-- UUAGC 0.9.5 (Order.ag) module Order where -- From uuagc import CommonTypes import Patterns import ErrorMessages import AbstractSyntax import Code hiding (Type) import qualified Code import Expression import Options import SequentialComputation import SequentialTypes import CodeSyntax import GrammarInfo import HsToken(HsTokensRoot(HsTokensRoot)) import HsTokenScanner(lexTokens) import SemHsTokens(sem_HsTokensRoot,wrap_HsTokensRoot, Syn_HsTokensRoot(..),Inh_HsTokensRoot(..)) -- From uulib import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified UU.DData.Seq as Seq import Data.Map(Map) import Data.Set(Set) import UU.DData.Seq(Seq, (<>)) import UU.Util.Utils import UU.Scanner.Position(Pos(..),initPos) -- From haskell libraries import Control.Monad(liftM) import qualified Data.Array as Array import Data.Array((!),bounds,inRange) import Data.List(elemIndex,partition,sort,mapAccumL,find,nubBy,intersperse,groupBy,transpose) import qualified Data.Tree as Tree import Maybe -- Patterns.ag imports import UU.Scanner.Position(Pos) import CommonTypes (ConstructorIdent,Identifier) import UU.Scanner.Position(Pos) import HsToken -- AbstractSyntax.ag imports import Data.Set(Set) import Data.Map(Map) import Patterns (Pattern(..),Patterns) import Expression (Expression(..)) import CommonTypes -- Terminates with an error if the key is not in the map findWithErr1 :: (Ord k, Show k) => String -> k -> Map k a -> a findWithErr1 s k = Map.findWithDefault (error ("findWithErr1 " ++ s ++ ": key " ++ show k ++ " not in map.")) k findWithErr2 :: (Ord k, Show k, Show a) => k -> Map k a -> a findWithErr2 k m = Map.findWithDefault (error ("findWithErr2: key " ++ show k ++ " not in map: " ++ show m)) k m getNtName :: Type -> NontermIdent getNtName (NT nt _) = nt getNtName _ = nullIdent data AltAttr = AltAttr Identifier Identifier Bool deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) substSelf nt tp = case tp of NT n tps | n == _SELF -> NT nt tps _ -> tp haskellTupel :: [Type] -> Maybe Type haskellTupel ts = Just ( Haskell ( '(' : (concat (intersperse "," (map show ts))) ++ ")" )) lookupVertices :: Identifier -> Identifier -> Map AltAttr Int -> [Int] lookupVertices fld nm attrs = catMaybes ( [Map.lookup (AltAttr fld nm False) attrs] -- look for all "out" attributes ++ if fld == _LOC then [Map.lookup (AltAttr fld nm True) attrs] else [] ) swap (a,b) = (b,a) showPath :: Table CRule -> [Vertex] -> [String] showPath ruleTable path = let look a | inRange (bounds ruleTable) a = [showOrigin (ruleTable ! a)] | otherwise = ["Vertex " ++ show a] showOrigin cr | getHasCode cr && getName (getAttr cr) /= "self" = prettyCRule cr ++ " (" ++ show (getPos (getAttr cr)) ++ ")" | otherwise = prettyCRule cr in concatMap look path showPathLocal :: Table CRule -> [Vertex] -> [String] showPathLocal _ [] = [] showPathLocal ruleTable xs = showP (xs++[-1]) where showP [] = [] showP (v1:v2:vs) = let line = step v1 v2 lines = showP vs in line:lines step v1 v2 = " - " ++ a1 where r1 = ruleTable ! v1 a1 = show (getAttr r1) limitTo :: Int -> [String] -> [String] limitTo _ [] = [] limitTo 0 _ = ["....etcetera, etcetera...."] limitTo n (x:xs) = x : limitTo (n-1) xs showPathNice :: Table CRule -> [Vertex] -> [String] showPathNice _ [] = [] showPathNice ruleTable xs = limitTo 100 (showP ((-1):xs++[-1])) where [maxf, maxa, maxn, maxc] = maxWidths ruleTable (take 100 xs) showP [] = [] showP (v1:v2:vs) = let line = step v1 v2 lines = showP vs in if null line then lines else line:lines step v1 v2 | last && first = induced | last && isSyn r1 = "pass up " ++ alignR maxf "" ++ " " ++ alignL maxa a1 ++ " in " ++ alignR maxn n1 ++ "|" ++ c1 ++ induced | first&& not(isSyn r2) = "get from above " ++ alignR maxf "" ++ " " ++ alignL maxa a2 ++ " in " ++ alignR maxn n2 ++ "|" ++ c2 | last = "pass down " ++ alignR maxf f1 ++ "." ++ a1 ++ induced | isSyn r2 = "get from below " ++ alignR maxf f2 ++ "." ++ alignL maxa a2 ++ " in " ++ alignR maxn n2 ++ "|" ++ c2 | isLocal r1 = if head a1 == '_' then "" else "calculate " ++ alignR maxf "loc" ++ "." ++ a1 | otherwise = "pass down " ++ alignR maxf f1 ++ "." ++ alignL maxa a1 ++ " to " ++ alignR maxn n2 ++ "|" ++ c2 where first = v1<0 last = v2<0 r1 = ruleTable ! v1 r2 = ruleTable ! v2 a1 = show (getAttr r1) a2 = show (getAttr r2) f1 = show (getField r1) f2 = show (getField r2) n1 = show (getLhsNt r1) n2 = show (getLhsNt r2) c1 = show (getCon r1) c2 = show (getCon r2) induced | v2== -2 = " INDUCED dependency to " | otherwise = "" maxWidths ruleTable vs = map maximum (transpose (map getWidth vs)) where getWidth v | v<0 = [0,0,0,0] | otherwise = map (length . show . ($ (ruleTable!v))) [getField, getAttr, getLhsNt, getCon] alignL n xs | k Bool -> Route -> Error localCycleErr ruleTable o_visit (s:path) = let cr = ruleTable ! s attr = getAttr cr nt = getLhsNt cr con = getCon cr in LocalCirc nt con attr o_visit (showPathLocal ruleTable path) instCycleErr :: Table CRule -> Bool -> Route -> Error instCycleErr ruleTable o_visit (s:path) = let cr = ruleTable ! s attr = getAttr cr nt = getLhsNt cr con = getCon cr in InstCirc nt con attr o_visit (showPathLocal ruleTable path) directCycleErrs :: Table NTAttr -> Table CRule -> Bool -> [EdgeRoutes] -> [Error] directCycleErrs attrTable ruleTable o_visit xs = let getNont v = case attrTable ! v of NTASyn nt _ _ -> nt NTAInh nt _ _ -> nt getAttr v = case attrTable ! v of NTASyn _ a _ -> a NTAInh _ a _ -> a sameNont ((v1,_),_,_) ((v2,_),_,_) = getNont v1 == getNont v2 procCycle ((v1,v2),p1,p2) = ((getAttr v1, getAttr v2), showPathNice ruleTable p1, showPathNice ruleTable p2) wrapGroup gr@(((v1,_),_,_):_) = DirectCirc (getNont v1) o_visit (map procCycle gr) in map wrapGroup (groupBy sameNont xs) inducedCycleErrs :: Table NTAttr -> Table CRule -> CInterfaceMap -> [EdgeRoutes] -> [Error] inducedCycleErrs attrTable ruleTable cim xs = let getNont v = case attrTable ! v of NTASyn nt _ _ -> nt NTAInh nt _ _ -> nt getAttr v = case attrTable ! v of NTASyn _ a _ -> a NTAInh _ a _ -> a sameNont ((v1,_),_,_) ((v2,_),_,_) = getNont v1 == getNont v2 procCycle ((v1,v2),p1,p2) = ((getAttr v1, getAttr v2), showPathNice ruleTable p1, showPathNice ruleTable p2) wrapGroup gr@(((v1,_),_,_):_) = InducedCirc (getNont v1) (findWithErr1 "inducedCycleErr.cinter" (getNont v1) cim) (map procCycle gr) in map wrapGroup (groupBy sameNont xs) -- Child ------------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: inherited attributes: allfields : [(Identifier,Type,Bool)] allnts : [Identifier] attrs : [(Identifier,Identifier)] con : Identifier inh : Attributes nt : Identifier o_unbox : Bool syn : Attributes synthesized attributes: attributes : [(Identifier,Attributes,Attributes)] collectChildrenSyns : Map Identifier Attributes errors : Seq Error field : (Identifier,Type,Bool) gathAltAttrs : [AltAttr] gathRules : Seq CRule inhs : Seq (Identifier,Attributes) nts : Seq (Identifier,NontermIdent) singlevisits : [CRule] terminals : [Identifier] alternatives: alternative Child: child name : {Identifier} child tp : {Type} child inh : {Attributes} child syn : {Attributes} child higherOrder : {Bool} visit 0: local maptolocal : _ local gathRules : _ -} -- cata sem_Child :: Child -> T_Child sem_Child (Child _name _tp _inh _syn _higherOrder) = (sem_Child_Child _name _tp _inh _syn _higherOrder) -- semantic domain newtype T_Child = T_Child (([(Identifier,Type,Bool)]) -> ([Identifier]) -> ([(Identifier,Identifier)]) -> Identifier -> Attributes -> Identifier -> Bool -> Attributes -> ( ([(Identifier,Attributes,Attributes)]),(Map Identifier Attributes ),(Seq Error),((Identifier,Type,Bool)),([AltAttr]),(Seq CRule),(Seq (Identifier,Attributes)),(Seq (Identifier,NontermIdent)),([CRule]),([Identifier]))) data Inh_Child = Inh_Child {allfields_Inh_Child :: [(Identifier,Type,Bool)],allnts_Inh_Child :: [Identifier],attrs_Inh_Child :: [(Identifier,Identifier)],con_Inh_Child :: Identifier,inh_Inh_Child :: Attributes,nt_Inh_Child :: Identifier,o_unbox_Inh_Child :: Bool,syn_Inh_Child :: Attributes} data Syn_Child = Syn_Child {attributes_Syn_Child :: [(Identifier,Attributes,Attributes)],collectChildrenSyns_Syn_Child :: Map Identifier Attributes ,errors_Syn_Child :: Seq Error,field_Syn_Child :: (Identifier,Type,Bool),gathAltAttrs_Syn_Child :: [AltAttr],gathRules_Syn_Child :: Seq CRule,inhs_Syn_Child :: Seq (Identifier,Attributes),nts_Syn_Child :: Seq (Identifier,NontermIdent),singlevisits_Syn_Child :: [CRule],terminals_Syn_Child :: [Identifier]} wrap_Child (T_Child sem) (Inh_Child _lhsIallfields _lhsIallnts _lhsIattrs _lhsIcon _lhsIinh _lhsInt _lhsIo_unbox _lhsIsyn) = (let ( _lhsOattributes,_lhsOcollectChildrenSyns,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOfield,_lhsOgathAltAttrs,_lhsOgathRules,_lhsOinhs,_lhsOnts,_lhsOsinglevisits,_lhsOterminals) = (sem _lhsIallfields _lhsIallnts _lhsIattrs _lhsIcon _lhsIinh _lhsInt _lhsIo_unbox _lhsIsyn) in (Syn_Child _lhsOattributes _lhsOcollectChildrenSyns _lhsOerrors _lhsOfield _lhsOgathAltAttrs _lhsOgathRules _lhsOinhs _lhsOnts _lhsOsinglevisits _lhsOterminals)) sem_Child_Child :: Identifier -> Type -> Attributes -> Attributes -> Bool -> T_Child sem_Child_Child name_ tp_ inh_ syn_ higherOrder_ = (T_Child (\ _lhsIallfields _lhsIallnts _lhsIattrs _lhsIcon _lhsIinh _lhsInt _lhsIo_unbox _lhsIsyn -> (let _lhsOgathAltAttrs :: ([AltAttr]) _lhsOnts :: (Seq (Identifier,NontermIdent)) _lhsOinhs :: (Seq (Identifier,Attributes)) _lhsOcollectChildrenSyns :: (Map Identifier Attributes ) _lhsOsinglevisits :: ([CRule]) _lhsOterminals :: ([Identifier]) _lhsOattributes :: ([(Identifier,Attributes,Attributes)]) _lhsOfield :: ((Identifier,Type,Bool)) _lhsOerrors :: (Seq Error) _lhsOgathRules :: (Seq CRule) -- "Order.ag"(line 153, column 13) _maptolocal = case tp_ of NT nt _ -> Map.null syn_ _ -> True -- "Order.ag"(line 156, column 13) _lhsOgathAltAttrs = if _maptolocal then [ AltAttr _LOC name_ True ] else [ AltAttr name_ syn True | syn <- Map.keys syn_ ] -- "Order.ag"(line 171, column 13) _lhsOnts = Seq.single (name_,getNtName tp_) -- "Order.ag"(line 172, column 13) _lhsOinhs = Seq.single (name_,inh_) -- "Order.ag"(line 188, column 13) _gathRules = if _maptolocal then Seq.single (cRuleTerminal name_ _lhsInt _lhsIcon tp_) else Seq.fromList [ cRuleRhsSyn syn _lhsInt _lhsIcon tp name_ (getNtName tp_) | (syn,tp) <- Map.assocs syn_] -- "Order.ag"(line 313, column 12) _lhsOcollectChildrenSyns = Map.singleton name_ syn_ -- "Order.ag"(line 473, column 11) _lhsOsinglevisits = if _maptolocal then [] else [CChildVisit name_ (getNtName tp_) 0 inh_ syn_ True] -- "Order.ag"(line 494, column 11) _lhsOterminals = if _maptolocal then [name_] else [] -- "Order.ag"(line 523, column 11) _lhsOattributes = [(name_, inh_, syn_)] -- "Order.ag"(line 527, column 11) _lhsOfield = (name_, tp_, higherOrder_) -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 60, column 70) _lhsOerrors = Seq.empty -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 182, column 23) _lhsOgathRules = _gathRules in ( _lhsOattributes,_lhsOcollectChildrenSyns,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOfield,_lhsOgathAltAttrs,_lhsOgathRules,_lhsOinhs,_lhsOnts,_lhsOsinglevisits,_lhsOterminals)))) -- Children ---------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: inherited attributes: allfields : [(Identifier,Type,Bool)] allnts : [Identifier] attrs : [(Identifier,Identifier)] con : Identifier inh : Attributes nt : Identifier o_unbox : Bool syn : Attributes synthesized attributes: attributes : [(Identifier,Attributes,Attributes)] collectChildrenSyns : Map Identifier Attributes errors : Seq Error fields : [(Identifier,Type,Bool)] gathAltAttrs : [AltAttr] gathRules : Seq CRule inhs : Seq (Identifier,Attributes) nts : Seq (Identifier,NontermIdent) singlevisits : [CRule] terminals : [Identifier] alternatives: alternative Cons: child hd : Child child tl : Children alternative Nil: -} -- cata sem_Children :: Children -> T_Children sem_Children list = (Prelude.foldr sem_Children_Cons sem_Children_Nil (Prelude.map sem_Child list)) -- semantic domain newtype T_Children = T_Children (([(Identifier,Type,Bool)]) -> ([Identifier]) -> ([(Identifier,Identifier)]) -> Identifier -> Attributes -> Identifier -> Bool -> Attributes -> ( ([(Identifier,Attributes,Attributes)]),(Map Identifier Attributes ),(Seq Error),([(Identifier,Type,Bool)]),([AltAttr]),(Seq CRule),(Seq (Identifier,Attributes)),(Seq (Identifier,NontermIdent)),([CRule]),([Identifier]))) data Inh_Children = Inh_Children {allfields_Inh_Children :: [(Identifier,Type,Bool)],allnts_Inh_Children :: [Identifier],attrs_Inh_Children :: [(Identifier,Identifier)],con_Inh_Children :: Identifier,inh_Inh_Children :: Attributes,nt_Inh_Children :: Identifier,o_unbox_Inh_Children :: Bool,syn_Inh_Children :: Attributes} data Syn_Children = Syn_Children {attributes_Syn_Children :: [(Identifier,Attributes,Attributes)],collectChildrenSyns_Syn_Children :: Map Identifier Attributes ,errors_Syn_Children :: Seq Error,fields_Syn_Children :: [(Identifier,Type,Bool)],gathAltAttrs_Syn_Children :: [AltAttr],gathRules_Syn_Children :: Seq CRule,inhs_Syn_Children :: Seq (Identifier,Attributes),nts_Syn_Children :: Seq (Identifier,NontermIdent),singlevisits_Syn_Children :: [CRule],terminals_Syn_Children :: [Identifier]} wrap_Children (T_Children sem) (Inh_Children _lhsIallfields _lhsIallnts _lhsIattrs _lhsIcon _lhsIinh _lhsInt _lhsIo_unbox _lhsIsyn) = (let ( _lhsOattributes,_lhsOcollectChildrenSyns,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOfields,_lhsOgathAltAttrs,_lhsOgathRules,_lhsOinhs,_lhsOnts,_lhsOsinglevisits,_lhsOterminals) = (sem _lhsIallfields _lhsIallnts _lhsIattrs _lhsIcon _lhsIinh _lhsInt _lhsIo_unbox _lhsIsyn) in (Syn_Children _lhsOattributes _lhsOcollectChildrenSyns _lhsOerrors _lhsOfields _lhsOgathAltAttrs _lhsOgathRules _lhsOinhs _lhsOnts _lhsOsinglevisits _lhsOterminals)) sem_Children_Cons :: T_Child -> T_Children -> T_Children sem_Children_Cons (T_Child hd_) (T_Children tl_) = (T_Children (\ _lhsIallfields _lhsIallnts _lhsIattrs _lhsIcon _lhsIinh _lhsInt _lhsIo_unbox _lhsIsyn -> (let _lhsOfields :: ([(Identifier,Type,Bool)]) _lhsOattributes :: ([(Identifier,Attributes,Attributes)]) _lhsOcollectChildrenSyns :: (Map Identifier Attributes ) _lhsOerrors :: (Seq Error) _lhsOgathAltAttrs :: ([AltAttr]) _lhsOgathRules :: (Seq CRule) _lhsOinhs :: (Seq (Identifier,Attributes)) _lhsOnts :: (Seq (Identifier,NontermIdent)) _lhsOsinglevisits :: ([CRule]) _lhsOterminals :: ([Identifier]) _hdOallfields :: ([(Identifier,Type,Bool)]) _hdOallnts :: ([Identifier]) _hdOattrs :: ([(Identifier,Identifier)]) _hdOcon :: Identifier _hdOinh :: Attributes _hdOnt :: Identifier _hdOo_unbox :: Bool _hdOsyn :: Attributes _tlOallfields :: ([(Identifier,Type,Bool)]) _tlOallnts :: ([Identifier]) _tlOattrs :: ([(Identifier,Identifier)]) _tlOcon :: Identifier _tlOinh :: Attributes _tlOnt :: Identifier _tlOo_unbox :: Bool _tlOsyn :: Attributes _hdIattributes :: ([(Identifier,Attributes,Attributes)]) _hdIcollectChildrenSyns :: (Map Identifier Attributes ) _hdIerrors :: (Seq Error) _hdIfield :: ((Identifier,Type,Bool)) _hdIgathAltAttrs :: ([AltAttr]) _hdIgathRules :: (Seq CRule) _hdIinhs :: (Seq (Identifier,Attributes)) _hdInts :: (Seq (Identifier,NontermIdent)) _hdIsinglevisits :: ([CRule]) _hdIterminals :: ([Identifier]) _tlIattributes :: ([(Identifier,Attributes,Attributes)]) _tlIcollectChildrenSyns :: (Map Identifier Attributes ) _tlIerrors :: (Seq Error) _tlIfields :: ([(Identifier,Type,Bool)]) _tlIgathAltAttrs :: ([AltAttr]) _tlIgathRules :: (Seq CRule) _tlIinhs :: (Seq (Identifier,Attributes)) _tlInts :: (Seq (Identifier,NontermIdent)) _tlIsinglevisits :: ([CRule]) _tlIterminals :: ([Identifier]) -- "Order.ag"(line 530, column 11) _lhsOfields = _hdIfield : _tlIfields -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 521, column 32) _lhsOattributes = _hdIattributes ++ _tlIattributes -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 311, column 47) _lhsOcollectChildrenSyns = _hdIcollectChildrenSyns `Map.union` _tlIcollectChildrenSyns -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 60, column 70) _lhsOerrors = _hdIerrors Seq.<> _tlIerrors -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 146, column 68) _lhsOgathAltAttrs = _hdIgathAltAttrs ++ _tlIgathAltAttrs -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 182, column 23) _lhsOgathRules = _hdIgathRules Seq.<> _tlIgathRules -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 169, column 20) _lhsOinhs = _hdIinhs Seq.<> _tlIinhs -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 168, column 19) _lhsOnts = _hdInts Seq.<> _tlInts -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 471, column 40) _lhsOsinglevisits = _hdIsinglevisits ++ _tlIsinglevisits -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 492, column 38) _lhsOterminals = _hdIterminals ++ _tlIterminals -- copy rule (down) _hdOallfields = _lhsIallfields -- copy rule (down) _hdOallnts = _lhsIallnts -- copy rule (down) _hdOattrs = _lhsIattrs -- copy rule (down) _hdOcon = _lhsIcon -- copy rule (down) _hdOinh = _lhsIinh -- copy rule (down) _hdOnt = _lhsInt -- copy rule (down) _hdOo_unbox = _lhsIo_unbox -- copy rule (down) _hdOsyn = _lhsIsyn -- copy rule (down) _tlOallfields = _lhsIallfields -- copy rule (down) _tlOallnts = _lhsIallnts -- copy rule (down) _tlOattrs = _lhsIattrs -- copy rule (down) _tlOcon = _lhsIcon -- copy rule (down) _tlOinh = _lhsIinh -- copy rule (down) _tlOnt = _lhsInt -- copy rule (down) _tlOo_unbox = _lhsIo_unbox -- copy rule (down) _tlOsyn = _lhsIsyn ( _hdIattributes,_hdIcollectChildrenSyns,_hdIerrors,_hdIfield,_hdIgathAltAttrs,_hdIgathRules,_hdIinhs,_hdInts,_hdIsinglevisits,_hdIterminals) = (hd_ _hdOallfields _hdOallnts _hdOattrs _hdOcon _hdOinh _hdOnt _hdOo_unbox _hdOsyn) ( _tlIattributes,_tlIcollectChildrenSyns,_tlIerrors,_tlIfields,_tlIgathAltAttrs,_tlIgathRules,_tlIinhs,_tlInts,_tlIsinglevisits,_tlIterminals) = (tl_ _tlOallfields _tlOallnts _tlOattrs _tlOcon _tlOinh _tlOnt _tlOo_unbox _tlOsyn) in ( _lhsOattributes,_lhsOcollectChildrenSyns,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOfields,_lhsOgathAltAttrs,_lhsOgathRules,_lhsOinhs,_lhsOnts,_lhsOsinglevisits,_lhsOterminals)))) sem_Children_Nil :: T_Children sem_Children_Nil = (T_Children (\ _lhsIallfields _lhsIallnts _lhsIattrs _lhsIcon _lhsIinh _lhsInt _lhsIo_unbox _lhsIsyn -> (let _lhsOfields :: ([(Identifier,Type,Bool)]) _lhsOattributes :: ([(Identifier,Attributes,Attributes)]) _lhsOcollectChildrenSyns :: (Map Identifier Attributes ) _lhsOerrors :: (Seq Error) _lhsOgathAltAttrs :: ([AltAttr]) _lhsOgathRules :: (Seq CRule) _lhsOinhs :: (Seq (Identifier,Attributes)) _lhsOnts :: (Seq (Identifier,NontermIdent)) _lhsOsinglevisits :: ([CRule]) _lhsOterminals :: ([Identifier]) -- "Order.ag"(line 531, column 11) _lhsOfields = [] -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 521, column 32) _lhsOattributes = [] -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 311, column 47) _lhsOcollectChildrenSyns = Map.empty -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 60, column 70) _lhsOerrors = Seq.empty -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 146, column 68) _lhsOgathAltAttrs = [] -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 182, column 23) _lhsOgathRules = Seq.empty -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 169, column 20) _lhsOinhs = Seq.empty -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 168, column 19) _lhsOnts = Seq.empty -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 471, column 40) _lhsOsinglevisits = [] -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 492, column 38) _lhsOterminals = [] in ( _lhsOattributes,_lhsOcollectChildrenSyns,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOfields,_lhsOgathAltAttrs,_lhsOgathRules,_lhsOinhs,_lhsOnts,_lhsOsinglevisits,_lhsOterminals)))) -- Expression -------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: inherited attributes: allfields : [(Identifier,Type,Bool)] allnts : [Identifier] attrs : [(Identifier,Identifier)] con : Identifier nt : Identifier synthesized attributes: allRhsVars : Set (Identifier,Identifier) copy : SELF errors : Seq Error textLines : [String] usedAttrs : [(Identifier,Identifier)] usedFields : [Identifier] usedLocals : [Identifier] alternatives: alternative Expression: child pos : {Pos} child tks : {[HsToken]} visit 0: local _tup1 : _ local errors : _ local textLines : _ local usedAttrs : _ local usedLocals : _ local usedFields : _ local copy : _ -} -- cata sem_Expression :: Expression -> T_Expression sem_Expression (Expression _pos _tks) = (sem_Expression_Expression _pos _tks) -- semantic domain newtype T_Expression = T_Expression (([(Identifier,Type,Bool)]) -> ([Identifier]) -> ([(Identifier,Identifier)]) -> Identifier -> Identifier -> ( (Set (Identifier,Identifier)),Expression,(Seq Error),([String]),([(Identifier,Identifier)]),([Identifier]),([Identifier]))) data Inh_Expression = Inh_Expression {allfields_Inh_Expression :: [(Identifier,Type,Bool)],allnts_Inh_Expression :: [Identifier],attrs_Inh_Expression :: [(Identifier,Identifier)],con_Inh_Expression :: Identifier,nt_Inh_Expression :: Identifier} data Syn_Expression = Syn_Expression {allRhsVars_Syn_Expression :: Set (Identifier,Identifier),copy_Syn_Expression :: Expression,errors_Syn_Expression :: Seq Error,textLines_Syn_Expression :: [String],usedAttrs_Syn_Expression :: [(Identifier,Identifier)],usedFields_Syn_Expression :: [Identifier],usedLocals_Syn_Expression :: [Identifier]} wrap_Expression (T_Expression sem) (Inh_Expression _lhsIallfields _lhsIallnts _lhsIattrs _lhsIcon _lhsInt) = (let ( _lhsOallRhsVars,_lhsOcopy,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOtextLines,_lhsOusedAttrs,_lhsOusedFields,_lhsOusedLocals) = (sem _lhsIallfields _lhsIallnts _lhsIattrs _lhsIcon _lhsInt) in (Syn_Expression _lhsOallRhsVars _lhsOcopy _lhsOerrors _lhsOtextLines _lhsOusedAttrs _lhsOusedFields _lhsOusedLocals)) sem_Expression_Expression :: Pos -> ([HsToken]) -> T_Expression sem_Expression_Expression pos_ tks_ = (T_Expression (\ _lhsIallfields _lhsIallnts _lhsIattrs _lhsIcon _lhsInt -> (let _lhsOallRhsVars :: (Set (Identifier,Identifier)) _lhsOcopy :: Expression _lhsOerrors :: (Seq Error) _lhsOtextLines :: ([String]) _lhsOusedAttrs :: ([(Identifier,Identifier)]) _lhsOusedFields :: ([Identifier]) _lhsOusedLocals :: ([Identifier]) -- "Order.ag"(line 333, column 21) __tup1 = let inherited = Inh_HsTokensRoot { attrs_Inh_HsTokensRoot = _lhsIattrs , con_Inh_HsTokensRoot = _lhsIcon , allfields_Inh_HsTokensRoot = _lhsIallfields , allnts_Inh_HsTokensRoot = _lhsIallnts , nt_Inh_HsTokensRoot = _lhsInt } synthesized = wrap_HsTokensRoot (sem_HsTokensRoot (HsTokensRoot tks_)) inherited in case synthesized of Syn_HsTokensRoot { errors_Syn_HsTokensRoot = errors , textLines_Syn_HsTokensRoot = textLines , usedAttrs_Syn_HsTokensRoot = usedAttrs , usedLocals_Syn_HsTokensRoot = usedLocals , usedFields_Syn_HsTokensRoot = usedFields } -> (errors,textLines,usedAttrs,usedLocals,usedFields) -- "Order.ag"(line 333, column 21) (_errors,_,_,_,_) = __tup1 -- "Order.ag"(line 333, column 21) (_,_textLines,_,_,_) = __tup1 -- "Order.ag"(line 333, column 21) (_,_,_usedAttrs,_,_) = __tup1 -- "Order.ag"(line 333, column 21) (_,_,_,_usedLocals,_) = __tup1 -- "Order.ag"(line 333, column 21) (_,_,_,_,_usedFields) = __tup1 -- "Order.ag"(line 351, column 17) _lhsOallRhsVars = Set.fromList _usedAttrs `Set.union` Set.fromList [ (_LOC, l) | l <- _usedLocals ] `Set.union` Set.fromList [ (_FIELD, fld) | fld <- _usedFields ] -- self rule _copy = Expression pos_ tks_ -- self rule _lhsOcopy = _copy -- copy rule (from local) _lhsOerrors = _errors -- copy rule (from local) _lhsOtextLines = _textLines -- copy rule (from local) _lhsOusedAttrs = _usedAttrs -- copy rule (from local) _lhsOusedFields = _usedFields -- copy rule (from local) _lhsOusedLocals = _usedLocals in ( _lhsOallRhsVars,_lhsOcopy,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOtextLines,_lhsOusedAttrs,_lhsOusedFields,_lhsOusedLocals)))) -- Grammar ----------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: inherited attribute: options : Options synthesized attributes: errors : Seq Error output : CGrammar alternatives: alternative Grammar: child typeSyns : {TypeSyns} child useMap : {UseMap} child derivings : {Derivings} child wrappers : {Set NontermIdent} child nonts : Nonterminals child pragmas : {PragmaMap} child manualAttrOrderMap : {AttrOrderMap} child paramMap : {ParamMap} child contextMap : {ContextMap} visit 0: local ruleTable : _ local attrTable : _ local attrVertex : _ local tdpToTds : _ local tdsToTdp : _ local directDep : _ local instDep : _ local info : _ local _tup2 : _ local cInterfaceMap : _ local cVisitsMap : _ local cyclesErrors : _ -} -- cata sem_Grammar :: Grammar -> T_Grammar sem_Grammar (Grammar _typeSyns _useMap _derivings _wrappers _nonts _pragmas _manualAttrOrderMap _paramMap _contextMap) = (sem_Grammar_Grammar _typeSyns _useMap _derivings _wrappers (sem_Nonterminals _nonts) _pragmas _manualAttrOrderMap _paramMap _contextMap) -- semantic domain newtype T_Grammar = T_Grammar (Options -> ( (Seq Error),CGrammar)) data Inh_Grammar = Inh_Grammar {options_Inh_Grammar :: Options} data Syn_Grammar = Syn_Grammar {errors_Syn_Grammar :: Seq Error,output_Syn_Grammar :: CGrammar} wrap_Grammar (T_Grammar sem) (Inh_Grammar _lhsIoptions) = (let ( _lhsOerrors,_lhsOoutput) = (sem _lhsIoptions) in (Syn_Grammar _lhsOerrors _lhsOoutput)) sem_Grammar_Grammar :: TypeSyns -> UseMap -> Derivings -> (Set NontermIdent) -> T_Nonterminals -> PragmaMap -> AttrOrderMap -> ParamMap -> ContextMap -> T_Grammar sem_Grammar_Grammar typeSyns_ useMap_ derivings_ wrappers_ (T_Nonterminals nonts_) pragmas_ manualAttrOrderMap_ paramMap_ contextMap_ = (T_Grammar (\ _lhsIoptions -> (let _nontsOo_cata :: Bool _nontsOo_data :: Bool _nontsOo_sig :: Bool _nontsOo_sem :: Bool _nontsOo_rename :: Bool _nontsOo_newtypes :: Bool _nontsOo_wantvisit :: Bool _nontsOo_dovisit :: Bool _nontsOo_unbox :: Bool _nontsOo_case :: Bool _nontsOprefix :: String _nontsOvcount :: Int _nontsOmanualAttrDepMap :: AttrOrderMap _nontsOacount :: Int _lhsOerrors :: (Seq Error) _lhsOoutput :: CGrammar _nontsOallnts :: ([Identifier]) _nontsOcInterfaceMap :: CInterfaceMap _nontsOcVisitsMap :: CVisitsMap _nontsIacount :: Int _nontsIadditionalDep :: (Seq Edge) _nontsIaranges :: (Seq (Int,Int,Int)) _nontsIcNonterminals :: CNonterminals _nontsIdirectDep :: (Seq Edge) _nontsIerrors :: (Seq Error) _nontsIinstDep :: (Seq Edge) _nontsInonts :: ([(NontermIdent,[ConstructorIdent])]) _nontsIntattrs :: (Seq (Vertex,NTAttr)) _nontsIrules :: (Seq (Vertex,CRule)) _nontsIvcount :: Int -- "Order.ag"(line 99, column 17) _nontsOo_cata = folds _lhsIoptions -- "Order.ag"(line 99, column 17) _nontsOo_data = dataTypes _lhsIoptions -- "Order.ag"(line 99, column 17) _nontsOo_sig = typeSigs _lhsIoptions -- "Order.ag"(line 99, column 17) _nontsOo_sem = semfuns _lhsIoptions -- "Order.ag"(line 99, column 17) _nontsOo_rename = rename _lhsIoptions -- "Order.ag"(line 99, column 17) _nontsOo_newtypes = newtypes _lhsIoptions -- "Order.ag"(line 99, column 17) _nontsOo_wantvisit = visit _lhsIoptions -- "Order.ag"(line 99, column 17) _nontsOo_dovisit = visit _lhsIoptions && null _cyclesErrors -- "Order.ag"(line 99, column 17) _nontsOo_unbox = unbox _lhsIoptions -- "Order.ag"(line 99, column 17) _nontsOo_case = cases _lhsIoptions -- "Order.ag"(line 99, column 17) _nontsOprefix = prefix _lhsIoptions -- "Order.ag"(line 237, column 15) _nontsOvcount = 0 -- "Order.ag"(line 262, column 7) _nontsOmanualAttrDepMap = manualAttrOrderMap_ -- "Order.ag"(line 365, column 13) _nontsOacount = 0 -- "Order.ag"(line 403, column 13) _ruleTable = Array.array (0,_nontsIvcount-1) (Seq.toList _nontsIrules) -- "Order.ag"(line 404, column 13) _attrTable = Array.array (0,_nontsIacount-1) (Seq.toList _nontsIntattrs) -- "Order.ag"(line 405, column 13) _attrVertex = Map.fromList (map swap (Seq.toList _nontsIntattrs)) -- "Order.ag"(line 406, column 13) _tdpToTds = [ (s, maybe (-1) (\v -> findWithErr1 "Grammar.tdpToTds" v _attrVertex) (ntattr cr)) | (s,cr) <- Seq.toList _nontsIrules] -- "Order.ag"(line 408, column 13) _tdsToTdp = let eq (_,v) (_,v') = v == v' conv ((s,v):svs) | v == -1 = Nothing | otherwise = Just (v,s:map fst svs) in mapMaybe conv (eqClasses eq _tdpToTds) -- "Order.ag"(line 412, column 13) _directDep = Seq.toList (_nontsIdirectDep Seq.<> _nontsIadditionalDep) -- "Order.ag"(line 413, column 13) _instDep = Seq.toList _nontsIinstDep -- "Order.ag"(line 414, column 13) _info = let def [] = -1 def (v:vs) = v in Info { tdsToTdp = Array.array (0,_nontsIacount-1) _tdsToTdp , tdpToTds = Array.array (0,_nontsIvcount-1) _tdpToTds , attrTable = _attrTable , ruleTable = _ruleTable , lmh = Seq.toList _nontsIaranges , nonts = _nontsInonts , wraps = wrappers_ } -- "Order.ag"(line 425, column 17) __tup2 = case computeSequential _info _directDep _instDep of CycleFree cim cvm -> ( cim , cvm , [] ) LocalCycle errs -> ( error "No interfaces for AG with local cycles" , error "No visit sub-sequences for AG with local cycles" , map (localCycleErr _ruleTable (visit _lhsIoptions)) errs ) InstCycle errs -> ( error "No interfaces for AG with cycles through insts" , error "No visit sub-sequences for AG with cycles through insts" , map (instCycleErr _ruleTable (visit _lhsIoptions)) errs ) DirectCycle errs -> ( error "No interfaces for AG with direct cycles" , error "No visit sub-sequences for AG with direct cycles" , directCycleErrs _attrTable _ruleTable (visit _lhsIoptions) errs ) InducedCycle cim errs -> ( cim , error "No visit sub-sequences for AG with induced cycles" , inducedCycleErrs _attrTable _ruleTable cim errs ) -- "Order.ag"(line 425, column 17) (_cInterfaceMap,_,_) = __tup2 -- "Order.ag"(line 425, column 17) (_,_cVisitsMap,_) = __tup2 -- "Order.ag"(line 425, column 17) (_,_,_cyclesErrors) = __tup2 -- "Order.ag"(line 447, column 13) _lhsOerrors = (if withCycle _lhsIoptions then Seq.fromList _cyclesErrors else Seq.empty) Seq.<> _nontsIerrors -- "Order.ag"(line 479, column 15) _lhsOoutput = CGrammar typeSyns_ derivings_ wrappers_ _nontsIcNonterminals pragmas_ paramMap_ contextMap_ -- "Order.ag"(line 506, column 13) _nontsOallnts = map fst (_nontsInonts) -- copy rule (from local) _nontsOcInterfaceMap = _cInterfaceMap -- copy rule (from local) _nontsOcVisitsMap = _cVisitsMap ( _nontsIacount,_nontsIadditionalDep,_nontsIaranges,_nontsIcNonterminals,_nontsIdirectDep,_nontsIerrors,_nontsIinstDep,_nontsInonts,_nontsIntattrs,_nontsIrules,_nontsIvcount) = (nonts_ _nontsOacount _nontsOallnts _nontsOcInterfaceMap _nontsOcVisitsMap _nontsOmanualAttrDepMap _nontsOo_case _nontsOo_cata _nontsOo_data _nontsOo_dovisit _nontsOo_newtypes _nontsOo_rename _nontsOo_sem _nontsOo_sig _nontsOo_unbox _nontsOo_wantvisit _nontsOprefix _nontsOvcount) in ( _lhsOerrors,_lhsOoutput)))) -- Nonterminal ------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: inherited attributes: allnts : [Identifier] cInterfaceMap : CInterfaceMap cVisitsMap : CVisitsMap manualAttrDepMap : AttrOrderMap o_case : Bool o_cata : Bool o_data : Bool o_dovisit : Bool o_newtypes : Bool o_rename : Bool o_sem : Bool o_sig : Bool o_unbox : Bool o_wantvisit : Bool prefix : String chained attributes: acount : Int vcount : Int synthesized attributes: additionalDep : Seq Edge aranges : Seq (Int,Int,Int) cNonterminal : CNonterminal directDep : Seq Edge errors : Seq Error instDep : Seq Edge nonts : [(NontermIdent,[ConstructorIdent])] ntattrs : Seq (Vertex,NTAttr) rules : Seq (Vertex,CRule) alternatives: alternative Nonterminal: child nt : {NontermIdent} child params : {[Identifier]} child inh : {Attributes} child syn : {Attributes} child prods : Productions visit 0: local ntattrs : _ local cInter : _ -} -- cata sem_Nonterminal :: Nonterminal -> T_Nonterminal sem_Nonterminal (Nonterminal _nt _params _inh _syn _prods) = (sem_Nonterminal_Nonterminal _nt _params _inh _syn (sem_Productions _prods)) -- semantic domain newtype T_Nonterminal = T_Nonterminal (Int -> ([Identifier]) -> CInterfaceMap -> CVisitsMap -> AttrOrderMap -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> String -> Int -> ( Int,(Seq Edge),(Seq (Int,Int,Int)),CNonterminal,(Seq Edge),(Seq Error),(Seq Edge),([(NontermIdent,[ConstructorIdent])]),(Seq (Vertex,NTAttr)),(Seq (Vertex,CRule)),Int)) data Inh_Nonterminal = Inh_Nonterminal {acount_Inh_Nonterminal :: Int,allnts_Inh_Nonterminal :: [Identifier],cInterfaceMap_Inh_Nonterminal :: CInterfaceMap,cVisitsMap_Inh_Nonterminal :: CVisitsMap,manualAttrDepMap_Inh_Nonterminal :: AttrOrderMap,o_case_Inh_Nonterminal :: Bool,o_cata_Inh_Nonterminal :: Bool,o_data_Inh_Nonterminal :: Bool,o_dovisit_Inh_Nonterminal :: Bool,o_newtypes_Inh_Nonterminal :: Bool,o_rename_Inh_Nonterminal :: Bool,o_sem_Inh_Nonterminal :: Bool,o_sig_Inh_Nonterminal :: Bool,o_unbox_Inh_Nonterminal :: Bool,o_wantvisit_Inh_Nonterminal :: Bool,prefix_Inh_Nonterminal :: String,vcount_Inh_Nonterminal :: Int} data Syn_Nonterminal = Syn_Nonterminal {acount_Syn_Nonterminal :: Int,additionalDep_Syn_Nonterminal :: Seq Edge,aranges_Syn_Nonterminal :: Seq (Int,Int,Int),cNonterminal_Syn_Nonterminal :: CNonterminal,directDep_Syn_Nonterminal :: Seq Edge,errors_Syn_Nonterminal :: Seq Error,instDep_Syn_Nonterminal :: Seq Edge,nonts_Syn_Nonterminal :: [(NontermIdent,[ConstructorIdent])],ntattrs_Syn_Nonterminal :: Seq (Vertex,NTAttr),rules_Syn_Nonterminal :: Seq (Vertex,CRule),vcount_Syn_Nonterminal :: Int} wrap_Nonterminal (T_Nonterminal sem) (Inh_Nonterminal _lhsIacount _lhsIallnts _lhsIcInterfaceMap _lhsIcVisitsMap _lhsImanualAttrDepMap _lhsIo_case _lhsIo_cata _lhsIo_data _lhsIo_dovisit _lhsIo_newtypes _lhsIo_rename _lhsIo_sem _lhsIo_sig _lhsIo_unbox _lhsIo_wantvisit _lhsIprefix _lhsIvcount) = (let ( _lhsOacount,_lhsOadditionalDep,_lhsOaranges,_lhsOcNonterminal,_lhsOdirectDep,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOinstDep,_lhsOnonts,_lhsOntattrs,_lhsOrules,_lhsOvcount) = (sem _lhsIacount _lhsIallnts _lhsIcInterfaceMap _lhsIcVisitsMap _lhsImanualAttrDepMap _lhsIo_case _lhsIo_cata _lhsIo_data _lhsIo_dovisit _lhsIo_newtypes _lhsIo_rename _lhsIo_sem _lhsIo_sig _lhsIo_unbox _lhsIo_wantvisit _lhsIprefix _lhsIvcount) in (Syn_Nonterminal _lhsOacount _lhsOadditionalDep _lhsOaranges _lhsOcNonterminal _lhsOdirectDep _lhsOerrors _lhsOinstDep _lhsOnonts _lhsOntattrs _lhsOrules _lhsOvcount)) sem_Nonterminal_Nonterminal :: NontermIdent -> ([Identifier]) -> Attributes -> Attributes -> T_Productions -> T_Nonterminal sem_Nonterminal_Nonterminal nt_ params_ inh_ syn_ (T_Productions prods_) = (T_Nonterminal (\ _lhsIacount _lhsIallnts _lhsIcInterfaceMap _lhsIcVisitsMap _lhsImanualAttrDepMap _lhsIo_case _lhsIo_cata _lhsIo_data _lhsIo_dovisit _lhsIo_newtypes _lhsIo_rename _lhsIo_sem _lhsIo_sig _lhsIo_unbox _lhsIo_wantvisit _lhsIprefix _lhsIvcount -> (let _prodsOnt :: Identifier _prodsOinh :: Attributes _prodsOsyn :: Attributes _lhsOntattrs :: (Seq (Vertex,NTAttr)) _lhsOacount :: Int _lhsOaranges :: (Seq (Int,Int,Int)) _lhsOnonts :: ([(NontermIdent,[ConstructorIdent])]) _lhsOcNonterminal :: CNonterminal _lhsOadditionalDep :: (Seq Edge) _lhsOdirectDep :: (Seq Edge) _lhsOerrors :: (Seq Error) _lhsOinstDep :: (Seq Edge) _lhsOrules :: (Seq (Vertex,CRule)) _lhsOvcount :: Int _prodsOallnts :: ([Identifier]) _prodsOcVisitsMap :: CVisitsMap _prodsOmanualAttrDepMap :: AttrOrderMap _prodsOo_case :: Bool _prodsOo_cata :: Bool _prodsOo_dovisit :: Bool _prodsOo_newtypes :: Bool _prodsOo_rename :: Bool _prodsOo_sem :: Bool _prodsOo_sig :: Bool _prodsOo_unbox :: Bool _prodsOo_wantvisit :: Bool _prodsOprefix :: String _prodsOvcount :: Int _prodsIadditionalDep :: (Seq Edge) _prodsIcProductions :: CProductions _prodsIcons :: ([ConstructorIdent]) _prodsIdirectDep :: (Seq Edge) _prodsIerrors :: (Seq Error) _prodsIinstDep :: (Seq Edge) _prodsIrules :: (Seq (Vertex,CRule)) _prodsIvcount :: Int -- "Order.ag"(line 73, column 17) _prodsOnt = nt_ -- "Order.ag"(line 76, column 17) _prodsOinh = inh_ -- "Order.ag"(line 77, column 17) _prodsOsyn = syn_ -- "Order.ag"(line 368, column 17) _ntattrs = [ NTAInh nt_ inh tp | (inh,tp) <- Map.assocs inh_ ] ++ [NTASyn nt_ syn tp | (syn,tp) <- Map.assocs syn_ ] -- "Order.ag"(line 370, column 17) _lhsOntattrs = Seq.fromList (zip [_lhsIacount ..] _ntattrs) -- "Order.ag"(line 371, column 17) _lhsOacount = _lhsIacount + Map.size inh_ + Map.size syn_ -- "Order.ag"(line 372, column 17) _lhsOaranges = Seq.single (_lhsIacount ,_lhsIacount + Map.size inh_ ,_lhsIacount + Map.size syn_ + Map.size inh_ - 1) -- "Order.ag"(line 381, column 19) _lhsOnonts = [(nt_,_prodsIcons)] -- "Order.ag"(line 456, column 19) _cInter = if _lhsIo_dovisit then findWithErr1 "Nonterminal.cInter" nt_ _lhsIcInterfaceMap else CInterface [CSegment inh_ syn_] -- "Order.ag"(line 484, column 19) _lhsOcNonterminal = CNonterminal nt_ params_ inh_ syn_ _prodsIcProductions _cInter -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 259, column 71) _lhsOadditionalDep = _prodsIadditionalDep -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 245, column 33) _lhsOdirectDep = _prodsIdirectDep -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 60, column 70) _lhsOerrors = _prodsIerrors -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 292, column 31) _lhsOinstDep = _prodsIinstDep -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 235, column 18) _lhsOrules = _prodsIrules -- copy rule (up) _lhsOvcount = _prodsIvcount -- copy rule (down) _prodsOallnts = _lhsIallnts -- copy rule (down) _prodsOcVisitsMap = _lhsIcVisitsMap -- copy rule (down) _prodsOmanualAttrDepMap = _lhsImanualAttrDepMap -- copy rule (down) _prodsOo_case = _lhsIo_case -- copy rule (down) _prodsOo_cata = _lhsIo_cata -- copy rule (down) _prodsOo_dovisit = _lhsIo_dovisit -- copy rule (down) _prodsOo_newtypes = _lhsIo_newtypes -- copy rule (down) _prodsOo_rename = _lhsIo_rename -- copy rule (down) _prodsOo_sem = _lhsIo_sem -- copy rule (down) _prodsOo_sig = _lhsIo_sig -- copy rule (down) _prodsOo_unbox = _lhsIo_unbox -- copy rule (down) _prodsOo_wantvisit = _lhsIo_wantvisit -- copy rule (down) _prodsOprefix = _lhsIprefix -- copy rule (down) _prodsOvcount = _lhsIvcount ( _prodsIadditionalDep,_prodsIcProductions,_prodsIcons,_prodsIdirectDep,_prodsIerrors,_prodsIinstDep,_prodsIrules,_prodsIvcount) = (prods_ _prodsOallnts _prodsOcVisitsMap _prodsOinh _prodsOmanualAttrDepMap _prodsOnt _prodsOo_case _prodsOo_cata _prodsOo_dovisit _prodsOo_newtypes _prodsOo_rename _prodsOo_sem _prodsOo_sig _prodsOo_unbox _prodsOo_wantvisit _prodsOprefix _prodsOsyn _prodsOvcount) in ( _lhsOacount,_lhsOadditionalDep,_lhsOaranges,_lhsOcNonterminal,_lhsOdirectDep,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOinstDep,_lhsOnonts,_lhsOntattrs,_lhsOrules,_lhsOvcount)))) -- Nonterminals ------------------------------------------------ {- visit 0: inherited attributes: allnts : [Identifier] cInterfaceMap : CInterfaceMap cVisitsMap : CVisitsMap manualAttrDepMap : AttrOrderMap o_case : Bool o_cata : Bool o_data : Bool o_dovisit : Bool o_newtypes : Bool o_rename : Bool o_sem : Bool o_sig : Bool o_unbox : Bool o_wantvisit : Bool prefix : String chained attributes: acount : Int vcount : Int synthesized attributes: additionalDep : Seq Edge aranges : Seq (Int,Int,Int) cNonterminals : CNonterminals directDep : Seq Edge errors : Seq Error instDep : Seq Edge nonts : [(NontermIdent,[ConstructorIdent])] ntattrs : Seq (Vertex,NTAttr) rules : Seq (Vertex,CRule) alternatives: alternative Cons: child hd : Nonterminal child tl : Nonterminals alternative Nil: -} -- cata sem_Nonterminals :: Nonterminals -> T_Nonterminals sem_Nonterminals list = (Prelude.foldr sem_Nonterminals_Cons sem_Nonterminals_Nil (Prelude.map sem_Nonterminal list)) -- semantic domain newtype T_Nonterminals = T_Nonterminals (Int -> ([Identifier]) -> CInterfaceMap -> CVisitsMap -> AttrOrderMap -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> String -> Int -> ( Int,(Seq Edge),(Seq (Int,Int,Int)),CNonterminals,(Seq Edge),(Seq Error),(Seq Edge),([(NontermIdent,[ConstructorIdent])]),(Seq (Vertex,NTAttr)),(Seq (Vertex,CRule)),Int)) data Inh_Nonterminals = Inh_Nonterminals {acount_Inh_Nonterminals :: Int,allnts_Inh_Nonterminals :: [Identifier],cInterfaceMap_Inh_Nonterminals :: CInterfaceMap,cVisitsMap_Inh_Nonterminals :: CVisitsMap,manualAttrDepMap_Inh_Nonterminals :: AttrOrderMap,o_case_Inh_Nonterminals :: Bool,o_cata_Inh_Nonterminals :: Bool,o_data_Inh_Nonterminals :: Bool,o_dovisit_Inh_Nonterminals :: Bool,o_newtypes_Inh_Nonterminals :: Bool,o_rename_Inh_Nonterminals :: Bool,o_sem_Inh_Nonterminals :: Bool,o_sig_Inh_Nonterminals :: Bool,o_unbox_Inh_Nonterminals :: Bool,o_wantvisit_Inh_Nonterminals :: Bool,prefix_Inh_Nonterminals :: String,vcount_Inh_Nonterminals :: Int} data Syn_Nonterminals = Syn_Nonterminals {acount_Syn_Nonterminals :: Int,additionalDep_Syn_Nonterminals :: Seq Edge,aranges_Syn_Nonterminals :: Seq (Int,Int,Int),cNonterminals_Syn_Nonterminals :: CNonterminals,directDep_Syn_Nonterminals :: Seq Edge,errors_Syn_Nonterminals :: Seq Error,instDep_Syn_Nonterminals :: Seq Edge,nonts_Syn_Nonterminals :: [(NontermIdent,[ConstructorIdent])],ntattrs_Syn_Nonterminals :: Seq (Vertex,NTAttr),rules_Syn_Nonterminals :: Seq (Vertex,CRule),vcount_Syn_Nonterminals :: Int} wrap_Nonterminals (T_Nonterminals sem) (Inh_Nonterminals _lhsIacount _lhsIallnts _lhsIcInterfaceMap _lhsIcVisitsMap _lhsImanualAttrDepMap _lhsIo_case _lhsIo_cata _lhsIo_data _lhsIo_dovisit _lhsIo_newtypes _lhsIo_rename _lhsIo_sem _lhsIo_sig _lhsIo_unbox _lhsIo_wantvisit _lhsIprefix _lhsIvcount) = (let ( _lhsOacount,_lhsOadditionalDep,_lhsOaranges,_lhsOcNonterminals,_lhsOdirectDep,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOinstDep,_lhsOnonts,_lhsOntattrs,_lhsOrules,_lhsOvcount) = (sem _lhsIacount _lhsIallnts _lhsIcInterfaceMap _lhsIcVisitsMap _lhsImanualAttrDepMap _lhsIo_case _lhsIo_cata _lhsIo_data _lhsIo_dovisit _lhsIo_newtypes _lhsIo_rename _lhsIo_sem _lhsIo_sig _lhsIo_unbox _lhsIo_wantvisit _lhsIprefix _lhsIvcount) in (Syn_Nonterminals _lhsOacount _lhsOadditionalDep _lhsOaranges _lhsOcNonterminals _lhsOdirectDep _lhsOerrors _lhsOinstDep _lhsOnonts _lhsOntattrs _lhsOrules _lhsOvcount)) sem_Nonterminals_Cons :: T_Nonterminal -> T_Nonterminals -> T_Nonterminals sem_Nonterminals_Cons (T_Nonterminal hd_) (T_Nonterminals tl_) = (T_Nonterminals (\ _lhsIacount _lhsIallnts _lhsIcInterfaceMap _lhsIcVisitsMap _lhsImanualAttrDepMap _lhsIo_case _lhsIo_cata _lhsIo_data _lhsIo_dovisit _lhsIo_newtypes _lhsIo_rename _lhsIo_sem _lhsIo_sig _lhsIo_unbox _lhsIo_wantvisit _lhsIprefix _lhsIvcount -> (let _lhsOcNonterminals :: CNonterminals _lhsOadditionalDep :: (Seq Edge) _lhsOaranges :: (Seq (Int,Int,Int)) _lhsOdirectDep :: (Seq Edge) _lhsOerrors :: (Seq Error) _lhsOinstDep :: (Seq Edge) _lhsOnonts :: ([(NontermIdent,[ConstructorIdent])]) _lhsOntattrs :: (Seq (Vertex,NTAttr)) _lhsOrules :: (Seq (Vertex,CRule)) _lhsOacount :: Int _lhsOvcount :: Int _hdOacount :: Int _hdOallnts :: ([Identifier]) _hdOcInterfaceMap :: CInterfaceMap _hdOcVisitsMap :: CVisitsMap _hdOmanualAttrDepMap :: AttrOrderMap _hdOo_case :: Bool _hdOo_cata :: Bool _hdOo_data :: Bool _hdOo_dovisit :: Bool _hdOo_newtypes :: Bool _hdOo_rename :: Bool _hdOo_sem :: Bool _hdOo_sig :: Bool _hdOo_unbox :: Bool _hdOo_wantvisit :: Bool _hdOprefix :: String _hdOvcount :: Int _tlOacount :: Int _tlOallnts :: ([Identifier]) _tlOcInterfaceMap :: CInterfaceMap _tlOcVisitsMap :: CVisitsMap _tlOmanualAttrDepMap :: AttrOrderMap _tlOo_case :: Bool _tlOo_cata :: Bool _tlOo_data :: Bool _tlOo_dovisit :: Bool _tlOo_newtypes :: Bool _tlOo_rename :: Bool _tlOo_sem :: Bool _tlOo_sig :: Bool _tlOo_unbox :: Bool _tlOo_wantvisit :: Bool _tlOprefix :: String _tlOvcount :: Int _hdIacount :: Int _hdIadditionalDep :: (Seq Edge) _hdIaranges :: (Seq (Int,Int,Int)) _hdIcNonterminal :: CNonterminal _hdIdirectDep :: (Seq Edge) _hdIerrors :: (Seq Error) _hdIinstDep :: (Seq Edge) _hdInonts :: ([(NontermIdent,[ConstructorIdent])]) _hdIntattrs :: (Seq (Vertex,NTAttr)) _hdIrules :: (Seq (Vertex,CRule)) _hdIvcount :: Int _tlIacount :: Int _tlIadditionalDep :: (Seq Edge) _tlIaranges :: (Seq (Int,Int,Int)) _tlIcNonterminals :: CNonterminals _tlIdirectDep :: (Seq Edge) _tlIerrors :: (Seq Error) _tlIinstDep :: (Seq Edge) _tlInonts :: ([(NontermIdent,[ConstructorIdent])]) _tlIntattrs :: (Seq (Vertex,NTAttr)) _tlIrules :: (Seq (Vertex,CRule)) _tlIvcount :: Int -- "Order.ag"(line 481, column 12) _lhsOcNonterminals = _hdIcNonterminal : _tlIcNonterminals -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 259, column 71) _lhsOadditionalDep = _hdIadditionalDep Seq.<> _tlIadditionalDep -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 362, column 36) _lhsOaranges = _hdIaranges Seq.<> _tlIaranges -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 245, column 33) _lhsOdirectDep = _hdIdirectDep Seq.<> _tlIdirectDep -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 60, column 70) _lhsOerrors = _hdIerrors Seq.<> _tlIerrors -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 292, column 31) _lhsOinstDep = _hdIinstDep Seq.<> _tlIinstDep -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 379, column 43) _lhsOnonts = _hdInonts ++ _tlInonts -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 361, column 35) _lhsOntattrs = _hdIntattrs Seq.<> _tlIntattrs -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 235, column 18) _lhsOrules = _hdIrules Seq.<> _tlIrules -- copy rule (up) _lhsOacount = _tlIacount -- copy rule (up) _lhsOvcount = _tlIvcount -- copy rule (down) _hdOacount = _lhsIacount -- copy rule (down) _hdOallnts = _lhsIallnts -- copy rule (down) _hdOcInterfaceMap = _lhsIcInterfaceMap -- copy rule (down) _hdOcVisitsMap = _lhsIcVisitsMap -- copy rule (down) _hdOmanualAttrDepMap = _lhsImanualAttrDepMap -- copy rule (down) _hdOo_case = _lhsIo_case -- copy rule (down) _hdOo_cata = _lhsIo_cata -- copy rule (down) _hdOo_data = _lhsIo_data -- copy rule (down) _hdOo_dovisit = _lhsIo_dovisit -- copy rule (down) _hdOo_newtypes = _lhsIo_newtypes -- copy rule (down) _hdOo_rename = _lhsIo_rename -- copy rule (down) _hdOo_sem = _lhsIo_sem -- copy rule (down) _hdOo_sig = _lhsIo_sig -- copy rule (down) _hdOo_unbox = _lhsIo_unbox -- copy rule (down) _hdOo_wantvisit = _lhsIo_wantvisit -- copy rule (down) _hdOprefix = _lhsIprefix -- copy rule (down) _hdOvcount = _lhsIvcount -- copy rule (chain) _tlOacount = _hdIacount -- copy rule (down) _tlOallnts = _lhsIallnts -- copy rule (down) _tlOcInterfaceMap = _lhsIcInterfaceMap -- copy rule (down) _tlOcVisitsMap = _lhsIcVisitsMap -- copy rule (down) _tlOmanualAttrDepMap = _lhsImanualAttrDepMap -- copy rule (down) _tlOo_case = _lhsIo_case -- copy rule (down) _tlOo_cata = _lhsIo_cata -- copy rule (down) _tlOo_data = _lhsIo_data -- copy rule (down) _tlOo_dovisit = _lhsIo_dovisit -- copy rule (down) _tlOo_newtypes = _lhsIo_newtypes -- copy rule (down) _tlOo_rename = _lhsIo_rename -- copy rule (down) _tlOo_sem = _lhsIo_sem -- copy rule (down) _tlOo_sig = _lhsIo_sig -- copy rule (down) _tlOo_unbox = _lhsIo_unbox -- copy rule (down) _tlOo_wantvisit = _lhsIo_wantvisit -- copy rule (down) _tlOprefix = _lhsIprefix -- copy rule (chain) _tlOvcount = _hdIvcount ( _hdIacount,_hdIadditionalDep,_hdIaranges,_hdIcNonterminal,_hdIdirectDep,_hdIerrors,_hdIinstDep,_hdInonts,_hdIntattrs,_hdIrules,_hdIvcount) = (hd_ _hdOacount _hdOallnts _hdOcInterfaceMap _hdOcVisitsMap _hdOmanualAttrDepMap _hdOo_case _hdOo_cata _hdOo_data _hdOo_dovisit _hdOo_newtypes _hdOo_rename _hdOo_sem _hdOo_sig _hdOo_unbox _hdOo_wantvisit _hdOprefix _hdOvcount) ( _tlIacount,_tlIadditionalDep,_tlIaranges,_tlIcNonterminals,_tlIdirectDep,_tlIerrors,_tlIinstDep,_tlInonts,_tlIntattrs,_tlIrules,_tlIvcount) = (tl_ _tlOacount _tlOallnts _tlOcInterfaceMap _tlOcVisitsMap _tlOmanualAttrDepMap _tlOo_case _tlOo_cata _tlOo_data _tlOo_dovisit _tlOo_newtypes _tlOo_rename _tlOo_sem _tlOo_sig _tlOo_unbox _tlOo_wantvisit _tlOprefix _tlOvcount) in ( _lhsOacount,_lhsOadditionalDep,_lhsOaranges,_lhsOcNonterminals,_lhsOdirectDep,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOinstDep,_lhsOnonts,_lhsOntattrs,_lhsOrules,_lhsOvcount)))) sem_Nonterminals_Nil :: T_Nonterminals sem_Nonterminals_Nil = (T_Nonterminals (\ _lhsIacount _lhsIallnts _lhsIcInterfaceMap _lhsIcVisitsMap _lhsImanualAttrDepMap _lhsIo_case _lhsIo_cata _lhsIo_data _lhsIo_dovisit _lhsIo_newtypes _lhsIo_rename _lhsIo_sem _lhsIo_sig _lhsIo_unbox _lhsIo_wantvisit _lhsIprefix _lhsIvcount -> (let _lhsOcNonterminals :: CNonterminals _lhsOadditionalDep :: (Seq Edge) _lhsOaranges :: (Seq (Int,Int,Int)) _lhsOdirectDep :: (Seq Edge) _lhsOerrors :: (Seq Error) _lhsOinstDep :: (Seq Edge) _lhsOnonts :: ([(NontermIdent,[ConstructorIdent])]) _lhsOntattrs :: (Seq (Vertex,NTAttr)) _lhsOrules :: (Seq (Vertex,CRule)) _lhsOacount :: Int _lhsOvcount :: Int -- "Order.ag"(line 482, column 12) _lhsOcNonterminals = [] -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 259, column 71) _lhsOadditionalDep = Seq.empty -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 362, column 36) _lhsOaranges = Seq.empty -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 245, column 33) _lhsOdirectDep = Seq.empty -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 60, column 70) _lhsOerrors = Seq.empty -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 292, column 31) _lhsOinstDep = Seq.empty -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 379, column 43) _lhsOnonts = [] -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 361, column 35) _lhsOntattrs = Seq.empty -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 235, column 18) _lhsOrules = Seq.empty -- copy rule (chain) _lhsOacount = _lhsIacount -- copy rule (chain) _lhsOvcount = _lhsIvcount in ( _lhsOacount,_lhsOadditionalDep,_lhsOaranges,_lhsOcNonterminals,_lhsOdirectDep,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOinstDep,_lhsOnonts,_lhsOntattrs,_lhsOrules,_lhsOvcount)))) -- Pattern ----------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: inherited attributes: allTypeSigs : Map Identifier Type altAttrs : Map AltAttr Vertex con : Identifier inh : Attributes nt : Identifier syn : Attributes synthesized attributes: copy : SELF errors : Seq Error gathAltAttrs : [AltAttr] instVars : [Identifier] locVars : [Identifier] patternAttrs : [(Identifier,Identifier,Bool,Patterns)] alternatives: alternative Alias: child field : {Identifier} child attr : {Identifier} child pat : Pattern child parts : Patterns visit 0: local copy : _ alternative Constr: child name : {ConstructorIdent} child pats : Patterns visit 0: local copy : _ alternative Irrefutable: child pat : Pattern visit 0: local copy : _ alternative Product: child pos : {Pos} child pats : Patterns visit 0: local copy : _ alternative Underscore: child pos : {Pos} visit 0: local copy : _ -} -- cata sem_Pattern :: Pattern -> T_Pattern sem_Pattern (Alias _field _attr _pat _parts) = (sem_Pattern_Alias _field _attr (sem_Pattern _pat) (sem_Patterns _parts)) sem_Pattern (Constr _name _pats) = (sem_Pattern_Constr _name (sem_Patterns _pats)) sem_Pattern (Irrefutable _pat) = (sem_Pattern_Irrefutable (sem_Pattern _pat)) sem_Pattern (Product _pos _pats) = (sem_Pattern_Product _pos (sem_Patterns _pats)) sem_Pattern (Underscore _pos) = (sem_Pattern_Underscore _pos) -- semantic domain newtype T_Pattern = T_Pattern ((Map Identifier Type) -> (Map AltAttr Vertex) -> Identifier -> Attributes -> Identifier -> Attributes -> ( Pattern,(Seq Error),([AltAttr]),([Identifier]),([Identifier]),([(Identifier,Identifier,Bool,Patterns)]))) data Inh_Pattern = Inh_Pattern {allTypeSigs_Inh_Pattern :: Map Identifier Type,altAttrs_Inh_Pattern :: Map AltAttr Vertex,con_Inh_Pattern :: Identifier,inh_Inh_Pattern :: Attributes,nt_Inh_Pattern :: Identifier,syn_Inh_Pattern :: Attributes} data Syn_Pattern = Syn_Pattern {copy_Syn_Pattern :: Pattern,errors_Syn_Pattern :: Seq Error,gathAltAttrs_Syn_Pattern :: [AltAttr],instVars_Syn_Pattern :: [Identifier],locVars_Syn_Pattern :: [Identifier],patternAttrs_Syn_Pattern :: [(Identifier,Identifier,Bool,Patterns)]} wrap_Pattern (T_Pattern sem) (Inh_Pattern _lhsIallTypeSigs _lhsIaltAttrs _lhsIcon _lhsIinh _lhsInt _lhsIsyn) = (let ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOgathAltAttrs,_lhsOinstVars,_lhsOlocVars,_lhsOpatternAttrs) = (sem _lhsIallTypeSigs _lhsIaltAttrs _lhsIcon _lhsIinh _lhsInt _lhsIsyn) in (Syn_Pattern _lhsOcopy _lhsOerrors _lhsOgathAltAttrs _lhsOinstVars _lhsOlocVars _lhsOpatternAttrs)) sem_Pattern_Alias :: Identifier -> Identifier -> T_Pattern -> T_Patterns -> T_Pattern sem_Pattern_Alias field_ attr_ (T_Pattern pat_) (T_Patterns parts_) = (T_Pattern (\ _lhsIallTypeSigs _lhsIaltAttrs _lhsIcon _lhsIinh _lhsInt _lhsIsyn -> (let _lhsOgathAltAttrs :: ([AltAttr]) _lhsOpatternAttrs :: ([(Identifier,Identifier,Bool,Patterns)]) _lhsOlocVars :: ([Identifier]) _lhsOinstVars :: ([Identifier]) _lhsOerrors :: (Seq Error) _lhsOcopy :: Pattern _patOallTypeSigs :: (Map Identifier Type) _patOaltAttrs :: (Map AltAttr Vertex) _patOcon :: Identifier _patOinh :: Attributes _patOnt :: Identifier _patOsyn :: Attributes _partsOallTypeSigs :: (Map Identifier Type) _partsOaltAttrs :: (Map AltAttr Vertex) _partsOcon :: Identifier _partsOinh :: Attributes _partsOnt :: Identifier _partsOsyn :: Attributes _patIcopy :: Pattern _patIerrors :: (Seq Error) _patIgathAltAttrs :: ([AltAttr]) _patIinstVars :: ([Identifier]) _patIlocVars :: ([Identifier]) _patIpatternAttrs :: ([(Identifier,Identifier,Bool,Patterns)]) _partsIcopy :: Patterns _partsIerrors :: (Seq Error) _partsIgathAltAttrs :: ([AltAttr]) _partsIinstVars :: ([Identifier]) _partsIlocVars :: ([Identifier]) _partsIpatternAttrs :: ([(Identifier,Identifier,Bool,Patterns)]) -- "Order.ag"(line 160, column 12) _lhsOgathAltAttrs = [AltAttr field_ attr_ (field_ == _LOC || field_ == _INST)] -- "Order.ag"(line 228, column 12) _lhsOpatternAttrs = [(field_,attr_,(field_ == _LOC || field_ == _INST),_partsIcopy)] -- "Order.ag"(line 536, column 14) _lhsOlocVars = if field_ == _LOC then [attr_] else [] -- "Order.ag"(line 539, column 14) _lhsOinstVars = if field_ == _INST then [attr_] else [] -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 60, column 70) _lhsOerrors = _patIerrors Seq.<> _partsIerrors -- self rule _copy = Alias field_ attr_ _patIcopy _partsIcopy -- self rule _lhsOcopy = _copy -- copy rule (down) _patOallTypeSigs = _lhsIallTypeSigs -- copy rule (down) _patOaltAttrs = _lhsIaltAttrs -- copy rule (down) _patOcon = _lhsIcon -- copy rule (down) _patOinh = _lhsIinh -- copy rule (down) _patOnt = _lhsInt -- copy rule (down) _patOsyn = _lhsIsyn -- copy rule (down) _partsOallTypeSigs = _lhsIallTypeSigs -- copy rule (down) _partsOaltAttrs = _lhsIaltAttrs -- copy rule (down) _partsOcon = _lhsIcon -- copy rule (down) _partsOinh = _lhsIinh -- copy rule (down) _partsOnt = _lhsInt -- copy rule (down) _partsOsyn = _lhsIsyn ( _patIcopy,_patIerrors,_patIgathAltAttrs,_patIinstVars,_patIlocVars,_patIpatternAttrs) = (pat_ _patOallTypeSigs _patOaltAttrs _patOcon _patOinh _patOnt _patOsyn) ( _partsIcopy,_partsIerrors,_partsIgathAltAttrs,_partsIinstVars,_partsIlocVars,_partsIpatternAttrs) = (parts_ _partsOallTypeSigs _partsOaltAttrs _partsOcon _partsOinh _partsOnt _partsOsyn) in ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOgathAltAttrs,_lhsOinstVars,_lhsOlocVars,_lhsOpatternAttrs)))) sem_Pattern_Constr :: ConstructorIdent -> T_Patterns -> T_Pattern sem_Pattern_Constr name_ (T_Patterns pats_) = (T_Pattern (\ _lhsIallTypeSigs _lhsIaltAttrs _lhsIcon _lhsIinh _lhsInt _lhsIsyn -> (let _lhsOerrors :: (Seq Error) _lhsOgathAltAttrs :: ([AltAttr]) _lhsOinstVars :: ([Identifier]) _lhsOlocVars :: ([Identifier]) _lhsOpatternAttrs :: ([(Identifier,Identifier,Bool,Patterns)]) _lhsOcopy :: Pattern _patsOallTypeSigs :: (Map Identifier Type) _patsOaltAttrs :: (Map AltAttr Vertex) _patsOcon :: Identifier _patsOinh :: Attributes _patsOnt :: Identifier _patsOsyn :: Attributes _patsIcopy :: Patterns _patsIerrors :: (Seq Error) _patsIgathAltAttrs :: ([AltAttr]) _patsIinstVars :: ([Identifier]) _patsIlocVars :: ([Identifier]) _patsIpatternAttrs :: ([(Identifier,Identifier,Bool,Patterns)]) -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 60, column 70) _lhsOerrors = _patsIerrors -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 146, column 68) _lhsOgathAltAttrs = _patsIgathAltAttrs -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 533, column 86) _lhsOinstVars = _patsIinstVars -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 533, column 48) _lhsOlocVars = _patsIlocVars -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 225, column 42) _lhsOpatternAttrs = _patsIpatternAttrs -- self rule _copy = Constr name_ _patsIcopy -- self rule _lhsOcopy = _copy -- copy rule (down) _patsOallTypeSigs = _lhsIallTypeSigs -- copy rule (down) _patsOaltAttrs = _lhsIaltAttrs -- copy rule (down) _patsOcon = _lhsIcon -- copy rule (down) _patsOinh = _lhsIinh -- copy rule (down) _patsOnt = _lhsInt -- copy rule (down) _patsOsyn = _lhsIsyn ( _patsIcopy,_patsIerrors,_patsIgathAltAttrs,_patsIinstVars,_patsIlocVars,_patsIpatternAttrs) = (pats_ _patsOallTypeSigs _patsOaltAttrs _patsOcon _patsOinh _patsOnt _patsOsyn) in ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOgathAltAttrs,_lhsOinstVars,_lhsOlocVars,_lhsOpatternAttrs)))) sem_Pattern_Irrefutable :: T_Pattern -> T_Pattern sem_Pattern_Irrefutable (T_Pattern pat_) = (T_Pattern (\ _lhsIallTypeSigs _lhsIaltAttrs _lhsIcon _lhsIinh _lhsInt _lhsIsyn -> (let _lhsOerrors :: (Seq Error) _lhsOgathAltAttrs :: ([AltAttr]) _lhsOinstVars :: ([Identifier]) _lhsOlocVars :: ([Identifier]) _lhsOpatternAttrs :: ([(Identifier,Identifier,Bool,Patterns)]) _lhsOcopy :: Pattern _patOallTypeSigs :: (Map Identifier Type) _patOaltAttrs :: (Map AltAttr Vertex) _patOcon :: Identifier _patOinh :: Attributes _patOnt :: Identifier _patOsyn :: Attributes _patIcopy :: Pattern _patIerrors :: (Seq Error) _patIgathAltAttrs :: ([AltAttr]) _patIinstVars :: ([Identifier]) _patIlocVars :: ([Identifier]) _patIpatternAttrs :: ([(Identifier,Identifier,Bool,Patterns)]) -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 60, column 70) _lhsOerrors = _patIerrors -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 146, column 68) _lhsOgathAltAttrs = _patIgathAltAttrs -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 533, column 86) _lhsOinstVars = _patIinstVars -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 533, column 48) _lhsOlocVars = _patIlocVars -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 225, column 42) _lhsOpatternAttrs = _patIpatternAttrs -- self rule _copy = Irrefutable _patIcopy -- self rule _lhsOcopy = _copy -- copy rule (down) _patOallTypeSigs = _lhsIallTypeSigs -- copy rule (down) _patOaltAttrs = _lhsIaltAttrs -- copy rule (down) _patOcon = _lhsIcon -- copy rule (down) _patOinh = _lhsIinh -- copy rule (down) _patOnt = _lhsInt -- copy rule (down) _patOsyn = _lhsIsyn ( _patIcopy,_patIerrors,_patIgathAltAttrs,_patIinstVars,_patIlocVars,_patIpatternAttrs) = (pat_ _patOallTypeSigs _patOaltAttrs _patOcon _patOinh _patOnt _patOsyn) in ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOgathAltAttrs,_lhsOinstVars,_lhsOlocVars,_lhsOpatternAttrs)))) sem_Pattern_Product :: Pos -> T_Patterns -> T_Pattern sem_Pattern_Product pos_ (T_Patterns pats_) = (T_Pattern (\ _lhsIallTypeSigs _lhsIaltAttrs _lhsIcon _lhsIinh _lhsInt _lhsIsyn -> (let _lhsOerrors :: (Seq Error) _lhsOgathAltAttrs :: ([AltAttr]) _lhsOinstVars :: ([Identifier]) _lhsOlocVars :: ([Identifier]) _lhsOpatternAttrs :: ([(Identifier,Identifier,Bool,Patterns)]) _lhsOcopy :: Pattern _patsOallTypeSigs :: (Map Identifier Type) _patsOaltAttrs :: (Map AltAttr Vertex) _patsOcon :: Identifier _patsOinh :: Attributes _patsOnt :: Identifier _patsOsyn :: Attributes _patsIcopy :: Patterns _patsIerrors :: (Seq Error) _patsIgathAltAttrs :: ([AltAttr]) _patsIinstVars :: ([Identifier]) _patsIlocVars :: ([Identifier]) _patsIpatternAttrs :: ([(Identifier,Identifier,Bool,Patterns)]) -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 60, column 70) _lhsOerrors = _patsIerrors -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 146, column 68) _lhsOgathAltAttrs = _patsIgathAltAttrs -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 533, column 86) _lhsOinstVars = _patsIinstVars -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 533, column 48) _lhsOlocVars = _patsIlocVars -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 225, column 42) _lhsOpatternAttrs = _patsIpatternAttrs -- self rule _copy = Product pos_ _patsIcopy -- self rule _lhsOcopy = _copy -- copy rule (down) _patsOallTypeSigs = _lhsIallTypeSigs -- copy rule (down) _patsOaltAttrs = _lhsIaltAttrs -- copy rule (down) _patsOcon = _lhsIcon -- copy rule (down) _patsOinh = _lhsIinh -- copy rule (down) _patsOnt = _lhsInt -- copy rule (down) _patsOsyn = _lhsIsyn ( _patsIcopy,_patsIerrors,_patsIgathAltAttrs,_patsIinstVars,_patsIlocVars,_patsIpatternAttrs) = (pats_ _patsOallTypeSigs _patsOaltAttrs _patsOcon _patsOinh _patsOnt _patsOsyn) in ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOgathAltAttrs,_lhsOinstVars,_lhsOlocVars,_lhsOpatternAttrs)))) sem_Pattern_Underscore :: Pos -> T_Pattern sem_Pattern_Underscore pos_ = (T_Pattern (\ _lhsIallTypeSigs _lhsIaltAttrs _lhsIcon _lhsIinh _lhsInt _lhsIsyn -> (let _lhsOerrors :: (Seq Error) _lhsOgathAltAttrs :: ([AltAttr]) _lhsOinstVars :: ([Identifier]) _lhsOlocVars :: ([Identifier]) _lhsOpatternAttrs :: ([(Identifier,Identifier,Bool,Patterns)]) _lhsOcopy :: Pattern -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 60, column 70) _lhsOerrors = Seq.empty -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 146, column 68) _lhsOgathAltAttrs = [] -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 533, column 86) _lhsOinstVars = [] -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 533, column 48) _lhsOlocVars = [] -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 225, column 42) _lhsOpatternAttrs = [] -- self rule _copy = Underscore pos_ -- self rule _lhsOcopy = _copy in ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOgathAltAttrs,_lhsOinstVars,_lhsOlocVars,_lhsOpatternAttrs)))) -- Patterns ---------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: inherited attributes: allTypeSigs : Map Identifier Type altAttrs : Map AltAttr Vertex con : Identifier inh : Attributes nt : Identifier syn : Attributes synthesized attributes: copy : SELF errors : Seq Error gathAltAttrs : [AltAttr] instVars : [Identifier] locVars : [Identifier] patternAttrs : [(Identifier,Identifier,Bool,Patterns)] alternatives: alternative Cons: child hd : Pattern child tl : Patterns visit 0: local copy : _ alternative Nil: visit 0: local copy : _ -} -- cata sem_Patterns :: Patterns -> T_Patterns sem_Patterns list = (Prelude.foldr sem_Patterns_Cons sem_Patterns_Nil (Prelude.map sem_Pattern list)) -- semantic domain newtype T_Patterns = T_Patterns ((Map Identifier Type) -> (Map AltAttr Vertex) -> Identifier -> Attributes -> Identifier -> Attributes -> ( Patterns,(Seq Error),([AltAttr]),([Identifier]),([Identifier]),([(Identifier,Identifier,Bool,Patterns)]))) data Inh_Patterns = Inh_Patterns {allTypeSigs_Inh_Patterns :: Map Identifier Type,altAttrs_Inh_Patterns :: Map AltAttr Vertex,con_Inh_Patterns :: Identifier,inh_Inh_Patterns :: Attributes,nt_Inh_Patterns :: Identifier,syn_Inh_Patterns :: Attributes} data Syn_Patterns = Syn_Patterns {copy_Syn_Patterns :: Patterns,errors_Syn_Patterns :: Seq Error,gathAltAttrs_Syn_Patterns :: [AltAttr],instVars_Syn_Patterns :: [Identifier],locVars_Syn_Patterns :: [Identifier],patternAttrs_Syn_Patterns :: [(Identifier,Identifier,Bool,Patterns)]} wrap_Patterns (T_Patterns sem) (Inh_Patterns _lhsIallTypeSigs _lhsIaltAttrs _lhsIcon _lhsIinh _lhsInt _lhsIsyn) = (let ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOgathAltAttrs,_lhsOinstVars,_lhsOlocVars,_lhsOpatternAttrs) = (sem _lhsIallTypeSigs _lhsIaltAttrs _lhsIcon _lhsIinh _lhsInt _lhsIsyn) in (Syn_Patterns _lhsOcopy _lhsOerrors _lhsOgathAltAttrs _lhsOinstVars _lhsOlocVars _lhsOpatternAttrs)) sem_Patterns_Cons :: T_Pattern -> T_Patterns -> T_Patterns sem_Patterns_Cons (T_Pattern hd_) (T_Patterns tl_) = (T_Patterns (\ _lhsIallTypeSigs _lhsIaltAttrs _lhsIcon _lhsIinh _lhsInt _lhsIsyn -> (let _lhsOerrors :: (Seq Error) _lhsOgathAltAttrs :: ([AltAttr]) _lhsOinstVars :: ([Identifier]) _lhsOlocVars :: ([Identifier]) _lhsOpatternAttrs :: ([(Identifier,Identifier,Bool,Patterns)]) _lhsOcopy :: Patterns _hdOallTypeSigs :: (Map Identifier Type) _hdOaltAttrs :: (Map AltAttr Vertex) _hdOcon :: Identifier _hdOinh :: Attributes _hdOnt :: Identifier _hdOsyn :: Attributes _tlOallTypeSigs :: (Map Identifier Type) _tlOaltAttrs :: (Map AltAttr Vertex) _tlOcon :: Identifier _tlOinh :: Attributes _tlOnt :: Identifier _tlOsyn :: Attributes _hdIcopy :: Pattern _hdIerrors :: (Seq Error) _hdIgathAltAttrs :: ([AltAttr]) _hdIinstVars :: ([Identifier]) _hdIlocVars :: ([Identifier]) _hdIpatternAttrs :: ([(Identifier,Identifier,Bool,Patterns)]) _tlIcopy :: Patterns _tlIerrors :: (Seq Error) _tlIgathAltAttrs :: ([AltAttr]) _tlIinstVars :: ([Identifier]) _tlIlocVars :: ([Identifier]) _tlIpatternAttrs :: ([(Identifier,Identifier,Bool,Patterns)]) -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 60, column 70) _lhsOerrors = _hdIerrors Seq.<> _tlIerrors -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 146, column 68) _lhsOgathAltAttrs = _hdIgathAltAttrs ++ _tlIgathAltAttrs -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 533, column 86) _lhsOinstVars = _hdIinstVars ++ _tlIinstVars -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 533, column 48) _lhsOlocVars = _hdIlocVars ++ _tlIlocVars -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 225, column 42) _lhsOpatternAttrs = _hdIpatternAttrs ++ _tlIpatternAttrs -- self rule _copy = (:) _hdIcopy _tlIcopy -- self rule _lhsOcopy = _copy -- copy rule (down) _hdOallTypeSigs = _lhsIallTypeSigs -- copy rule (down) _hdOaltAttrs = _lhsIaltAttrs -- copy rule (down) _hdOcon = _lhsIcon -- copy rule (down) _hdOinh = _lhsIinh -- copy rule (down) _hdOnt = _lhsInt -- copy rule (down) _hdOsyn = _lhsIsyn -- copy rule (down) _tlOallTypeSigs = _lhsIallTypeSigs -- copy rule (down) _tlOaltAttrs = _lhsIaltAttrs -- copy rule (down) _tlOcon = _lhsIcon -- copy rule (down) _tlOinh = _lhsIinh -- copy rule (down) _tlOnt = _lhsInt -- copy rule (down) _tlOsyn = _lhsIsyn ( _hdIcopy,_hdIerrors,_hdIgathAltAttrs,_hdIinstVars,_hdIlocVars,_hdIpatternAttrs) = (hd_ _hdOallTypeSigs _hdOaltAttrs _hdOcon _hdOinh _hdOnt _hdOsyn) ( _tlIcopy,_tlIerrors,_tlIgathAltAttrs,_tlIinstVars,_tlIlocVars,_tlIpatternAttrs) = (tl_ _tlOallTypeSigs _tlOaltAttrs _tlOcon _tlOinh _tlOnt _tlOsyn) in ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOgathAltAttrs,_lhsOinstVars,_lhsOlocVars,_lhsOpatternAttrs)))) sem_Patterns_Nil :: T_Patterns sem_Patterns_Nil = (T_Patterns (\ _lhsIallTypeSigs _lhsIaltAttrs _lhsIcon _lhsIinh _lhsInt _lhsIsyn -> (let _lhsOerrors :: (Seq Error) _lhsOgathAltAttrs :: ([AltAttr]) _lhsOinstVars :: ([Identifier]) _lhsOlocVars :: ([Identifier]) _lhsOpatternAttrs :: ([(Identifier,Identifier,Bool,Patterns)]) _lhsOcopy :: Patterns -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 60, column 70) _lhsOerrors = Seq.empty -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 146, column 68) _lhsOgathAltAttrs = [] -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 533, column 86) _lhsOinstVars = [] -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 533, column 48) _lhsOlocVars = [] -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 225, column 42) _lhsOpatternAttrs = [] -- self rule _copy = [] -- self rule _lhsOcopy = _copy in ( _lhsOcopy,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOgathAltAttrs,_lhsOinstVars,_lhsOlocVars,_lhsOpatternAttrs)))) -- Production -------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: inherited attributes: allnts : [Identifier] cVisitsMap : CVisitsMap inh : Attributes manualAttrDepMap : AttrOrderMap nt : Identifier o_case : Bool o_cata : Bool o_dovisit : Bool o_newtypes : Bool o_rename : Bool o_sem : Bool o_sig : Bool o_unbox : Bool o_wantvisit : Bool prefix : String syn : Attributes chained attribute: vcount : Int synthesized attributes: additionalDep : Seq Edge cProduction : CProduction cons : [ConstructorIdent] directDep : Seq Edge errors : Seq Error instDep : Seq Edge rules : Seq (Vertex,CRule) alternatives: alternative Production: child con : {ConstructorIdent} child children : Children child rules : Rules child typeSigs : TypeSigs visit 0: local gathAltAttrs : _ local inhRules : _ local gathRules : _ local cVisits : _ local allfields : _ local attrs : _ local inhnames : _ local synnames : _ -} -- cata sem_Production :: Production -> T_Production sem_Production (Production _con _children _rules _typeSigs) = (sem_Production_Production _con (sem_Children _children) (sem_Rules _rules) (sem_TypeSigs _typeSigs)) -- semantic domain newtype T_Production = T_Production (([Identifier]) -> CVisitsMap -> Attributes -> AttrOrderMap -> Identifier -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> String -> Attributes -> Int -> ( (Seq Edge),CProduction,([ConstructorIdent]),(Seq Edge),(Seq Error),(Seq Edge),(Seq (Vertex,CRule)),Int)) data Inh_Production = Inh_Production {allnts_Inh_Production :: [Identifier],cVisitsMap_Inh_Production :: CVisitsMap,inh_Inh_Production :: Attributes,manualAttrDepMap_Inh_Production :: AttrOrderMap,nt_Inh_Production :: Identifier,o_case_Inh_Production :: Bool,o_cata_Inh_Production :: Bool,o_dovisit_Inh_Production :: Bool,o_newtypes_Inh_Production :: Bool,o_rename_Inh_Production :: Bool,o_sem_Inh_Production :: Bool,o_sig_Inh_Production :: Bool,o_unbox_Inh_Production :: Bool,o_wantvisit_Inh_Production :: Bool,prefix_Inh_Production :: String,syn_Inh_Production :: Attributes,vcount_Inh_Production :: Int} data Syn_Production = Syn_Production {additionalDep_Syn_Production :: Seq Edge,cProduction_Syn_Production :: CProduction,cons_Syn_Production :: [ConstructorIdent],directDep_Syn_Production :: Seq Edge,errors_Syn_Production :: Seq Error,instDep_Syn_Production :: Seq Edge,rules_Syn_Production :: Seq (Vertex,CRule),vcount_Syn_Production :: Int} wrap_Production (T_Production sem) (Inh_Production _lhsIallnts _lhsIcVisitsMap _lhsIinh _lhsImanualAttrDepMap _lhsInt _lhsIo_case _lhsIo_cata _lhsIo_dovisit _lhsIo_newtypes _lhsIo_rename _lhsIo_sem _lhsIo_sig _lhsIo_unbox _lhsIo_wantvisit _lhsIprefix _lhsIsyn _lhsIvcount) = (let ( _lhsOadditionalDep,_lhsOcProduction,_lhsOcons,_lhsOdirectDep,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOinstDep,_lhsOrules,_lhsOvcount) = (sem _lhsIallnts _lhsIcVisitsMap _lhsIinh _lhsImanualAttrDepMap _lhsInt _lhsIo_case _lhsIo_cata _lhsIo_dovisit _lhsIo_newtypes _lhsIo_rename _lhsIo_sem _lhsIo_sig _lhsIo_unbox _lhsIo_wantvisit _lhsIprefix _lhsIsyn _lhsIvcount) in (Syn_Production _lhsOadditionalDep _lhsOcProduction _lhsOcons _lhsOdirectDep _lhsOerrors _lhsOinstDep _lhsOrules _lhsOvcount)) sem_Production_Production :: ConstructorIdent -> T_Children -> T_Rules -> T_TypeSigs -> T_Production sem_Production_Production con_ (T_Children children_) (T_Rules rules_) (T_TypeSigs typeSigs_) = (T_Production (\ _lhsIallnts _lhsIcVisitsMap _lhsIinh _lhsImanualAttrDepMap _lhsInt _lhsIo_case _lhsIo_cata _lhsIo_dovisit _lhsIo_newtypes _lhsIo_rename _lhsIo_sem _lhsIo_sig _lhsIo_unbox _lhsIo_wantvisit _lhsIprefix _lhsIsyn _lhsIvcount -> (let _childrenOcon :: Identifier _rulesOcon :: Identifier _rulesOaltAttrs :: (Map AltAttr Vertex) _rulesOchildNts :: (Map Identifier NontermIdent) _rulesOchildInhs :: (Map Identifier Attributes) _lhsOrules :: (Seq (Vertex,CRule)) _lhsOvcount :: Int _rulesOsynsOfChildren :: (Map Identifier Attributes) _lhsOcons :: ([ConstructorIdent]) _typeSigsOtypeSigs :: (Map Identifier Type) _rulesOallTypeSigs :: (Map Identifier Type) _lhsOcProduction :: CProduction _lhsOadditionalDep :: (Seq Edge) _lhsOdirectDep :: (Seq Edge) _lhsOerrors :: (Seq Error) _lhsOinstDep :: (Seq Edge) _childrenOallfields :: ([(Identifier,Type,Bool)]) _childrenOallnts :: ([Identifier]) _childrenOattrs :: ([(Identifier,Identifier)]) _childrenOinh :: Attributes _childrenOnt :: Identifier _childrenOo_unbox :: Bool _childrenOsyn :: Attributes _rulesOallfields :: ([(Identifier,Type,Bool)]) _rulesOallnts :: ([Identifier]) _rulesOattrs :: ([(Identifier,Identifier)]) _rulesOinh :: Attributes _rulesOmanualAttrDepMap :: AttrOrderMap _rulesOnt :: Identifier _rulesOo_case :: Bool _rulesOo_cata :: Bool _rulesOo_dovisit :: Bool _rulesOo_newtypes :: Bool _rulesOo_rename :: Bool _rulesOo_sem :: Bool _rulesOo_sig :: Bool _rulesOo_wantvisit :: Bool _rulesOprefix :: String _rulesOsyn :: Attributes _childrenIattributes :: ([(Identifier,Attributes,Attributes)]) _childrenIcollectChildrenSyns :: (Map Identifier Attributes ) _childrenIerrors :: (Seq Error) _childrenIfields :: ([(Identifier,Type,Bool)]) _childrenIgathAltAttrs :: ([AltAttr]) _childrenIgathRules :: (Seq CRule) _childrenIinhs :: (Seq (Identifier,Attributes)) _childrenInts :: (Seq (Identifier,NontermIdent)) _childrenIsinglevisits :: ([CRule]) _childrenIterminals :: ([Identifier]) _rulesIadditionalDep :: (Seq Edge) _rulesIdirectDep :: (Seq Edge) _rulesIerrors :: (Seq Error) _rulesIgathAltAttrs :: ([AltAttr]) _rulesIgathRules :: (Seq CRule) _rulesIinstDep :: (Seq Edge) _rulesIinstVars :: ([Identifier]) _rulesIlocVars :: ([Identifier]) _typeSigsItypeSigs :: (Map Identifier Type) -- "Order.ag"(line 69, column 16) _childrenOcon = con_ -- "Order.ag"(line 71, column 16) _rulesOcon = con_ -- "Order.ag"(line 148, column 18) _gathAltAttrs = [ AltAttr _LHS inh True | inh <- Map.keys _lhsIinh ] ++ _childrenIgathAltAttrs ++ _rulesIgathAltAttrs -- "Order.ag"(line 164, column 17) _rulesOaltAttrs = Map.fromList (zip _gathAltAttrs [_lhsIvcount..]) -- "Order.ag"(line 177, column 18) _rulesOchildNts = Map.fromList (Seq.toList _childrenInts) -- "Order.ag"(line 178, column 19) _rulesOchildInhs = Map.fromList (Seq.toList _childrenIinhs) -- "Order.ag"(line 184, column 18) _inhRules = [ cRuleLhsInh inh _lhsInt con_ tp | (inh,tp) <- Map.assocs _lhsIinh ] -- "Order.ag"(line 185, column 19) _gathRules = _inhRules ++ Seq.toList (_childrenIgathRules Seq.<> _rulesIgathRules) -- "Order.ag"(line 239, column 18) _lhsOrules = Seq.fromList (zip [_lhsIvcount..] _gathRules) -- "Order.ag"(line 240, column 19) _lhsOvcount = _lhsIvcount + length _gathRules -- "Order.ag"(line 309, column 17) _rulesOsynsOfChildren = _childrenIcollectChildrenSyns -- "Order.ag"(line 384, column 18) _lhsOcons = [con_] -- "Order.ag"(line 391, column 16) _typeSigsOtypeSigs = Map.empty -- "Order.ag"(line 397, column 17) _rulesOallTypeSigs = _typeSigsItypeSigs -- "Order.ag"(line 463, column 17) _cVisits = if _lhsIo_dovisit then let prodsVisitsMap = findWithErr1 "Production.cVisits.nt" _lhsInt _lhsIcVisitsMap visits = findWithErr1 "Production.cVisits.con" con_ prodsVisitsMap in visits else let vss = nubBy eqCRuleDefines _gathRules ++ _childrenIsinglevisits in [CVisit _lhsIinh _lhsIsyn vss [] False] -- "Order.ag"(line 489, column 18) _lhsOcProduction = CProduction con_ _cVisits _childrenIfields _childrenIterminals -- "Order.ag"(line 513, column 16) _allfields = _childrenIfields -- "Order.ag"(line 513, column 16) _attrs = map ((,) _LOC) _rulesIlocVars ++ map ((,) _INST) _rulesIinstVars ++ map ((,) _LHS) _inhnames ++ concat [map ((,) nm) (Map.keys as) | (nm,_,as) <- _childrenIattributes] -- "Order.ag"(line 513, column 16) _inhnames = Map.keys _lhsIinh -- "Order.ag"(line 513, column 16) _synnames = Map.keys _lhsIsyn -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 259, column 71) _lhsOadditionalDep = _rulesIadditionalDep -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 245, column 33) _lhsOdirectDep = _rulesIdirectDep -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 60, column 70) _lhsOerrors = _childrenIerrors Seq.<> _rulesIerrors -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 292, column 31) _lhsOinstDep = _rulesIinstDep -- copy rule (from local) _childrenOallfields = _allfields -- copy rule (down) _childrenOallnts = _lhsIallnts -- copy rule (from local) _childrenOattrs = _attrs -- copy rule (down) _childrenOinh = _lhsIinh -- copy rule (down) _childrenOnt = _lhsInt -- copy rule (down) _childrenOo_unbox = _lhsIo_unbox -- copy rule (down) _childrenOsyn = _lhsIsyn -- copy rule (from local) _rulesOallfields = _allfields -- copy rule (down) _rulesOallnts = _lhsIallnts -- copy rule (from local) _rulesOattrs = _attrs -- copy rule (down) _rulesOinh = _lhsIinh -- copy rule (down) _rulesOmanualAttrDepMap = _lhsImanualAttrDepMap -- copy rule (down) _rulesOnt = _lhsInt -- copy rule (down) _rulesOo_case = _lhsIo_case -- copy rule (down) _rulesOo_cata = _lhsIo_cata -- copy rule (down) _rulesOo_dovisit = _lhsIo_dovisit -- copy rule (down) _rulesOo_newtypes = _lhsIo_newtypes -- copy rule (down) _rulesOo_rename = _lhsIo_rename -- copy rule (down) _rulesOo_sem = _lhsIo_sem -- copy rule (down) _rulesOo_sig = _lhsIo_sig -- copy rule (down) _rulesOo_wantvisit = _lhsIo_wantvisit -- copy rule (down) _rulesOprefix = _lhsIprefix -- copy rule (down) _rulesOsyn = _lhsIsyn ( _childrenIattributes,_childrenIcollectChildrenSyns,_childrenIerrors,_childrenIfields,_childrenIgathAltAttrs,_childrenIgathRules,_childrenIinhs,_childrenInts,_childrenIsinglevisits,_childrenIterminals) = (children_ _childrenOallfields _childrenOallnts _childrenOattrs _childrenOcon _childrenOinh _childrenOnt _childrenOo_unbox _childrenOsyn) ( _rulesIadditionalDep,_rulesIdirectDep,_rulesIerrors,_rulesIgathAltAttrs,_rulesIgathRules,_rulesIinstDep,_rulesIinstVars,_rulesIlocVars) = (rules_ _rulesOallTypeSigs _rulesOallfields _rulesOallnts _rulesOaltAttrs _rulesOattrs _rulesOchildInhs _rulesOchildNts _rulesOcon _rulesOinh _rulesOmanualAttrDepMap _rulesOnt _rulesOo_case _rulesOo_cata _rulesOo_dovisit _rulesOo_newtypes _rulesOo_rename _rulesOo_sem _rulesOo_sig _rulesOo_wantvisit _rulesOprefix _rulesOsyn _rulesOsynsOfChildren) ( _typeSigsItypeSigs) = (typeSigs_ _typeSigsOtypeSigs) in ( _lhsOadditionalDep,_lhsOcProduction,_lhsOcons,_lhsOdirectDep,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOinstDep,_lhsOrules,_lhsOvcount)))) -- Productions ------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: inherited attributes: allnts : [Identifier] cVisitsMap : CVisitsMap inh : Attributes manualAttrDepMap : AttrOrderMap nt : Identifier o_case : Bool o_cata : Bool o_dovisit : Bool o_newtypes : Bool o_rename : Bool o_sem : Bool o_sig : Bool o_unbox : Bool o_wantvisit : Bool prefix : String syn : Attributes chained attribute: vcount : Int synthesized attributes: additionalDep : Seq Edge cProductions : CProductions cons : [ConstructorIdent] directDep : Seq Edge errors : Seq Error instDep : Seq Edge rules : Seq (Vertex,CRule) alternatives: alternative Cons: child hd : Production child tl : Productions alternative Nil: -} -- cata sem_Productions :: Productions -> T_Productions sem_Productions list = (Prelude.foldr sem_Productions_Cons sem_Productions_Nil (Prelude.map sem_Production list)) -- semantic domain newtype T_Productions = T_Productions (([Identifier]) -> CVisitsMap -> Attributes -> AttrOrderMap -> Identifier -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> String -> Attributes -> Int -> ( (Seq Edge),CProductions,([ConstructorIdent]),(Seq Edge),(Seq Error),(Seq Edge),(Seq (Vertex,CRule)),Int)) data Inh_Productions = Inh_Productions {allnts_Inh_Productions :: [Identifier],cVisitsMap_Inh_Productions :: CVisitsMap,inh_Inh_Productions :: Attributes,manualAttrDepMap_Inh_Productions :: AttrOrderMap,nt_Inh_Productions :: Identifier,o_case_Inh_Productions :: Bool,o_cata_Inh_Productions :: Bool,o_dovisit_Inh_Productions :: Bool,o_newtypes_Inh_Productions :: Bool,o_rename_Inh_Productions :: Bool,o_sem_Inh_Productions :: Bool,o_sig_Inh_Productions :: Bool,o_unbox_Inh_Productions :: Bool,o_wantvisit_Inh_Productions :: Bool,prefix_Inh_Productions :: String,syn_Inh_Productions :: Attributes,vcount_Inh_Productions :: Int} data Syn_Productions = Syn_Productions {additionalDep_Syn_Productions :: Seq Edge,cProductions_Syn_Productions :: CProductions,cons_Syn_Productions :: [ConstructorIdent],directDep_Syn_Productions :: Seq Edge,errors_Syn_Productions :: Seq Error,instDep_Syn_Productions :: Seq Edge,rules_Syn_Productions :: Seq (Vertex,CRule),vcount_Syn_Productions :: Int} wrap_Productions (T_Productions sem) (Inh_Productions _lhsIallnts _lhsIcVisitsMap _lhsIinh _lhsImanualAttrDepMap _lhsInt _lhsIo_case _lhsIo_cata _lhsIo_dovisit _lhsIo_newtypes _lhsIo_rename _lhsIo_sem _lhsIo_sig _lhsIo_unbox _lhsIo_wantvisit _lhsIprefix _lhsIsyn _lhsIvcount) = (let ( _lhsOadditionalDep,_lhsOcProductions,_lhsOcons,_lhsOdirectDep,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOinstDep,_lhsOrules,_lhsOvcount) = (sem _lhsIallnts _lhsIcVisitsMap _lhsIinh _lhsImanualAttrDepMap _lhsInt _lhsIo_case _lhsIo_cata _lhsIo_dovisit _lhsIo_newtypes _lhsIo_rename _lhsIo_sem _lhsIo_sig _lhsIo_unbox _lhsIo_wantvisit _lhsIprefix _lhsIsyn _lhsIvcount) in (Syn_Productions _lhsOadditionalDep _lhsOcProductions _lhsOcons _lhsOdirectDep _lhsOerrors _lhsOinstDep _lhsOrules _lhsOvcount)) sem_Productions_Cons :: T_Production -> T_Productions -> T_Productions sem_Productions_Cons (T_Production hd_) (T_Productions tl_) = (T_Productions (\ _lhsIallnts _lhsIcVisitsMap _lhsIinh _lhsImanualAttrDepMap _lhsInt _lhsIo_case _lhsIo_cata _lhsIo_dovisit _lhsIo_newtypes _lhsIo_rename _lhsIo_sem _lhsIo_sig _lhsIo_unbox _lhsIo_wantvisit _lhsIprefix _lhsIsyn _lhsIvcount -> (let _lhsOcProductions :: CProductions _lhsOadditionalDep :: (Seq Edge) _lhsOcons :: ([ConstructorIdent]) _lhsOdirectDep :: (Seq Edge) _lhsOerrors :: (Seq Error) _lhsOinstDep :: (Seq Edge) _lhsOrules :: (Seq (Vertex,CRule)) _lhsOvcount :: Int _hdOallnts :: ([Identifier]) _hdOcVisitsMap :: CVisitsMap _hdOinh :: Attributes _hdOmanualAttrDepMap :: AttrOrderMap _hdOnt :: Identifier _hdOo_case :: Bool _hdOo_cata :: Bool _hdOo_dovisit :: Bool _hdOo_newtypes :: Bool _hdOo_rename :: Bool _hdOo_sem :: Bool _hdOo_sig :: Bool _hdOo_unbox :: Bool _hdOo_wantvisit :: Bool _hdOprefix :: String _hdOsyn :: Attributes _hdOvcount :: Int _tlOallnts :: ([Identifier]) _tlOcVisitsMap :: CVisitsMap _tlOinh :: Attributes _tlOmanualAttrDepMap :: AttrOrderMap _tlOnt :: Identifier _tlOo_case :: Bool _tlOo_cata :: Bool _tlOo_dovisit :: Bool _tlOo_newtypes :: Bool _tlOo_rename :: Bool _tlOo_sem :: Bool _tlOo_sig :: Bool _tlOo_unbox :: Bool _tlOo_wantvisit :: Bool _tlOprefix :: String _tlOsyn :: Attributes _tlOvcount :: Int _hdIadditionalDep :: (Seq Edge) _hdIcProduction :: CProduction _hdIcons :: ([ConstructorIdent]) _hdIdirectDep :: (Seq Edge) _hdIerrors :: (Seq Error) _hdIinstDep :: (Seq Edge) _hdIrules :: (Seq (Vertex,CRule)) _hdIvcount :: Int _tlIadditionalDep :: (Seq Edge) _tlIcProductions :: CProductions _tlIcons :: ([ConstructorIdent]) _tlIdirectDep :: (Seq Edge) _tlIerrors :: (Seq Error) _tlIinstDep :: (Seq Edge) _tlIrules :: (Seq (Vertex,CRule)) _tlIvcount :: Int -- "Order.ag"(line 486, column 12) _lhsOcProductions = _hdIcProduction : _tlIcProductions -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 259, column 71) _lhsOadditionalDep = _hdIadditionalDep Seq.<> _tlIadditionalDep -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 382, column 40) _lhsOcons = _hdIcons ++ _tlIcons -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 245, column 33) _lhsOdirectDep = _hdIdirectDep Seq.<> _tlIdirectDep -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 60, column 70) _lhsOerrors = _hdIerrors Seq.<> _tlIerrors -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 292, column 31) _lhsOinstDep = _hdIinstDep Seq.<> _tlIinstDep -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 235, column 18) _lhsOrules = _hdIrules Seq.<> _tlIrules -- copy rule (up) _lhsOvcount = _tlIvcount -- copy rule (down) _hdOallnts = _lhsIallnts -- copy rule (down) _hdOcVisitsMap = _lhsIcVisitsMap -- copy rule (down) _hdOinh = _lhsIinh -- copy rule (down) _hdOmanualAttrDepMap = _lhsImanualAttrDepMap -- copy rule (down) _hdOnt = _lhsInt -- copy rule (down) _hdOo_case = _lhsIo_case -- copy rule (down) _hdOo_cata = _lhsIo_cata -- copy rule (down) _hdOo_dovisit = _lhsIo_dovisit -- copy rule (down) _hdOo_newtypes = _lhsIo_newtypes -- copy rule (down) _hdOo_rename = _lhsIo_rename -- copy rule (down) _hdOo_sem = _lhsIo_sem -- copy rule (down) _hdOo_sig = _lhsIo_sig -- copy rule (down) _hdOo_unbox = _lhsIo_unbox -- copy rule (down) _hdOo_wantvisit = _lhsIo_wantvisit -- copy rule (down) _hdOprefix = _lhsIprefix -- copy rule (down) _hdOsyn = _lhsIsyn -- copy rule (down) _hdOvcount = _lhsIvcount -- copy rule (down) _tlOallnts = _lhsIallnts -- copy rule (down) _tlOcVisitsMap = _lhsIcVisitsMap -- copy rule (down) _tlOinh = _lhsIinh -- copy rule (down) _tlOmanualAttrDepMap = _lhsImanualAttrDepMap -- copy rule (down) _tlOnt = _lhsInt -- copy rule (down) _tlOo_case = _lhsIo_case -- copy rule (down) _tlOo_cata = _lhsIo_cata -- copy rule (down) _tlOo_dovisit = _lhsIo_dovisit -- copy rule (down) _tlOo_newtypes = _lhsIo_newtypes -- copy rule (down) _tlOo_rename = _lhsIo_rename -- copy rule (down) _tlOo_sem = _lhsIo_sem -- copy rule (down) _tlOo_sig = _lhsIo_sig -- copy rule (down) _tlOo_unbox = _lhsIo_unbox -- copy rule (down) _tlOo_wantvisit = _lhsIo_wantvisit -- copy rule (down) _tlOprefix = _lhsIprefix -- copy rule (down) _tlOsyn = _lhsIsyn -- copy rule (chain) _tlOvcount = _hdIvcount ( _hdIadditionalDep,_hdIcProduction,_hdIcons,_hdIdirectDep,_hdIerrors,_hdIinstDep,_hdIrules,_hdIvcount) = (hd_ _hdOallnts _hdOcVisitsMap _hdOinh _hdOmanualAttrDepMap _hdOnt _hdOo_case _hdOo_cata _hdOo_dovisit _hdOo_newtypes _hdOo_rename _hdOo_sem _hdOo_sig _hdOo_unbox _hdOo_wantvisit _hdOprefix _hdOsyn _hdOvcount) ( _tlIadditionalDep,_tlIcProductions,_tlIcons,_tlIdirectDep,_tlIerrors,_tlIinstDep,_tlIrules,_tlIvcount) = (tl_ _tlOallnts _tlOcVisitsMap _tlOinh _tlOmanualAttrDepMap _tlOnt _tlOo_case _tlOo_cata _tlOo_dovisit _tlOo_newtypes _tlOo_rename _tlOo_sem _tlOo_sig _tlOo_unbox _tlOo_wantvisit _tlOprefix _tlOsyn _tlOvcount) in ( _lhsOadditionalDep,_lhsOcProductions,_lhsOcons,_lhsOdirectDep,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOinstDep,_lhsOrules,_lhsOvcount)))) sem_Productions_Nil :: T_Productions sem_Productions_Nil = (T_Productions (\ _lhsIallnts _lhsIcVisitsMap _lhsIinh _lhsImanualAttrDepMap _lhsInt _lhsIo_case _lhsIo_cata _lhsIo_dovisit _lhsIo_newtypes _lhsIo_rename _lhsIo_sem _lhsIo_sig _lhsIo_unbox _lhsIo_wantvisit _lhsIprefix _lhsIsyn _lhsIvcount -> (let _lhsOcProductions :: CProductions _lhsOadditionalDep :: (Seq Edge) _lhsOcons :: ([ConstructorIdent]) _lhsOdirectDep :: (Seq Edge) _lhsOerrors :: (Seq Error) _lhsOinstDep :: (Seq Edge) _lhsOrules :: (Seq (Vertex,CRule)) _lhsOvcount :: Int -- "Order.ag"(line 487, column 12) _lhsOcProductions = [] -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 259, column 71) _lhsOadditionalDep = Seq.empty -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 382, column 40) _lhsOcons = [] -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 245, column 33) _lhsOdirectDep = Seq.empty -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 60, column 70) _lhsOerrors = Seq.empty -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 292, column 31) _lhsOinstDep = Seq.empty -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 235, column 18) _lhsOrules = Seq.empty -- copy rule (chain) _lhsOvcount = _lhsIvcount in ( _lhsOadditionalDep,_lhsOcProductions,_lhsOcons,_lhsOdirectDep,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOinstDep,_lhsOrules,_lhsOvcount)))) -- Rule -------------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: inherited attributes: allTypeSigs : Map Identifier Type allfields : [(Identifier,Type,Bool)] allnts : [Identifier] altAttrs : Map AltAttr Vertex attrs : [(Identifier,Identifier)] childInhs : Map Identifier Attributes childNts : Map Identifier NontermIdent con : Identifier inh : Attributes manualAttrDepMap : AttrOrderMap nt : Identifier o_case : Bool o_cata : Bool o_dovisit : Bool o_newtypes : Bool o_rename : Bool o_sem : Bool o_sig : Bool o_wantvisit : Bool prefix : String syn : Attributes synsOfChildren : Map Identifier Attributes synthesized attributes: additionalDep : Seq Edge directDep : Seq Edge errors : Seq Error gathAltAttrs : [AltAttr] gathRules : Seq CRule instDep : Seq Edge instVars : [Identifier] locVars : [Identifier] alternatives: alternative Rule: child pattern : Pattern child rhs : Expression child owrt : {Bool} child origin : {String} visit 0: local defines : _ local gathRules : _ local manualDeps : _ -} -- cata sem_Rule :: Rule -> T_Rule sem_Rule (Rule _pattern _rhs _owrt _origin) = (sem_Rule_Rule (sem_Pattern _pattern) (sem_Expression _rhs) _owrt _origin) -- semantic domain newtype T_Rule = T_Rule ((Map Identifier Type) -> ([(Identifier,Type,Bool)]) -> ([Identifier]) -> (Map AltAttr Vertex) -> ([(Identifier,Identifier)]) -> (Map Identifier Attributes) -> (Map Identifier NontermIdent) -> Identifier -> Attributes -> AttrOrderMap -> Identifier -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> String -> Attributes -> (Map Identifier Attributes) -> ( (Seq Edge),(Seq Edge),(Seq Error),([AltAttr]),(Seq CRule),(Seq Edge),([Identifier]),([Identifier]))) data Inh_Rule = Inh_Rule {allTypeSigs_Inh_Rule :: Map Identifier Type,allfields_Inh_Rule :: [(Identifier,Type,Bool)],allnts_Inh_Rule :: [Identifier],altAttrs_Inh_Rule :: Map AltAttr Vertex,attrs_Inh_Rule :: [(Identifier,Identifier)],childInhs_Inh_Rule :: Map Identifier Attributes,childNts_Inh_Rule :: Map Identifier NontermIdent,con_Inh_Rule :: Identifier,inh_Inh_Rule :: Attributes,manualAttrDepMap_Inh_Rule :: AttrOrderMap,nt_Inh_Rule :: Identifier,o_case_Inh_Rule :: Bool,o_cata_Inh_Rule :: Bool,o_dovisit_Inh_Rule :: Bool,o_newtypes_Inh_Rule :: Bool,o_rename_Inh_Rule :: Bool,o_sem_Inh_Rule :: Bool,o_sig_Inh_Rule :: Bool,o_wantvisit_Inh_Rule :: Bool,prefix_Inh_Rule :: String,syn_Inh_Rule :: Attributes,synsOfChildren_Inh_Rule :: Map Identifier Attributes} data Syn_Rule = Syn_Rule {additionalDep_Syn_Rule :: Seq Edge,directDep_Syn_Rule :: Seq Edge,errors_Syn_Rule :: Seq Error,gathAltAttrs_Syn_Rule :: [AltAttr],gathRules_Syn_Rule :: Seq CRule,instDep_Syn_Rule :: Seq Edge,instVars_Syn_Rule :: [Identifier],locVars_Syn_Rule :: [Identifier]} wrap_Rule (T_Rule sem) (Inh_Rule _lhsIallTypeSigs _lhsIallfields _lhsIallnts _lhsIaltAttrs _lhsIattrs _lhsIchildInhs _lhsIchildNts _lhsIcon _lhsIinh _lhsImanualAttrDepMap _lhsInt _lhsIo_case _lhsIo_cata _lhsIo_dovisit _lhsIo_newtypes _lhsIo_rename _lhsIo_sem _lhsIo_sig _lhsIo_wantvisit _lhsIprefix _lhsIsyn _lhsIsynsOfChildren) = (let ( _lhsOadditionalDep,_lhsOdirectDep,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOgathAltAttrs,_lhsOgathRules,_lhsOinstDep,_lhsOinstVars,_lhsOlocVars) = (sem _lhsIallTypeSigs _lhsIallfields _lhsIallnts _lhsIaltAttrs _lhsIattrs _lhsIchildInhs _lhsIchildNts _lhsIcon _lhsIinh _lhsImanualAttrDepMap _lhsInt _lhsIo_case _lhsIo_cata _lhsIo_dovisit _lhsIo_newtypes _lhsIo_rename _lhsIo_sem _lhsIo_sig _lhsIo_wantvisit _lhsIprefix _lhsIsyn _lhsIsynsOfChildren) in (Syn_Rule _lhsOadditionalDep _lhsOdirectDep _lhsOerrors _lhsOgathAltAttrs _lhsOgathRules _lhsOinstDep _lhsOinstVars _lhsOlocVars)) sem_Rule_Rule :: T_Pattern -> T_Expression -> Bool -> String -> T_Rule sem_Rule_Rule (T_Pattern pattern_) (T_Expression rhs_) owrt_ origin_ = (T_Rule (\ _lhsIallTypeSigs _lhsIallfields _lhsIallnts _lhsIaltAttrs _lhsIattrs _lhsIchildInhs _lhsIchildNts _lhsIcon _lhsIinh _lhsImanualAttrDepMap _lhsInt _lhsIo_case _lhsIo_cata _lhsIo_dovisit _lhsIo_newtypes _lhsIo_rename _lhsIo_sem _lhsIo_sig _lhsIo_wantvisit _lhsIprefix _lhsIsyn _lhsIsynsOfChildren -> (let _lhsOdirectDep :: (Seq Edge) _lhsOadditionalDep :: (Seq Edge) _lhsOinstDep :: (Seq Edge) _lhsOerrors :: (Seq Error) _lhsOgathAltAttrs :: ([AltAttr]) _lhsOgathRules :: (Seq CRule) _lhsOinstVars :: ([Identifier]) _lhsOlocVars :: ([Identifier]) _patternOallTypeSigs :: (Map Identifier Type) _patternOaltAttrs :: (Map AltAttr Vertex) _patternOcon :: Identifier _patternOinh :: Attributes _patternOnt :: Identifier _patternOsyn :: Attributes _rhsOallfields :: ([(Identifier,Type,Bool)]) _rhsOallnts :: ([Identifier]) _rhsOattrs :: ([(Identifier,Identifier)]) _rhsOcon :: Identifier _rhsOnt :: Identifier _patternIcopy :: Pattern _patternIerrors :: (Seq Error) _patternIgathAltAttrs :: ([AltAttr]) _patternIinstVars :: ([Identifier]) _patternIlocVars :: ([Identifier]) _patternIpatternAttrs :: ([(Identifier,Identifier,Bool,Patterns)]) _rhsIallRhsVars :: (Set (Identifier,Identifier)) _rhsIcopy :: Expression _rhsIerrors :: (Seq Error) _rhsItextLines :: ([String]) _rhsIusedAttrs :: ([(Identifier,Identifier)]) _rhsIusedFields :: ([Identifier]) _rhsIusedLocals :: ([Identifier]) -- "Order.ag"(line 193, column 12) _defines = let tp field attr parts | field == _LOC || field == _INST = case parts of [] -> Map.lookup attr _lhsIallTypeSigs _ -> (sequence (map typ parts)) >>= (haskellTupel . map (substSelf _lhsInt)) | field == _LHS = Map.lookup attr _lhsIsyn | otherwise = Map.lookup attr (findWithErr1 "Rule.defines.tp" field _lhsIchildInhs) typ :: Pattern -> Maybe Type typ (Alias field attr _ parts) = tp field attr parts typ (Underscore _) = Nothing typ (Product _ pats) = tp _LOC undefined pats typ _ = Nothing in Map.fromList [ (findWithErr1 "Rule.defines" aa _lhsIaltAttrs, (field,attr,(tp field attr parts))) | (field,attr,isLocalOrInst,parts) <- _patternIpatternAttrs , let aa = AltAttr field attr isLocalOrInst ] -- "Order.ag"(line 209, column 12) _gathRules = let childnt field = Map.lookup field _lhsIchildNts in Seq.fromList [ CRule attr False True _lhsInt _lhsIcon field (childnt field) tp _patternIcopy _rhsItextLines _defines owrt_ origin_ _rhsIallRhsVars | (field,attr,tp) <- Map.elems _defines ] -- "Order.ag"(line 247, column 12) _lhsOdirectDep = let defined = Map.keys _defines used = [ Map.lookup (AltAttr field attr True) _lhsIaltAttrs | (field,attr) <- _rhsIusedAttrs] ++ [ Map.lookup (AltAttr _LOC attr True) _lhsIaltAttrs | attr <- _rhsIusedLocals ++ _rhsIusedFields ] in Seq.fromList [ (x,y) | Just x <- used, y <- defined ] -- "Order.ag"(line 265, column 7) _manualDeps = Set.toList $ Map.findWithDefault Set.empty _lhsIcon $ Map.findWithDefault Map.empty _lhsInt _lhsImanualAttrDepMap -- "Order.ag"(line 267, column 7) _lhsOadditionalDep = Seq.fromList [ (vertexA, vertexB) | Dependency (fldA,nmA) (fldB,nmB) <- _manualDeps , let vertexA = findWithErr2 (AltAttr fldA nmA True) _lhsIaltAttrs , vertexB <- lookupVertices fldB nmB _lhsIaltAttrs ] -- "Order.ag"(line 295, column 7) _lhsOinstDep = Seq.fromList $ [ (instVert, synVert) | (field,instNm,_) <- Map.elems _defines , field == _INST , synNm <- Map.keys (findWithErr2 instNm _lhsIsynsOfChildren) , let instAttr = AltAttr _INST instNm True synAttr = AltAttr instNm synNm True instVert = findWithErr2 instAttr _lhsIaltAttrs synVert = findWithErr2 synAttr _lhsIaltAttrs ] -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 60, column 70) _lhsOerrors = _patternIerrors Seq.<> _rhsIerrors -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 146, column 68) _lhsOgathAltAttrs = _patternIgathAltAttrs -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 182, column 23) _lhsOgathRules = _gathRules -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 533, column 86) _lhsOinstVars = _patternIinstVars -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 533, column 48) _lhsOlocVars = _patternIlocVars -- copy rule (down) _patternOallTypeSigs = _lhsIallTypeSigs -- copy rule (down) _patternOaltAttrs = _lhsIaltAttrs -- copy rule (down) _patternOcon = _lhsIcon -- copy rule (down) _patternOinh = _lhsIinh -- copy rule (down) _patternOnt = _lhsInt -- copy rule (down) _patternOsyn = _lhsIsyn -- copy rule (down) _rhsOallfields = _lhsIallfields -- copy rule (down) _rhsOallnts = _lhsIallnts -- copy rule (down) _rhsOattrs = _lhsIattrs -- copy rule (down) _rhsOcon = _lhsIcon -- copy rule (down) _rhsOnt = _lhsInt ( _patternIcopy,_patternIerrors,_patternIgathAltAttrs,_patternIinstVars,_patternIlocVars,_patternIpatternAttrs) = (pattern_ _patternOallTypeSigs _patternOaltAttrs _patternOcon _patternOinh _patternOnt _patternOsyn) ( _rhsIallRhsVars,_rhsIcopy,_rhsIerrors,_rhsItextLines,_rhsIusedAttrs,_rhsIusedFields,_rhsIusedLocals) = (rhs_ _rhsOallfields _rhsOallnts _rhsOattrs _rhsOcon _rhsOnt) in ( _lhsOadditionalDep,_lhsOdirectDep,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOgathAltAttrs,_lhsOgathRules,_lhsOinstDep,_lhsOinstVars,_lhsOlocVars)))) -- Rules ------------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: inherited attributes: allTypeSigs : Map Identifier Type allfields : [(Identifier,Type,Bool)] allnts : [Identifier] altAttrs : Map AltAttr Vertex attrs : [(Identifier,Identifier)] childInhs : Map Identifier Attributes childNts : Map Identifier NontermIdent con : Identifier inh : Attributes manualAttrDepMap : AttrOrderMap nt : Identifier o_case : Bool o_cata : Bool o_dovisit : Bool o_newtypes : Bool o_rename : Bool o_sem : Bool o_sig : Bool o_wantvisit : Bool prefix : String syn : Attributes synsOfChildren : Map Identifier Attributes synthesized attributes: additionalDep : Seq Edge directDep : Seq Edge errors : Seq Error gathAltAttrs : [AltAttr] gathRules : Seq CRule instDep : Seq Edge instVars : [Identifier] locVars : [Identifier] alternatives: alternative Cons: child hd : Rule child tl : Rules alternative Nil: -} -- cata sem_Rules :: Rules -> T_Rules sem_Rules list = (Prelude.foldr sem_Rules_Cons sem_Rules_Nil (Prelude.map sem_Rule list)) -- semantic domain newtype T_Rules = T_Rules ((Map Identifier Type) -> ([(Identifier,Type,Bool)]) -> ([Identifier]) -> (Map AltAttr Vertex) -> ([(Identifier,Identifier)]) -> (Map Identifier Attributes) -> (Map Identifier NontermIdent) -> Identifier -> Attributes -> AttrOrderMap -> Identifier -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> String -> Attributes -> (Map Identifier Attributes) -> ( (Seq Edge),(Seq Edge),(Seq Error),([AltAttr]),(Seq CRule),(Seq Edge),([Identifier]),([Identifier]))) data Inh_Rules = Inh_Rules {allTypeSigs_Inh_Rules :: Map Identifier Type,allfields_Inh_Rules :: [(Identifier,Type,Bool)],allnts_Inh_Rules :: [Identifier],altAttrs_Inh_Rules :: Map AltAttr Vertex,attrs_Inh_Rules :: [(Identifier,Identifier)],childInhs_Inh_Rules :: Map Identifier Attributes,childNts_Inh_Rules :: Map Identifier NontermIdent,con_Inh_Rules :: Identifier,inh_Inh_Rules :: Attributes,manualAttrDepMap_Inh_Rules :: AttrOrderMap,nt_Inh_Rules :: Identifier,o_case_Inh_Rules :: Bool,o_cata_Inh_Rules :: Bool,o_dovisit_Inh_Rules :: Bool,o_newtypes_Inh_Rules :: Bool,o_rename_Inh_Rules :: Bool,o_sem_Inh_Rules :: Bool,o_sig_Inh_Rules :: Bool,o_wantvisit_Inh_Rules :: Bool,prefix_Inh_Rules :: String,syn_Inh_Rules :: Attributes,synsOfChildren_Inh_Rules :: Map Identifier Attributes} data Syn_Rules = Syn_Rules {additionalDep_Syn_Rules :: Seq Edge,directDep_Syn_Rules :: Seq Edge,errors_Syn_Rules :: Seq Error,gathAltAttrs_Syn_Rules :: [AltAttr],gathRules_Syn_Rules :: Seq CRule,instDep_Syn_Rules :: Seq Edge,instVars_Syn_Rules :: [Identifier],locVars_Syn_Rules :: [Identifier]} wrap_Rules (T_Rules sem) (Inh_Rules _lhsIallTypeSigs _lhsIallfields _lhsIallnts _lhsIaltAttrs _lhsIattrs _lhsIchildInhs _lhsIchildNts _lhsIcon _lhsIinh _lhsImanualAttrDepMap _lhsInt _lhsIo_case _lhsIo_cata _lhsIo_dovisit _lhsIo_newtypes _lhsIo_rename _lhsIo_sem _lhsIo_sig _lhsIo_wantvisit _lhsIprefix _lhsIsyn _lhsIsynsOfChildren) = (let ( _lhsOadditionalDep,_lhsOdirectDep,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOgathAltAttrs,_lhsOgathRules,_lhsOinstDep,_lhsOinstVars,_lhsOlocVars) = (sem _lhsIallTypeSigs _lhsIallfields _lhsIallnts _lhsIaltAttrs _lhsIattrs _lhsIchildInhs _lhsIchildNts _lhsIcon _lhsIinh _lhsImanualAttrDepMap _lhsInt _lhsIo_case _lhsIo_cata _lhsIo_dovisit _lhsIo_newtypes _lhsIo_rename _lhsIo_sem _lhsIo_sig _lhsIo_wantvisit _lhsIprefix _lhsIsyn _lhsIsynsOfChildren) in (Syn_Rules _lhsOadditionalDep _lhsOdirectDep _lhsOerrors _lhsOgathAltAttrs _lhsOgathRules _lhsOinstDep _lhsOinstVars _lhsOlocVars)) sem_Rules_Cons :: T_Rule -> T_Rules -> T_Rules sem_Rules_Cons (T_Rule hd_) (T_Rules tl_) = (T_Rules (\ _lhsIallTypeSigs _lhsIallfields _lhsIallnts _lhsIaltAttrs _lhsIattrs _lhsIchildInhs _lhsIchildNts _lhsIcon _lhsIinh _lhsImanualAttrDepMap _lhsInt _lhsIo_case _lhsIo_cata _lhsIo_dovisit _lhsIo_newtypes _lhsIo_rename _lhsIo_sem _lhsIo_sig _lhsIo_wantvisit _lhsIprefix _lhsIsyn _lhsIsynsOfChildren -> (let _lhsOadditionalDep :: (Seq Edge) _lhsOdirectDep :: (Seq Edge) _lhsOerrors :: (Seq Error) _lhsOgathAltAttrs :: ([AltAttr]) _lhsOgathRules :: (Seq CRule) _lhsOinstDep :: (Seq Edge) _lhsOinstVars :: ([Identifier]) _lhsOlocVars :: ([Identifier]) _hdOallTypeSigs :: (Map Identifier Type) _hdOallfields :: ([(Identifier,Type,Bool)]) _hdOallnts :: ([Identifier]) _hdOaltAttrs :: (Map AltAttr Vertex) _hdOattrs :: ([(Identifier,Identifier)]) _hdOchildInhs :: (Map Identifier Attributes) _hdOchildNts :: (Map Identifier NontermIdent) _hdOcon :: Identifier _hdOinh :: Attributes _hdOmanualAttrDepMap :: AttrOrderMap _hdOnt :: Identifier _hdOo_case :: Bool _hdOo_cata :: Bool _hdOo_dovisit :: Bool _hdOo_newtypes :: Bool _hdOo_rename :: Bool _hdOo_sem :: Bool _hdOo_sig :: Bool _hdOo_wantvisit :: Bool _hdOprefix :: String _hdOsyn :: Attributes _hdOsynsOfChildren :: (Map Identifier Attributes) _tlOallTypeSigs :: (Map Identifier Type) _tlOallfields :: ([(Identifier,Type,Bool)]) _tlOallnts :: ([Identifier]) _tlOaltAttrs :: (Map AltAttr Vertex) _tlOattrs :: ([(Identifier,Identifier)]) _tlOchildInhs :: (Map Identifier Attributes) _tlOchildNts :: (Map Identifier NontermIdent) _tlOcon :: Identifier _tlOinh :: Attributes _tlOmanualAttrDepMap :: AttrOrderMap _tlOnt :: Identifier _tlOo_case :: Bool _tlOo_cata :: Bool _tlOo_dovisit :: Bool _tlOo_newtypes :: Bool _tlOo_rename :: Bool _tlOo_sem :: Bool _tlOo_sig :: Bool _tlOo_wantvisit :: Bool _tlOprefix :: String _tlOsyn :: Attributes _tlOsynsOfChildren :: (Map Identifier Attributes) _hdIadditionalDep :: (Seq Edge) _hdIdirectDep :: (Seq Edge) _hdIerrors :: (Seq Error) _hdIgathAltAttrs :: ([AltAttr]) _hdIgathRules :: (Seq CRule) _hdIinstDep :: (Seq Edge) _hdIinstVars :: ([Identifier]) _hdIlocVars :: ([Identifier]) _tlIadditionalDep :: (Seq Edge) _tlIdirectDep :: (Seq Edge) _tlIerrors :: (Seq Error) _tlIgathAltAttrs :: ([AltAttr]) _tlIgathRules :: (Seq CRule) _tlIinstDep :: (Seq Edge) _tlIinstVars :: ([Identifier]) _tlIlocVars :: ([Identifier]) -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 259, column 71) _lhsOadditionalDep = _hdIadditionalDep Seq.<> _tlIadditionalDep -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 245, column 33) _lhsOdirectDep = _hdIdirectDep Seq.<> _tlIdirectDep -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 60, column 70) _lhsOerrors = _hdIerrors Seq.<> _tlIerrors -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 146, column 68) _lhsOgathAltAttrs = _hdIgathAltAttrs ++ _tlIgathAltAttrs -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 182, column 23) _lhsOgathRules = _hdIgathRules Seq.<> _tlIgathRules -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 292, column 31) _lhsOinstDep = _hdIinstDep Seq.<> _tlIinstDep -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 533, column 86) _lhsOinstVars = _hdIinstVars ++ _tlIinstVars -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 533, column 48) _lhsOlocVars = _hdIlocVars ++ _tlIlocVars -- copy rule (down) _hdOallTypeSigs = _lhsIallTypeSigs -- copy rule (down) _hdOallfields = _lhsIallfields -- copy rule (down) _hdOallnts = _lhsIallnts -- copy rule (down) _hdOaltAttrs = _lhsIaltAttrs -- copy rule (down) _hdOattrs = _lhsIattrs -- copy rule (down) _hdOchildInhs = _lhsIchildInhs -- copy rule (down) _hdOchildNts = _lhsIchildNts -- copy rule (down) _hdOcon = _lhsIcon -- copy rule (down) _hdOinh = _lhsIinh -- copy rule (down) _hdOmanualAttrDepMap = _lhsImanualAttrDepMap -- copy rule (down) _hdOnt = _lhsInt -- copy rule (down) _hdOo_case = _lhsIo_case -- copy rule (down) _hdOo_cata = _lhsIo_cata -- copy rule (down) _hdOo_dovisit = _lhsIo_dovisit -- copy rule (down) _hdOo_newtypes = _lhsIo_newtypes -- copy rule (down) _hdOo_rename = _lhsIo_rename -- copy rule (down) _hdOo_sem = _lhsIo_sem -- copy rule (down) _hdOo_sig = _lhsIo_sig -- copy rule (down) _hdOo_wantvisit = _lhsIo_wantvisit -- copy rule (down) _hdOprefix = _lhsIprefix -- copy rule (down) _hdOsyn = _lhsIsyn -- copy rule (down) _hdOsynsOfChildren = _lhsIsynsOfChildren -- copy rule (down) _tlOallTypeSigs = _lhsIallTypeSigs -- copy rule (down) _tlOallfields = _lhsIallfields -- copy rule (down) _tlOallnts = _lhsIallnts -- copy rule (down) _tlOaltAttrs = _lhsIaltAttrs -- copy rule (down) _tlOattrs = _lhsIattrs -- copy rule (down) _tlOchildInhs = _lhsIchildInhs -- copy rule (down) _tlOchildNts = _lhsIchildNts -- copy rule (down) _tlOcon = _lhsIcon -- copy rule (down) _tlOinh = _lhsIinh -- copy rule (down) _tlOmanualAttrDepMap = _lhsImanualAttrDepMap -- copy rule (down) _tlOnt = _lhsInt -- copy rule (down) _tlOo_case = _lhsIo_case -- copy rule (down) _tlOo_cata = _lhsIo_cata -- copy rule (down) _tlOo_dovisit = _lhsIo_dovisit -- copy rule (down) _tlOo_newtypes = _lhsIo_newtypes -- copy rule (down) _tlOo_rename = _lhsIo_rename -- copy rule (down) _tlOo_sem = _lhsIo_sem -- copy rule (down) _tlOo_sig = _lhsIo_sig -- copy rule (down) _tlOo_wantvisit = _lhsIo_wantvisit -- copy rule (down) _tlOprefix = _lhsIprefix -- copy rule (down) _tlOsyn = _lhsIsyn -- copy rule (down) _tlOsynsOfChildren = _lhsIsynsOfChildren ( _hdIadditionalDep,_hdIdirectDep,_hdIerrors,_hdIgathAltAttrs,_hdIgathRules,_hdIinstDep,_hdIinstVars,_hdIlocVars) = (hd_ _hdOallTypeSigs _hdOallfields _hdOallnts _hdOaltAttrs _hdOattrs _hdOchildInhs _hdOchildNts _hdOcon _hdOinh _hdOmanualAttrDepMap _hdOnt _hdOo_case _hdOo_cata _hdOo_dovisit _hdOo_newtypes _hdOo_rename _hdOo_sem _hdOo_sig _hdOo_wantvisit _hdOprefix _hdOsyn _hdOsynsOfChildren) ( _tlIadditionalDep,_tlIdirectDep,_tlIerrors,_tlIgathAltAttrs,_tlIgathRules,_tlIinstDep,_tlIinstVars,_tlIlocVars) = (tl_ _tlOallTypeSigs _tlOallfields _tlOallnts _tlOaltAttrs _tlOattrs _tlOchildInhs _tlOchildNts _tlOcon _tlOinh _tlOmanualAttrDepMap _tlOnt _tlOo_case _tlOo_cata _tlOo_dovisit _tlOo_newtypes _tlOo_rename _tlOo_sem _tlOo_sig _tlOo_wantvisit _tlOprefix _tlOsyn _tlOsynsOfChildren) in ( _lhsOadditionalDep,_lhsOdirectDep,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOgathAltAttrs,_lhsOgathRules,_lhsOinstDep,_lhsOinstVars,_lhsOlocVars)))) sem_Rules_Nil :: T_Rules sem_Rules_Nil = (T_Rules (\ _lhsIallTypeSigs _lhsIallfields _lhsIallnts _lhsIaltAttrs _lhsIattrs _lhsIchildInhs _lhsIchildNts _lhsIcon _lhsIinh _lhsImanualAttrDepMap _lhsInt _lhsIo_case _lhsIo_cata _lhsIo_dovisit _lhsIo_newtypes _lhsIo_rename _lhsIo_sem _lhsIo_sig _lhsIo_wantvisit _lhsIprefix _lhsIsyn _lhsIsynsOfChildren -> (let _lhsOadditionalDep :: (Seq Edge) _lhsOdirectDep :: (Seq Edge) _lhsOerrors :: (Seq Error) _lhsOgathAltAttrs :: ([AltAttr]) _lhsOgathRules :: (Seq CRule) _lhsOinstDep :: (Seq Edge) _lhsOinstVars :: ([Identifier]) _lhsOlocVars :: ([Identifier]) -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 259, column 71) _lhsOadditionalDep = Seq.empty -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 245, column 33) _lhsOdirectDep = Seq.empty -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 60, column 70) _lhsOerrors = Seq.empty -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 146, column 68) _lhsOgathAltAttrs = [] -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 182, column 23) _lhsOgathRules = Seq.empty -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 292, column 31) _lhsOinstDep = Seq.empty -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 533, column 86) _lhsOinstVars = [] -- use rule "Order.ag"(line 533, column 48) _lhsOlocVars = [] in ( _lhsOadditionalDep,_lhsOdirectDep,_lhsOerrors,_lhsOgathAltAttrs,_lhsOgathRules,_lhsOinstDep,_lhsOinstVars,_lhsOlocVars)))) -- TypeSig ----------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: chained attribute: typeSigs : Map Identifier Type alternatives: alternative TypeSig: child name : {Identifier} child tp : {Type} -} -- cata sem_TypeSig :: TypeSig -> T_TypeSig sem_TypeSig (TypeSig _name _tp) = (sem_TypeSig_TypeSig _name _tp) -- semantic domain newtype T_TypeSig = T_TypeSig ((Map Identifier Type) -> ( (Map Identifier Type))) data Inh_TypeSig = Inh_TypeSig {typeSigs_Inh_TypeSig :: Map Identifier Type} data Syn_TypeSig = Syn_TypeSig {typeSigs_Syn_TypeSig :: Map Identifier Type} wrap_TypeSig (T_TypeSig sem) (Inh_TypeSig _lhsItypeSigs) = (let ( _lhsOtypeSigs) = (sem _lhsItypeSigs) in (Syn_TypeSig _lhsOtypeSigs)) sem_TypeSig_TypeSig :: Identifier -> Type -> T_TypeSig sem_TypeSig_TypeSig name_ tp_ = (T_TypeSig (\ _lhsItypeSigs -> (let _lhsOtypeSigs :: (Map Identifier Type) -- "Order.ag"(line 393, column 13) _lhsOtypeSigs = Map.insert name_ tp_ _lhsItypeSigs in ( _lhsOtypeSigs)))) -- TypeSigs ---------------------------------------------------- {- visit 0: chained attribute: typeSigs : Map Identifier Type alternatives: alternative Cons: child hd : TypeSig child tl : TypeSigs alternative Nil: -} -- cata sem_TypeSigs :: TypeSigs -> T_TypeSigs sem_TypeSigs list = (Prelude.foldr sem_TypeSigs_Cons sem_TypeSigs_Nil (Prelude.map sem_TypeSig list)) -- semantic domain newtype T_TypeSigs = T_TypeSigs ((Map Identifier Type) -> ( (Map Identifier Type))) data Inh_TypeSigs = Inh_TypeSigs {typeSigs_Inh_TypeSigs :: Map Identifier Type} data Syn_TypeSigs = Syn_TypeSigs {typeSigs_Syn_TypeSigs :: Map Identifier Type} wrap_TypeSigs (T_TypeSigs sem) (Inh_TypeSigs _lhsItypeSigs) = (let ( _lhsOtypeSigs) = (sem _lhsItypeSigs) in (Syn_TypeSigs _lhsOtypeSigs)) sem_TypeSigs_Cons :: T_TypeSig -> T_TypeSigs -> T_TypeSigs sem_TypeSigs_Cons (T_TypeSig hd_) (T_TypeSigs tl_) = (T_TypeSigs (\ _lhsItypeSigs -> (let _lhsOtypeSigs :: (Map Identifier Type) _hdOtypeSigs :: (Map Identifier Type) _tlOtypeSigs :: (Map Identifier Type) _hdItypeSigs :: (Map Identifier Type) _tlItypeSigs :: (Map Identifier Type) -- copy rule (up) _lhsOtypeSigs = _tlItypeSigs -- copy rule (down) _hdOtypeSigs = _lhsItypeSigs -- copy rule (chain) _tlOtypeSigs = _hdItypeSigs ( _hdItypeSigs) = (hd_ _hdOtypeSigs) ( _tlItypeSigs) = (tl_ _tlOtypeSigs) in ( _lhsOtypeSigs)))) sem_TypeSigs_Nil :: T_TypeSigs sem_TypeSigs_Nil = (T_TypeSigs (\ _lhsItypeSigs -> (let _lhsOtypeSigs :: (Map Identifier Type) -- copy rule (chain) _lhsOtypeSigs = _lhsItypeSigs in ( _lhsOtypeSigs))))