{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK  ignore-exports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE  FlexibleInstances,
              Rank2Types, FlexibleContexts, NoMonomorphismRestriction,
              CPP  #-}

-- | This module contains a lot of examples of the typical use of our parser combinator library. 
--   We strongly encourage you to take a look at the source code.
--   At the end you find a @`main`@ function which demonstrates the main characteristics. 
--   Only the @`run`@ function is exported since it may come in handy elsewhere.

module Text.ParserCombinators.UU.Demo.Examples  where
import Data.Char
import Text.ParserCombinators.UU 
import Text.ParserCombinators.UU.Utils
import Text.ParserCombinators.UU.BasicInstances
import System.IO
import GHC.IO.Handle.Types

-- import Control.Monad

#define DEMO(p,i) demo "p" i p

justamessage = "justamessage"

-- | Running the function `show_demos` should give the following output:
-- >>>   run pa  "a"
--  Result: "a"
-- >>>   run pa  ""
--  Result: "a"
--  Correcting steps: 
--    Inserted  'a' at position LineColPos 0 0 0 expecting 'a'
-- >>>   run pa  "b"
--  Result: "a"
--  Correcting steps: 
--    Deleted   'b' at position LineColPos 0 0 0 expecting 'a'
--    Inserted  'a' at position LineColPos 0 1 1 expecting 'a'
-- >>>   run ((++) <$> pa <*> pa)  "bbab"
--  Result: "aa"
--  Correcting steps: 
--    Deleted   'b' at position LineColPos 0 0 0 expecting 'a'
--    Deleted   'b' at position LineColPos 0 1 1 expecting 'a'
--    Deleted   'b' at position LineColPos 0 3 3 expecting 'a'
--    Inserted  'a' at position LineColPos 0 4 4 expecting 'a'
-- >>>   run pa  "ba"
--  Result: "a"
--  Correcting steps: 
--    Deleted   'b' at position LineColPos 0 0 0 expecting 'a'
-- >>>   run pa  "aa"
--  Result: "a"
--  Correcting steps: 
--    The token 'a' was not consumed by the parsing process.
-- >>>   run (pCount pa :: Parser Int)  "aaa"
--  Result: 3
-- >>>   run (do  {l <- pCount pa; pExact l pb})  "aaacabbbbb"
--  Result: ["b","b","b","b"]
--  Correcting steps: 
--    Deleted   'c' at position LineColPos 0 3 3 expecting one of ['b', 'a']
--    The token 'b' was not consumed by the parsing process.
-- >>>   run (amb ( (++) <$> pa2 <*> pa3 <|> (++) <$> pa3 <*> pa2))  "aaaaa"
--  Result: ["aaaaa","aaaaa"]
-- >>>   run (pList pLower)  "doaitse"
--  Result: "doaitse"
-- >>>   run paz  "abc2ez"
--  Result: "abcez"
--  Correcting steps: 
--    Deleted   '2' at position LineColPos 0 3 3 expecting 'a'..'z'
-- >>>   run (max <$> pParens ((+1) <$> wfp) <*> wfp `opt` 0)  "((()))()(())"
--  Result: 3
-- >>>   run (pa <|> pb <?> justamessage)  "c"
--  Result: "b"
--  Correcting steps: 
--    Deleted   'c' at position LineColPos 0 0 0 expecting justamessage
--    Inserted  'b' at position LineColPos 0 1 1 expecting 'b'
-- >>>   run (amb (pEither  parseIntString  pIntList))  "(123;456;789)"
--  Result: [Left ["123","456","789"],Right [123,456,789]]
show_demos :: IO ()
show_demos = 
       do DEMO (pa,  "a")
          DEMO (pa,  "" )
          DEMO (pa,  "b")
          DEMO (((++) <$> pa <*> pa), "bbab")
          DEMO (pa,  "ba")
          DEMO (pa,  "aa")
          DEMO ((pCount pa :: Parser Int),                                 "aaa")
          DEMO ((do  {l <- pCount pa; pExact l pb}),                       "aaacabbbbb")
          DEMO ((amb ( (++) <$> pa2 <*> pa3 <|> (++) <$> pa3 <*> pa2)),    "aaaaa")
          DEMO ((pList pLower),                                            "doaitse")
          DEMO (paz,                                                       "abc2ez")
          DEMO ((max <$> pParens ((+1) <$> wfp) <*> wfp `opt` 0),          "((()))()(())")
          DEMO ((pa <|> pb <?> justamessage),                              "c")
          DEMO ((amb (pEither  parseIntString  pIntList)),                 "(123;456;789)")
--          DEMO ((pa *> pMunch ( `elem` "^=*") <* pb),                      "a^=^**^^b")

-- | The fuction @`run`@ runs the parser and shows both the result, and the correcting steps which were taken during the parsing process.
run :: Show t =>  Parser t -> String -> IO ()
run p inp = do  let r@(a, errors) =  parse ( (,) <$> p <*> pEnd) (createStr (LineColPos 0 0 0) inp)
                putStrLn ("--  Result: " ++ show a)
                if null errors then  return ()
                               else  do putStr ("--  Correcting steps: \n")
                                        show_errors errors
                putStrLn "-- "
             where show_errors :: (Show a) => [a] -> IO ()
                   show_errors = sequence_ . (map (putStrLn . show))

-- | Our first two parsers are simple; one recognises a single 'a' character and the other one a single 'b'. Since we will use them later we 
--   convert the recognised character into `String` so they can be easily combined.
pa  ::Parser String 
pa  = lift <$> pSym 'a'
pb  :: Parser String 
pb = lift <$> pSym 'b'
pc  :: Parser String 
pc = lift <$> pSym 'c'
lift a = [a]

(<++>) :: Parser String -> Parser String -> Parser String
p <++> q = (++) <$> p <*> q
pa2 =   pa <++> pa
pa3 =   pa <++> pa2

paz :: Parser String
paz = pList (pSatisfy (\t -> 'a' <= t && t <= 'z') (Insertion "'a'..'z'" 'k' 5)) 

-- | The applicative style makes it very easy to merge recogition and computing a result. 
--   As an example we parse a sequence of nested well formed parentheses pairs and
--   compute the maximum nesting depth with @`wfp`@: 
wfp :: Parser Int
wfp =  max <$> pParens ((+1) <$> wfp) <*> wfp `opt` 0

-- | It is very easy to recognise infix expressions with any number of priorities and operators:
-- > operators       = [[('+', (+)), ('-', (-))],  [('*' , (*))], [('^', (^))]]
-- > same_prio  ops  = msum [ op <$ pSym c | (c, op) <- ops]
-- > expr            = foldr pChainl ( pNatural <|> pParens expr) (map same_prio operators) -- 
-- which we can call:  
-- > run expr "15-3*5+2^5"
-- > Result: 32
-- Note that also here correction takes place: 
-- > run expr "2 + + 3 5"
-- > Result: 37
-- > Correcting steps: 
-- >    Deleted  ' ' at position 1 expecting one of ['0'..'9', '^', '*', '-', '+']
-- >    Deleted  ' ' at position 3 expecting one of ['(', '0'..'9']
-- >    Inserted '0' at position 4 expecting '0'..'9'
-- >    Deleted  ' ' at position 5 expecting one of ['(', '0'..'9']
-- >    Deleted  ' ' at position 7 expecting one of ['0'..'9', '^', '*', '-', '+']

test11 = run expr "15-3*5"
expr :: Parser Int
operators       = [[('+', (+)), ('-', (-))],  [('*' , (*))], [('^', (^))]]
same_prio  ops  = foldr (<|>) empty [ op <$ pSym c | (c, op) <- ops]
expr            = foldr pChainl ( pNatural <|> pParens expr) (map same_prio operators) 

-- | A common case where ambiguity arises is when we e.g. want to recognise identifiers, 
--   but only those which are not keywords. 
--   The combinator `micro` inserts steps with a specfied cost in the result 
--   of the parser which can be used to disambiguate:
-- > 
-- > ident ::  Parser String
-- > ident = ((:) <$> pSym ('a','z') <*> pMunch (\x -> 'a' <= x && x <= 'z') `micro` 2) <* spaces
-- > idents = pList1 ident
-- > pKey keyw = pToken keyw `micro` 1 <* spaces
-- > spaces :: Parser String
-- > spaces = pMunch (==' ')
-- > takes_second_alt =   pList ident 
-- >                \<|> (\ c t e -> ["IfThenElse"] ++  c   ++  t  ++  e) 
-- >                    \<$ pKey "if"   <*> pList_ng ident 
-- >                    \<* pKey "then" <*> pList_ng ident
-- >                    \<* pKey "else" <*> pList_ng ident  
--  A keyword is followed by a small cost @1@, which makes sure that 
--  identifiers which have a keyword as a prefix win over the keyword. Identifiers are however
--   followed by a cost @2@, with as result that in this case the keyword wins. 
--   Note that a limitation of this approach is that keywords are only recognised as such when expected!
-- > test13 = run takes_second_alt "if a then if else c"
-- > test14 = run takes_second_alt "ifx a then if else c"
-- with results for @test13@ and @test14@:
-- > Result: ["IfThenElse","a","if","c"]
-- > Result: ["ifx","a","then","if", "else","c"]

-- | A mistake which is made quite often is to construct  a parser which can recognise a sequence of elements using one of the 
--  derived combinators (say @`pList`@), but where the argument parser can recognise the empty string. 
--  The derived combinators check whether this is the case and terminate the parsing process with an error message:
-- > run (pList spaces) ""
-- > Result: *** Exception: The combinator pList
-- >  requires that it's argument cannot recognise the empty string
-- > run (pMaybe spaces) " "
-- > Result: *** Exception: The combinator pMaybe
-- > requires that it's argument cannot recognise the empty string
test16 :: IO ()
test16 = run (pList spaces) "  "

ident = ((:) <$> pRange ('a','z') <*> pMunch (\x -> 'a' <= x && x <= 'z') `micro` 2) <* spaces
idents = pList1 ident

pKey keyw = pToken keyw `micro` 1 <* spaces
spaces :: Parser String
spaces = pMunch (`elem` " \n")
takes_second_alt =   pList ident 
              <|> (\ c t e -> ["IfThenElse"] ++  c   ++  t  ++  e) 
                  <$ pKey "if"   <*> pList_ng ident 
                  <* pKey "then" <*> pList_ng ident
                  <* pKey "else" <*> pList_ng ident  
test13 = run takes_second_alt "if a then if else c"
test14 = run takes_second_alt "ifx a then if else c"

pManyTill :: P st a -> P st b -> P st [a]
pManyTill p end = [] <$ end 
                  (:) <$> p <*> pManyTill p end
simpleComment   =  string "<!--"  *>  pManyTill pAscii  (string "-->")

string :: String -> Parser String
string = pToken

pVarId  = (:) <$> pLower <*> pList pIdChar
pConId  = (:) <$> pUpper <*> pList pIdChar
pIdChar = pLower <|> pUpper <|> pDigit <|> pAnySym "='"

pAnyToken :: [String] -> Parser String
pAnyToken = pAny pToken

-- parsing two alternatives and returning both rsults
pIntList :: Parser [Int]
pIntList       =  pParens ((pSym ';') `pListSep` (read <$> pList1 (pRange ('0', '9'))))
parseIntString :: Parser [String]
parseIntString =  pParens ((pSym ';') `pListSep` (         pList1 (pRange('0', '9'))))

demo :: Show r => String -> String -> Parser r -> IO ()
demo str  input p= do putStr ("-- >>>   run " ++ str ++ "  " ++ show input ++ "\n")
                      run p input