{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XBangPatterns #-} -- UUAGC 0.9.24 (InterfacesRules.lag) module InterfacesRules where {-# LINE 10 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} import Interfaces import SequentialTypes import CodeSyntax import GrammarInfo import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Data.Sequence(Seq) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Map(Map) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Set(Set) import Data.Tree(Tree(Node)) import Data.Graph(Graph, dfs, edges, buildG, transposeG) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Data.List (partition,transpose,(\\),nub,intersect, findIndex) import Data.Array ((!),inRange,bounds,assocs) import Data.Foldable(toList) import Debug.Trace(trace) {-# LINE 27 "../src-derived/InterfacesRules.hs" #-} {-# LINE 2 "./Interfaces.ag" #-} import CommonTypes import SequentialTypes {-# LINE 33 "../src-derived/InterfacesRules.hs" #-} {-# LINE 58 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} type VisitSS = [Vertex] {-# LINE 37 "../src-derived/InterfacesRules.hs" #-} {-# LINE 93 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} gather :: Info -> [Vertex] -> [[Vertex]] gather info = eqClasses comp where comp a b = isEqualField (ruleTable info ! a) (ruleTable info ! b) {-# LINE 44 "../src-derived/InterfacesRules.hs" #-} {-# LINE 134 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} -- Only non-empty syn will ever be forced, because visits with empty syn are never performed -- Right hand side synthesized attributes always have a field cv :: (Vertex -> CRule) -> Int -> Vertex -> ([Vertex],[Vertex]) -> (Vertex,ChildVisit) cv look n v (inh,syn) = let fld = getField (look (head syn)) rnt = fromJust (getRhsNt (look (head syn))) d = ChildVisit fld rnt n inh syn in (v,d) {-# LINE 55 "../src-derived/InterfacesRules.hs" #-} {-# LINE 157 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} ed v (inh,syn) = map (\i -> (i,v)) inh ++ map (\s -> (v,s)) syn {-# LINE 60 "../src-derived/InterfacesRules.hs" #-} {-# LINE 244 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} postorder (Node a ts) = postorderF ts ++ [a] postorderF = concatMap postorder postOrd g = postorderF . dfs g topSort' g = postOrd g {-# LINE 68 "../src-derived/InterfacesRules.hs" #-} {-# LINE 323 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} type IntraVisit = [Vertex] {-# LINE 73 "../src-derived/InterfacesRules.hs" #-} {-# LINE 345 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} swap (a,b) = (b,a) {-# LINE 78 "../src-derived/InterfacesRules.hs" #-} {-# LINE 419 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} ccv :: Identifier -> NontermIdent -> Int -> CInterfaceMap -> CRule ccv name nt n table = CChildVisit name nt n inh syn last where CInterface segs = Map.findWithDefault (error ("InterfacesRules::ccv::interfaces not in table for nt: " ++ show nt)) nt table (seg:remain) = drop n segs CSegment inh syn = seg last = null remain {-# LINE 89 "../src-derived/InterfacesRules.hs" #-} -- IRoot ------------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: inherited attributes: dpr : [Edge] info : Info tdp : Graph synthesized attributes: edp : [Edge] inters : CInterfaceMap visits : CVisitsMap alternatives: alternative IRoot: child inters : Interfaces visit 0: local newedges : _ local visitssGraph : _ local descr : _ -} -- cata sem_IRoot :: IRoot -> T_IRoot sem_IRoot !(IRoot _inters ) = (sem_IRoot_IRoot (sem_Interfaces _inters ) ) -- semantic domain newtype T_IRoot = T_IRoot (([Edge]) -> Info -> Graph -> ( ([Edge]),CInterfaceMap,CVisitsMap)) data Inh_IRoot = Inh_IRoot {dpr_Inh_IRoot :: !(([Edge])),info_Inh_IRoot :: !(Info),tdp_Inh_IRoot :: !(Graph)} data Syn_IRoot = Syn_IRoot {edp_Syn_IRoot :: !(([Edge])),inters_Syn_IRoot :: !(CInterfaceMap),visits_Syn_IRoot :: !(CVisitsMap)} wrap_IRoot :: T_IRoot -> Inh_IRoot -> Syn_IRoot wrap_IRoot !(T_IRoot sem ) !(Inh_IRoot _lhsIdpr _lhsIinfo _lhsItdp ) = (let ( !_lhsOedp,!_lhsOinters,!_lhsOvisits) = (sem _lhsIdpr _lhsIinfo _lhsItdp ) in (Syn_IRoot _lhsOedp _lhsOinters _lhsOvisits )) sem_IRoot_IRoot :: T_Interfaces -> T_IRoot sem_IRoot_IRoot !(T_Interfaces inters_ ) = (T_IRoot (\ (!_lhsIdpr) (!_lhsIinfo) (!_lhsItdp) -> (case (({-# LINE 83 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIinfo {-# LINE 136 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_intersOinfo -> (case (({-# LINE 85 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} snd (bounds _lhsItdp) + 1 {-# LINE 140 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_intersOv -> (case ((inters_ _intersOinfo _intersOv )) of { ( !_intersIdescr,!_intersIfirstvisitvertices,!_intersInewedges,!_intersIv,!T_Interfaces_1 inters_1) -> (case (({-# LINE 260 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} let terminals = [ v | (v,cr) <- assocs (ruleTable _lhsIinfo), not (getHasCode cr), isLocal cr ] in _intersIfirstvisitvertices ++ terminals {-# LINE 147 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_intersOprev -> (case (({-# LINE 71 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} toList _intersInewedges {-# LINE 151 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_newedges -> (case (({-# LINE 72 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} let graph = buildG (0,_intersIv-1) es es = _newedges ++ edges _lhsItdp in transposeG graph {-# LINE 157 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_visitssGraph -> (case (({-# LINE 218 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _visitssGraph {-# LINE 161 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_intersOvssGraph -> (case (({-# LINE 147 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} toList _intersIdescr {-# LINE 165 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_descr -> (case (({-# LINE 127 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} Map.fromList _descr {-# LINE 169 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_intersOvisitDescr -> (case ((inters_1 _intersOprev _intersOvisitDescr _intersOvssGraph )) of { ( !_intersIinters,!T_Interfaces_2 inters_2) -> (case (({-# LINE 380 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _intersIinters {-# LINE 175 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_intersOallInters -> (case (({-# LINE 343 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} buildG (0,_intersIv-1) (map swap (_lhsIdpr ++ _newedges)) {-# LINE 179 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_intersOddp -> (case ((inters_2 _intersOallInters _intersOddp )) of { ( !_intersIedp,!_intersIvisits) -> (case (({-# LINE 442 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} toList _intersIedp {-# LINE 185 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOedp -> (case (({-# LINE 382 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _intersIinters {-# LINE 189 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOinters -> (case (({-# LINE 383 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _intersIvisits {-# LINE 193 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOvisits -> ( _lhsOedp,_lhsOinters,_lhsOvisits) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) })) ) -- Interface --------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: inherited attribute: info : Info chained attribute: v : Vertex synthesized attributes: descr : Seq (Vertex,ChildVisit) firstvisitvertices : [Vertex] newedges : Seq Edge visit 1: inherited attributes: prev : [Vertex] visitDescr : Map Vertex ChildVisit vssGraph : Graph synthesized attributes: inter : CInterface nt : NontermIdent visit 2: inherited attributes: allInters : CInterfaceMap ddp : Graph synthesized attributes: edp : Seq Edge visits : Map ConstructorIdent CVisits alternatives: alternative Interface: child nt : {NontermIdent} child cons : {[ConstructorIdent]} child seg : Segments visit 0: local look : {Vertex -> CRule} local v : _ local firstvisitvertices : _ local descr : _ local newedges : _ -} -- cata sem_Interface :: Interface -> T_Interface sem_Interface !(Interface _nt _cons _seg ) = (sem_Interface_Interface _nt _cons (sem_Segments _seg ) ) -- semantic domain newtype T_Interface = T_Interface (Info -> Vertex -> ( (Seq (Vertex,ChildVisit)),([Vertex]),(Seq Edge ),Vertex,T_Interface_1 )) newtype T_Interface_1 = T_Interface_1 (([Vertex]) -> (Map Vertex ChildVisit) -> Graph -> ( CInterface,NontermIdent,T_Interface_2 )) newtype T_Interface_2 = T_Interface_2 (CInterfaceMap -> Graph -> ( (Seq Edge),(Map ConstructorIdent CVisits))) data Inh_Interface = Inh_Interface {allInters_Inh_Interface :: !(CInterfaceMap),ddp_Inh_Interface :: !(Graph),info_Inh_Interface :: !(Info),prev_Inh_Interface :: !(([Vertex])),v_Inh_Interface :: !(Vertex),visitDescr_Inh_Interface :: !((Map Vertex ChildVisit)),vssGraph_Inh_Interface :: !(Graph)} data Syn_Interface = Syn_Interface {descr_Syn_Interface :: !((Seq (Vertex,ChildVisit))),edp_Syn_Interface :: !((Seq Edge)),firstvisitvertices_Syn_Interface :: !(([Vertex])),inter_Syn_Interface :: !(CInterface),newedges_Syn_Interface :: !((Seq Edge )),nt_Syn_Interface :: !(NontermIdent),v_Syn_Interface :: !(Vertex),visits_Syn_Interface :: !((Map ConstructorIdent CVisits))} wrap_Interface :: T_Interface -> Inh_Interface -> Syn_Interface wrap_Interface !(T_Interface sem ) !(Inh_Interface _lhsIallInters _lhsIddp _lhsIinfo _lhsIprev _lhsIv _lhsIvisitDescr _lhsIvssGraph ) = (let ( !_lhsOdescr,!_lhsOfirstvisitvertices,!_lhsOnewedges,!_lhsOv,!T_Interface_1 sem_1) = (sem _lhsIinfo _lhsIv ) ( !_lhsOinter,!_lhsOnt,!T_Interface_2 sem_2) = (sem_1 _lhsIprev _lhsIvisitDescr _lhsIvssGraph ) ( !_lhsOedp,!_lhsOvisits) = (sem_2 _lhsIallInters _lhsIddp ) in (Syn_Interface _lhsOdescr _lhsOedp _lhsOfirstvisitvertices _lhsOinter _lhsOnewedges _lhsOnt _lhsOv _lhsOvisits )) sem_Interface_Interface :: NontermIdent -> ([ConstructorIdent]) -> T_Segments -> T_Interface sem_Interface_Interface !nt_ !cons_ !(T_Segments seg_ ) = (T_Interface (\ (!_lhsIinfo) (!_lhsIv) -> (case (({-# LINE 83 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIinfo {-# LINE 272 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_segOinfo -> (case (({-# LINE 205 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} 0 {-# LINE 276 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_segOn -> (case (({-# LINE 195 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} \a -> ruleTable _lhsIinfo ! a {-# LINE 280 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_look -> (case (({-# LINE 187 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIv {-# LINE 284 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_segOv -> (case ((seg_ _segOinfo _segOn _segOv )) of { ( !_segIdescr,!_segIgroups,!_segInewedges,!_segInewvertices,!_segIv,!T_Segments_1 seg_1) -> (case (({-# LINE 188 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _segIv + length _segInewvertices {-# LINE 290 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_v -> (case (({-# LINE 190 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} [_segIv .. _v-1] {-# LINE 294 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_firstvisitvertices -> (case (({-# LINE 196 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} zipWith (cv _look (-1)) _firstvisitvertices _segIgroups {-# LINE 298 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_descr -> (case (({-# LINE 197 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _segIdescr Seq.>< Seq.fromList _descr {-# LINE 302 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOdescr -> (case (({-# LINE 258 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _firstvisitvertices {-# LINE 306 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOfirstvisitvertices -> (case (({-# LINE 191 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} zip _firstvisitvertices _segInewvertices {-# LINE 310 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_newedges -> (case (({-# LINE 192 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _segInewedges Seq.>< Seq.fromList _newedges {-# LINE 314 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOnewedges -> (case (({-# LINE 189 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _v {-# LINE 318 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOv -> (case ((let sem_Interface_Interface_1 :: T_Interface_1 sem_Interface_Interface_1 = (T_Interface_1 (\ (!_lhsIprev) (!_lhsIvisitDescr) (!_lhsIvssGraph) -> (case (({-# LINE 216 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIvssGraph {-# LINE 327 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_segOvssGraph -> (case (({-# LINE 125 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIvisitDescr {-# LINE 331 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_segOvisitDescr -> (case (({-# LINE 263 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIprev {-# LINE 335 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_segOprev -> (case (({-# LINE 237 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} cons_ {-# LINE 339 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_segOcons -> (case ((seg_1 _segOcons _segOprev _segOvisitDescr _segOvssGraph )) of { ( !_segIsegs,!T_Segments_2 seg_2) -> (case (({-# LINE 395 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} CInterface _segIsegs {-# LINE 345 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOinter -> (case (({-# LINE 391 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} nt_ {-# LINE 349 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOnt -> (case ((let sem_Interface_Interface_2 :: T_Interface_2 sem_Interface_Interface_2 = (T_Interface_2 (\ (!_lhsIallInters) (!_lhsIddp) -> (case (({-# LINE 341 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIddp {-# LINE 357 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_segOddp -> (case (({-# LINE 378 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIallInters {-# LINE 361 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_segOallInters -> (case (({-# LINE 351 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIprev {-# LINE 365 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_segOfromLhs -> (case (({-# LINE 314 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} True {-# LINE 369 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_segOisFirst -> (case ((seg_2 _segOallInters _segOddp _segOfromLhs _segOisFirst )) of { ( !_segIcvisits,!_segIedp,!_segIfirstInh,!_segIhdIntravisits,!_segIprev) -> (case (({-# LINE 437 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _segIedp {-# LINE 375 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOedp -> (case (({-# LINE 396 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} Map.fromList (zip cons_ (transpose _segIcvisits)) {-# LINE 379 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOvisits -> ( _lhsOedp,_lhsOvisits) }) }) }) }) }) }) })) ) in sem_Interface_Interface_2)) of { ( !sem_Interface_2) -> ( _lhsOinter,_lhsOnt,sem_Interface_2) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) })) ) in sem_Interface_Interface_1)) of { ( !sem_Interface_1) -> ( _lhsOdescr,_lhsOfirstvisitvertices,_lhsOnewedges,_lhsOv,sem_Interface_1) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) })) ) -- Interfaces -------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: inherited attribute: info : Info chained attribute: v : Vertex synthesized attributes: descr : Seq (Vertex,ChildVisit) firstvisitvertices : [Vertex] newedges : Seq Edge visit 1: inherited attributes: prev : [Vertex] visitDescr : Map Vertex ChildVisit vssGraph : Graph synthesized attribute: inters : CInterfaceMap visit 2: inherited attributes: allInters : CInterfaceMap ddp : Graph synthesized attributes: edp : Seq Edge visits : CVisitsMap alternatives: alternative Cons: child hd : Interface child tl : Interfaces alternative Nil: -} -- cata sem_Interfaces :: Interfaces -> T_Interfaces sem_Interfaces !list = (Prelude.foldr sem_Interfaces_Cons sem_Interfaces_Nil (Prelude.map sem_Interface list) ) -- semantic domain newtype T_Interfaces = T_Interfaces (Info -> Vertex -> ( (Seq (Vertex,ChildVisit)),([Vertex]),(Seq Edge ),Vertex,T_Interfaces_1 )) newtype T_Interfaces_1 = T_Interfaces_1 (([Vertex]) -> (Map Vertex ChildVisit) -> Graph -> ( CInterfaceMap,T_Interfaces_2 )) newtype T_Interfaces_2 = T_Interfaces_2 (CInterfaceMap -> Graph -> ( (Seq Edge),CVisitsMap)) data Inh_Interfaces = Inh_Interfaces {allInters_Inh_Interfaces :: !(CInterfaceMap),ddp_Inh_Interfaces :: !(Graph),info_Inh_Interfaces :: !(Info),prev_Inh_Interfaces :: !(([Vertex])),v_Inh_Interfaces :: !(Vertex),visitDescr_Inh_Interfaces :: !((Map Vertex ChildVisit)),vssGraph_Inh_Interfaces :: !(Graph)} data Syn_Interfaces = Syn_Interfaces {descr_Syn_Interfaces :: !((Seq (Vertex,ChildVisit))),edp_Syn_Interfaces :: !((Seq Edge)),firstvisitvertices_Syn_Interfaces :: !(([Vertex])),inters_Syn_Interfaces :: !(CInterfaceMap),newedges_Syn_Interfaces :: !((Seq Edge )),v_Syn_Interfaces :: !(Vertex),visits_Syn_Interfaces :: !(CVisitsMap)} wrap_Interfaces :: T_Interfaces -> Inh_Interfaces -> Syn_Interfaces wrap_Interfaces !(T_Interfaces sem ) !(Inh_Interfaces _lhsIallInters _lhsIddp _lhsIinfo _lhsIprev _lhsIv _lhsIvisitDescr _lhsIvssGraph ) = (let ( !_lhsOdescr,!_lhsOfirstvisitvertices,!_lhsOnewedges,!_lhsOv,!T_Interfaces_1 sem_1) = (sem _lhsIinfo _lhsIv ) ( !_lhsOinters,!T_Interfaces_2 sem_2) = (sem_1 _lhsIprev _lhsIvisitDescr _lhsIvssGraph ) ( !_lhsOedp,!_lhsOvisits) = (sem_2 _lhsIallInters _lhsIddp ) in (Syn_Interfaces _lhsOdescr _lhsOedp _lhsOfirstvisitvertices _lhsOinters _lhsOnewedges _lhsOv _lhsOvisits )) sem_Interfaces_Cons :: T_Interface -> T_Interfaces -> T_Interfaces sem_Interfaces_Cons !(T_Interface hd_ ) !(T_Interfaces tl_ ) = (T_Interfaces (\ (!_lhsIinfo) (!_lhsIv) -> (case (({-# LINE 82 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIv {-# LINE 456 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_hdOv -> (case (({-# LINE 83 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIinfo {-# LINE 460 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_hdOinfo -> (case ((hd_ _hdOinfo _hdOv )) of { ( !_hdIdescr,!_hdIfirstvisitvertices,!_hdInewedges,!_hdIv,!T_Interface_1 hd_1) -> (case (({-# LINE 82 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _hdIv {-# LINE 466 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_tlOv -> (case (({-# LINE 83 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIinfo {-# LINE 470 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_tlOinfo -> (case ((tl_ _tlOinfo _tlOv )) of { ( !_tlIdescr,!_tlIfirstvisitvertices,!_tlInewedges,!_tlIv,!T_Interfaces_1 tl_1) -> (case (({-# LINE 130 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _hdIdescr Seq.>< _tlIdescr {-# LINE 476 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOdescr -> (case (({-# LINE 258 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _hdIfirstvisitvertices ++ _tlIfirstvisitvertices {-# LINE 480 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOfirstvisitvertices -> (case (({-# LINE 129 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _hdInewedges Seq.>< _tlInewedges {-# LINE 484 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOnewedges -> (case (({-# LINE 82 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _tlIv {-# LINE 488 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOv -> (case ((let sem_Interfaces_Cons_1 :: T_Interfaces_1 sem_Interfaces_Cons_1 = (T_Interfaces_1 (\ (!_lhsIprev) (!_lhsIvisitDescr) (!_lhsIvssGraph) -> (case (({-# LINE 216 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIvssGraph {-# LINE 497 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_tlOvssGraph -> (case (({-# LINE 125 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIvisitDescr {-# LINE 501 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_tlOvisitDescr -> (case (({-# LINE 258 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIprev {-# LINE 505 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_tlOprev -> (case (({-# LINE 216 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIvssGraph {-# LINE 509 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_hdOvssGraph -> (case (({-# LINE 125 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIvisitDescr {-# LINE 513 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_hdOvisitDescr -> (case (({-# LINE 258 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIprev {-# LINE 517 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_hdOprev -> (case ((tl_1 _tlOprev _tlOvisitDescr _tlOvssGraph )) of { ( !_tlIinters,!T_Interfaces_2 tl_2) -> (case ((hd_1 _hdOprev _hdOvisitDescr _hdOvssGraph )) of { ( !_hdIinter,!_hdInt,!T_Interface_2 hd_2) -> (case (({-# LINE 385 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} Map.insert _hdInt _hdIinter _tlIinters {-# LINE 525 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOinters -> (case ((let sem_Interfaces_Cons_2 :: T_Interfaces_2 sem_Interfaces_Cons_2 = (T_Interfaces_2 (\ (!_lhsIallInters) (!_lhsIddp) -> (case (({-# LINE 341 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIddp {-# LINE 533 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_tlOddp -> (case (({-# LINE 378 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIallInters {-# LINE 537 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_tlOallInters -> (case ((tl_2 _tlOallInters _tlOddp )) of { ( !_tlIedp,!_tlIvisits) -> (case (({-# LINE 341 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIddp {-# LINE 543 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_hdOddp -> (case (({-# LINE 378 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIallInters {-# LINE 547 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_hdOallInters -> (case ((hd_2 _hdOallInters _hdOddp )) of { ( !_hdIedp,!_hdIvisits) -> (case (({-# LINE 437 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _hdIedp Seq.>< _tlIedp {-# LINE 553 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOedp -> (case (({-# LINE 386 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} Map.insert _hdInt _hdIvisits _tlIvisits {-# LINE 557 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOvisits -> ( _lhsOedp,_lhsOvisits) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) })) ) in sem_Interfaces_Cons_2)) of { ( !sem_Interfaces_2) -> ( _lhsOinters,sem_Interfaces_2) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) })) ) in sem_Interfaces_Cons_1)) of { ( !sem_Interfaces_1) -> ( _lhsOdescr,_lhsOfirstvisitvertices,_lhsOnewedges,_lhsOv,sem_Interfaces_1) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) })) ) sem_Interfaces_Nil :: T_Interfaces sem_Interfaces_Nil = (T_Interfaces (\ (!_lhsIinfo) (!_lhsIv) -> (case (({-# LINE 130 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} Seq.empty {-# LINE 572 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOdescr -> (case (({-# LINE 258 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} [] {-# LINE 576 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOfirstvisitvertices -> (case (({-# LINE 129 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} Seq.empty {-# LINE 580 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOnewedges -> (case (({-# LINE 82 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIv {-# LINE 584 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOv -> (case ((let sem_Interfaces_Nil_1 :: T_Interfaces_1 sem_Interfaces_Nil_1 = (T_Interfaces_1 (\ (!_lhsIprev) (!_lhsIvisitDescr) (!_lhsIvssGraph) -> (case (({-# LINE 387 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} Map.empty {-# LINE 593 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOinters -> (case ((let sem_Interfaces_Nil_2 :: T_Interfaces_2 sem_Interfaces_Nil_2 = (T_Interfaces_2 (\ (!_lhsIallInters) (!_lhsIddp) -> (case (({-# LINE 437 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} Seq.empty {-# LINE 601 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOedp -> (case (({-# LINE 388 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} Map.empty {-# LINE 605 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOvisits -> ( _lhsOedp,_lhsOvisits) }) })) ) in sem_Interfaces_Nil_2)) of { ( !sem_Interfaces_2) -> ( _lhsOinters,sem_Interfaces_2) }) })) ) in sem_Interfaces_Nil_1)) of { ( !sem_Interfaces_1) -> ( _lhsOdescr,_lhsOfirstvisitvertices,_lhsOnewedges,_lhsOv,sem_Interfaces_1) }) }) }) }) })) ) -- Segment ----------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: inherited attribute: info : Info chained attribute: v : Vertex visit 1: inherited attributes: n : Int nextNewvertices : [Vertex] synthesized attributes: descr : Seq (Vertex,ChildVisit) groups : [([Vertex],[Vertex])] newedges : Seq Edge newvertices : [Vertex] visit 2: inherited attributes: cons : [ConstructorIdent] visitDescr : Map Vertex ChildVisit vssGraph : Graph chained attribute: prev : [Vertex] synthesized attribute: seg : CSegment visit 3: inherited attributes: allInters : CInterfaceMap ddp : Graph fromLhs : [Vertex] isFirst : Bool nextInh : [Vertex] nextIntravisits : [IntraVisit] synthesized attributes: cvisits : [CVisit] edp : Seq Edge inh : [Vertex] intravisits : [IntraVisit] visitss : [VisitSS] alternatives: alternative Segment: child inh : {[Vertex]} child syn : {[Vertex]} visit 0: local look : {Vertex -> CRule} local occurAs : {(CRule -> Bool) -> [Vertex] -> [Vertex]} local groups : {[([Vertex],[Vertex])]} local v : {Int} visit 1: local newvertices : _ local visitedges : _ local attredges : _ intra v : {Int} intra groups : {[([Vertex],[Vertex])]} intra look : {Vertex -> CRule} intra occurAs : {(CRule -> Bool) -> [Vertex] -> [Vertex]} visit 2: local synOccur : _ local vss : _ local visitss' : _ local visitss : {[[Vertex]]} local defined : _ local _tup1 : {(Map Identifier Type,Map Identifier Type)} local synmap : {Map Identifier Type} local inhmap : {Map Identifier Type} intra occurAs : {(CRule -> Bool) -> [Vertex] -> [Vertex]} visit 3: local computed : _ local fromLhs : _ local iv : _ local intravisits : _ intra visitss : {[[Vertex]]} intra occurAs : {(CRule -> Bool) -> [Vertex] -> [Vertex]} intra synmap : {Map Identifier Type} intra inhmap : {Map Identifier Type} -} -- cata sem_Segment :: Segment -> T_Segment sem_Segment !(Segment _inh _syn ) = (sem_Segment_Segment _inh _syn ) -- semantic domain newtype T_Segment = T_Segment (Info -> Vertex -> ( Vertex,T_Segment_1 )) newtype T_Segment_1 = T_Segment_1 (Int -> ([Vertex]) -> ( (Seq (Vertex,ChildVisit)),([([Vertex],[Vertex])]),(Seq Edge ),([Vertex]),T_Segment_2 )) newtype T_Segment_2 = T_Segment_2 (([ConstructorIdent]) -> ([Vertex]) -> (Map Vertex ChildVisit) -> Graph -> ( ([Vertex]),CSegment,T_Segment_3 )) newtype T_Segment_3 = T_Segment_3 (CInterfaceMap -> Graph -> ([Vertex]) -> Bool -> ([Vertex]) -> ([IntraVisit]) -> ( ([CVisit]),(Seq Edge),([Vertex]),([IntraVisit]),([VisitSS]))) data Inh_Segment = Inh_Segment {allInters_Inh_Segment :: !(CInterfaceMap),cons_Inh_Segment :: !(([ConstructorIdent])),ddp_Inh_Segment :: !(Graph),fromLhs_Inh_Segment :: !(([Vertex])),info_Inh_Segment :: !(Info),isFirst_Inh_Segment :: !(Bool),n_Inh_Segment :: !(Int),nextInh_Inh_Segment :: !(([Vertex])),nextIntravisits_Inh_Segment :: !(([IntraVisit])),nextNewvertices_Inh_Segment :: !(([Vertex])),prev_Inh_Segment :: !(([Vertex])),v_Inh_Segment :: !(Vertex),visitDescr_Inh_Segment :: !((Map Vertex ChildVisit)),vssGraph_Inh_Segment :: !(Graph)} data Syn_Segment = Syn_Segment {cvisits_Syn_Segment :: !(([CVisit])),descr_Syn_Segment :: !((Seq (Vertex,ChildVisit))),edp_Syn_Segment :: !((Seq Edge)),groups_Syn_Segment :: !(([([Vertex],[Vertex])])),inh_Syn_Segment :: !(([Vertex])),intravisits_Syn_Segment :: !(([IntraVisit])),newedges_Syn_Segment :: !((Seq Edge )),newvertices_Syn_Segment :: !(([Vertex])),prev_Syn_Segment :: !(([Vertex])),seg_Syn_Segment :: !(CSegment),v_Syn_Segment :: !(Vertex),visitss_Syn_Segment :: !(([VisitSS]))} wrap_Segment :: T_Segment -> Inh_Segment -> Syn_Segment wrap_Segment !(T_Segment sem ) !(Inh_Segment _lhsIallInters _lhsIcons _lhsIddp _lhsIfromLhs _lhsIinfo _lhsIisFirst _lhsIn _lhsInextInh _lhsInextIntravisits _lhsInextNewvertices _lhsIprev _lhsIv _lhsIvisitDescr _lhsIvssGraph ) = (let ( !_lhsOv,!T_Segment_1 sem_1) = (sem _lhsIinfo _lhsIv ) ( !_lhsOdescr,!_lhsOgroups,!_lhsOnewedges,!_lhsOnewvertices,!T_Segment_2 sem_2) = (sem_1 _lhsIn _lhsInextNewvertices ) ( !_lhsOprev,!_lhsOseg,!T_Segment_3 sem_3) = (sem_2 _lhsIcons _lhsIprev _lhsIvisitDescr _lhsIvssGraph ) ( !_lhsOcvisits,!_lhsOedp,!_lhsOinh,!_lhsOintravisits,!_lhsOvisitss) = (sem_3 _lhsIallInters _lhsIddp _lhsIfromLhs _lhsIisFirst _lhsInextInh _lhsInextIntravisits ) in (Syn_Segment _lhsOcvisits _lhsOdescr _lhsOedp _lhsOgroups _lhsOinh _lhsOintravisits _lhsOnewedges _lhsOnewvertices _lhsOprev _lhsOseg _lhsOv _lhsOvisitss )) sem_Segment_Segment :: ([Vertex]) -> ([Vertex]) -> T_Segment sem_Segment_Segment !inh_ !syn_ = (T_Segment (\ (!_lhsIinfo) (!_lhsIv) -> (case (({-# LINE 106 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} \a -> ruleTable _lhsIinfo ! a {-# LINE 737 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_look -> (case (({-# LINE 109 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} \p us -> [ a | u <- us , a <- tdsToTdp _lhsIinfo ! u , p (_look a)] {-# LINE 743 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_occurAs -> (case (({-# LINE 113 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} let group as = gather _lhsIinfo (_occurAs isRhs as) in map (partition (isInh . _look)) (group (inh_ ++ syn_)) {-# LINE 748 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_groups -> (case (({-# LINE 116 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIv + length _groups {-# LINE 752 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_v -> (case (({-# LINE 82 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _v {-# LINE 756 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOv -> (case ((let sem_Segment_Segment_1 :: T_Segment_1 sem_Segment_Segment_1 = (T_Segment_1 (\ (!_lhsIn) (!_lhsInextNewvertices) -> (case (({-# LINE 117 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} [_lhsIv .. _v -1] {-# LINE 764 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_newvertices -> (case (({-# LINE 132 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} Seq.fromList $ zipWith (cv _look _lhsIn) _newvertices _groups {-# LINE 768 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOdescr -> (case (({-# LINE 182 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _groups {-# LINE 772 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOgroups -> (case (({-# LINE 174 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} zip _newvertices _lhsInextNewvertices {-# LINE 776 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_visitedges -> (case (({-# LINE 155 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} concat (zipWith ed _newvertices _groups) {-# LINE 780 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_attredges -> (case (({-# LINE 175 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} Seq.fromList _attredges Seq.>< Seq.fromList _visitedges {-# LINE 784 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOnewedges -> (case (({-# LINE 166 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _newvertices {-# LINE 788 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOnewvertices -> (case ((let sem_Segment_Segment_2 :: T_Segment_2 sem_Segment_Segment_2 = (T_Segment_2 (\ (!_lhsIcons) (!_lhsIprev) (!_lhsIvisitDescr) (!_lhsIvssGraph) -> (case (({-# LINE 229 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} gather _lhsIinfo (_occurAs isLhs syn_) {-# LINE 798 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_synOccur -> (case (({-# LINE 230 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} let hasCode v | inRange (bounds (ruleTable _lhsIinfo)) v = getHasCode (ruleTable _lhsIinfo ! v) | otherwise = True in if null syn_ then replicate (length _lhsIcons) [] else map (filter hasCode . topSort' _lhsIvssGraph) _synOccur {-# LINE 806 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_vss -> (case (({-# LINE 270 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} map (\\ _lhsIprev) _vss {-# LINE 810 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_visitss' -> (case (({-# LINE 284 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} let rem :: [(Identifier,Identifier,Maybe Type)] -> [Vertex] -> [Vertex] rem prev [] = [] rem prev (v:vs) | inRange (bounds table) v = let cr = table ! v addV = case findIndex cmp prev of Just _ -> id _ -> (v:) cmp (fld,attr,tp) = getField cr == fld && getAttr cr == attr && sameNT (getType cr) tp sameNT (Just (NT ntA _)) (Just (NT ntB _)) = ntA == ntB sameNT _ _ = False def = Map.elems (getDefines cr) in addV (rem (def ++ prev) vs) | otherwise = v:rem prev vs table = ruleTable _lhsIinfo in map (rem []) _visitss' {-# LINE 829 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_visitss -> (case (({-# LINE 271 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} let defines v = case Map.lookup v _lhsIvisitDescr of Nothing -> [v] Just (ChildVisit _ _ _ inh _) -> v:inh in concatMap (concatMap defines) _visitss {-# LINE 836 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_defined -> (case (({-# LINE 275 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIprev ++ _defined {-# LINE 840 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOprev -> (case (({-# LINE 409 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} let makemap = Map.fromList . map findType findType v = getNtaNameType (attrTable _lhsIinfo ! v) in (makemap inh_,makemap syn_) {-# LINE 846 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !__tup1 -> (case (({-# LINE 409 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} __tup1 {-# LINE 850 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !(_,!_synmap) -> (case (({-# LINE 409 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} __tup1 {-# LINE 854 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !(!_inhmap,_) -> (case (({-# LINE 405 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} if False then undefined _lhsIvssGraph _lhsIvisitDescr _lhsIprev else CSegment _inhmap _synmap {-# LINE 858 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOseg -> (case ((let sem_Segment_Segment_3 :: T_Segment_3 sem_Segment_Segment_3 = (T_Segment_3 (\ (!_lhsIallInters) (!_lhsIddp) (!_lhsIfromLhs) (!_lhsIisFirst) (!_lhsInextInh) (!_lhsInextIntravisits) -> (case (({-# LINE 357 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} let computes v = case Map.lookup v _lhsIvisitDescr of Nothing -> Map.keys (getDefines (ruleTable _lhsIinfo ! v)) Just (ChildVisit _ _ _ _ syn) -> v:syn in concatMap (concatMap computes) _visitss {-# LINE 873 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_computed -> (case (({-# LINE 356 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _occurAs isLhs inh_ ++ _lhsIfromLhs {-# LINE 877 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_fromLhs -> (case (({-# LINE 362 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} \vs next -> let needed = concatMap (_lhsIddp !) vs in nub (needed ++ next) \\ (_fromLhs ++ _computed) {-# LINE 883 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_iv -> (case (({-# LINE 361 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} zipWith _iv _visitss _lhsInextIntravisits {-# LINE 887 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_intravisits -> (case (({-# LINE 412 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} let mkVisit vss intra = CVisit _inhmap _synmap (mkSequence vss) (mkSequence intra) True mkSequence = map mkRule mkRule v = case Map.lookup v _lhsIvisitDescr of Nothing -> ruleTable _lhsIinfo ! v Just (ChildVisit name nt n _ _) -> ccv name nt n _lhsIallInters in zipWith mkVisit _visitss _intravisits {-# LINE 896 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOcvisits -> (case (({-# LINE 439 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} Seq.fromList [(i,s) | i <- inh_, s <- syn_] Seq.>< Seq.fromList [(s,i) | s <- syn_, i <- _lhsInextInh ] {-# LINE 901 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOedp -> (case (({-# LINE 444 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} inh_ {-# LINE 905 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOinh -> (case (({-# LINE 327 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _intravisits {-# LINE 909 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOintravisits -> (case (({-# LINE 269 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _visitss {-# LINE 913 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOvisitss -> ( _lhsOcvisits,_lhsOedp,_lhsOinh,_lhsOintravisits,_lhsOvisitss) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) })) ) in sem_Segment_Segment_3)) of { ( !sem_Segment_3) -> ( _lhsOprev,_lhsOseg,sem_Segment_3) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) })) ) in sem_Segment_Segment_2)) of { ( !sem_Segment_2) -> ( _lhsOdescr,_lhsOgroups,_lhsOnewedges,_lhsOnewvertices,sem_Segment_2) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) })) ) in sem_Segment_Segment_1)) of { ( !sem_Segment_1) -> ( _lhsOv,sem_Segment_1) }) }) }) }) }) })) ) -- Segments ---------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: inherited attributes: info : Info n : Int chained attribute: v : Vertex synthesized attributes: descr : Seq (Vertex,ChildVisit) groups : [([Vertex],[Vertex])] newedges : Seq Edge newvertices : [Vertex] visit 1: inherited attributes: cons : [ConstructorIdent] prev : [Vertex] visitDescr : Map Vertex ChildVisit vssGraph : Graph synthesized attribute: segs : CSegments visit 2: inherited attributes: allInters : CInterfaceMap ddp : Graph fromLhs : [Vertex] isFirst : Bool synthesized attributes: cvisits : [[CVisit]] edp : Seq Edge firstInh : [Vertex] hdIntravisits : [IntraVisit] prev : [Vertex] alternatives: alternative Cons: child hd : Segment child tl : Segments alternative Nil: -} -- cata sem_Segments :: Segments -> T_Segments sem_Segments !list = (Prelude.foldr sem_Segments_Cons sem_Segments_Nil (Prelude.map sem_Segment list) ) -- semantic domain newtype T_Segments = T_Segments (Info -> Int -> Vertex -> ( (Seq (Vertex,ChildVisit)),([([Vertex],[Vertex])]),(Seq Edge ),([Vertex]),Vertex,T_Segments_1 )) newtype T_Segments_1 = T_Segments_1 (([ConstructorIdent]) -> ([Vertex]) -> (Map Vertex ChildVisit) -> Graph -> ( CSegments,T_Segments_2 )) newtype T_Segments_2 = T_Segments_2 (CInterfaceMap -> Graph -> ([Vertex]) -> Bool -> ( ([[CVisit]]),(Seq Edge),([Vertex]),([IntraVisit]),([Vertex]))) data Inh_Segments = Inh_Segments {allInters_Inh_Segments :: !(CInterfaceMap),cons_Inh_Segments :: !(([ConstructorIdent])),ddp_Inh_Segments :: !(Graph),fromLhs_Inh_Segments :: !(([Vertex])),info_Inh_Segments :: !(Info),isFirst_Inh_Segments :: !(Bool),n_Inh_Segments :: !(Int),prev_Inh_Segments :: !(([Vertex])),v_Inh_Segments :: !(Vertex),visitDescr_Inh_Segments :: !((Map Vertex ChildVisit)),vssGraph_Inh_Segments :: !(Graph)} data Syn_Segments = Syn_Segments {cvisits_Syn_Segments :: !(([[CVisit]])),descr_Syn_Segments :: !((Seq (Vertex,ChildVisit))),edp_Syn_Segments :: !((Seq Edge)),firstInh_Syn_Segments :: !(([Vertex])),groups_Syn_Segments :: !(([([Vertex],[Vertex])])),hdIntravisits_Syn_Segments :: !(([IntraVisit])),newedges_Syn_Segments :: !((Seq Edge )),newvertices_Syn_Segments :: !(([Vertex])),prev_Syn_Segments :: !(([Vertex])),segs_Syn_Segments :: !(CSegments),v_Syn_Segments :: !(Vertex)} wrap_Segments :: T_Segments -> Inh_Segments -> Syn_Segments wrap_Segments !(T_Segments sem ) !(Inh_Segments _lhsIallInters _lhsIcons _lhsIddp _lhsIfromLhs _lhsIinfo _lhsIisFirst _lhsIn _lhsIprev _lhsIv _lhsIvisitDescr _lhsIvssGraph ) = (let ( !_lhsOdescr,!_lhsOgroups,!_lhsOnewedges,!_lhsOnewvertices,!_lhsOv,!T_Segments_1 sem_1) = (sem _lhsIinfo _lhsIn _lhsIv ) ( !_lhsOsegs,!T_Segments_2 sem_2) = (sem_1 _lhsIcons _lhsIprev _lhsIvisitDescr _lhsIvssGraph ) ( !_lhsOcvisits,!_lhsOedp,!_lhsOfirstInh,!_lhsOhdIntravisits,!_lhsOprev) = (sem_2 _lhsIallInters _lhsIddp _lhsIfromLhs _lhsIisFirst ) in (Syn_Segments _lhsOcvisits _lhsOdescr _lhsOedp _lhsOfirstInh _lhsOgroups _lhsOhdIntravisits _lhsOnewedges _lhsOnewvertices _lhsOprev _lhsOsegs _lhsOv )) sem_Segments_Cons :: T_Segment -> T_Segments -> T_Segments sem_Segments_Cons !(T_Segment hd_ ) !(T_Segments tl_ ) = (T_Segments (\ (!_lhsIinfo) (!_lhsIn) (!_lhsIv) -> (case (({-# LINE 82 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIv {-# LINE 1006 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_hdOv -> (case (({-# LINE 83 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIinfo {-# LINE 1010 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_hdOinfo -> (case ((hd_ _hdOinfo _hdOv )) of { ( !_hdIv,!T_Segment_1 hd_1) -> (case (({-# LINE 82 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _hdIv {-# LINE 1016 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_tlOv -> (case (({-# LINE 83 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIinfo {-# LINE 1020 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_tlOinfo -> (case (({-# LINE 203 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIn {-# LINE 1024 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_hdOn -> (case (({-# LINE 207 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIn + 1 {-# LINE 1028 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_tlOn -> (case ((tl_ _tlOinfo _tlOn _tlOv )) of { ( !_tlIdescr,!_tlIgroups,!_tlInewedges,!_tlInewvertices,!_tlIv,!T_Segments_1 tl_1) -> (case (({-# LINE 169 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _tlInewvertices {-# LINE 1034 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_hdOnextNewvertices -> (case ((hd_1 _hdOn _hdOnextNewvertices )) of { ( !_hdIdescr,!_hdIgroups,!_hdInewedges,!_hdInewvertices,!T_Segment_2 hd_2) -> (case (({-# LINE 130 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _hdIdescr Seq.>< _tlIdescr {-# LINE 1040 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOdescr -> (case (({-# LINE 184 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _hdIgroups {-# LINE 1044 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOgroups -> (case (({-# LINE 129 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _hdInewedges Seq.>< _tlInewedges {-# LINE 1048 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOnewedges -> (case (({-# LINE 170 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _hdInewvertices {-# LINE 1052 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOnewvertices -> (case (({-# LINE 82 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _tlIv {-# LINE 1056 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOv -> (case ((let sem_Segments_Cons_1 :: T_Segments_1 sem_Segments_Cons_1 = (T_Segments_1 (\ (!_lhsIcons) (!_lhsIprev) (!_lhsIvisitDescr) (!_lhsIvssGraph) -> (case (({-# LINE 216 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIvssGraph {-# LINE 1066 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_tlOvssGraph -> (case (({-# LINE 125 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIvisitDescr {-# LINE 1070 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_tlOvisitDescr -> (case (({-# LINE 216 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIvssGraph {-# LINE 1074 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_hdOvssGraph -> (case (({-# LINE 125 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIvisitDescr {-# LINE 1078 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_hdOvisitDescr -> (case (({-# LINE 263 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIprev {-# LINE 1082 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_hdOprev -> (case (({-# LINE 235 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIcons {-# LINE 1086 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_hdOcons -> (case ((hd_2 _hdOcons _hdOprev _hdOvisitDescr _hdOvssGraph )) of { ( !_hdIprev,!_hdIseg,!T_Segment_3 hd_3) -> (case (({-# LINE 263 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _hdIprev {-# LINE 1092 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_tlOprev -> (case (({-# LINE 235 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIcons {-# LINE 1096 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_tlOcons -> (case ((tl_1 _tlOcons _tlOprev _tlOvisitDescr _tlOvssGraph )) of { ( !_tlIsegs,!T_Segments_2 tl_2) -> (case (({-# LINE 400 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _hdIseg : _tlIsegs {-# LINE 1102 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOsegs -> (case ((let sem_Segments_Cons_2 :: T_Segments_2 sem_Segments_Cons_2 = (T_Segments_2 (\ (!_lhsIallInters) (!_lhsIddp) (!_lhsIfromLhs) (!_lhsIisFirst) -> (case (({-# LINE 341 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIddp {-# LINE 1112 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_tlOddp -> (case (({-# LINE 378 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIallInters {-# LINE 1116 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_tlOallInters -> (case (({-# LINE 341 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIddp {-# LINE 1120 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_hdOddp -> (case (({-# LINE 378 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIallInters {-# LINE 1124 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_hdOallInters -> (case (({-# LINE 354 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} [] {-# LINE 1128 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_tlOfromLhs -> (case (({-# LINE 353 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIfromLhs {-# LINE 1132 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_hdOfromLhs -> (case (({-# LINE 316 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} False {-# LINE 1136 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_tlOisFirst -> (case ((tl_2 _tlOallInters _tlOddp _tlOfromLhs _tlOisFirst )) of { ( !_tlIcvisits,!_tlIedp,!_tlIfirstInh,!_tlIhdIntravisits,!_tlIprev) -> (case (({-# LINE 329 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _tlIhdIntravisits {-# LINE 1142 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_hdOnextIntravisits -> (case (({-# LINE 312 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIisFirst {-# LINE 1146 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_hdOisFirst -> (case (({-# LINE 446 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _tlIfirstInh {-# LINE 1150 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_hdOnextInh -> (case ((hd_3 _hdOallInters _hdOddp _hdOfromLhs _hdOisFirst _hdOnextInh _hdOnextIntravisits )) of { ( !_hdIcvisits,!_hdIedp,!_hdIinh,!_hdIintravisits,!_hdIvisitss) -> (case (({-# LINE 399 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _hdIcvisits : _tlIcvisits {-# LINE 1156 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOcvisits -> (case (({-# LINE 437 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _hdIedp Seq.>< _tlIedp {-# LINE 1160 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOedp -> (case (({-# LINE 447 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _hdIinh {-# LINE 1164 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOfirstInh -> (case (({-# LINE 330 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _hdIintravisits {-# LINE 1168 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOhdIntravisits -> (case (({-# LINE 263 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _tlIprev {-# LINE 1172 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOprev -> ( _lhsOcvisits,_lhsOedp,_lhsOfirstInh,_lhsOhdIntravisits,_lhsOprev) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) })) ) in sem_Segments_Cons_2)) of { ( !sem_Segments_2) -> ( _lhsOsegs,sem_Segments_2) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) })) ) in sem_Segments_Cons_1)) of { ( !sem_Segments_1) -> ( _lhsOdescr,_lhsOgroups,_lhsOnewedges,_lhsOnewvertices,_lhsOv,sem_Segments_1) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) })) ) sem_Segments_Nil :: T_Segments sem_Segments_Nil = (T_Segments (\ (!_lhsIinfo) (!_lhsIn) (!_lhsIv) -> (case (({-# LINE 130 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} Seq.empty {-# LINE 1188 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOdescr -> (case (({-# LINE 185 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} [] {-# LINE 1192 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOgroups -> (case (({-# LINE 129 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} Seq.empty {-# LINE 1196 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOnewedges -> (case (({-# LINE 171 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} [] {-# LINE 1200 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOnewvertices -> (case (({-# LINE 82 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIv {-# LINE 1204 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOv -> (case ((let sem_Segments_Nil_1 :: T_Segments_1 sem_Segments_Nil_1 = (T_Segments_1 (\ (!_lhsIcons) (!_lhsIprev) (!_lhsIvisitDescr) (!_lhsIvssGraph) -> (case (({-# LINE 401 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} [] {-# LINE 1214 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOsegs -> (case ((let sem_Segments_Nil_2 :: T_Segments_2 sem_Segments_Nil_2 = (T_Segments_2 (\ (!_lhsIallInters) (!_lhsIddp) (!_lhsIfromLhs) (!_lhsIisFirst) -> (case (({-# LINE 399 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} [] {-# LINE 1224 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOcvisits -> (case (({-# LINE 437 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} Seq.empty {-# LINE 1228 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOedp -> (case (({-# LINE 448 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} [] {-# LINE 1232 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOfirstInh -> (case (({-# LINE 331 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} repeat [] {-# LINE 1236 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOhdIntravisits -> (case (({-# LINE 263 "InterfacesRules.lag" #-} _lhsIprev {-# LINE 1240 "InterfacesRules.hs" #-})) of { !_lhsOprev -> ( _lhsOcvisits,_lhsOedp,_lhsOfirstInh,_lhsOhdIntravisits,_lhsOprev) }) }) }) }) })) ) in sem_Segments_Nil_2)) of { ( !sem_Segments_2) -> ( _lhsOsegs,sem_Segments_2) }) })) ) in sem_Segments_Nil_1)) of { ( !sem_Segments_1) -> ( _lhsOdescr,_lhsOgroups,_lhsOnewedges,_lhsOnewvertices,_lhsOv,sem_Segments_1) }) }) }) }) }) })) )