-- | This module just contains the CHANGELOG -- -- Version 2.4.1 -- -- * added the module Text.ParserCombinators.Merge for recognizing alternating sequences -- -- * made @P st@ an instance of @`MonadPlus`@ -- -- * beautified Haddock documentation -- -- | Version 2.4.0 -- -- * contains abstract interpretation for minimal lenth, in order to avoid recursive correction process -- -- * idem for checking that no repeating combinators like pList are parameterised with possibly empty parsers -- -- * lots of Haddcock doumentation in "Text.ParserCombinators.UU.Examples" -- -- Version 2.3.4 -- -- * removed dependecies on impredictaive types, preparing for next GHC version -- -- Version 2.3.3 -- -- * added `pMunch` which takes a Boolean function, and recognises the longest prefix for which the symbols match the predicate -- -- * added the infix operator with piority 2 @\<?> :: P state a -> String -> P state a@ which replaces the list of expected symbols -- in error message by its right argument String -- -- Version 2.3.2 -- -- * added microsteps, which can be used to disambiguate -- -- Version 2.3.1 -- -- * fix for GHC 6.12, because of change in GADT definition handling -- -- Versions above 2.2: -- -- * make use of type families -- -- * contain a module with many list-based derived combinators -- -- Versions above 2.1: -- * based on Control.Applicative -- -- Note that the basic parser interface will probably not change much when we add more features, but the calling conventions -- of the outer parser and the class structure upon which the parametrisation is based may change slightly module Text.ParserCombinators.UU.CHANGELOG () where dummy = undefined