{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XBangPatterns #-} -- UUAGC (src-ag/DefaultRules.ag) module DefaultRules where {-# LINE 15 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} import qualified Data.List import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Map(Map) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Data.Sequence(Seq,(><)) import UU.Scanner.Position(noPos) import Pretty import Data.Maybe import HsToken import HsTokenScanner import Data.List(intersperse) import Data.Char import AbstractSyntax import ErrorMessages import Options {-# LINE 26 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} {-# LINE 2 "./src-ag/AbstractSyntax.ag" #-} -- AbstractSyntax.ag imports import Data.Set(Set) import Data.Map(Map) import Patterns (Pattern(..),Patterns) import Expression (Expression(..)) import Macro --marcos import CommonTypes import ErrorMessages {-# LINE 38 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} {-# LINE 2 "./src-ag/Patterns.ag" #-} -- Patterns.ag imports import UU.Scanner.Position(Pos) import CommonTypes (ConstructorIdent,Identifier) {-# LINE 45 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} {-# LINE 78 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} fieldName n = '@' : getName n locName n = "@loc." ++ getName n attrName fld attr | fld == _LOC = locName attr | fld == _FIELD = fieldName attr | otherwise = '@' : getName fld ++ "." ++ getName attr _ACHILD = Ident "(" noPos -- hack mkLocVar = AGField _LOC buildConExpr ocaml typeSyns rename nt con1 fs | nt `elem` map fst typeSyns = if ocaml then synonymMl else synonymHs | otherwise = normalExpr where con = getName con1 tup = " " ++ buildTuple fs args = " " ++ unwords fs normalExpr = conname' ++ args conname' | rename = getName nt ++ "_" ++ getName con1 | otherwise = getName con1 synonymHs | con == "Tuple" = buildTuple fs | con == "Cons" = "(:)" ++ args | con == "Nil" = case lookup nt typeSyns of Just (Map _ _) -> "Data.Map.empty" Just (IntMap _) -> "Data.IntMap.empty" Just (OrdSet _) -> "Data.Set.empty" Just IntSet -> "Data.IntSet.empty" _ -> "[]" | con == "Just" = "Just" ++ args | con == "Nothing" = "Nothing" | con == "Entry" = ( case lookup nt typeSyns of Just (Map _ _) -> "Data.Map.insert" Just (IntMap _) -> "Data.IntMap.insert" Just (OrdSet _) -> "Data.Set.insert" Just IntSet -> "Data.IntSet.insert" ) ++ args | otherwise = normalExpr synonymMl | con == "Tuple" = buildTuple fs | con == "Cons" = "(::)" ++ tup | con == "Nil" = case lookup nt typeSyns of Just (Map _ _) -> prefixMod nt "empty" Just (IntMap _) -> prefixMod nt "empty" Just (OrdSet _) -> prefixMod nt "empty" Just IntSet -> prefixMod nt "empty" _ -> "[]" | con == "Just" = "Some" ++ tup | con == "Nothing" = "None" | con == "Entry" = ( case lookup nt typeSyns of Just (Map _ _) -> prefixMod nt "add" Just (IntMap _) -> prefixMod nt "add" Just (OrdSet _) -> prefixMod nt "add" Just IntSet -> prefixMod nt "add" ) ++ args | otherwise = normalExpr prefixMod nt nm = "M_" ++ getName nt ++ "." ++ nm concatSeq = foldr (Seq.><) Seq.empty splitAttrs :: Map Identifier a -> [Identifier] -> ([(Identifier,a)],[Identifier]) -- a used as (String,String) splitAttrs _ [] = ([],[]) splitAttrs useMap (n:rest) = let (uses,normals) = splitAttrs useMap rest in case Map.lookup n useMap of Just x -> ((n,x):uses , normals ) Nothing -> ( uses , n:normals ) removeDefined :: Set (Identifier,Identifier) -> (Identifier,Attributes) -> (Identifier,[Identifier]) removeDefined defined (fld,as) = ( fld , [ a | a <- Map.keys as , not (Set.member (fld,a) defined) ] ) {-# LINE 129 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} {-# LINE 226 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} deprecatedCopyRuleError nt con fld a = let mesg = "In the definitions for alternative" >#< getName con >#< "of nonterminal" >#< getName nt >|< "," >-< "the value of field" >#< getName a >#< "is copied by a copy-rule." >-< "Copying the value of a field using a copy-rule is deprecated" >-< "Please add the following lines to your code:" >-< ( "SEM" >#< getName nt >-< indent 2 ( "|" >#< getName con >#< getName fld >#< "." >#< a >#< "=" >#< "@" >|< a ) ) in CustomError True (getPos a) mesg missingRuleErrorExpr nt con fld a = "error \"missing rule: " ++ show nt ++ "." ++ show con ++ "." ++ show fld ++ "." ++ show a ++ "\"" makeRule :: (Identifier,Identifier) -> Expression -> String -> Bool -> Maybe Error -> Rule makeRule (f1,a1) expr origin identity mbDelayedError = Rule Nothing (Alias f1 a1 (Underscore noPos)) expr False origin False True identity mbDelayedError False useRule :: Set Identifier -> [(Identifier,Attributes)] -> (Identifier,(String,String,String)) -> Rule useRule locals ch_outs (n,(op,e,pos)) = let elems = [ fld | (fld,as) <- ch_outs , Map.member n as ] isOp [] = False isOp (c:cs) | isSpace c = isOp cs | isAlpha c = case dropWhile isAlpha cs of ('.':cs2) -> isOp cs2 -- fully qualified name, drop prefix _ -> False | c == '(' = False | otherwise = True tks | Set.member n locals = [mkLocVar n noPos Nothing] | null elems = lexTokens noPos e | otherwise = lexTokens noPos str where opExpr l r | isOp op = l ++ " " ++ op ++ " " ++ r -- takes the associativity of the operator | otherwise = "(" ++ op ++ " " ++ l ++ " " ++ r ++ ")" -- associates to the right str = foldr1 opExpr (map (flip attrName n) elems) in makeRule (_LHS,n) (Expression noPos tks) ("use rule " ++ pos) False Nothing selfRule :: Bool -> Identifier -> [HsToken] -> Rule selfRule lhsNecLoc attr tks = makeRule (if lhsNecLoc then _LHS else _LOC,attr) (Expression noPos tks) "self rule" False Nothing concatRE rsess = let (rss,ess) = unzip rsess in (concat rss, concatSeq ess) copyRule :: Options -> Set NontermIdent -> Identifier -> Identifier -> Bool -> Set Identifier -> (Map Identifier Identifier, (Identifier,[Identifier])) -> ([Rule], Seq Error) copyRule options wrappers nt con modcopy locals (env,(fld,as)) = concatRE (map copyRu as) where copyRu a = ( [ makeRule (fld,a) (Expression noPos tks) (cruletxt sel) True mbDelayedErr ] , err ) where sel | not modcopy && Set.member a locals = Just _LOC | otherwise = Map.lookup a env (tks,err,mbDelayedErr) = case sel of Nothing -> let tks = [HsToken (missingRuleErrorExpr nt con fld a) noPos] err = MissingRule nt con fld a in if nt `Set.member` wrappers && kennedyWarren options then (tks, Seq.empty, Just err) -- yield error only if the rule is actually scheduled; for kennedyWarren code gen only else (tks, Seq.singleton err, Nothing) Just f | f == _ACHILD -> ( [AGLocal a noPos Nothing] , Seq.singleton (deprecatedCopyRuleError nt con fld a) , Nothing ) | otherwise -> ( [AGField f a noPos Nothing] , Seq.empty , Nothing ) cruletxt sel | local = "copy rule (from local)" | deprChild = "deprecated child copy" | Set.member a locals && nonlocal = "modified copy rule" | incoming && outgoing = "copy rule (chain)" | incoming = "copy rule (down)" | outgoing = "copy rule (up)" | otherwise = "copy rule (chain)" where outgoing = fld == _LHS incoming = maybe False (== _LHS) sel nonlocal = maybe False (/= _LOC) sel local = maybe False (== _LOC) sel deprChild = maybe False (== _ACHILD) sel {-# LINE 282 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} {-# LINE 460 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} buildTuple fs = "(" ++ concat (intersperse "," fs) ++ ")" addAugments :: (Identifier, [Expression]) -> [Rule] -> [Rule] addAugments (_, exprs) rules | null exprs = rules addAugments (syn, exprs) rules = [rule] ++ funRules ++ map modify rules where rule = Rule Nothing (Alias _LHS syn (Underscore noPos)) rhs False "augmented rule" False True False Nothing False rhs = Expression noPos tks tks = [ HsToken "foldr ($) " noPos, mkLocVar substSyn noPos Nothing, HsToken " [" noPos] ++ funs ++ [HsToken "]" noPos] funs = intersperse (HsToken ", " noPos) (map (\n -> mkLocVar n noPos Nothing) funNames) substSyn = Ident (show syn ++ "_augmented_syn") (getPos syn) funNames = zipWith (\i _ -> Ident (show syn ++ "_augmented_f" ++ show i) (getPos syn)) [1..] exprs funRules = zipWith (\name expr -> Rule Nothing (Alias _LOC name (Underscore noPos)) expr False "augment function" False True False Nothing False) funNames exprs modify (Rule mbNm pat rhs owrt origin expl pure identity mbErr eager) | containsSyn pat = Rule mbNm (modifyPat pat) rhs owrt origin expl pure identity mbErr eager modify r = r containsSyn (Constr _ pats) = any containsSyn pats containsSyn (Product _ pats) = any containsSyn pats containsSyn (Irrefutable pat) = containsSyn pat containsSyn (Alias field attr pat) = (field == _LHS && attr == syn) || containsSyn pat containsSyn _ = False modifyPat (Constr name pats) = Constr name (map modifyPat pats) modifyPat (Product pos pats) = Product pos (map modifyPat pats) modifyPat (Irrefutable pat) = Irrefutable (modifyPat pat) modifyPat (Alias field attr pat) | field == _LHS && attr == syn = Alias _LOC substSyn (modifyPat pat) | otherwise = Alias field attr (modifyPat pat) modifyPat p = p -- adds the additional rules needed for around, which creates a sequence of -- rules that form a function that each transforms the semantics of a child -- before attaching the child. -- The rule defines a local attribute "_around" and is dependent -- on this attribute. addArounds :: (Identifier, [Expression]) -> [Rule] -> [Rule] addArounds (_, exprs) rules | null exprs = rules addArounds (child, exprs) rules = [rule] ++ funRules ++ rules where rule = Rule Nothing (Alias _LOC childLoc (Underscore noPos)) rhs False "around rule" False True False Nothing False rhs = Expression noPos tks tks = [ HsToken "\\s -> foldr ($) s " noPos, HsToken " [" noPos] ++ funs ++ [HsToken "]" noPos] funs = intersperse (HsToken ", " noPos) (map (\n -> mkLocVar n noPos Nothing) funNames) childLoc = Ident (show child ++ "_around") (getPos child) funNames = zipWith (\i _ -> Ident (show child ++ "_around_f" ++ show i) (getPos child)) [1..] exprs funRules = zipWith (\name expr -> Rule Nothing (Alias _LOC name (Underscore noPos)) expr False "around function" False True False Nothing False) funNames exprs -- adds the additional rules needed for merging. -- It produces for each merging child a rule with local attribute: "_merged". -- this rules takes the semantics of the first children and feeds it to the function -- represented by this attribute. This attribute then defines the semantics for -- the merging child. addMerges :: (Identifier, (Identifier,[Identifier],Expression)) -> [Rule] -> [Rule] addMerges (target,(_,_,expr)) rules = rule : rules where rule = Rule Nothing (Alias _LOC childLoc (Underscore noPos)) expr False "merge rule" False True False Nothing False childLoc = Ident (show target ++ "_merge") (getPos target) {-# LINE 351 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} {-# LINE 578 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} elimSelfId :: NontermIdent -> [Identifier] -> Type -> Type elimSelfId nt args Self = NT nt (map getName args) False elimSelfId _ _ tp = tp elimSelfStr :: NontermIdent -> [String] -> Type -> Type elimSelfStr nt args Self = NT nt args False elimSelfStr _ _ tp = tp {-# LINE 362 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} {-# LINE 630 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} -- When a rule has a name, create an alias for a rule -- and a modified rule that refers to the alias -- Thus it removes rule names from rules mkRuleAlias :: Rule -> (Rule, Maybe Rule) mkRuleAlias r@(Rule Nothing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = (r, Nothing) mkRuleAlias (Rule (Just nm) pat expr owrt origin expl pure identity mbErr eager) = (r', Just alias) where alias = Rule Nothing (Alias _LOC (Ident ("_rule_" ++ show nm) pos) (Underscore pos)) expr owrt origin expl pure identity mbErr eager pos = getPos nm expr' = Expression pos tks tks = [mkLocVar (Ident ("_rule_" ++ show nm) pos) pos (Just ("Indirection to rule " ++ show nm))] r' = Rule Nothing pat expr' owrt origin False True identity Nothing False {-# LINE 377 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} {-# LINE 647 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} needsMultiRules :: Options -> Bool needsMultiRules opts = (visit opts || withCycle opts) && not (kennedyWarren opts) {-# LINE 383 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} {-# LINE 652 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} {- multiRule replaces loc.(a,b) = e by loc.tup1 = e loc.(a,_) = @loc.tup1 loc.(_,b) = @loc.tup1 It needs to thread a unique number for inventing names for the tuples. It also works for nested tuples: loc.(a,(b,c)) = e becomes loc.tup1 = e loc.(a,_) = @loc.tup1 loc.(_,tup2) = @loc.tup1 loc.(b,_) = @loc.tup2 loc.(_,c) = @loc.tup2 -} multiRule :: Rule -> Int -> ([Rule], Int) multiRule (Rule _ pat expr owrt origin expl pure identity mbErr eager) uniq = let f :: Bool -> (Pattern->Pattern) -> Expression -> Pattern -> Int -> (Pattern, ([Rule], Int)) f expl' w e (Product pos pats) n = let freshName = Ident ("_tup" ++ show n) pos freshExpr = Expression pos freshTks freshTks = [AGField _LOC freshName pos Nothing] freshPat = Alias _LOC freshName (Underscore pos) a = length pats - 1 us b p = Product pos (replicate (a-b) (Underscore pos) ++ [p] ++ replicate b (Underscore pos)) g :: Pattern -> ([Pattern],[Rule],Int) -> ([Pattern],[Rule],Int) g p (xs1,rs1,n1) = let (x2,(rs2,n2)) = f False (us (length xs1)) freshExpr p n1 in (x2:xs1, rs2++rs1, n2) (xs9,rs9,n9) = foldr g ([], [], n+1) pats in ( freshPat , ( Rule Nothing (w freshPat) e owrt origin expl' True False mbErr eager : rs9 , n9 ) ) f expl' w e p n = ( p , ( [Rule Nothing (w p) e owrt origin expl' True False mbErr eager] , n ) ) in snd (f expl id expr pat uniq) {-# LINE 433 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} -- Child ------------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: inherited attributes: con : ConstructorIdent cr : Bool inhMap : Map Identifier Attributes merged : Set Identifier nt : NontermIdent params : [Identifier] synMap : Map Identifier Attributes synthesized attributes: errors : Seq Error field : (Identifier,Type,ChildKind) inherited : Attributes name : Identifier output : Child synthesized : Attributes alternatives: alternative Child: child name : {Identifier} child tp : {Type} child kind : {ChildKind} visit 0: local chnt : _ local inh : _ local _tup1 : _ local params : _ local nt : _ local inh1 : _ local syn : _ local syn1 : _ -} -- cata sem_Child :: Child -> T_Child sem_Child !(Child _name _tp _kind) = (sem_Child_Child _name _tp _kind) -- semantic domain newtype T_Child = T_Child (ConstructorIdent -> Bool -> (Map Identifier Attributes) -> (Set Identifier) -> NontermIdent -> ([Identifier]) -> (Map Identifier Attributes) -> ( (Seq Error),( (Identifier,Type,ChildKind) ),Attributes,Identifier,Child,Attributes)) data Inh_Child = Inh_Child {con_Inh_Child :: !(ConstructorIdent),cr_Inh_Child :: !(Bool),inhMap_Inh_Child :: !((Map Identifier Attributes)),merged_Inh_Child :: !((Set Identifier)),nt_Inh_Child :: !(NontermIdent),params_Inh_Child :: !(([Identifier])),synMap_Inh_Child :: !((Map Identifier Attributes))} data Syn_Child = Syn_Child {errors_Syn_Child :: !((Seq Error)),field_Syn_Child :: !(( (Identifier,Type,ChildKind) )),inherited_Syn_Child :: !(Attributes),name_Syn_Child :: !(Identifier),output_Syn_Child :: !(Child),synthesized_Syn_Child :: !(Attributes)} wrap_Child :: T_Child -> Inh_Child -> Syn_Child wrap_Child !(T_Child sem) !(Inh_Child _lhsIcon _lhsIcr _lhsIinhMap _lhsImerged _lhsInt _lhsIparams _lhsIsynMap) = (let ( !_lhsOerrors,!_lhsOfield,!_lhsOinherited,!_lhsOname,!_lhsOoutput,!_lhsOsynthesized) = sem _lhsIcon _lhsIcr _lhsIinhMap _lhsImerged _lhsInt _lhsIparams _lhsIsynMap in (Syn_Child _lhsOerrors _lhsOfield _lhsOinherited _lhsOname _lhsOoutput _lhsOsynthesized)) sem_Child_Child :: Identifier -> Type -> ChildKind -> T_Child sem_Child_Child !name_ !tp_ !kind_ = (T_Child (\ (!_lhsIcon) (!_lhsIcr) (!_lhsIinhMap) (!_lhsImerged) (!_lhsInt) (!_lhsIparams) (!_lhsIsynMap) -> (case (({-# LINE 168 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Seq.empty {-# LINE 503 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOerrors -> (case (({-# LINE 546 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} (name_,tp_,kind_) {-# LINE 508 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOfield -> (case (({-# LINE 19 "./src-ag/DistChildAttr.ag" #-} case tp_ of NT nt _ _ -> nt Self -> error ("The type of child " ++ show name_ ++ " should not be a Self type.") Haskell t -> identifier "" {-# LINE 516 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_chnt -> (case (({-# LINE 23 "./src-ag/DistChildAttr.ag" #-} Map.findWithDefault Map.empty _chnt _lhsIinhMap {-# LINE 521 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_inh -> (case (({-# LINE 568 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} case tp_ of NT nt params _ -> (nt, params) Self -> error ("The type of child " ++ show name_ ++ " should not be a Self type.") Haskell t -> (identifier t, []) {-# LINE 529 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !__tup1 -> (case (({-# LINE 568 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} __tup1 {-# LINE 534 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !(_,!_params) -> (case (({-# LINE 568 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} __tup1 {-# LINE 539 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !(!_nt,_) -> (case (({-# LINE 572 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Map.map (elimSelfStr _nt _params ) _inh {-# LINE 544 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_inh1 -> (case (({-# LINE 209 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _inh1 {-# LINE 549 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOinherited -> (case (({-# LINE 200 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} name_ {-# LINE 554 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOname -> (case (({-# LINE 614 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Child name_ tp_ kind_ {-# LINE 559 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOoutput -> (case (({-# LINE 24 "./src-ag/DistChildAttr.ag" #-} Map.findWithDefault Map.empty _chnt _lhsIsynMap {-# LINE 564 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_syn -> (case (({-# LINE 573 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Map.map (elimSelfStr _nt _params ) _syn {-# LINE 569 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_syn1 -> (case (({-# LINE 210 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} if name_ `Set.member` _lhsImerged then Map.empty else _syn1 {-# LINE 576 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOsynthesized -> ( _lhsOerrors,_lhsOfield,_lhsOinherited,_lhsOname,_lhsOoutput,_lhsOsynthesized) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))) -- Children ---------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: inherited attributes: con : ConstructorIdent cr : Bool inhMap : Map Identifier Attributes merged : Set Identifier nt : NontermIdent params : [Identifier] synMap : Map Identifier Attributes synthesized attributes: errors : Seq Error fields : [(Identifier,Type,ChildKind)] inputs : [(Identifier, Attributes)] output : Children outputs : [(Identifier, Attributes)] alternatives: alternative Cons: child hd : Child child tl : Children visit 0: local output : _ alternative Nil: visit 0: local output : _ -} -- cata sem_Children :: Children -> T_Children sem_Children !list = (Prelude.foldr sem_Children_Cons sem_Children_Nil (Prelude.map sem_Child list)) -- semantic domain newtype T_Children = T_Children (ConstructorIdent -> Bool -> (Map Identifier Attributes) -> (Set Identifier) -> NontermIdent -> ([Identifier]) -> (Map Identifier Attributes) -> ( (Seq Error),([(Identifier,Type,ChildKind)]),([(Identifier, Attributes)]),Children,([(Identifier, Attributes)]))) data Inh_Children = Inh_Children {con_Inh_Children :: !(ConstructorIdent),cr_Inh_Children :: !(Bool),inhMap_Inh_Children :: !((Map Identifier Attributes)),merged_Inh_Children :: !((Set Identifier)),nt_Inh_Children :: !(NontermIdent),params_Inh_Children :: !(([Identifier])),synMap_Inh_Children :: !((Map Identifier Attributes))} data Syn_Children = Syn_Children {errors_Syn_Children :: !((Seq Error)),fields_Syn_Children :: !(([(Identifier,Type,ChildKind)])),inputs_Syn_Children :: !(([(Identifier, Attributes)])),output_Syn_Children :: !(Children),outputs_Syn_Children :: !(([(Identifier, Attributes)]))} wrap_Children :: T_Children -> Inh_Children -> Syn_Children wrap_Children !(T_Children sem) !(Inh_Children _lhsIcon _lhsIcr _lhsIinhMap _lhsImerged _lhsInt _lhsIparams _lhsIsynMap) = (let ( !_lhsOerrors,!_lhsOfields,!_lhsOinputs,!_lhsOoutput,!_lhsOoutputs) = sem _lhsIcon _lhsIcr _lhsIinhMap _lhsImerged _lhsInt _lhsIparams _lhsIsynMap in (Syn_Children _lhsOerrors _lhsOfields _lhsOinputs _lhsOoutput _lhsOoutputs)) sem_Children_Cons :: T_Child -> T_Children -> T_Children sem_Children_Cons !(T_Child hd_) !(T_Children tl_) = (T_Children (\ (!_lhsIcon) (!_lhsIcr) (!_lhsIinhMap) (!_lhsImerged) (!_lhsInt) (!_lhsIparams) (!_lhsIsynMap) -> (case (({-# LINE 12 "./src-ag/DistChildAttr.ag" #-} _lhsIsynMap {-# LINE 642 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOsynMap -> (case (({-# LINE 42 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIparams {-# LINE 647 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOparams -> (case (({-# LINE 39 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsInt {-# LINE 652 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOnt -> (case (({-# LINE 788 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsImerged {-# LINE 657 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOmerged -> (case (({-# LINE 12 "./src-ag/DistChildAttr.ag" #-} _lhsIinhMap {-# LINE 662 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOinhMap -> (case (({-# LINE 56 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIcr {-# LINE 667 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOcr -> (case (({-# LINE 40 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIcon {-# LINE 672 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOcon -> (case (tl_ _tlOcon _tlOcr _tlOinhMap _tlOmerged _tlOnt _tlOparams _tlOsynMap) of { ( !_tlIerrors,!_tlIfields,!_tlIinputs,!_tlIoutput,!_tlIoutputs) -> (case (({-# LINE 12 "./src-ag/DistChildAttr.ag" #-} _lhsIsynMap {-# LINE 679 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOsynMap -> (case (({-# LINE 42 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIparams {-# LINE 684 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOparams -> (case (({-# LINE 39 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsInt {-# LINE 689 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOnt -> (case (({-# LINE 788 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsImerged {-# LINE 694 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOmerged -> (case (({-# LINE 12 "./src-ag/DistChildAttr.ag" #-} _lhsIinhMap {-# LINE 699 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOinhMap -> (case (({-# LINE 56 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIcr {-# LINE 704 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOcr -> (case (({-# LINE 40 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIcon {-# LINE 709 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOcon -> (case (hd_ _hdOcon _hdOcr _hdOinhMap _hdOmerged _hdOnt _hdOparams _hdOsynMap) of { ( !_hdIerrors,!_hdIfield,!_hdIinherited,!_hdIname,!_hdIoutput,!_hdIsynthesized) -> (case (({-# LINE 168 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _hdIerrors Seq.>< _tlIerrors {-# LINE 716 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOerrors -> (case (({-# LINE 542 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _hdIfield : _tlIfields {-# LINE 721 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOfields -> (case (({-# LINE 215 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} (_hdIname, _hdIinherited) : _tlIinputs {-# LINE 726 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOinputs -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} (:) _hdIoutput _tlIoutput {-# LINE 731 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_output -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _output {-# LINE 736 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOoutput -> (case (({-# LINE 216 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} (_hdIname, _hdIsynthesized) : _tlIoutputs {-# LINE 741 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOoutputs -> ( _lhsOerrors,_lhsOfields,_lhsOinputs,_lhsOoutput,_lhsOoutputs) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))) sem_Children_Nil :: T_Children sem_Children_Nil = (T_Children (\ (!_lhsIcon) (!_lhsIcr) (!_lhsIinhMap) (!_lhsImerged) (!_lhsInt) (!_lhsIparams) (!_lhsIsynMap) -> (case (({-# LINE 168 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Seq.empty {-# LINE 756 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOerrors -> (case (({-# LINE 543 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} [] {-# LINE 761 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOfields -> (case (({-# LINE 217 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} [] {-# LINE 766 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOinputs -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} [] {-# LINE 771 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_output -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _output {-# LINE 776 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOoutput -> (case (({-# LINE 218 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} [] {-# LINE 781 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOoutputs -> ( _lhsOerrors,_lhsOfields,_lhsOinputs,_lhsOoutput,_lhsOoutputs) }) }) }) }) }) }))) -- Grammar ----------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: inherited attribute: options : Options synthesized attributes: errors : Seq Error output : Grammar alternatives: alternative Grammar: child typeSyns : {TypeSyns} child useMap : {UseMap} child derivings : {Derivings} child wrappers : {Set NontermIdent} child nonts : Nonterminals child pragmas : {PragmaMap} child manualAttrOrderMap : {AttrOrderMap} child paramMap : {ParamMap} child contextMap : {ContextMap} child quantMap : {QuantMap} child uniqueMap : {UniqueMap} child augmentsMap : {Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression]))} child aroundsMap : {Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression]))} child mergeMap : {Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier (Identifier, [Identifier], Expression)))} visit 0: local output : _ -} -- cata sem_Grammar :: Grammar -> T_Grammar sem_Grammar !(Grammar _typeSyns _useMap _derivings _wrappers _nonts _pragmas _manualAttrOrderMap _paramMap _contextMap _quantMap _uniqueMap _augmentsMap _aroundsMap _mergeMap) = (sem_Grammar_Grammar _typeSyns _useMap _derivings _wrappers (sem_Nonterminals _nonts) _pragmas _manualAttrOrderMap _paramMap _contextMap _quantMap _uniqueMap _augmentsMap _aroundsMap _mergeMap) -- semantic domain newtype T_Grammar = T_Grammar (Options -> ( (Seq Error),Grammar)) data Inh_Grammar = Inh_Grammar {options_Inh_Grammar :: !(Options)} data Syn_Grammar = Syn_Grammar {errors_Syn_Grammar :: !((Seq Error)),output_Syn_Grammar :: !(Grammar)} wrap_Grammar :: T_Grammar -> Inh_Grammar -> Syn_Grammar wrap_Grammar !(T_Grammar sem) !(Inh_Grammar _lhsIoptions) = (let ( !_lhsOerrors,!_lhsOoutput) = sem _lhsIoptions in (Syn_Grammar _lhsOerrors _lhsOoutput)) sem_Grammar_Grammar :: TypeSyns -> UseMap -> Derivings -> (Set NontermIdent) -> T_Nonterminals -> PragmaMap -> AttrOrderMap -> ParamMap -> ContextMap -> QuantMap -> UniqueMap -> (Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression]))) -> (Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression]))) -> (Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier (Identifier, [Identifier], Expression)))) -> T_Grammar sem_Grammar_Grammar !typeSyns_ !useMap_ !derivings_ !wrappers_ !(T_Nonterminals nonts_) !pragmas_ !manualAttrOrderMap_ !paramMap_ !contextMap_ !quantMap_ !uniqueMap_ !augmentsMap_ !aroundsMap_ !mergeMap_ = (T_Grammar (\ (!_lhsIoptions) -> (case (({-# LINE 51 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIoptions {-# LINE 847 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_nontsOoptions -> (case (nonts_) of { ( !_nontsIcollect_nts,!_nontsIinhMap',!_nontsIsynMap',!T_Nonterminals_1 nonts_1) -> (case (({-# LINE 16 "./src-ag/DistChildAttr.ag" #-} _nontsIsynMap' {-# LINE 854 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_nontsOsynMap -> (case (({-# LINE 15 "./src-ag/DistChildAttr.ag" #-} _nontsIinhMap' {-# LINE 859 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_nontsOinhMap -> (case (({-# LINE 790 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} mergeMap_ {-# LINE 864 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_nontsOmergesIn -> (case (({-# LINE 709 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} manualAttrOrderMap_ {-# LINE 869 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_nontsOmanualAttrOrderMap -> (case (({-# LINE 204 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} typeSyns_ {-# LINE 874 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_nontsOtypeSyns -> (case (({-# LINE 202 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} useMap_ {-# LINE 879 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_nontsOuseMap -> (case (({-# LINE 67 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} wrappers_ {-# LINE 884 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_nontsOwrappers -> (case (({-# LINE 59 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} modcopy _lhsIoptions {-# LINE 889 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_nontsOcr -> (case (({-# LINE 58 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} rename _lhsIoptions {-# LINE 894 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_nontsOo_rename -> (case (({-# LINE 782 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} aroundsMap_ {-# LINE 899 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_nontsOaroundsIn -> (case (({-# LINE 775 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} augmentsMap_ {-# LINE 904 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_nontsOaugmentsIn -> (case (({-# LINE 595 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} 1 {-# LINE 909 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_nontsOuniq -> (case (({-# LINE 180 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _nontsIcollect_nts {-# LINE 914 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_nontsOnonterminals -> (case (nonts_1 _nontsOaroundsIn _nontsOaugmentsIn _nontsOcr _nontsOinhMap _nontsOmanualAttrOrderMap _nontsOmergesIn _nontsOnonterminals _nontsOo_rename _nontsOoptions _nontsOsynMap _nontsOtypeSyns _nontsOuniq _nontsOuseMap _nontsOwrappers) of { ( !_nontsIerrors,!_nontsIoutput,!_nontsIuniq) -> (case (({-# LINE 168 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _nontsIerrors {-# LINE 921 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOerrors -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Grammar typeSyns_ useMap_ derivings_ wrappers_ _nontsIoutput pragmas_ manualAttrOrderMap_ paramMap_ contextMap_ quantMap_ uniqueMap_ augmentsMap_ aroundsMap_ mergeMap_ {-# LINE 926 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_output -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _output {-# LINE 931 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOoutput -> ( _lhsOerrors,_lhsOoutput) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))) -- Nonterminal ------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: synthesized attributes: collect_nts : Set NontermIdent inhMap' : Map Identifier Attributes synMap' : Map Identifier Attributes visit 1: inherited attributes: aroundsIn : Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression])) augmentsIn : Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression])) cr : Bool inhMap : Map Identifier Attributes manualAttrOrderMap : AttrOrderMap mergesIn : Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier (Identifier,[Identifier],Expression))) nonterminals : Set NontermIdent o_rename : Bool options : Options synMap : Map Identifier Attributes typeSyns : TypeSyns useMap : UseMap wrappers : Set NontermIdent chained attribute: uniq : Int synthesized attributes: errors : Seq Error output : Nonterminal alternatives: alternative Nonterminal: child nt : {NontermIdent} child params : {[Identifier]} child inh : {Attributes} child syn : {Attributes} child prods : Productions visit 1: local mergesIn : _ local syn1 : _ local inh1 : _ local augmentsIn : _ local aroundsIn : _ -} -- cata sem_Nonterminal :: Nonterminal -> T_Nonterminal sem_Nonterminal !(Nonterminal _nt _params _inh _syn _prods) = (sem_Nonterminal_Nonterminal _nt _params _inh _syn (sem_Productions _prods)) -- semantic domain newtype T_Nonterminal = T_Nonterminal (( (Set NontermIdent),(Map Identifier Attributes),(Map Identifier Attributes),T_Nonterminal_1)) newtype T_Nonterminal_1 = T_Nonterminal_1 ((Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression]))) -> (Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression]))) -> Bool -> (Map Identifier Attributes) -> AttrOrderMap -> (Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier (Identifier,[Identifier],Expression)))) -> (Set NontermIdent) -> Bool -> Options -> (Map Identifier Attributes) -> TypeSyns -> Int -> UseMap -> (Set NontermIdent) -> ( (Seq Error),Nonterminal,Int)) data Inh_Nonterminal = Inh_Nonterminal {aroundsIn_Inh_Nonterminal :: !((Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression])))),augmentsIn_Inh_Nonterminal :: !((Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression])))),cr_Inh_Nonterminal :: !(Bool),inhMap_Inh_Nonterminal :: !((Map Identifier Attributes)),manualAttrOrderMap_Inh_Nonterminal :: !(AttrOrderMap),mergesIn_Inh_Nonterminal :: !((Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier (Identifier,[Identifier],Expression))))),nonterminals_Inh_Nonterminal :: !((Set NontermIdent)),o_rename_Inh_Nonterminal :: !(Bool),options_Inh_Nonterminal :: !(Options),synMap_Inh_Nonterminal :: !((Map Identifier Attributes)),typeSyns_Inh_Nonterminal :: !(TypeSyns),uniq_Inh_Nonterminal :: !(Int),useMap_Inh_Nonterminal :: !(UseMap),wrappers_Inh_Nonterminal :: !((Set NontermIdent))} data Syn_Nonterminal = Syn_Nonterminal {collect_nts_Syn_Nonterminal :: !((Set NontermIdent)),errors_Syn_Nonterminal :: !((Seq Error)),inhMap'_Syn_Nonterminal :: !((Map Identifier Attributes)),output_Syn_Nonterminal :: !(Nonterminal),synMap'_Syn_Nonterminal :: !((Map Identifier Attributes)),uniq_Syn_Nonterminal :: !(Int)} wrap_Nonterminal :: T_Nonterminal -> Inh_Nonterminal -> Syn_Nonterminal wrap_Nonterminal !(T_Nonterminal sem) !(Inh_Nonterminal _lhsIaroundsIn _lhsIaugmentsIn _lhsIcr _lhsIinhMap _lhsImanualAttrOrderMap _lhsImergesIn _lhsInonterminals _lhsIo_rename _lhsIoptions _lhsIsynMap _lhsItypeSyns _lhsIuniq _lhsIuseMap _lhsIwrappers) = (let ( !_lhsOcollect_nts,!_lhsOinhMap',!_lhsOsynMap',!T_Nonterminal_1 sem_1) = sem ( !_lhsOerrors,!_lhsOoutput,!_lhsOuniq) = sem_1 _lhsIaroundsIn _lhsIaugmentsIn _lhsIcr _lhsIinhMap _lhsImanualAttrOrderMap _lhsImergesIn _lhsInonterminals _lhsIo_rename _lhsIoptions _lhsIsynMap _lhsItypeSyns _lhsIuniq _lhsIuseMap _lhsIwrappers in (Syn_Nonterminal _lhsOcollect_nts _lhsOerrors _lhsOinhMap' _lhsOoutput _lhsOsynMap' _lhsOuniq)) sem_Nonterminal_Nonterminal :: NontermIdent -> ([Identifier]) -> Attributes -> Attributes -> T_Productions -> T_Nonterminal sem_Nonterminal_Nonterminal !nt_ !params_ !inh_ !syn_ !(T_Productions prods_) = (T_Nonterminal (case (({-# LINE 176 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Set.singleton nt_ {-# LINE 1016 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOcollect_nts -> (case (({-# LINE 7 "./src-ag/DistChildAttr.ag" #-} Map.singleton nt_ inh_ {-# LINE 1021 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOinhMap' -> (case (({-# LINE 8 "./src-ag/DistChildAttr.ag" #-} Map.singleton nt_ syn_ {-# LINE 1026 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOsynMap' -> (case ((let sem_Nonterminal_Nonterminal_1 :: T_Nonterminal_1 sem_Nonterminal_Nonterminal_1 = (T_Nonterminal_1 (\ (!_lhsIaroundsIn) (!_lhsIaugmentsIn) (!_lhsIcr) (!_lhsIinhMap) (!_lhsImanualAttrOrderMap) (!_lhsImergesIn) (!_lhsInonterminals) (!_lhsIo_rename) (!_lhsIoptions) (!_lhsIsynMap) (!_lhsItypeSyns) (!_lhsIuniq) (!_lhsIuseMap) (!_lhsIwrappers) -> (case (({-# LINE 65 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIwrappers {-# LINE 1047 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_prodsOwrappers -> (case (({-# LINE 72 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsItypeSyns {-# LINE 1052 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_prodsOtypeSyns -> (case (({-# LINE 12 "./src-ag/DistChildAttr.ag" #-} _lhsIsynMap {-# LINE 1057 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_prodsOsynMap -> (case (({-# LINE 51 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIoptions {-# LINE 1062 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_prodsOoptions -> (case (({-# LINE 52 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIo_rename {-# LINE 1067 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_prodsOo_rename -> (case (({-# LINE 791 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Map.findWithDefault Map.empty nt_ _lhsImergesIn {-# LINE 1072 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_mergesIn -> (case (({-# LINE 787 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _mergesIn {-# LINE 1077 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_prodsOmergesIn -> (case (({-# LINE 705 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsImanualAttrOrderMap {-# LINE 1082 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_prodsOmanualAttrOrderMap -> (case (({-# LINE 12 "./src-ag/DistChildAttr.ag" #-} _lhsIinhMap {-# LINE 1087 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_prodsOinhMap -> (case (({-# LINE 53 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIcr {-# LINE 1092 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_prodsOcr -> (case (({-# LINE 565 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Map.map (elimSelfId nt_ params_) syn_ {-# LINE 1097 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_syn1 -> (case (({-# LINE 564 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Map.map (elimSelfId nt_ params_) inh_ {-# LINE 1102 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_inh1 -> (case (({-# LINE 206 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} nt_ {-# LINE 1107 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_prodsOnt -> (case (({-# LINE 194 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Map.findWithDefault Map.empty nt_ _lhsIuseMap {-# LINE 1112 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_prodsOuseMap -> (case (({-# LINE 193 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} syn_ {-# LINE 1117 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_prodsOsynOrig -> (case (({-# LINE 191 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _syn1 {-# LINE 1122 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_prodsOsyn -> (case (({-# LINE 190 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _inh1 {-# LINE 1127 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_prodsOinh -> (case (({-# LINE 592 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIuniq {-# LINE 1132 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_prodsOuniq -> (case (({-# LINE 178 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsInonterminals {-# LINE 1137 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_prodsOnonterminals -> (case (({-# LINE 776 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Map.findWithDefault Map.empty nt_ _lhsIaugmentsIn {-# LINE 1142 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_augmentsIn -> (case (({-# LINE 773 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _augmentsIn {-# LINE 1147 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_prodsOaugmentsIn -> (case (({-# LINE 783 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Map.findWithDefault Map.empty nt_ _lhsIaroundsIn {-# LINE 1152 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_aroundsIn -> (case (({-# LINE 780 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _aroundsIn {-# LINE 1157 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_prodsOaroundsIn -> (case (({-# LINE 192 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} inh_ {-# LINE 1162 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_prodsOinhOrig -> (case (({-# LINE 44 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} params_ {-# LINE 1167 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_prodsOparams -> (case (prods_ _prodsOaroundsIn _prodsOaugmentsIn _prodsOcr _prodsOinh _prodsOinhMap _prodsOinhOrig _prodsOmanualAttrOrderMap _prodsOmergesIn _prodsOnonterminals _prodsOnt _prodsOo_rename _prodsOoptions _prodsOparams _prodsOsyn _prodsOsynMap _prodsOsynOrig _prodsOtypeSyns _prodsOuniq _prodsOuseMap _prodsOwrappers) of { ( !_prodsIerrors,!_prodsIoutput,!_prodsIuniq) -> (case (({-# LINE 168 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _prodsIerrors {-# LINE 1174 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOerrors -> (case (({-# LINE 604 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Nonterminal nt_ params_ _inh1 _syn1 _prodsIoutput {-# LINE 1179 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOoutput -> (case (({-# LINE 592 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _prodsIuniq {-# LINE 1184 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOuniq -> ( _lhsOerrors,_lhsOoutput,_lhsOuniq) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))) in sem_Nonterminal_Nonterminal_1)) of { ( !sem_Nonterminal_1) -> ( _lhsOcollect_nts,_lhsOinhMap',_lhsOsynMap',sem_Nonterminal_1) }) }) }) })) -- Nonterminals ------------------------------------------------ {- visit 0: synthesized attributes: collect_nts : Set NontermIdent inhMap' : Map Identifier Attributes synMap' : Map Identifier Attributes visit 1: inherited attributes: aroundsIn : Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression])) augmentsIn : Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression])) cr : Bool inhMap : Map Identifier Attributes manualAttrOrderMap : AttrOrderMap mergesIn : Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier (Identifier,[Identifier],Expression))) nonterminals : Set NontermIdent o_rename : Bool options : Options synMap : Map Identifier Attributes typeSyns : TypeSyns useMap : UseMap wrappers : Set NontermIdent chained attribute: uniq : Int synthesized attributes: errors : Seq Error output : Nonterminals alternatives: alternative Cons: child hd : Nonterminal child tl : Nonterminals visit 1: local output : _ alternative Nil: visit 1: local output : _ -} -- cata sem_Nonterminals :: Nonterminals -> T_Nonterminals sem_Nonterminals !list = (Prelude.foldr sem_Nonterminals_Cons sem_Nonterminals_Nil (Prelude.map sem_Nonterminal list)) -- semantic domain newtype T_Nonterminals = T_Nonterminals (( (Set NontermIdent),(Map Identifier Attributes),(Map Identifier Attributes),T_Nonterminals_1)) newtype T_Nonterminals_1 = T_Nonterminals_1 ((Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression]))) -> (Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression]))) -> Bool -> (Map Identifier Attributes) -> AttrOrderMap -> (Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier (Identifier,[Identifier],Expression)))) -> (Set NontermIdent) -> Bool -> Options -> (Map Identifier Attributes) -> TypeSyns -> Int -> UseMap -> (Set NontermIdent) -> ( (Seq Error),Nonterminals,Int)) data Inh_Nonterminals = Inh_Nonterminals {aroundsIn_Inh_Nonterminals :: !((Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression])))),augmentsIn_Inh_Nonterminals :: !((Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression])))),cr_Inh_Nonterminals :: !(Bool),inhMap_Inh_Nonterminals :: !((Map Identifier Attributes)),manualAttrOrderMap_Inh_Nonterminals :: !(AttrOrderMap),mergesIn_Inh_Nonterminals :: !((Map NontermIdent (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier (Identifier,[Identifier],Expression))))),nonterminals_Inh_Nonterminals :: !((Set NontermIdent)),o_rename_Inh_Nonterminals :: !(Bool),options_Inh_Nonterminals :: !(Options),synMap_Inh_Nonterminals :: !((Map Identifier Attributes)),typeSyns_Inh_Nonterminals :: !(TypeSyns),uniq_Inh_Nonterminals :: !(Int),useMap_Inh_Nonterminals :: !(UseMap),wrappers_Inh_Nonterminals :: !((Set NontermIdent))} data Syn_Nonterminals = Syn_Nonterminals {collect_nts_Syn_Nonterminals :: !((Set NontermIdent)),errors_Syn_Nonterminals :: !((Seq Error)),inhMap'_Syn_Nonterminals :: !((Map Identifier Attributes)),output_Syn_Nonterminals :: !(Nonterminals),synMap'_Syn_Nonterminals :: !((Map Identifier Attributes)),uniq_Syn_Nonterminals :: !(Int)} wrap_Nonterminals :: T_Nonterminals -> Inh_Nonterminals -> Syn_Nonterminals wrap_Nonterminals !(T_Nonterminals sem) !(Inh_Nonterminals _lhsIaroundsIn _lhsIaugmentsIn _lhsIcr _lhsIinhMap _lhsImanualAttrOrderMap _lhsImergesIn _lhsInonterminals _lhsIo_rename _lhsIoptions _lhsIsynMap _lhsItypeSyns _lhsIuniq _lhsIuseMap _lhsIwrappers) = (let ( !_lhsOcollect_nts,!_lhsOinhMap',!_lhsOsynMap',!T_Nonterminals_1 sem_1) = sem ( !_lhsOerrors,!_lhsOoutput,!_lhsOuniq) = sem_1 _lhsIaroundsIn _lhsIaugmentsIn _lhsIcr _lhsIinhMap _lhsImanualAttrOrderMap _lhsImergesIn _lhsInonterminals _lhsIo_rename _lhsIoptions _lhsIsynMap _lhsItypeSyns _lhsIuniq _lhsIuseMap _lhsIwrappers in (Syn_Nonterminals _lhsOcollect_nts _lhsOerrors _lhsOinhMap' _lhsOoutput _lhsOsynMap' _lhsOuniq)) sem_Nonterminals_Cons :: T_Nonterminal -> T_Nonterminals -> T_Nonterminals sem_Nonterminals_Cons !(T_Nonterminal hd_) !(T_Nonterminals tl_) = (T_Nonterminals (case (tl_) of { ( !_tlIcollect_nts,!_tlIinhMap',!_tlIsynMap',!T_Nonterminals_1 tl_1) -> (case (hd_) of { ( !_hdIcollect_nts,!_hdIinhMap',!_hdIsynMap',!T_Nonterminal_1 hd_1) -> (case (({-# LINE 174 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _hdIcollect_nts `Set.union` _tlIcollect_nts {-# LINE 1269 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOcollect_nts -> (case (({-# LINE 4 "./src-ag/DistChildAttr.ag" #-} _hdIinhMap' `Map.union` _tlIinhMap' {-# LINE 1274 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOinhMap' -> (case (({-# LINE 4 "./src-ag/DistChildAttr.ag" #-} _hdIsynMap' `Map.union` _tlIsynMap' {-# LINE 1279 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOsynMap' -> (case ((let sem_Nonterminals_Cons_1 :: T_Nonterminals_1 sem_Nonterminals_Cons_1 = (T_Nonterminals_1 (\ (!_lhsIaroundsIn) (!_lhsIaugmentsIn) (!_lhsIcr) (!_lhsIinhMap) (!_lhsImanualAttrOrderMap) (!_lhsImergesIn) (!_lhsInonterminals) (!_lhsIo_rename) (!_lhsIoptions) (!_lhsIsynMap) (!_lhsItypeSyns) (!_lhsIuniq) (!_lhsIuseMap) (!_lhsIwrappers) -> (case (({-# LINE 65 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIwrappers {-# LINE 1300 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOwrappers -> (case (({-# LINE 186 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIuseMap {-# LINE 1305 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOuseMap -> (case (({-# LINE 72 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsItypeSyns {-# LINE 1310 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOtypeSyns -> (case (({-# LINE 12 "./src-ag/DistChildAttr.ag" #-} _lhsIsynMap {-# LINE 1315 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOsynMap -> (case (({-# LINE 51 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIoptions {-# LINE 1320 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOoptions -> (case (({-# LINE 52 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIo_rename {-# LINE 1325 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOo_rename -> (case (({-# LINE 786 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsImergesIn {-# LINE 1330 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOmergesIn -> (case (({-# LINE 705 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsImanualAttrOrderMap {-# LINE 1335 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOmanualAttrOrderMap -> (case (({-# LINE 12 "./src-ag/DistChildAttr.ag" #-} _lhsIinhMap {-# LINE 1340 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOinhMap -> (case (({-# LINE 53 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIcr {-# LINE 1345 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOcr -> (case (({-# LINE 65 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIwrappers {-# LINE 1350 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOwrappers -> (case (({-# LINE 186 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIuseMap {-# LINE 1355 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOuseMap -> (case (({-# LINE 72 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsItypeSyns {-# LINE 1360 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOtypeSyns -> (case (({-# LINE 12 "./src-ag/DistChildAttr.ag" #-} _lhsIsynMap {-# LINE 1365 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOsynMap -> (case (({-# LINE 51 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIoptions {-# LINE 1370 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOoptions -> (case (({-# LINE 52 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIo_rename {-# LINE 1375 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOo_rename -> (case (({-# LINE 786 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsImergesIn {-# LINE 1380 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOmergesIn -> (case (({-# LINE 705 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsImanualAttrOrderMap {-# LINE 1385 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOmanualAttrOrderMap -> (case (({-# LINE 12 "./src-ag/DistChildAttr.ag" #-} _lhsIinhMap {-# LINE 1390 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOinhMap -> (case (({-# LINE 53 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIcr {-# LINE 1395 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOcr -> (case (({-# LINE 592 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIuniq {-# LINE 1400 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOuniq -> (case (({-# LINE 178 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsInonterminals {-# LINE 1405 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOnonterminals -> (case (({-# LINE 772 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIaugmentsIn {-# LINE 1410 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOaugmentsIn -> (case (({-# LINE 779 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIaroundsIn {-# LINE 1415 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOaroundsIn -> (case (hd_1 _hdOaroundsIn _hdOaugmentsIn _hdOcr _hdOinhMap _hdOmanualAttrOrderMap _hdOmergesIn _hdOnonterminals _hdOo_rename _hdOoptions _hdOsynMap _hdOtypeSyns _hdOuniq _hdOuseMap _hdOwrappers) of { ( !_hdIerrors,!_hdIoutput,!_hdIuniq) -> (case (({-# LINE 592 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _hdIuniq {-# LINE 1422 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOuniq -> (case (({-# LINE 178 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsInonterminals {-# LINE 1427 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOnonterminals -> (case (({-# LINE 772 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIaugmentsIn {-# LINE 1432 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOaugmentsIn -> (case (({-# LINE 779 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIaroundsIn {-# LINE 1437 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOaroundsIn -> (case (tl_1 _tlOaroundsIn _tlOaugmentsIn _tlOcr _tlOinhMap _tlOmanualAttrOrderMap _tlOmergesIn _tlOnonterminals _tlOo_rename _tlOoptions _tlOsynMap _tlOtypeSyns _tlOuniq _tlOuseMap _tlOwrappers) of { ( !_tlIerrors,!_tlIoutput,!_tlIuniq) -> (case (({-# LINE 168 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _hdIerrors Seq.>< _tlIerrors {-# LINE 1444 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOerrors -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} (:) _hdIoutput _tlIoutput {-# LINE 1449 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_output -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _output {-# LINE 1454 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOoutput -> (case (({-# LINE 592 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _tlIuniq {-# LINE 1459 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOuniq -> ( _lhsOerrors,_lhsOoutput,_lhsOuniq) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))) in sem_Nonterminals_Cons_1)) of { ( !sem_Nonterminals_1) -> ( _lhsOcollect_nts,_lhsOinhMap',_lhsOsynMap',sem_Nonterminals_1) }) }) }) }) }) })) sem_Nonterminals_Nil :: T_Nonterminals sem_Nonterminals_Nil = (T_Nonterminals (case (({-# LINE 174 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Set.empty {-# LINE 1470 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOcollect_nts -> (case (({-# LINE 4 "./src-ag/DistChildAttr.ag" #-} Map.empty {-# LINE 1475 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOinhMap' -> (case (({-# LINE 4 "./src-ag/DistChildAttr.ag" #-} Map.empty {-# LINE 1480 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOsynMap' -> (case ((let sem_Nonterminals_Nil_1 :: T_Nonterminals_1 sem_Nonterminals_Nil_1 = (T_Nonterminals_1 (\ (!_lhsIaroundsIn) (!_lhsIaugmentsIn) (!_lhsIcr) (!_lhsIinhMap) (!_lhsImanualAttrOrderMap) (!_lhsImergesIn) (!_lhsInonterminals) (!_lhsIo_rename) (!_lhsIoptions) (!_lhsIsynMap) (!_lhsItypeSyns) (!_lhsIuniq) (!_lhsIuseMap) (!_lhsIwrappers) -> (case (({-# LINE 168 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Seq.empty {-# LINE 1501 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOerrors -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} [] {-# LINE 1506 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_output -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _output {-# LINE 1511 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOoutput -> (case (({-# LINE 592 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIuniq {-# LINE 1516 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOuniq -> ( _lhsOerrors,_lhsOoutput,_lhsOuniq) }) }) }) }))) in sem_Nonterminals_Nil_1)) of { ( !sem_Nonterminals_1) -> ( _lhsOcollect_nts,_lhsOinhMap',_lhsOsynMap',sem_Nonterminals_1) }) }) }) })) -- Pattern ----------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: inherited attributes: con : ConstructorIdent nt : NontermIdent synthesized attributes: containsVars : Bool copy : Pattern definedAttrs : Set (Identifier,Identifier) errors : Seq Error locals : Set Identifier output : Pattern alternatives: alternative Constr: child name : {ConstructorIdent} child pats : Patterns visit 0: local copy : _ local output : _ alternative Product: child pos : {Pos} child pats : Patterns visit 0: local copy : _ local output : _ alternative Alias: child field : {Identifier} child attr : {Identifier} child pat : Pattern visit 0: local copy : _ local output : _ alternative Irrefutable: child pat : Pattern visit 0: local copy : _ local output : _ alternative Underscore: child pos : {Pos} visit 0: local copy : _ local output : _ -} -- cata sem_Pattern :: Pattern -> T_Pattern sem_Pattern !(Constr _name _pats) = (sem_Pattern_Constr _name (sem_Patterns _pats)) sem_Pattern !(Product _pos _pats) = (sem_Pattern_Product _pos (sem_Patterns _pats)) sem_Pattern !(Alias _field _attr _pat) = (sem_Pattern_Alias _field _attr (sem_Pattern _pat)) sem_Pattern !(Irrefutable _pat) = (sem_Pattern_Irrefutable (sem_Pattern _pat)) sem_Pattern !(Underscore _pos) = (sem_Pattern_Underscore _pos) -- semantic domain newtype T_Pattern = T_Pattern (ConstructorIdent -> NontermIdent -> ( Bool,Pattern,(Set (Identifier,Identifier)),(Seq Error),(Set Identifier),Pattern)) data Inh_Pattern = Inh_Pattern {con_Inh_Pattern :: !(ConstructorIdent),nt_Inh_Pattern :: !(NontermIdent)} data Syn_Pattern = Syn_Pattern {containsVars_Syn_Pattern :: !(Bool),copy_Syn_Pattern :: !(Pattern),definedAttrs_Syn_Pattern :: !((Set (Identifier,Identifier))),errors_Syn_Pattern :: !((Seq Error)),locals_Syn_Pattern :: !((Set Identifier)),output_Syn_Pattern :: !(Pattern)} wrap_Pattern :: T_Pattern -> Inh_Pattern -> Syn_Pattern wrap_Pattern !(T_Pattern sem) !(Inh_Pattern _lhsIcon _lhsInt) = (let ( !_lhsOcontainsVars,!_lhsOcopy,!_lhsOdefinedAttrs,!_lhsOerrors,!_lhsOlocals,!_lhsOoutput) = sem _lhsIcon _lhsInt in (Syn_Pattern _lhsOcontainsVars _lhsOcopy _lhsOdefinedAttrs _lhsOerrors _lhsOlocals _lhsOoutput)) sem_Pattern_Constr :: ConstructorIdent -> T_Patterns -> T_Pattern sem_Pattern_Constr !name_ !(T_Patterns pats_) = (T_Pattern (\ (!_lhsIcon) (!_lhsInt) -> (case (({-# LINE 39 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsInt {-# LINE 1600 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_patsOnt -> (case (({-# LINE 40 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIcon {-# LINE 1605 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_patsOcon -> (case (pats_ _patsOcon _patsOnt) of { ( !_patsIcontainsVars,!_patsIcopy,!_patsIdefinedAttrs,!_patsIerrors,!_patsIlocals,!_patsIoutput) -> (case (({-# LINE 551 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _patsIcontainsVars {-# LINE 1612 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOcontainsVars -> (case (({-# LINE 22 "./src-ag/Patterns.ag" #-} Constr name_ _patsIcopy {-# LINE 1617 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_copy -> (case (({-# LINE 22 "./src-ag/Patterns.ag" #-} _copy {-# LINE 1622 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOcopy -> (case (({-# LINE 531 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _patsIdefinedAttrs {-# LINE 1627 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOdefinedAttrs -> (case (({-# LINE 168 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _patsIerrors {-# LINE 1632 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOerrors -> (case (({-# LINE 530 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _patsIlocals {-# LINE 1637 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOlocals -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Constr name_ _patsIoutput {-# LINE 1642 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_output -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _output {-# LINE 1647 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOoutput -> ( _lhsOcontainsVars,_lhsOcopy,_lhsOdefinedAttrs,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOlocals,_lhsOoutput) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))) sem_Pattern_Product :: Pos -> T_Patterns -> T_Pattern sem_Pattern_Product !pos_ !(T_Patterns pats_) = (T_Pattern (\ (!_lhsIcon) (!_lhsInt) -> (case (({-# LINE 39 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsInt {-# LINE 1659 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_patsOnt -> (case (({-# LINE 40 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIcon {-# LINE 1664 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_patsOcon -> (case (pats_ _patsOcon _patsOnt) of { ( !_patsIcontainsVars,!_patsIcopy,!_patsIdefinedAttrs,!_patsIerrors,!_patsIlocals,!_patsIoutput) -> (case (({-# LINE 551 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _patsIcontainsVars {-# LINE 1671 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOcontainsVars -> (case (({-# LINE 22 "./src-ag/Patterns.ag" #-} Product pos_ _patsIcopy {-# LINE 1676 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_copy -> (case (({-# LINE 22 "./src-ag/Patterns.ag" #-} _copy {-# LINE 1681 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOcopy -> (case (({-# LINE 531 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _patsIdefinedAttrs {-# LINE 1686 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOdefinedAttrs -> (case (({-# LINE 168 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _patsIerrors {-# LINE 1691 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOerrors -> (case (({-# LINE 530 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _patsIlocals {-# LINE 1696 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOlocals -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Product pos_ _patsIoutput {-# LINE 1701 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_output -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _output {-# LINE 1706 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOoutput -> ( _lhsOcontainsVars,_lhsOcopy,_lhsOdefinedAttrs,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOlocals,_lhsOoutput) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))) sem_Pattern_Alias :: Identifier -> Identifier -> T_Pattern -> T_Pattern sem_Pattern_Alias !field_ !attr_ !(T_Pattern pat_) = (T_Pattern (\ (!_lhsIcon) (!_lhsInt) -> (case (({-# LINE 554 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} True {-# LINE 1719 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOcontainsVars -> (case (({-# LINE 39 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsInt {-# LINE 1724 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_patOnt -> (case (({-# LINE 40 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIcon {-# LINE 1729 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_patOcon -> (case (pat_ _patOcon _patOnt) of { ( !_patIcontainsVars,!_patIcopy,!_patIdefinedAttrs,!_patIerrors,!_patIlocals,!_patIoutput) -> (case (({-# LINE 22 "./src-ag/Patterns.ag" #-} Alias field_ attr_ _patIcopy {-# LINE 1736 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_copy -> (case (({-# LINE 22 "./src-ag/Patterns.ag" #-} _copy {-# LINE 1741 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOcopy -> (case (({-# LINE 536 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Set.insert (field_,attr_) _patIdefinedAttrs {-# LINE 1746 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOdefinedAttrs -> (case (({-# LINE 168 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _patIerrors {-# LINE 1751 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOerrors -> (case (({-# LINE 537 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} if field_ == _LOC then Set.insert attr_ _patIlocals else _patIlocals {-# LINE 1758 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOlocals -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Alias field_ attr_ _patIoutput {-# LINE 1763 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_output -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _output {-# LINE 1768 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOoutput -> ( _lhsOcontainsVars,_lhsOcopy,_lhsOdefinedAttrs,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOlocals,_lhsOoutput) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))) sem_Pattern_Irrefutable :: T_Pattern -> T_Pattern sem_Pattern_Irrefutable !(T_Pattern pat_) = (T_Pattern (\ (!_lhsIcon) (!_lhsInt) -> (case (({-# LINE 39 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsInt {-# LINE 1779 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_patOnt -> (case (({-# LINE 40 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIcon {-# LINE 1784 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_patOcon -> (case (pat_ _patOcon _patOnt) of { ( !_patIcontainsVars,!_patIcopy,!_patIdefinedAttrs,!_patIerrors,!_patIlocals,!_patIoutput) -> (case (({-# LINE 551 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _patIcontainsVars {-# LINE 1791 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOcontainsVars -> (case (({-# LINE 22 "./src-ag/Patterns.ag" #-} Irrefutable _patIcopy {-# LINE 1796 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_copy -> (case (({-# LINE 22 "./src-ag/Patterns.ag" #-} _copy {-# LINE 1801 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOcopy -> (case (({-# LINE 531 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _patIdefinedAttrs {-# LINE 1806 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOdefinedAttrs -> (case (({-# LINE 168 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _patIerrors {-# LINE 1811 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOerrors -> (case (({-# LINE 530 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _patIlocals {-# LINE 1816 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOlocals -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Irrefutable _patIoutput {-# LINE 1821 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_output -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _output {-# LINE 1826 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOoutput -> ( _lhsOcontainsVars,_lhsOcopy,_lhsOdefinedAttrs,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOlocals,_lhsOoutput) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))) sem_Pattern_Underscore :: Pos -> T_Pattern sem_Pattern_Underscore !pos_ = (T_Pattern (\ (!_lhsIcon) (!_lhsInt) -> (case (({-# LINE 551 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} False {-# LINE 1837 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOcontainsVars -> (case (({-# LINE 22 "./src-ag/Patterns.ag" #-} Underscore pos_ {-# LINE 1842 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_copy -> (case (({-# LINE 22 "./src-ag/Patterns.ag" #-} _copy {-# LINE 1847 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOcopy -> (case (({-# LINE 531 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Set.empty {-# LINE 1852 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOdefinedAttrs -> (case (({-# LINE 168 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Seq.empty {-# LINE 1857 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOerrors -> (case (({-# LINE 530 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Set.empty {-# LINE 1862 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOlocals -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Underscore pos_ {-# LINE 1867 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_output -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _output {-# LINE 1872 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOoutput -> ( _lhsOcontainsVars,_lhsOcopy,_lhsOdefinedAttrs,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOlocals,_lhsOoutput) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))) -- Patterns ---------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: inherited attributes: con : ConstructorIdent nt : NontermIdent synthesized attributes: containsVars : Bool copy : Patterns definedAttrs : Set (Identifier,Identifier) errors : Seq Error locals : Set Identifier output : Patterns alternatives: alternative Cons: child hd : Pattern child tl : Patterns visit 0: local copy : _ local output : _ alternative Nil: visit 0: local copy : _ local output : _ -} -- cata sem_Patterns :: Patterns -> T_Patterns sem_Patterns !list = (Prelude.foldr sem_Patterns_Cons sem_Patterns_Nil (Prelude.map sem_Pattern list)) -- semantic domain newtype T_Patterns = T_Patterns (ConstructorIdent -> NontermIdent -> ( Bool,Patterns,(Set (Identifier,Identifier)),(Seq Error),(Set Identifier),Patterns)) data Inh_Patterns = Inh_Patterns {con_Inh_Patterns :: !(ConstructorIdent),nt_Inh_Patterns :: !(NontermIdent)} data Syn_Patterns = Syn_Patterns {containsVars_Syn_Patterns :: !(Bool),copy_Syn_Patterns :: !(Patterns),definedAttrs_Syn_Patterns :: !((Set (Identifier,Identifier))),errors_Syn_Patterns :: !((Seq Error)),locals_Syn_Patterns :: !((Set Identifier)),output_Syn_Patterns :: !(Patterns)} wrap_Patterns :: T_Patterns -> Inh_Patterns -> Syn_Patterns wrap_Patterns !(T_Patterns sem) !(Inh_Patterns _lhsIcon _lhsInt) = (let ( !_lhsOcontainsVars,!_lhsOcopy,!_lhsOdefinedAttrs,!_lhsOerrors,!_lhsOlocals,!_lhsOoutput) = sem _lhsIcon _lhsInt in (Syn_Patterns _lhsOcontainsVars _lhsOcopy _lhsOdefinedAttrs _lhsOerrors _lhsOlocals _lhsOoutput)) sem_Patterns_Cons :: T_Pattern -> T_Patterns -> T_Patterns sem_Patterns_Cons !(T_Pattern hd_) !(T_Patterns tl_) = (T_Patterns (\ (!_lhsIcon) (!_lhsInt) -> (case (({-# LINE 39 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsInt {-# LINE 1926 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOnt -> (case (({-# LINE 40 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIcon {-# LINE 1931 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOcon -> (case (tl_ _tlOcon _tlOnt) of { ( !_tlIcontainsVars,!_tlIcopy,!_tlIdefinedAttrs,!_tlIerrors,!_tlIlocals,!_tlIoutput) -> (case (({-# LINE 39 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsInt {-# LINE 1938 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOnt -> (case (({-# LINE 40 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIcon {-# LINE 1943 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOcon -> (case (hd_ _hdOcon _hdOnt) of { ( !_hdIcontainsVars,!_hdIcopy,!_hdIdefinedAttrs,!_hdIerrors,!_hdIlocals,!_hdIoutput) -> (case (({-# LINE 551 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _hdIcontainsVars || _tlIcontainsVars {-# LINE 1950 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOcontainsVars -> (case (({-# LINE 22 "./src-ag/Patterns.ag" #-} (:) _hdIcopy _tlIcopy {-# LINE 1955 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_copy -> (case (({-# LINE 22 "./src-ag/Patterns.ag" #-} _copy {-# LINE 1960 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOcopy -> (case (({-# LINE 531 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _hdIdefinedAttrs `Set.union` _tlIdefinedAttrs {-# LINE 1965 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOdefinedAttrs -> (case (({-# LINE 168 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _hdIerrors Seq.>< _tlIerrors {-# LINE 1970 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOerrors -> (case (({-# LINE 530 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _hdIlocals `Set.union` _tlIlocals {-# LINE 1975 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOlocals -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} (:) _hdIoutput _tlIoutput {-# LINE 1980 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_output -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _output {-# LINE 1985 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOoutput -> ( _lhsOcontainsVars,_lhsOcopy,_lhsOdefinedAttrs,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOlocals,_lhsOoutput) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))) sem_Patterns_Nil :: T_Patterns sem_Patterns_Nil = (T_Patterns (\ (!_lhsIcon) (!_lhsInt) -> (case (({-# LINE 551 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} False {-# LINE 1995 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOcontainsVars -> (case (({-# LINE 22 "./src-ag/Patterns.ag" #-} [] {-# LINE 2000 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_copy -> (case (({-# LINE 22 "./src-ag/Patterns.ag" #-} _copy {-# LINE 2005 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOcopy -> (case (({-# LINE 531 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Set.empty {-# LINE 2010 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOdefinedAttrs -> (case (({-# LINE 168 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Seq.empty {-# LINE 2015 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOerrors -> (case (({-# LINE 530 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Set.empty {-# LINE 2020 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOlocals -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} [] {-# LINE 2025 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_output -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _output {-# LINE 2030 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOoutput -> ( _lhsOcontainsVars,_lhsOcopy,_lhsOdefinedAttrs,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOlocals,_lhsOoutput) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))) -- Production -------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: inherited attributes: aroundsIn : Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression]) augmentsIn : Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression]) cr : Bool inh : Attributes inhMap : Map Identifier Attributes inhOrig : Attributes manualAttrOrderMap : AttrOrderMap mergesIn : Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier (Identifier,[Identifier],Expression)) nonterminals : Set NontermIdent nt : NontermIdent o_rename : Bool options : Options params : [Identifier] syn : Attributes synMap : Map Identifier Attributes synOrig : Attributes typeSyns : TypeSyns useMap : Map Identifier (String,String,String) wrappers : Set NontermIdent chained attribute: uniq : Int synthesized attributes: errors : Seq Error output : Production alternatives: alternative Production: child con : {ConstructorIdent} child params : {[Identifier]} child constraints : {[Type]} child children : Children child rules : Rules child typeSigs : TypeSigs child macro : {MaybeMacro} visit 0: local mergesIn : _ local merged : _ local orderDeps : _ local orderErrs : _ local _tup2 : _ local errs : _ local aroundsIn : _ local augmentsIn : _ local newRls : _ local extra1 : _ local extra2 : _ local extra3 : _ -} -- cata sem_Production :: Production -> T_Production sem_Production !(Production _con _params _constraints _children _rules _typeSigs _macro) = (sem_Production_Production _con _params _constraints (sem_Children _children) (sem_Rules _rules) (sem_TypeSigs _typeSigs) _macro) -- semantic domain newtype T_Production = T_Production ((Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression])) -> (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression])) -> Bool -> Attributes -> (Map Identifier Attributes) -> Attributes -> AttrOrderMap -> (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier (Identifier,[Identifier],Expression))) -> (Set NontermIdent) -> NontermIdent -> Bool -> Options -> ([Identifier]) -> Attributes -> (Map Identifier Attributes) -> Attributes -> TypeSyns -> Int -> (Map Identifier (String,String,String)) -> (Set NontermIdent) -> ( (Seq Error),Production,Int)) data Inh_Production = Inh_Production {aroundsIn_Inh_Production :: !((Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression]))),augmentsIn_Inh_Production :: !((Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression]))),cr_Inh_Production :: !(Bool),inh_Inh_Production :: !(Attributes),inhMap_Inh_Production :: !((Map Identifier Attributes)),inhOrig_Inh_Production :: !(Attributes),manualAttrOrderMap_Inh_Production :: !(AttrOrderMap),mergesIn_Inh_Production :: !((Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier (Identifier,[Identifier],Expression)))),nonterminals_Inh_Production :: !((Set NontermIdent)),nt_Inh_Production :: !(NontermIdent),o_rename_Inh_Production :: !(Bool),options_Inh_Production :: !(Options),params_Inh_Production :: !(([Identifier])),syn_Inh_Production :: !(Attributes),synMap_Inh_Production :: !((Map Identifier Attributes)),synOrig_Inh_Production :: !(Attributes),typeSyns_Inh_Production :: !(TypeSyns),uniq_Inh_Production :: !(Int),useMap_Inh_Production :: !((Map Identifier (String,String,String))),wrappers_Inh_Production :: !((Set NontermIdent))} data Syn_Production = Syn_Production {errors_Syn_Production :: !((Seq Error)),output_Syn_Production :: !(Production),uniq_Syn_Production :: !(Int)} wrap_Production :: T_Production -> Inh_Production -> Syn_Production wrap_Production !(T_Production sem) !(Inh_Production _lhsIaroundsIn _lhsIaugmentsIn _lhsIcr _lhsIinh _lhsIinhMap _lhsIinhOrig _lhsImanualAttrOrderMap _lhsImergesIn _lhsInonterminals _lhsInt _lhsIo_rename _lhsIoptions _lhsIparams _lhsIsyn _lhsIsynMap _lhsIsynOrig _lhsItypeSyns _lhsIuniq _lhsIuseMap _lhsIwrappers) = (let ( !_lhsOerrors,!_lhsOoutput,!_lhsOuniq) = sem _lhsIaroundsIn _lhsIaugmentsIn _lhsIcr _lhsIinh _lhsIinhMap _lhsIinhOrig _lhsImanualAttrOrderMap _lhsImergesIn _lhsInonterminals _lhsInt _lhsIo_rename _lhsIoptions _lhsIparams _lhsIsyn _lhsIsynMap _lhsIsynOrig _lhsItypeSyns _lhsIuniq _lhsIuseMap _lhsIwrappers in (Syn_Production _lhsOerrors _lhsOoutput _lhsOuniq)) sem_Production_Production :: ConstructorIdent -> ([Identifier]) -> ([Type]) -> T_Children -> T_Rules -> T_TypeSigs -> MaybeMacro -> T_Production sem_Production_Production !con_ !params_ !constraints_ !(T_Children children_) !(T_Rules rules_) !(T_TypeSigs typeSigs_) !macro_ = (T_Production (\ (!_lhsIaroundsIn) (!_lhsIaugmentsIn) (!_lhsIcr) (!_lhsIinh) (!_lhsIinhMap) (!_lhsIinhOrig) (!_lhsImanualAttrOrderMap) (!_lhsImergesIn) (!_lhsInonterminals) (!_lhsInt) (!_lhsIo_rename) (!_lhsIoptions) (!_lhsIparams) (!_lhsIsyn) (!_lhsIsynMap) (!_lhsIsynOrig) (!_lhsItypeSyns) (!_lhsIuniq) (!_lhsIuseMap) (!_lhsIwrappers) -> (case (({-# LINE 12 "./src-ag/DistChildAttr.ag" #-} _lhsIsynMap {-# LINE 2151 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_childrenOsynMap -> (case (({-# LINE 792 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Map.findWithDefault Map.empty con_ _lhsImergesIn {-# LINE 2156 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_mergesIn -> (case (({-# LINE 793 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Set.fromList [ c | (_,cs,_) <- Map.elems _mergesIn , c <- cs ] {-# LINE 2161 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_merged -> (case (({-# LINE 788 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _merged {-# LINE 2166 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_childrenOmerged -> (case (({-# LINE 12 "./src-ag/DistChildAttr.ag" #-} _lhsIinhMap {-# LINE 2171 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_childrenOinhMap -> (case (({-# LINE 719 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Set.toList $ Map.findWithDefault Set.empty con_ $ Map.findWithDefault Map.empty _lhsInt _lhsImanualAttrOrderMap {-# LINE 2176 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_orderDeps -> (case (({-# LINE 592 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIuniq {-# LINE 2181 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_rulesOuniq -> (case (({-# LINE 51 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIoptions {-# LINE 2186 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_rulesOoptions -> (case (({-# LINE 39 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsInt {-# LINE 2191 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_rulesOnt -> (case (({-# LINE 197 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} con_ {-# LINE 2196 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_rulesOcon -> (case (rules_ _rulesOcon _rulesOnt _rulesOoptions _rulesOuniq) of { ( !_rulesIdefinedAttrs,!_rulesIerrors,!_rulesIlocals,!_rulesIoutput,!_rulesIruleNames,!_rulesIuniq) -> (case (({-# LINE 42 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIparams {-# LINE 2203 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_childrenOparams -> (case (({-# LINE 39 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsInt {-# LINE 2208 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_childrenOnt -> (case (({-# LINE 56 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIcr {-# LINE 2213 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_childrenOcr -> (case (({-# LINE 198 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} con_ {-# LINE 2218 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_childrenOcon -> (case (children_ _childrenOcon _childrenOcr _childrenOinhMap _childrenOmerged _childrenOnt _childrenOparams _childrenOsynMap) of { ( !_childrenIerrors,!_childrenIfields,!_childrenIinputs,!_childrenIoutput,!_childrenIoutputs) -> (case (({-# LINE 721 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} let chldOutMap = Map.fromList [ (k, Map.keysSet s) | (k,s) <- _childrenIoutputs ] chldInMap = Map.fromList [ (k, Map.keysSet s) | (k,s) <- _childrenIinputs ] isInAttribute :: Identifier -> Identifier -> [Error] isInAttribute fld nm | fld == _LOC = if nm `Set.member` _rulesIlocals then [] else [UndefAttr _lhsInt con_ fld nm False] | fld == _LHS = if nm `Map.member` _lhsIinh then [] else [UndefAttr _lhsInt con_ fld nm False] | otherwise = if nm `Set.member` (Map.findWithDefault Set.empty fld chldOutMap) then [] else [UndefAttr _lhsInt con_ fld nm False] isOutAttribute :: Identifier -> Identifier -> [Error] isOutAttribute fld nm | fld == _LOC = if nm `Set.member` _rulesIlocals then [] else [UndefAttr _lhsInt con_ fld nm True] | fld == _LHS = if nm `Map.member` _lhsIsyn then [] else [UndefAttr _lhsInt con_ fld nm True] | otherwise = if nm `Set.member` (Map.findWithDefault Set.empty fld chldInMap) then [] else [UndefAttr _lhsInt con_ fld nm True] existsRule nm = if nm `Set.member` _rulesIruleNames then [] else [MissingNamedRule _lhsInt con_ nm] checkIn (OccAttr fld nm) = isInAttribute fld nm checkIn (OccRule nm) = existsRule nm checkOut (OccAttr fld nm) = isOutAttribute fld nm checkOut (OccRule nm) = existsRule nm in Seq.fromList . concat $ [ checkIn occA ++ checkOut occB | (Dependency occA occB) <- _orderDeps ] {-# LINE 2259 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_orderErrs -> (case (({-# LINE 386 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} let locals = _rulesIlocals initenv = Map.fromList ( [ (a,_ACHILD) | (a,_,_) <- _childrenIfields ] ++ attrs(_LHS, _lhsIinh) ++ [ (a,_LOC) | a <- Set.toList locals ] ) attrs (n,as) = [ (a,n) | a <- Map.keys as ] envs = scanl (flip Map.union) initenv (map (Map.fromList . attrs ) _childrenIoutputs) child_envs = init envs lhs_env = last envs (selfAttrs, normalAttrs) = Map.partitionWithKey (\k _ -> maybe False isSELFNonterminal $ Map.lookup k _lhsIsynOrig) _lhsIsyn (_,undefAttrs) = removeDefined _rulesIdefinedAttrs (_LHS, normalAttrs) (useAttrs,others) = splitAttrs _lhsIuseMap undefAttrs (rules1, errors1) = concatRE $ map (copyRule _lhsIoptions _lhsIwrappers _lhsInt con_ _lhsIcr locals) (zip envs (map (removeDefined _rulesIdefinedAttrs) _childrenIinputs)) uRules = map (useRule locals _childrenIoutputs) useAttrs selfLocRules = [ selfRule False attr $ lexTokens noPos $ constructor [childSelf attr nm tp | (nm,tp,virt) <- _childrenIfields, childExists virt] | attr <- Map.keys selfAttrs , not (Set.member attr locals) ] where childSelf self nm tp = case tp of NT nt _ _ -> attrName nm self _ | nm `Set.member` locals -> locName nm | otherwise -> fieldName nm constructor fs = buildConExpr (ocaml _lhsIoptions) _lhsItypeSyns _lhsIo_rename _lhsInt con_ fs childExists ChildAttr = False childExists _ = True selfRules = [ selfRule True attr [mkLocVar attr noPos Nothing] | attr <- Map.keys selfAttrs , not (Set.member (_LHS,attr) _rulesIdefinedAttrs) ] (rules5, errs5) = copyRule _lhsIoptions _lhsIwrappers _lhsInt con_ _lhsIcr locals (lhs_env, (_LHS, others)) in (uRules++selfLocRules++selfRules++rules5++rules1, errors1> (case (({-# LINE 386 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} __tup2 {-# LINE 2324 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !(_,!_errs) -> (case (({-# LINE 384 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _childrenIerrors >< _errs >< _rulesIerrors >< _orderErrs {-# LINE 2329 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOerrors -> (case (({-# LINE 42 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIparams {-# LINE 2334 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_typeSigsOparams -> (case (({-# LINE 39 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsInt {-# LINE 2339 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_typeSigsOnt -> (case (({-# LINE 784 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Map.findWithDefault Map.empty con_ _lhsIaroundsIn {-# LINE 2344 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_aroundsIn -> (case (({-# LINE 777 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Map.findWithDefault Map.empty con_ _lhsIaugmentsIn {-# LINE 2349 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_augmentsIn -> (case (({-# LINE 386 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} __tup2 {-# LINE 2354 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !(!_newRls,_) -> (case (({-# LINE 608 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} foldr addAugments (_rulesIoutput ++ _newRls) (Map.assocs _augmentsIn ) {-# LINE 2359 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_extra1 -> (case (({-# LINE 609 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} foldr addArounds _extra1 (Map.assocs _aroundsIn ) {-# LINE 2364 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_extra2 -> (case (({-# LINE 610 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} foldr addMerges _extra2 (Map.assocs _mergesIn ) {-# LINE 2369 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_extra3 -> (case (typeSigs_ _typeSigsOnt _typeSigsOparams) of { ( !_typeSigsIoutput) -> (case (({-# LINE 611 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Production con_ params_ constraints_ _childrenIoutput _extra3 _typeSigsIoutput macro_ {-# LINE 2376 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOoutput -> (case (({-# LINE 592 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _rulesIuniq {-# LINE 2381 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOuniq -> ( _lhsOerrors,_lhsOoutput,_lhsOuniq) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))) -- Productions ------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: inherited attributes: aroundsIn : Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression]) augmentsIn : Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression]) cr : Bool inh : Attributes inhMap : Map Identifier Attributes inhOrig : Attributes manualAttrOrderMap : AttrOrderMap mergesIn : Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier (Identifier,[Identifier],Expression)) nonterminals : Set NontermIdent nt : NontermIdent o_rename : Bool options : Options params : [Identifier] syn : Attributes synMap : Map Identifier Attributes synOrig : Attributes typeSyns : TypeSyns useMap : Map Identifier (String,String,String) wrappers : Set NontermIdent chained attribute: uniq : Int synthesized attributes: errors : Seq Error output : Productions alternatives: alternative Cons: child hd : Production child tl : Productions visit 0: local output : _ alternative Nil: visit 0: local output : _ -} -- cata sem_Productions :: Productions -> T_Productions sem_Productions !list = (Prelude.foldr sem_Productions_Cons sem_Productions_Nil (Prelude.map sem_Production list)) -- semantic domain newtype T_Productions = T_Productions ((Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression])) -> (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression])) -> Bool -> Attributes -> (Map Identifier Attributes) -> Attributes -> AttrOrderMap -> (Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier (Identifier,[Identifier],Expression))) -> (Set NontermIdent) -> NontermIdent -> Bool -> Options -> ([Identifier]) -> Attributes -> (Map Identifier Attributes) -> Attributes -> TypeSyns -> Int -> (Map Identifier (String,String,String)) -> (Set NontermIdent) -> ( (Seq Error),Productions,Int)) data Inh_Productions = Inh_Productions {aroundsIn_Inh_Productions :: !((Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression]))),augmentsIn_Inh_Productions :: !((Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier [Expression]))),cr_Inh_Productions :: !(Bool),inh_Inh_Productions :: !(Attributes),inhMap_Inh_Productions :: !((Map Identifier Attributes)),inhOrig_Inh_Productions :: !(Attributes),manualAttrOrderMap_Inh_Productions :: !(AttrOrderMap),mergesIn_Inh_Productions :: !((Map ConstructorIdent (Map Identifier (Identifier,[Identifier],Expression)))),nonterminals_Inh_Productions :: !((Set NontermIdent)),nt_Inh_Productions :: !(NontermIdent),o_rename_Inh_Productions :: !(Bool),options_Inh_Productions :: !(Options),params_Inh_Productions :: !(([Identifier])),syn_Inh_Productions :: !(Attributes),synMap_Inh_Productions :: !((Map Identifier Attributes)),synOrig_Inh_Productions :: !(Attributes),typeSyns_Inh_Productions :: !(TypeSyns),uniq_Inh_Productions :: !(Int),useMap_Inh_Productions :: !((Map Identifier (String,String,String))),wrappers_Inh_Productions :: !((Set NontermIdent))} data Syn_Productions = Syn_Productions {errors_Syn_Productions :: !((Seq Error)),output_Syn_Productions :: !(Productions),uniq_Syn_Productions :: !(Int)} wrap_Productions :: T_Productions -> Inh_Productions -> Syn_Productions wrap_Productions !(T_Productions sem) !(Inh_Productions _lhsIaroundsIn _lhsIaugmentsIn _lhsIcr _lhsIinh _lhsIinhMap _lhsIinhOrig _lhsImanualAttrOrderMap _lhsImergesIn _lhsInonterminals _lhsInt _lhsIo_rename _lhsIoptions _lhsIparams _lhsIsyn _lhsIsynMap _lhsIsynOrig _lhsItypeSyns _lhsIuniq _lhsIuseMap _lhsIwrappers) = (let ( !_lhsOerrors,!_lhsOoutput,!_lhsOuniq) = sem _lhsIaroundsIn _lhsIaugmentsIn _lhsIcr _lhsIinh _lhsIinhMap _lhsIinhOrig _lhsImanualAttrOrderMap _lhsImergesIn _lhsInonterminals _lhsInt _lhsIo_rename _lhsIoptions _lhsIparams _lhsIsyn _lhsIsynMap _lhsIsynOrig _lhsItypeSyns _lhsIuniq _lhsIuseMap _lhsIwrappers in (Syn_Productions _lhsOerrors _lhsOoutput _lhsOuniq)) sem_Productions_Cons :: T_Production -> T_Productions -> T_Productions sem_Productions_Cons !(T_Production hd_) !(T_Productions tl_) = (T_Productions (\ (!_lhsIaroundsIn) (!_lhsIaugmentsIn) (!_lhsIcr) (!_lhsIinh) (!_lhsIinhMap) (!_lhsIinhOrig) (!_lhsImanualAttrOrderMap) (!_lhsImergesIn) (!_lhsInonterminals) (!_lhsInt) (!_lhsIo_rename) (!_lhsIoptions) (!_lhsIparams) (!_lhsIsyn) (!_lhsIsynMap) (!_lhsIsynOrig) (!_lhsItypeSyns) (!_lhsIuniq) (!_lhsIuseMap) (!_lhsIwrappers) -> (case (({-# LINE 65 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIwrappers {-# LINE 2484 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOwrappers -> (case (({-# LINE 187 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIuseMap {-# LINE 2489 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOuseMap -> (case (({-# LINE 72 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsItypeSyns {-# LINE 2494 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOtypeSyns -> (case (({-# LINE 187 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIsynOrig {-# LINE 2499 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOsynOrig -> (case (({-# LINE 12 "./src-ag/DistChildAttr.ag" #-} _lhsIsynMap {-# LINE 2504 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOsynMap -> (case (({-# LINE 187 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIsyn {-# LINE 2509 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOsyn -> (case (({-# LINE 51 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIoptions {-# LINE 2514 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOoptions -> (case (({-# LINE 52 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIo_rename {-# LINE 2519 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOo_rename -> (case (({-# LINE 39 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsInt {-# LINE 2524 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOnt -> (case (({-# LINE 787 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsImergesIn {-# LINE 2529 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOmergesIn -> (case (({-# LINE 705 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsImanualAttrOrderMap {-# LINE 2534 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOmanualAttrOrderMap -> (case (({-# LINE 12 "./src-ag/DistChildAttr.ag" #-} _lhsIinhMap {-# LINE 2539 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOinhMap -> (case (({-# LINE 187 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIinh {-# LINE 2544 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOinh -> (case (({-# LINE 53 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIcr {-# LINE 2549 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOcr -> (case (({-# LINE 65 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIwrappers {-# LINE 2554 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOwrappers -> (case (({-# LINE 187 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIuseMap {-# LINE 2559 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOuseMap -> (case (({-# LINE 72 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsItypeSyns {-# LINE 2564 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOtypeSyns -> (case (({-# LINE 187 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIsynOrig {-# LINE 2569 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOsynOrig -> (case (({-# LINE 12 "./src-ag/DistChildAttr.ag" #-} _lhsIsynMap {-# LINE 2574 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOsynMap -> (case (({-# LINE 187 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIsyn {-# LINE 2579 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOsyn -> (case (({-# LINE 51 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIoptions {-# LINE 2584 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOoptions -> (case (({-# LINE 52 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIo_rename {-# LINE 2589 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOo_rename -> (case (({-# LINE 39 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsInt {-# LINE 2594 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOnt -> (case (({-# LINE 787 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsImergesIn {-# LINE 2599 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOmergesIn -> (case (({-# LINE 705 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsImanualAttrOrderMap {-# LINE 2604 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOmanualAttrOrderMap -> (case (({-# LINE 12 "./src-ag/DistChildAttr.ag" #-} _lhsIinhMap {-# LINE 2609 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOinhMap -> (case (({-# LINE 187 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIinh {-# LINE 2614 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOinh -> (case (({-# LINE 53 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIcr {-# LINE 2619 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOcr -> (case (({-# LINE 592 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIuniq {-# LINE 2624 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOuniq -> (case (({-# LINE 42 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIparams {-# LINE 2629 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOparams -> (case (({-# LINE 178 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsInonterminals {-# LINE 2634 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOnonterminals -> (case (({-# LINE 187 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIinhOrig {-# LINE 2639 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOinhOrig -> (case (({-# LINE 773 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIaugmentsIn {-# LINE 2644 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOaugmentsIn -> (case (({-# LINE 780 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIaroundsIn {-# LINE 2649 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOaroundsIn -> (case (hd_ _hdOaroundsIn _hdOaugmentsIn _hdOcr _hdOinh _hdOinhMap _hdOinhOrig _hdOmanualAttrOrderMap _hdOmergesIn _hdOnonterminals _hdOnt _hdOo_rename _hdOoptions _hdOparams _hdOsyn _hdOsynMap _hdOsynOrig _hdOtypeSyns _hdOuniq _hdOuseMap _hdOwrappers) of { ( !_hdIerrors,!_hdIoutput,!_hdIuniq) -> (case (({-# LINE 592 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _hdIuniq {-# LINE 2656 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOuniq -> (case (({-# LINE 42 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIparams {-# LINE 2661 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOparams -> (case (({-# LINE 178 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsInonterminals {-# LINE 2666 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOnonterminals -> (case (({-# LINE 187 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIinhOrig {-# LINE 2671 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOinhOrig -> (case (({-# LINE 773 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIaugmentsIn {-# LINE 2676 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOaugmentsIn -> (case (({-# LINE 780 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIaroundsIn {-# LINE 2681 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOaroundsIn -> (case (tl_ _tlOaroundsIn _tlOaugmentsIn _tlOcr _tlOinh _tlOinhMap _tlOinhOrig _tlOmanualAttrOrderMap _tlOmergesIn _tlOnonterminals _tlOnt _tlOo_rename _tlOoptions _tlOparams _tlOsyn _tlOsynMap _tlOsynOrig _tlOtypeSyns _tlOuniq _tlOuseMap _tlOwrappers) of { ( !_tlIerrors,!_tlIoutput,!_tlIuniq) -> (case (({-# LINE 168 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _hdIerrors Seq.>< _tlIerrors {-# LINE 2688 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOerrors -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} (:) _hdIoutput _tlIoutput {-# LINE 2693 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_output -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _output {-# LINE 2698 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOoutput -> (case (({-# LINE 592 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _tlIuniq {-# LINE 2703 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOuniq -> ( _lhsOerrors,_lhsOoutput,_lhsOuniq) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))) sem_Productions_Nil :: T_Productions sem_Productions_Nil = (T_Productions (\ (!_lhsIaroundsIn) (!_lhsIaugmentsIn) (!_lhsIcr) (!_lhsIinh) (!_lhsIinhMap) (!_lhsIinhOrig) (!_lhsImanualAttrOrderMap) (!_lhsImergesIn) (!_lhsInonterminals) (!_lhsInt) (!_lhsIo_rename) (!_lhsIoptions) (!_lhsIparams) (!_lhsIsyn) (!_lhsIsynMap) (!_lhsIsynOrig) (!_lhsItypeSyns) (!_lhsIuniq) (!_lhsIuseMap) (!_lhsIwrappers) -> (case (({-# LINE 168 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Seq.empty {-# LINE 2731 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOerrors -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} [] {-# LINE 2736 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_output -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _output {-# LINE 2741 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOoutput -> (case (({-# LINE 592 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIuniq {-# LINE 2746 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOuniq -> ( _lhsOerrors,_lhsOoutput,_lhsOuniq) }) }) }) }))) -- Rule -------------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: inherited attributes: con : ConstructorIdent nt : NontermIdent options : Options chained attribute: uniq : Int synthesized attributes: containsVars : Bool definedAttrs : Set (Identifier,Identifier) errors : Seq Error isPure : Bool locals : Set Identifier output : Rule outputs : Rules ruleNames : Set Identifier alternatives: alternative Rule: child mbName : {Maybe Identifier} child pattern : Pattern child rhs : {Expression} child owrt : {Bool} child origin : {String} child explicit : {Bool} child pure : {Bool} child identity : {Bool} child mbError : {Maybe Error} child eager : {Bool} visit 0: local output : _ local _tup3 : _ local output1 : _ local _tup4 : _ local outputs : _ local mbAlias : _ -} -- cata sem_Rule :: Rule -> T_Rule sem_Rule !(Rule _mbName _pattern _rhs _owrt _origin _explicit _pure _identity _mbError _eager) = (sem_Rule_Rule _mbName (sem_Pattern _pattern) _rhs _owrt _origin _explicit _pure _identity _mbError _eager) -- semantic domain newtype T_Rule = T_Rule (ConstructorIdent -> NontermIdent -> Options -> Int -> ( Bool,(Set (Identifier,Identifier)),(Seq Error),Bool,(Set Identifier),Rule,Rules,(Set Identifier),Int)) data Inh_Rule = Inh_Rule {con_Inh_Rule :: !(ConstructorIdent),nt_Inh_Rule :: !(NontermIdent),options_Inh_Rule :: !(Options),uniq_Inh_Rule :: !(Int)} data Syn_Rule = Syn_Rule {containsVars_Syn_Rule :: !(Bool),definedAttrs_Syn_Rule :: !((Set (Identifier,Identifier))),errors_Syn_Rule :: !((Seq Error)),isPure_Syn_Rule :: !(Bool),locals_Syn_Rule :: !((Set Identifier)),output_Syn_Rule :: !(Rule),outputs_Syn_Rule :: !(Rules),ruleNames_Syn_Rule :: !((Set Identifier)),uniq_Syn_Rule :: !(Int)} wrap_Rule :: T_Rule -> Inh_Rule -> Syn_Rule wrap_Rule !(T_Rule sem) !(Inh_Rule _lhsIcon _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _lhsIuniq) = (let ( !_lhsOcontainsVars,!_lhsOdefinedAttrs,!_lhsOerrors,!_lhsOisPure,!_lhsOlocals,!_lhsOoutput,!_lhsOoutputs,!_lhsOruleNames,!_lhsOuniq) = sem _lhsIcon _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _lhsIuniq in (Syn_Rule _lhsOcontainsVars _lhsOdefinedAttrs _lhsOerrors _lhsOisPure _lhsOlocals _lhsOoutput _lhsOoutputs _lhsOruleNames _lhsOuniq)) sem_Rule_Rule :: (Maybe Identifier) -> T_Pattern -> Expression -> Bool -> String -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> (Maybe Error) -> Bool -> T_Rule sem_Rule_Rule !mbName_ !(T_Pattern pattern_) !rhs_ !owrt_ !origin_ !explicit_ !pure_ !identity_ !mbError_ !eager_ = (T_Rule (\ (!_lhsIcon) (!_lhsInt) (!_lhsIoptions) (!_lhsIuniq) -> (case (({-# LINE 39 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsInt {-# LINE 2825 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_patternOnt -> (case (({-# LINE 40 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIcon {-# LINE 2830 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_patternOcon -> (case (pattern_ _patternOcon _patternOnt) of { ( !_patternIcontainsVars,!_patternIcopy,!_patternIdefinedAttrs,!_patternIerrors,!_patternIlocals,!_patternIoutput) -> (case (({-# LINE 551 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _patternIcontainsVars {-# LINE 2837 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOcontainsVars -> (case (({-# LINE 531 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _patternIdefinedAttrs {-# LINE 2842 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOdefinedAttrs -> (case (({-# LINE 168 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _patternIerrors {-# LINE 2847 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOerrors -> (case (({-# LINE 557 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} pure_ {-# LINE 2852 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOisPure -> (case (({-# LINE 530 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _patternIlocals {-# LINE 2857 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOlocals -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Rule mbName_ _patternIoutput rhs_ owrt_ origin_ explicit_ pure_ identity_ mbError_ eager_ {-# LINE 2862 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_output -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _output {-# LINE 2867 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOoutput -> (case (({-# LINE 624 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} mkRuleAlias _output {-# LINE 2872 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !__tup3 -> (case (({-# LINE 624 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} __tup3 {-# LINE 2877 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !(!_output1,_) -> (case (({-# LINE 625 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} if needsMultiRules _lhsIoptions then multiRule _output1 _lhsIuniq else ([_output1 ], _lhsIuniq) {-# LINE 2884 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !__tup4 -> (case (({-# LINE 625 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} __tup4 {-# LINE 2889 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !(!_outputs,_) -> (case (({-# LINE 624 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} __tup3 {-# LINE 2894 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !(_,!_mbAlias) -> (case (({-# LINE 628 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} maybe [] return _mbAlias ++ _outputs {-# LINE 2899 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOoutputs -> (case (({-# LINE 713 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} case mbName_ of Nothing -> Set.empty Just nm -> Set.singleton nm {-# LINE 2906 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOruleNames -> (case (({-# LINE 625 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} __tup4 {-# LINE 2911 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !(_,!_lhsOuniq) -> ( _lhsOcontainsVars,_lhsOdefinedAttrs,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOisPure,_lhsOlocals,_lhsOoutput,_lhsOoutputs,_lhsOruleNames,_lhsOuniq) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))) -- Rules ------------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: inherited attributes: con : ConstructorIdent nt : NontermIdent options : Options chained attribute: uniq : Int synthesized attributes: definedAttrs : Set (Identifier,Identifier) errors : Seq Error locals : Set Identifier output : Rules ruleNames : Set Identifier alternatives: alternative Cons: child hd : Rule child tl : Rules alternative Nil: visit 0: local output : _ -} -- cata sem_Rules :: Rules -> T_Rules sem_Rules !list = (Prelude.foldr sem_Rules_Cons sem_Rules_Nil (Prelude.map sem_Rule list)) -- semantic domain newtype T_Rules = T_Rules (ConstructorIdent -> NontermIdent -> Options -> Int -> ( (Set (Identifier,Identifier)),(Seq Error),(Set Identifier),Rules,(Set Identifier),Int)) data Inh_Rules = Inh_Rules {con_Inh_Rules :: !(ConstructorIdent),nt_Inh_Rules :: !(NontermIdent),options_Inh_Rules :: !(Options),uniq_Inh_Rules :: !(Int)} data Syn_Rules = Syn_Rules {definedAttrs_Syn_Rules :: !((Set (Identifier,Identifier))),errors_Syn_Rules :: !((Seq Error)),locals_Syn_Rules :: !((Set Identifier)),output_Syn_Rules :: !(Rules),ruleNames_Syn_Rules :: !((Set Identifier)),uniq_Syn_Rules :: !(Int)} wrap_Rules :: T_Rules -> Inh_Rules -> Syn_Rules wrap_Rules !(T_Rules sem) !(Inh_Rules _lhsIcon _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _lhsIuniq) = (let ( !_lhsOdefinedAttrs,!_lhsOerrors,!_lhsOlocals,!_lhsOoutput,!_lhsOruleNames,!_lhsOuniq) = sem _lhsIcon _lhsInt _lhsIoptions _lhsIuniq in (Syn_Rules _lhsOdefinedAttrs _lhsOerrors _lhsOlocals _lhsOoutput _lhsOruleNames _lhsOuniq)) sem_Rules_Cons :: T_Rule -> T_Rules -> T_Rules sem_Rules_Cons !(T_Rule hd_) !(T_Rules tl_) = (T_Rules (\ (!_lhsIcon) (!_lhsInt) (!_lhsIoptions) (!_lhsIuniq) -> (case (({-# LINE 592 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIuniq {-# LINE 2967 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOuniq -> (case (({-# LINE 51 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIoptions {-# LINE 2972 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOoptions -> (case (({-# LINE 39 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsInt {-# LINE 2977 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOnt -> (case (({-# LINE 40 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIcon {-# LINE 2982 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOcon -> (case (hd_ _hdOcon _hdOnt _hdOoptions _hdOuniq) of { ( !_hdIcontainsVars,!_hdIdefinedAttrs,!_hdIerrors,!_hdIisPure,!_hdIlocals,!_hdIoutput,!_hdIoutputs,!_hdIruleNames,!_hdIuniq) -> (case (({-# LINE 592 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _hdIuniq {-# LINE 2989 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOuniq -> (case (({-# LINE 51 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIoptions {-# LINE 2994 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOoptions -> (case (({-# LINE 39 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsInt {-# LINE 2999 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOnt -> (case (({-# LINE 40 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIcon {-# LINE 3004 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOcon -> (case (tl_ _tlOcon _tlOnt _tlOoptions _tlOuniq) of { ( !_tlIdefinedAttrs,!_tlIerrors,!_tlIlocals,!_tlIoutput,!_tlIruleNames,!_tlIuniq) -> (case (({-# LINE 531 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _hdIdefinedAttrs `Set.union` _tlIdefinedAttrs {-# LINE 3011 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOdefinedAttrs -> (case (({-# LINE 168 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _hdIerrors Seq.>< _tlIerrors {-# LINE 3016 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOerrors -> (case (({-# LINE 530 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _hdIlocals `Set.union` _tlIlocals {-# LINE 3021 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOlocals -> (case (({-# LINE 620 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} if _hdIcontainsVars && _hdIisPure then _hdIoutputs ++ _tlIoutput else _tlIoutput {-# LINE 3026 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOoutput -> (case (({-# LINE 711 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _hdIruleNames `Set.union` _tlIruleNames {-# LINE 3031 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOruleNames -> (case (({-# LINE 592 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _tlIuniq {-# LINE 3036 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOuniq -> ( _lhsOdefinedAttrs,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOlocals,_lhsOoutput,_lhsOruleNames,_lhsOuniq) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))) sem_Rules_Nil :: T_Rules sem_Rules_Nil = (T_Rules (\ (!_lhsIcon) (!_lhsInt) (!_lhsIoptions) (!_lhsIuniq) -> (case (({-# LINE 531 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Set.empty {-# LINE 3048 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOdefinedAttrs -> (case (({-# LINE 168 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Seq.empty {-# LINE 3053 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOerrors -> (case (({-# LINE 530 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Set.empty {-# LINE 3058 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOlocals -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} [] {-# LINE 3063 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_output -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _output {-# LINE 3068 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOoutput -> (case (({-# LINE 711 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} Set.empty {-# LINE 3073 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOruleNames -> (case (({-# LINE 592 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIuniq {-# LINE 3078 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOuniq -> ( _lhsOdefinedAttrs,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOlocals,_lhsOoutput,_lhsOruleNames,_lhsOuniq) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))) -- TypeSig ----------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: inherited attributes: nt : NontermIdent params : [Identifier] synthesized attribute: output : TypeSig alternatives: alternative TypeSig: child name : {Identifier} child tp : {Type} visit 0: local tp1 : _ -} -- cata sem_TypeSig :: TypeSig -> T_TypeSig sem_TypeSig !(TypeSig _name _tp) = (sem_TypeSig_TypeSig _name _tp) -- semantic domain newtype T_TypeSig = T_TypeSig (NontermIdent -> ([Identifier]) -> ( TypeSig)) data Inh_TypeSig = Inh_TypeSig {nt_Inh_TypeSig :: !(NontermIdent),params_Inh_TypeSig :: !(([Identifier]))} data Syn_TypeSig = Syn_TypeSig {output_Syn_TypeSig :: !(TypeSig)} wrap_TypeSig :: T_TypeSig -> Inh_TypeSig -> Syn_TypeSig wrap_TypeSig !(T_TypeSig sem) !(Inh_TypeSig _lhsInt _lhsIparams) = (let ( !_lhsOoutput) = sem _lhsInt _lhsIparams in (Syn_TypeSig _lhsOoutput)) sem_TypeSig_TypeSig :: Identifier -> Type -> T_TypeSig sem_TypeSig_TypeSig !name_ !tp_ = (T_TypeSig (\ (!_lhsInt) (!_lhsIparams) -> (case (({-# LINE 576 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} elimSelfId _lhsInt _lhsIparams tp_ {-# LINE 3122 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tp1 -> (case (({-# LINE 617 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} TypeSig name_ _tp1 {-# LINE 3127 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOoutput -> ( _lhsOoutput) }) }))) -- TypeSigs ---------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: inherited attributes: nt : NontermIdent params : [Identifier] synthesized attribute: output : TypeSigs alternatives: alternative Cons: child hd : TypeSig child tl : TypeSigs visit 0: local output : _ alternative Nil: visit 0: local output : _ -} -- cata sem_TypeSigs :: TypeSigs -> T_TypeSigs sem_TypeSigs !list = (Prelude.foldr sem_TypeSigs_Cons sem_TypeSigs_Nil (Prelude.map sem_TypeSig list)) -- semantic domain newtype T_TypeSigs = T_TypeSigs (NontermIdent -> ([Identifier]) -> ( TypeSigs)) data Inh_TypeSigs = Inh_TypeSigs {nt_Inh_TypeSigs :: !(NontermIdent),params_Inh_TypeSigs :: !(([Identifier]))} data Syn_TypeSigs = Syn_TypeSigs {output_Syn_TypeSigs :: !(TypeSigs)} wrap_TypeSigs :: T_TypeSigs -> Inh_TypeSigs -> Syn_TypeSigs wrap_TypeSigs !(T_TypeSigs sem) !(Inh_TypeSigs _lhsInt _lhsIparams) = (let ( !_lhsOoutput) = sem _lhsInt _lhsIparams in (Syn_TypeSigs _lhsOoutput)) sem_TypeSigs_Cons :: T_TypeSig -> T_TypeSigs -> T_TypeSigs sem_TypeSigs_Cons !(T_TypeSig hd_) !(T_TypeSigs tl_) = (T_TypeSigs (\ (!_lhsInt) (!_lhsIparams) -> (case (({-# LINE 42 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIparams {-# LINE 3174 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOparams -> (case (({-# LINE 39 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsInt {-# LINE 3179 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_tlOnt -> (case (({-# LINE 42 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsIparams {-# LINE 3184 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOparams -> (case (({-# LINE 39 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _lhsInt {-# LINE 3189 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_hdOnt -> (case (tl_ _tlOnt _tlOparams) of { ( !_tlIoutput) -> (case (hd_ _hdOnt _hdOparams) of { ( !_hdIoutput) -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} (:) _hdIoutput _tlIoutput {-# LINE 3198 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_output -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _output {-# LINE 3203 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOoutput -> ( _lhsOoutput) }) }) }) }) }) }) }) }))) sem_TypeSigs_Nil :: T_TypeSigs sem_TypeSigs_Nil = (T_TypeSigs (\ (!_lhsInt) (!_lhsIparams) -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} [] {-# LINE 3213 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_output -> (case (({-# LINE 599 "./src-ag/DefaultRules.ag" #-} _output {-# LINE 3218 "dist/build/DefaultRules.hs" #-} )) of { !_lhsOoutput -> ( _lhsOoutput) }) })))