# Vacuum: visualising the GHC heap Vacuum is a library for extracting graph representations of values from the GHC heap, at runtime. Those graphs may then be further processed or translated to various representations for visualization -- like Graphviz, or Ubigraph. [travis-ci.org](http://travis-ci.org) results: [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/thoughtpolice/vacuum.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/thoughtpolice/vacuum) # Installation It's just a `cabal install` away on [Hackage][]: ~~~~~~~~ $ cabal install vacuum # also install the graphviz package, for SVG/PNG rendering: $ cabal install vacuum-graphviz ~~~~~~~~ # Gallery of examples Want to try before you buy, and see what Vacuum output looks like? Here are some examples: * Vacuuming the linked list `[1, 2]` - [Results][e1] More examples will come in the future. # Join in File bugs in the GitHub [issue tracker][]. Master [git repository][gh]: * `git clone https://github.com/thoughtpolice/vacuum.git` There's also a [BitBucket mirror][bb]: * `git clone https://bitbucket.org/thoughtpolice/vacuum.git` # Authors See [AUTHORS.txt](https://raw.github.com/thoughtpolice/vacuum/master/AUTHORS.txt). # License LGPLv3. See `LICENSE.txt` for details. [main page]: http://thoughtpolice.github.com/vacuum [issue tracker]: http://github.com/thoughtpolice/vacuum/issues [gh]: http://github.com/thoughtpolice/vacuum [bb]: http://bitbucket.org/thoughtpolice/vacuum [Hackage]: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/pcap-conduit [e1]: https://raw.github.com/thoughtpolice/vacuum/master/gallery/list.png