{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {- Fast, Error Correcting Parser Combinators; Version: see Version History in same directory. - Copyright: S. Doaitse Swierstra Department of Computer Science Utrecht University P.O. Box 80.089 3508 TB UTRECHT the Netherlands swierstra@cs.uu.nl -} {- file: bibtex6.hs A parser for BibTeX using the UU parsing combinators Piet van Oostrum, Atze Dijkstra, Doaitse Swierstra (April 22, 2001) -} module Bibtex where import UU.Parsing import Char newtype IS s = IS (Int,Int,[s]) instance InputState (IS Char) Char (Maybe String) where splitStateE (IS (l, p, [] )) = Right' (IS(l,p,[])) splitStateE (IS (l, p, (s:ss))) = Left' s (if s == '\n' then IS(l+1, 1, ss) else IS(l, p+1, ss)) splitState (IS (l, p, (s:ss))) = ({-L-} s, (if s == '\n' then IS(l+1, 1, ss) else IS(l, p+1, ss)) {-R-}) getPosition (IS (l, p, [] )) = Nothing getPosition (IS (l, p, (s:ss))) = Just (" before " ++ show s ++ " at line: " ++show l ++ " column: " ++ show p) instance Symbol Char where symBefore = pred symAfter = succ parsebib filename -- e.g. parsebib "btxdoc.bib" = let showMessage (Msg expecting position action) = let pos = case position of Nothing -> "at end of file" Just s -> case action of Insert _ -> "before " ++ show s Delete t -> "at " ++ show t in "\n?? Error : " ++ pos ++ "\n?? Expecting : " ++ show expecting ++ "\n?? Repaired by: " ++ show action ++ "\n" in do input <- readFile filename res <- parseIOMessage showMessage pBibData (IS (1,1,input)) putStr ("\nResult:" ++ show (length res) ++ " bib items were parsed\n") -- ======================================================================================= -- ===== DATA TYPES ====================================================================== -- ======================================================================================= type BibData = [ BibEntry] data BibEntry = Entry String (String, [Field]) -- kind keyword fieldlist | Comment String | Preamble [ValItem] | StringDef Field deriving Show type Field = (String, [ValItem]) data ValItem = StringVal String | IntVal Int | NameUse String deriving Show -- ======================================================================================= -- ===== PARSERS ========================================================================= -- ======================================================================================= -- pBibData parses a list of BiBTex entries separated by garbage -- a @ signifies the start of a new entry pBibData = pChainr ((\ entry _ right -> entry:right) <$> pBibEntry) ( [] <$ pList (allChars `pExcept` "@")) pBibEntry = ( Entry <$ pAt <*> pName <*> pOpenClose ( pKeyName <* pSpec ',' <+> pListSep_ng pComma pField <* (pComma `opt` ' ')) <|> Comment <$ pAt <* pKey "comment" <*> ( pCurly (pList (allChars `pExcept` "}")) <|> pParen (pList (allChars `pExcept` ")")) ) <|> Preamble <$ pAt <* pKey "preamble" <*> pOpenClose pValItems <|> StringDef <$ pAt <* pKey "string" <*> pOpenClose pField ) pField = pName <* pSpec '=' <+> pValItems pValItems = pList1Sep (pSpec '#') ( StringVal <$> pString <|> int_or_name <$> pName ) where int_or_name s = if all isDigit s then IntVal.(read::String->Int) $ s else NameUse s -- ======================================================================================= -- ===== LEXICAL STUFF =================================================================== -- ======================================================================================= pLAYOUT :: AnaParser (IS Char) Pair Char (Maybe String) String pLAYOUT = pList (pAnySym " \t\r\n") pSpec c = pSym c <* pLAYOUT pParen p = pPacked (pSpec '(') (pSpec ')') p pCurly p = pPacked (pSpec '{') (pSpec '}') p pOpenClose p = pParen p <|> pCurly p pComma = pCostSym 4 ',' ',' <* pLAYOUT pAt = pSpec '@' allChars = (chr 1, chr 127, ' ') pName = pList1 ('a'<..>'z' <|> 'A'<..>'Z' <|> '0'<..>'9' <|> pAnySym "-_/") <* pLAYOUT pKeyName = pList1 ((chr 33, chr 127, ' ') `pExcept` ",=@" ) <* pLAYOUT pKey [s] = lift <$> (pSym s <|> pSym (toUpper s)) <* pLAYOUT pKey (s:ss) = (:) <$> (pSym s <|> pSym (toUpper s)) <*> pKey ss pKey [] = usererror "Scanner: You cannot have empty reserved words!" pString = let curlyStrings = stringcons <$> pSym '{' <*> pConc pStringWord <*> pSym '}' pStringWordDQ = lift <$> pStringCharDQ <|> curlyStrings pStringWord = lift <$> pStringChar <|> curlyStrings pStringCharDQ = allChars `pExcept` "\"{}" pStringChar = pStringCharDQ <|> pSym '\"' pConc = pFoldr ((++),[]) stringcons c1 ss c2 = [c1] ++ ss ++ [c2] in ( pSym '"' *> pConc pStringWordDQ <* pSym '"' <|> pSym '{' *> pConc pStringWord <* pSym '}' ) <* pLAYOUT lift c = [c]