-- |
-- Module      :  System.Vacuum.Cairo
-- Copyright   :  (c) Tim Docker 2006, Don Stewart 2009
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Interactively visualize Haskell heap values as SVG graphs in a Cairo canvas
-- using graphviz.
-- > view [1..10]
-- Will display a pop-up window of the data structure produced

module System.Vacuum.Cairo (

,   viewFile -- export to .svg file
 ) where

import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk as G hiding (eventKeyName)
import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.Events as G
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo as C
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.Cairo.SVG as C
import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.DrawWindow as G
import qualified Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.Gdk as G

import GHC.Vacuum
import Text.PrettyPrint
import Text.Printf
import Data.List

import System.Process
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO,yield)
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
import System.Exit
import Data.Char
import qualified Control.Exception as C

import System.Directory
import Control.Concurrent.MVar.Strict
import System.IO.Unsafe

import Control.DeepSeq


data Session = Session {
        sWindow  :: !G.Window ,
        sDrawing :: !G.DrawingArea ,
        sSVG     :: !C.SVG

instance NFData Session where
    rnf x = x `seq` ()

sessionRef = unsafePerformIO $ newEmptyMVar
{-# NOINLINE sessionRef #-}

-- | Create a new vacuum session
newSession :: IO ()
newSession = do
    window <- G.windowNew
    canvas <- G.drawingAreaNew

    svg    <- C.svgNewFromString welcome

    G.onKeyPress window $ anyKey (G.widgetDestroy window)
    G.onDestroy  window (takeMVar sessionRef >> G.mainQuit)

    G.onExposeRect canvas $ const $ do
--        print "EXPOSE"
        withMVar sessionRef $ \(Session _ c svg) ->
             updateCanvas svg c
        return ()

    -- not needed.
    G.onExposeRect window $ const $ do
--        print "EXPOSE"
        withMVar sessionRef $ \(Session _ c svg) ->
             updateCanvas svg c
        return ()

    G.set window [G.containerChild G.:= canvas]

    G.windowSetDefaultSize window 400 200
    G.widgetShowAll window
    forkIO G.mainGUI

    let s = Session {
                    sWindow  = window,
                    sDrawing = canvas,
                    sSVG     = svg

    putMVar sessionRef $! s


-- | Set the style
myPpDot :: [(String, [String])] -> Doc
myPpDot = graphToDot id

-- | .
graphToDot :: (a -> String) -> [(a, [a])] -> Doc
graphToDot f = ppGraph . fmap (f *** fmap f)
  where f *** g = \(a, b)->(f a, g b)


-- | Graph style
gStyle :: String
gStyle = unlines
    "graph [splines=true];"

--     "graph [concentrate=true];" 
    ,"node [fontcolor=\"#1f33b3\", fontsize=12, shape=none, fontname=\"Helvetica\"];"
    ,"edge [color=\"#000000\", style=dotted, fontname=\"Helvetica\", arrowhead=normal, arrowsize=0.3];"

ppGraph :: [(String, [String])] -> Doc
ppGraph xs = (text "digraph g" <+> text "{")
              $+$ text gStyle
                $+$ nest indent (vcat . fmap ppEdge $ xs)
                    $+$ text "}"
                        where indent = 4

ppEdge :: (String, [String]) -> Doc
ppEdge (x,xs) =
    -- label node
     (dQText x) <+> brackets (text "label=" <> dQText (takeWhile (/= '|') x))
    -- node data
     (dQText x) <+> (text "->")
                    <+> (braces . hcat . punctuate comma
                        . fmap dQText $ xs)

dQText :: String -> Doc
dQText = doubleQuotes . text


-- Display node data. Everything before the | will be used as a label.
myStyle = ShowHNode {
          showHNode    = renderNode
         ,externHNode  = \_ -> "..." }

    renderNode i n = node ++ "|" ++ show i -- unique id

        -- some kinda atomic types:
      where node = case nodeName n of
                 ":"  -> "(:)"

                -- atomic stuff is special
                 k | k `elem` ["S#" ,"I#" ,"W#"
                              ,"I8#" ,"I16#" ,"I32#" ,"I64#"
                              ,"W8#" ,"W16#" ,"W32#" ,"W64#"] -> showLit n
                 -- chars
                 "C#" -> show . chr . fromIntegral . head . nodeLits $ n
                 "D#" -> "Double"
                 "F#" -> "Float"

                 -- bytestrings
                 "PS"    -> printf "ByteString[%d,%d]" (nodeLits n !! 1) (nodeLits n !! 2)
                 "Chunk" -> printf "Chunk[%d,%d]" (nodeLits n !! 1) (nodeLits n !! 2)

                 -- otherwise just the constructor and local fields
                 c   | z > 0 ->
                         c ++ show (take (fromIntegral z) $ nodeLits n)
                     | otherwise -> c
                         where z = itabLits (nodeInfo n)

            showLit n = show (head $ nodeLits n)

-- | Render a value using the current session
view :: a -> IO ()
view a = do
    noSession <- isEmptyMVar sessionRef
    () <- when noSession $ newSession

    -- actually call into vacuum
    let dot = render. myPpDot . (showHNodes myStyle) $ vacuum a

    -- TODO check for path
    mdot <- findExecutable "dot" 
    let exe = case mdot of
                Nothing -> error "\"dot\" executable not found. Please install graphviz"
                Just p  -> p

    svgstring <- myReadProcess exe ["-Tsvg"] dot
    svg       <- C.svgNewFromString svgstring
    writeFile "/tmp/demo" svgstring

--  TODO destroy old svg canvas here.
    c <- modifyMVar sessionRef $ \(Session win canvas svg') -> do
        updateCanvas svg canvas
        return ((Session win canvas svg), (canvas))

    -- hides expose events!
    G.widgetQueueDraw c
    return ()

-- | Render a value to a file
viewFile :: String -> a -> IO ()
viewFile file a = do
   let dot = render . myPpDot . (showHNodes myStyle) $ vacuum a
   mdot <- findExecutable "dot"
   let exe = case mdot of
               Nothing -> error "\"dot\" executable not found. please install graphviz"
               Just p  -> p 
   svgstring <- myReadProcess exe ["-Tsvg"] dot
   writeFile file svgstring

updateCanvas :: C.SVG -> G.DrawingArea  -> IO Bool
updateCanvas svg canvas = do
    win             <- G.widgetGetDrawWindow canvas
    (width, height) <- G.widgetGetSize canvas
    let (w,h)   = (fromIntegral width,fromIntegral height)
        (sw,sh) = C.svgGetSize svg

    G.renderWithDrawable win $ do

        C.setAntialias C.AntialiasDefault
        C.setLineCap C.LineCapSquare

        C.scale (w / fromIntegral sw) (h / fromIntegral sh)
        C.svgRender svg

    return True

-- UI

-- do action m for any keypress (except meta keys)
anyKey :: (Monad m) => m a -> G.Event -> m Bool
anyKey m (G.Key {G.eventKeyName=key})
    | any (`isPrefixOf` key) ignores = return True
    | otherwise                      = m >> return True
  where ignores = ["Shift","Control","Alt",

type SVGString = String

renderableToWindow :: SVGString -> IO ()
renderableToWindow chart = do
    svg <- C.svgNewFromString chart

    -- G.initGUI
    window <- G.windowNew
    canvas <- G.drawingAreaNew
    -- fix size
    --   G.windowSetResizable window False
--    G.widgetSetSizeRequest window windowWidth windowHeight

    -- press any key to quit
    G.onKeyPress window $ \e -> case e of
         G.Key {G.eventKeyName=key}
            | key == "r" -> do
                return True
         _               -> anyKey (G.widgetDestroy window) e

    G.onDestroy window G.mainQuit
    G.onExpose canvas $ const (updateCanvas svg canvas)
    G.set window [G.containerChild G.:= canvas]
    G.widgetShowAll window

-- Talking to dot

    :: FilePath                 -- ^ command to run
    -> [String]                 -- ^ any arguments
    -> String                   -- ^ standard input
    -> IO String                -- ^ stdout + stderr
myReadProcess cmd args input = do
    (Just inh, Just outh, _, pid) <-
        createProcess (proc cmd args){ std_in  = CreatePipe,
                                       std_out = CreatePipe,
                                       std_err = Inherit }

    -- fork off a thread to start consuming the output
    output  <- hGetContents outh
    outMVar <- newEmptyMVar
    forkIO $ C.evaluate (length output) >> putMVar outMVar ()

    -- now write and flush any input
    when (not (null input)) $ do hPutStr inh input; hFlush inh
    hClose inh -- done with stdin

    -- wait on the output
    takeMVar outMVar
    hClose outh

    -- wait on the process
    ex <- waitForProcess pid

    case ex of
     ExitSuccess   -> return output
     ExitFailure r -> return output

      ioError (mkIOError OtherError ("readProcess: " ++ cmd ++ 
                                     ' ':unwords (map show args) ++ 
                                     " (exit " ++ show r ++ ")")
                                 Nothing Nothing)



welcome = unlines
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    "             style=\"font-size:12px;text-anchor:middle;fill:#1f33b3;font-family:Arial\"",
    "             y=\"-518.20001\"",
    "             x=\"325\">(:)</text>",
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    "             id=\"title39\">(:)|3</title>",
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    "             style=\"font-size:12px;text-anchor:middle;fill:#1f33b3;font-family:Arial\"",
    "             y=\"-446.20001\"",
    "             x=\"361\">(:)</text>",
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    "             id=\"title44\">(:)|1-&gt;(:)|3</title>",
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    "           class=\"node\"",
    "           id=\"node15\">",
    "          <title",
    "             id=\"title75\">(,)|16</title>",
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    "             id=\"title87\">(:)|17</title>",
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    "             style=\"font-size:12px;text-anchor:middle;fill:#1f33b3;font-family:Arial\"",
    "             y=\"-374.20001\"",
    "             x=\"427\">(:)</text>",
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    "             id=\"title92\">(:)|3-&gt;(:)|17</title>",
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    "<!-- (:)|6 -->        <g",
    "           class=\"node\"",
    "           id=\"node19\">",
    "          <title",
    "             id=\"title99\">(:)|6</title>",
    "          <text",
    "             id=\"text101\"",
    "             style=\"font-size:12px;text-anchor:middle;fill:#1f33b3;font-family:Arial\"",
    "             y=\"-302.20001\"",
    "             x=\"99\">(:)</text>",
    "        </g>",
    "<!-- (,)|4&#45;&gt;(:)|6 -->        <g",
    "           class=\"edge\"",
    "           id=\"edge18\">",
    "          <title",
    "             id=\"title104\">(,)|4-&gt;(:)|6</title>",
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    "             points=\"100.05,-327 99,-324 97.9501,-327 100.05,-327 \"",
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    "        </g>",
    "<!-- Sum[1]|7 -->        <g",
    "           class=\"node\"",
    "           id=\"node20\">",
    "          <title",
    "             id=\"title111\">Sum[1]|7</title>",
    "          <text",
    "             id=\"text113\"",
    "             style=\"font-size:12px;text-anchor:middle;fill:#1f33b3;font-family:Arial\"",
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