# These should have dependencies on the library too so we don't need to # force recompilation each time. all: hpc fusion memcpy_extra: ../cbits/memcpy_extra.c $(CC) -O3 -c ../cbits/memcpy_extra.c FLAGS=-fglasgow-exts -O2 -funbox-strict-fields -fdicts-cheap -fno-method-sharing -fmax-simplifier-iterations10 -fcpr-off -DSAFE -cpp -I../include hpc: memcpy_extra rm -f run.tix ghc ${FLAGS} --make Properties/Test.hs -i.. -fhpc memcpy_extra.o -o run ./run hpc markup run --exclude=Properties.Utils --exclude=Properties.Monomorphic.Base --exclude=Properties.Monomorphic.UVector fusion: ./Fusion/*.hs ./Examples/*.hs ( cd Fusion && ghc -O --make Test.hs && ./Test ) ( cd Examples && ghc -O --make Test.hs && ./Test ) clean: rm -f *.html find . -name '*~' -exec rm {} \; find . -name '*.hi' -exec rm {} \; find . -name '*.o' -exec rm {} \; find . -name '*.log' -exec rm {} \; find ../Data -name '*~' -exec rm {} \; find ../Data -name '*.hi' -exec rm {} \; find ../Data -name '*.o' -exec rm {} \; rm -f fuse raw run Performance Fusion/Test Examples/Test rm -f memcpy_extra.o rm -f *.tix rm -rf .hpc