grpcClient host port tlsEnabled doCompress = runClientIO $ do setupGrpcClient ( (grpcClientConfigSimple host port tlsEnabled) { _grpcClientConfigCompression = compression } ) where compression = if doCompress then gzip else uncompressed fromGrpc :: Maybe (UtxorpcClientLogger m) -> GrpcClient -> UtxorpcClient fromGrpc logger client = UtxorpcClient (mkBuildClient logger client) (mkSubmitClient logger client) (mkSyncClient logger client) (mkWatchClient logger client) (runClientIO $ Network.GRPC.Client.Helpers.close client) {-------------------------------------- BUILD --------------------------------------} mkBuildClient :: Maybe (UtxorpcClientLogger m) -> GrpcClient -> BuildClient mkBuildClient logger client = BuildClient (loggedUnary logger getChainTipRPC client) (loggedUnary logger getChainParamRPC client) (loggedUnary logger getUtxoByAddressRPC client) (loggedUnary logger getUtxoByRefRPC client) (loggedSStream logger holdUtxoRPC client) getChainTipRPC :: RPC LedgerStateService "getChainTip" getChainTipRPC = RPC getChainParamRPC :: RPC LedgerStateService "getChainParam" getChainParamRPC = RPC getUtxoByAddressRPC :: RPC LedgerStateService "getUtxoByAddress" getUtxoByAddressRPC = RPC getUtxoByRefRPC :: RPC LedgerStateService "getUtxoByRef" getUtxoByRefRPC = RPC holdUtxoRPC :: RPC LedgerStateService "holdUtxo" holdUtxoRPC = RPC {-------------------------------------- SUBMIT --------------------------------------} mkSubmitClient :: Maybe (UtxorpcClientLogger m) -> GrpcClient -> SubmitClient mkSubmitClient logger client = SubmitClient (loggedUnary logger submitTxRPC client) (loggedUnary logger readMempoolRPC client) (loggedSStream logger waitForTxRPC client) (loggedSStream logger watchMempoolRPC client) submitTxRPC :: RPC SubmitService "submitTx" submitTxRPC = RPC readMempoolRPC :: RPC SubmitService "readMempool" readMempoolRPC = RPC waitForTxRPC :: RPC SubmitService "waitForTx" waitForTxRPC = RPC watchMempoolRPC :: RPC SubmitService "watchMempool" watchMempoolRPC = RPC {-------------------------------------- SYNC --------------------------------------} mkSyncClient :: Maybe (UtxorpcClientLogger m) -> GrpcClient -> SyncClient mkSyncClient logger client = SyncClient (loggedUnary logger fetchBlockRPC client) (loggedUnary logger dumpHistoryRPC client) (loggedSStream logger followTipRPC client) fetchBlockRPC :: RPC ChainSyncService "fetchBlock" fetchBlockRPC = RPC dumpHistoryRPC :: RPC ChainSyncService "dumpHistory" dumpHistoryRPC = RPC followTipRPC :: RPC ChainSyncService "followTip" followTipRPC = RPC {-------------------------------------- WATCH --------------------------------------} mkWatchClient :: Maybe (UtxorpcClientLogger m) -> GrpcClient -> WatchClient mkWatchClient logger client = WatchClient $ loggedSStream logger watchTxRPC client watchTxRPC :: RPC WatchService "watchTx" watchTxRPC = RPC -- $use -- Call any method of a UTxO RPC service through the functions contained in a @'UtxorpcClient'@. -- Obtain a client by calling one of the client-creating functions: -- -- 1. 'simpleUtxorpcClient' ➤ connect to a service using the bare minimum required information. -- -- 1. See @[quick-start](https://github.com/utxorpc/haskell-sdk/tree/main/client/quick-start)@. -- -- 2. @'utxorpcClient'@ ➤ connect to a service using a @'UtxorpcInfo'@ record. -- -- 1. See @[example](https://github.com/utxorpc/haskell-sdk/tree/main/client/example)@. -- -- 3. @'utxorpcClientWith'@ ➤ provide a @'GrpcClientConfig'@ for fine grained configuration. -- -- Access the functions of a @'UtxorpcClient'@ through record access: -- -- > fetchBlock (syncClient client) -- -- Close the connection throught client's close function: -- -- > close client -- $messages -- To call a UTxO RPC method, you will need a record of the relevant @'Message'@ instance. -- Build a @'Message'@ with @'defMessage'@ and set its fields with lens operators. -- -- @ -- import Control.Lens.Operators ((&), (.~)) -- import Data.ProtoLens.Message (Message (defMessage)) -- import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T -- import Proto.Utxorpc.V1.Sync.Sync (FetchBlockRequest) -- import Proto.Utxorpc.V1.Sync.Sync_Fields (hash, index) -- -- fetchBlockRequest :: FetchBlockRequest -- fetchBlockRequest = -- defMessage -- & ref .~ -- [ defMessage -- & index .~ 116541970 -- & hash .~ T.encodeUtf8 "9d5abce5b1a7d94b141a597fd621a1ff9dcd46579ff1939664364311cd1be338" -- ] -- @ -- $streaming -- Note that calling a server-stream method requires an input-stream function and initial input-stream state. -- The input-stream function is of type @(a -> 'HeaderList' -> o -> IO a)@, where @a@ is the initial input-stream -- state and @o@ is the type of message streamed by the server. The input-stream function folds over its state -- until the stream is closed. -- $logging -- This SDK supports automated logging through the @'UtxorpcClientLogger'@ type. -- It is a record of one user-defined logging function for each of the following events: -- -- 1. Request sent. -- -- 2. Reply received. -- -- 3. Server stream data received. -- -- 4. Server stream ended. -- -- For more information, see @'Utxorpc.Logged'@ and the examples. -- $examples -- There are two examples included in the [project](https://github.com/utxorpc/haskell-sdk). -- There are two provided examples: -- -- 1. `/quick-start` shows the bare minimum required to make a single unary request. -- -- > stack run client-quick-start -- -p 443 -- 2. `/example` shows a more involved example that uses one of the following two logger implementations: -- -- 1. `/example/SimpleLogger.hs` is a simple logger implementation that prints human-readable output. -- -- > stack run client-example -- > Usage: [--katip] [: [...]] -- > stack run client-example -- "localhost" 443 True False -- -- 2. `/example/KatipLogger.hs` is a more involved logger that demonstrates how to use logging functions -- that run in a transformer stack. Run the example with `--katip` to use this logger. -- -- > stack run client-example -- --katip "localhost" 443 True False